Chapter 101: Chill, bro. Stay cool.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Aokiji: The government isn't taking you seriously, but... After carefully analyzing the situation, it has become obvious that you are a very determined group of individual... Your group currently consists merely of a handful of rogues, but... Judging from the degree of trouble you've been causing... There is little doubt that as time passes you will become an acute threat... In the time between the issuing of the first bounties on two members of your party, to the present time, your growth, so to say, has been... Quite extraordinary. And though you have so far limited yourself to fighting other pirates... I am concerned with what the future holds once you grow tired of your prey and search for new game...


Aokiji: Your party is now especially dangerous... because of you, Nico Robin.


Aokiji: The size of your bounty does not only reflect the threat your combat abilities pose. It also gives to show how dangerous you are to the government. And even though you were only eight years old, you had such a high bounty put on your head. As a child, you were a true survivor. Betraying your partners, using them as tools... After the recent feat of survival you have undertaken... Are these the new tools that you have chosen to manipulate to achieve your goals ?

Sanji: You freaking asshat ! Don't you dare say things like that ! What did Robin-chan ever do to you ?!

Usopp: Calm down, Sanji !!

Aokiji: She didn't do anything to me... She escaped once after I arrested her... But that's a long story... One that you will learn eventually... That woman's curse will bring that day to pass soon enough. here's the proof: every group that Nico Robin has ever associated with... Has ended up completely annihilated. Always leaving her as the sole survivor... Why is that so, Nico Robin ?

Luffy: Shut up, you !! What happened in the past doesn't matter !

Aokiji: I see... You have already earned the trust of these people...


Usopp: ROBIN ! DON'T DO IT !!

Aokiji: Ararara... It seems that I have said too much. How disappointing... I though you would be smarter than this...


Usopp: This is bad... Come on, run ! We have to get out of here !!

Aokiji: That was harsh... Ice saber. I wasn't planning on killing you, but...

Sanji: Slice... SHOOT !!

Luffy: Gum-Gum...


"... ... ..."

Luffy: W- What... ?

"All of you... get back to the ship. Now."

Sanji: there's no way we're leaving-

"I think you misunderstood. This isn't a suggestion, it's an order. Now go !"

Luffy: You can't-

"Luffy, please, for once in your life, DO WHAT I TELL YOU !!"

Aokiji: It looks like you've got some good friends this time... But, you're still yourself, Nico Robin.

Robin: You're wrong... I have...


Robin: I am... ...

Sanji: ROBIN !!

"... Bastard..."

Aokiji: Chill, kids... If you thaw her properly, she'll live. However, her body is very brittle right now. If she breaks apart, she'll die. Like if I were to, oh let's just say, smash her like this...


"For the last time, Luffy... Take Robin, and get to the ship before someone dies for real !!"

Nami: Way to go, Usopp !!

Luffy: Get back to the ship ! Start thawing Robin !! And Y/n... Don't you dare die !!

"... Roger."

Aokiji: What do you think you're doing... For god's sake, don't save a woman like her. If you want to fight, that's cool with me, but be warned... This will be a fight to the death.

"Sorry. Luffy ordered me to not die."

Usopp: She... She's not breathing !

Chopper: I think she is in stasis...

Usopp: Can't we speed this up ?! She will die !!

Chopper: No, if we add heat, her body will crack !! We have to let her body generate heat internally.

Usopp: is this... really enough ?!

Chopper: I don't know, but... I can't think of any other way... !

Usopp: You can't just say you don't know !! Robin's life is on the line here !!

Chopper: I've never seen anyone frozen completely like this before !! That Blue pheasant said she is still alive... Though I find that hard to believe...

Usopp: Don't say that ! If you can't do it, then no one can save Robin !! You're the ship's doctor !!



Chopper: I'm not sure yet... Wait, how come there are only four of you ?

Usopp: What are you doing here ? Where's Y/n ? Where's Aokiji ?!

Sanji: To buy us enough time to escape, he decided to face him one-on-one...

Usopp: One on one ?! Then you just left and came back like that ?

Sanji: You heard him like us !! Even if we tried to stay and help, he would've send us back here by force !! he knew from the beginning this battle wasn't about our chances of victory, but our chances of survival !!

Zoro: Stop it ! This is not the time ! Now is... The critical moment of our survival. Right now, we have to remain calm and prepare for the worst !

Luffy: ... We have to go back. If that admiral is able to terrify him to this extent...



Luffy: He can't... He can't do that...

Aokiji: You're... really going at this, huh ?


"Against an admiral like you, I don't think I can allow myself to take things lightly... 'What are they doing, just set sail already, dammit !'"

Aokiji: You seem adamant on protecting that woman... That just proves you're still unaware of what will happen. She will only brings you despair. She is a demon, after all.

"It depends on which side of things you are. I'd be more prone to call her 'Light' rather than 'Demon'... I don't have the luxury of loafing around, so here goes... if that doesn't work, then I guess it's over..."

"Those who believe they reign on greater heights, let divine judgement fall down on those sinners... KARMIC RETRIBUTION !!"


"... That... is the best I can do..."


"... Just as I imagined... Shit."

Aokiji: I wonder... Were you just trying to buy them time, or did you think you could win this ?

"I'll let you figure that one out yourself, Kuzan. Don't think you know everything just because you're an admiral..."

Aokiji: Since you know that name... I suppose I wasn't mistaken when I though you seemed familiar... You haven't changed one bit...

"Neither did you... Send my regards to Sakazuki when you see him... or tell him to fuck off on my behalf... Your choice."


Aokiji: Ice age... Time capsule. Just like that time, 20 years ago... I simply hope next time we meet, you'll finally take this seriously.


Aokiji: Hm ? What was- GUAGH !

Aokiji: You... Guess I'll take that as a warning. Let me just remind you of that: In the near future, you will suffer, the troubles that follow Nico Robin. That woman brings nothing but misfortune. You will break apart soon enough.

Aokiji: Given what you just did to me, I take it that trying shatter you right now wouldn't be so easy... And after all, I owe you a favor, for all that trouble with Crocodile, so now we'll call it even. Also... No, nevermind, Smoker's message is too stupid... Goodbye.

Zoro: Watch your step, there are holes everywhere !

Sanji: Wait, that iceberg over there... Is that him inside ?!

Luffy: At least he's still in one piece, but now we need to take him back to the ship !



Sanji: ... ... Guess not, after all ?

"Is he gone... ? In any case, we need to get out before anything else happens."

Aokiji: According to the Log... the next island is... Hmm ? Water Seven, the city of water... ? Ararara... It seems that they're getting closer and closer to the headquarters.

Chopper: T- They both... Are fine !!

Usopp: HURRAY !! YEAH !

Sanji: ROBIN-CHAN !!

Choper: Wait ! You can't come in yet ! They need rest !

Sanji: Hey, Dr.Chopper ! What can I do to help ?

Chopper: D- Doctor ? I won't get happy just because you call me that ! Um.. When they are awake, give them something warm to drink ! Then we'll take them upstairs.

Zoro: Nami, should we set sail ?

Nami: No. Not with them is that condition... Though the Log is ready, let's stop here for today.

Usopp: Hahu...

Luffy: What, Usopp ? Are ya hanging in there ?

Usopp: ... Are we going to run into... More strong guys like that... ? I'm just relieved that all of that is finally over...

Zoro: Idiot, go to sleep. You look tired.

*In order to give Y/n and Robin plenty of rest, Going merry stayed in Long ring Long land for another 4 days before setting sail. It is now the morning of the 3rd day after they left. The climate is sunny and spring-like.*

Nami: Mm... The weather is nice today !

Sanji: NAMI~ !! This is the potato Paille, my newest invention. Would you like to try some ?

Nami: Mm... Delicious.

Sanji: I CAN DIE HAPPY !!!

Zoro: Shut up, bastard ! I'm trying to sleep !!

Sanji: Yes, yes. I'm sorry for waking you up, Mr.Cactus.


Sanji: D- What was that ?!

Zoro: Dartboard eyebrow.

Sanji: What ?!

Usopp/Chopper: Y/n ! Y/n ! Y/n !

"Okay, okay, here it comes. I will now impersonate... Frozen me !!"



Nami: ... You're forgetting you almost died from that... How can you joke about it ?!

"So it did look convincing ? But yeah, I guess I was lucky he chose to encase me in a block of ice instead of freezing me from the inside-out."

Luffy: Eh ? Nami ! What are you eating ?!

Nami: Paille. With potato

Luffy: Potato ? Hey, Sanji. I'm hungry, too !

Sanji: Is sleeping all you do around here ?

Zoro: I sleep whenever I want. Are you trying to pick a fight ?!

Nami: ... Oh ! Robin !

Chopper: Robin, how're you feeling ? Do you feel cold ?

Robin: Thanks to you... I feel great now. Thanks, doctor.

Chopper: Ok. But don't push yourself, you should rest more.

"You look happy;"

Chopper: No, I don't !

Nami: even though you two suffered the same kind of injury, don't feel obligated to get up, just because this guy is being so lively.

Sanji: Robin, I'll make you something warm. What would you like ?

Robin: Um... May I have a cup of coffee.

Sanji: OF COURSE~ !

Luffy: Paille ? Yum !!

Chopper: What's Paille ?

Usopp: It's the meat from the tail of the giant monster Paille. I killed it. Its body was 100M long !

Chopper: 100M !! That's amazing, Usopp !!

Usopp: It was nothing. I hadn't even eaten breakfast...


Usopp: Chopper, do you remember what my title is ?

Chopper: Eh... ? Ca... Captain...

Usopp: That's right !! I am the great captain Usopp !!

"... ... ... What the..."

Zoro: Something wrong ?

"Just trying to determine what that is... A frog... Or a giant toad ?"

Luffy: Hm ? Wait, it IS a giant toad !! And it's doing the crawl !! I wonder where he's going in such a hurry ?!

Usopp: Dude... Frogs don't do the crawl... AH ! It does ?!!

Luffy: Everyone, let's catch it ! Take out the paddles !! Full speed ahead !! 2 O'clock !! Hurry !!

Nami: Hey !! Why are we changing directions ?!

"Luffy found a giant frog doing the crawl."

Luffy: We have to catch him for BBQ no matter what !!

All: You're going to eat it ?!

Nami: Hm ? Is that... A light tower... ? Why is there a light tower in the middle of nowhere... I wonder who lives there...

"Did you find an island ?"

Nami: No, just a light tower ! But the Log isn't pointing to it...

Luffy: What about the frog ? Tell me where it is !

Nami: NO WAY !!

Robin: the frog is going in the direction of the tower as well.

Sanji: First you wash the frog with whiet wine. Then you coat it with flour and fry it.

"Does that works with toads too ? 'Cause I'm pretty sure tat was a toad, and not a frog."

Nami: Wait a second, all of you !!

Luffy: Full speed ahead !!


Sanji: Ah ?! Hey ! Hold up, everyone ! Do you hear a strange noise... ?

Luffy: Oh ! The frog stopped !! Let's get him !!


Luffy: WAAAAAAAH !! WHAT WAS THAT ?!! Hey ! Frog, get out of there !! What are you doing ?!

Usopp: What's that big metallic thing ?! A ship ?!

Nami: No... With its shape... It shouldn't be able to sail on sea !!

"You've got to be kidding me... What is a fricking train doing here ?!"

Luffy: WAAH !! He got hit !!

Chopper: That ship was blowing smoke...

???: Ah ! It's terrible !! Granny ! Granny !! Pirates !!

Granny: What ?! Really, Chimney ?! Alright ! Hold on !!

Zoro: Someone came out of the building... !! She is calling for reinforcement...

Granny: Ah... Hey ?! Hm... !! What was I calling for, again ? I forgot. *Hips*


Granny: Oh, Paille ? Hm... This tastes great with rum. Delicious !

Chimney: I'm Chimney ! This is Gombe, my cat, and Kokoro, my granny !

Kokoro: I thought you were train robbers. Nagagagagaga !!

Luffy: I am Luffy. I'm going to be the pirate king.

Chimney: Really ?

Luffy: Yup !

Kokoro: Nagagaga... You're funny.

Nami: Um... Chimney, that was a steam-powered boat, right ? But with its shape, how was it able to float...

"Because it was a train. But what was it doing in the middle of the ocean ?"

Chimney: You've never seen it before ?! I guess you don't see that anywhere else in the world ! That's a sea train. it's name is Puffing Tom.

Nami: Puffing Tom ?

Chimney: It's a steam-powered car that moves on the railroad in the sea !! It's just beneath the surface of the water. The train moves from islands to islands every day, transporting passengers between islands. Sometimes it transports mails and packages, too.

"Railroad... Wait, that thing underwater is the railroad ?!"

Chimney: yes ! And you sailed right onto it ! That was dangerous !!

Luffy: But no matter how you warn, the toad won't understand !! The you ram it flying ! That was rude !! Plus, he was our prey...

Chimney: Ah... His name is Yokozuna. He has been a nuisance for a long time ! He likes to compete his strength with others, and he has been trying to beat the train... He won't die from a crash like that. He will come back again !

Luffy: Compete ?! Oh... So that's why he didn't run away !! That's some very cool fighting spirit!!

Chimney: What ?! He causes nothing but headache ! He broke the front of the train so many times already ! Every time he tries it, he frightens the passengers, too !

Luffy: Is that so... Okay ! I won't eat him !! I don't eat hardworking animals !!

"Pretty sure you shouldn't be eating toads to begin with..."

Kokoro: So... Where do you want to go ? If you take the next train... You can go to the "City of the queen of spring", Saint Poplar, "City of cuisine", Pucci, then the "City of carnivore" San Faldo. All of them are very interesting places. If you are a government official, you can take a special train, too...

"City of cuisine, Pucci ? Sounds like heaven for Luffy."

Luffy: ... *Drool*

Nami: Don't even think about it. We have a ship, so we can't take a train. We have to follow the Log Pose.

Kokoro: Oh ? And where is it pointing ?

Nami: To the West.

Kokoro: Oh, then you are going to "Water Seven". The train you saw actually came from the Blue Station there ! That place is true to its nickname, the "City of Water". It is a city with the world's best ship factories !! The ships that they make are trusted by even the world government !

"Ohh... So I guess they have plenty of competent shipwright there, do they ?"

Kokoro: Nagagagaga ! Not just competent !! that place is where you'll find the world's best shipwright !!

"Well, Luffy ? The final decision is yours after all."

usopp: yeah !

Luffy: Alright ! It's decided !! We're going to go there, and find a shipwright to join our crew !!

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