Chapter 102: Water Seven

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kokoro: Take this. It's a simple map of the island and a letter of recommendation. Let these guys restore your ship to top shape. Also, Water Seven is big, so be careful not to get lost.

Kokoro: We plan on going back to Water Seven soon. If we meet again, I'll definitely take you to a nice bar for a few drinks.

Luffy: Really ? I hope we see you again !

Kokoro: It takes about 1 week for the Log to record Water Seven, so you will have plenty of time to play around.

"Well, what are we waiting for then ? Thanks for the info !"

Luffy: Get ready to set sail, crew !!

Chimney: Take care !!

Kokoro: Watch out for marines there !

Luffy: Yahoo !! Let's go to the city of meat !!

"Were you listening at all... ?"

Sanji: Luffy, leave the shipwright search to me. I'll definitely find us the hottest babe around.

"You're still salty he didn't chose that girl from Foxy's crew ?"

Sanji: N- No !!

Luffy: Stupid ! We need a super big man to be our ship mechanic. He has to be at least 5 meters tall !!

Usopp: That's too much, Luffy. He won't fit into our little ship.

Zoro: None of that matters, as long as he or she is a good shipwright. The main concern should be whether or not anyone will want to join a group of pirates.

Chopper: It's so exciting !! We're going to meet new friends ?!

Nami: Yup. We were lucky, too. We got a map to start us off. She said to go to the marked location and find someone called Iceberg...


"Useless ? Where ?"

Luffy: Look here. let's find someone that looks like this !!

Usopp: If I see someone who looks like that, I'll just turn around and run.

Sanji: I would, too. I would jump into the sea if I have to. Although this guy looks like he's part octopus, so he would probably still come after me.

Zoro: Hey, you better not be talking about me.

Nami: Okay everyone, gather up !! I'm going to give out the spending money for the week.

Luffy: Yay !! Hurray !!

"Hmm, Usopp ? Why are you hugging the mast like that ?"

Usopp: These iron plates on the mast... Are filled with the memories of our adventures... To think that they will be removed for repair, I get a really weird nostalgic feeling...

Sanji: I can relate. Especially after we entered Grand Line... Going Merry suffered a lot of damage. There are leaks everywhere down below...

"Leaving the ship in shambles like that is dangerous, so let's make sure he's completely fixed."

Luffy: Yeah ! We have lots of money now, so we can probably upgrade, too !

Usopp: Cool ! I want cannons !

Luffy: I want a bronze statue !!

Zoro: ... Hey, isn't that Water Seven ?

Luffy: LAND AHOY !! LAND AHOY !! Everyone start rowing !!

Nami: No, that's a waste of energy...

"... Venezia..."

Luffy: WOWWWW !! That's so cool ! A giant fountain !!

Usopp: Man ! That looks like a metropolis !!

Sanji: No wonder the sea train goes here...

"... 'Blue station'... But I don't see any dock anywhere. You think it'd be on the other side ?"

Fisherman: hey ! You there ! Pirates can't go in from the front like that. Go from the back !!

Luffy: ... Ok ! Thank you !

Usopp: Wow ! Water Seven is so cool ! This city is the best !!

Chopper: Everything's floating on water... ! Even the houses...

Robin: That's not it. This city is just built on a sunken island. Look closely at the base of the buildings.

Chopper: Wow ! Pillars !!

Sanji: I see... That's why it's the city of water...

Luffy: yeah ! Let's go find our shipwright !

Citizen: Hey ! You can't anchor your ship there !! What are you here for ? Robbery ?

"Just some ship fixing, that's all !"

Nami: Did he just ask if we want to rob him... ?

Citizen: Head that way until you see a small peninsula. You can anchor there.

"Ok. Thank you."

"I think this is it... Ok, pull up the sail !"


Usopp: ZORO ! What are you doing, stupid !!

Zoro: Uh... I just tugged on it a little bit... That's surprising... I didn't think the Going Merry was in such a bad shape...

Nami: Why aren't the people here afraid of the pirates ?

"Business. Pirates also come here for repairs, after all."

Robin: Maybe they have very strong guys to fight any pirates if necessary...

Sanji: No doubt about that. There must be strong guys everywhere in a big city like this.

Usopp: For real ?!! then isn't it dangerous here ?!

"Chill out, we're customers. As long as we don't start any trouble, we should be- annd they're gone already."

Nami: Hold on ! Luffy ! Usopp !! You're going to follow me !

Usopp: Where's too ?

Nami: First we'll take Kokoro's letter... And find the man named Iceberg. We'll ask him to fix our ship. We also need to find a place to exchange our gold for money.

Luffy: Ok ! Alright ! Enough talking ! Let's go to Water seven !

Nami: Also, you're coming with us !

"I'm not complaining, I just want to know why."

Nami: I need someone who can fight, and who's IQ exceed ambient temperature !

"It would be better to watch these two, yes. I may never have been here, but there's one thing I know about Water Seven."

Nami: What ?

"Don't fuck with Naval carpenters."

Water Seven Shipyard, Dock 1:

Carpenter: I don't know what you mean.

Pirate: I meant exactly what I said. Hahah. After much, careful consideration, I am grateful for the repairs on my ship. However, the price is way too high for what you did.

*Captain of the big-helmet pirates, Mikazuki. 36,000,000 Berry*

Carpenter: Don't disturb me, I'm working.

Pirate: Therefore, I won't pay even one Berry for it !! Hahaha !! Thanks for repairing our ship !!

Iceberg: Kalifa, what's going on over there ?

Kalifa: Um... A client is refusing to pay for the repair. That's sexual harassment, if you ask me, sir.

Iceberg: Um, yes, I suppose you could say that.

Carpenter: You know... You shouldn't pick on the hardworking folks. We won't take it silently.

Pirates: B- BOSS !!

Carpenter: Ah, my bad.


Shipwright: Oh, such clumsiness...

Pirates: Y- You're tricking us into a fight, aren't you ?! We will kill you ! Yeah !!

Carpenter: Hey, have we tested that cannon yet ?

Apprentice: Not yet.


Carpenter: You're in the carpenter's territory. The pirate's way of things doesn't work here.

Nami: First, let's go to the exchange.

Luffy: Why not just go straight to the shipyard ?

Usopp: It's not good to run around the island carrying so much gold... Thinking about it makes me sweat like crazy...

Luffy: it's not like we'll get less money if we exchange later.

"That's not the problem. It's that you're carrying all this gold in public. Robbers are common matter in such a big city... Even if we are robbers, technically..."

Nami: After we change, we will be carrying it, Luffy.

Luffy: Hm ? What are you implying ? Are you saying that I can't carry money ?

Nami: Correct, because you'll lose it.

Usopp: Yup, that's Luffy for ya !


"That's how everyone thinks of you, Luffy."

Nami: Hmm ? Is this it ? The entrance to the city ? Bull rental ? What is that for ?

Luffy: What's a "bull" ?

Usopp: Don't know, is it a bulldog ?

"Probably not"

Luffy: Excuse me ! We want to rent a bull !!

All: Wait ! Find out what it is first !!

Renter: Welcome. Renting a bull ? How many people ?

Luffy: Four !

Renter: What kind do you want ? There are 3 types: Yagara, Rabuka, and King... If there are four of you, with luggage... How about 3 Yagara bulls ?

Luffy: Okay. Please make it extra crispy.

"What the hell are you even talking about, Luffy... ?"

Renter: What ?! You came here following the Log ?! Wow, that's amazing. Though that probably means... that you don't know what bulls are. Look. Those are bulls. Yagara bulls, to be exact. They are everywhere in the city. They are special marine creatures that swim on the water.

Renter: this is a water city, so there are more water canals than there are dry roads. Thus bulls are crucial to the citizen' everyday life. It is also necessary for tourists to move around the city.

Nami: Do you use the fish to pull the boat ?

Renter: No, you mount the boats on them. It works very like the horses on dry lands. They work like horse carriages. Come and give it a try. 3 Yagara bulls will cost you 3000 berry.

Luffy: They look like horses.

Nami: So cute...

"BAHAHAHA !! They're very affectionate too !"

Luffy: Stupid bull !!

Renter: It likes you ! I'll give you that one.

Luffy: But can it carry this ? It's heavy.

Renter: No problem. it's very strong and capable of transporting anything. What's in that sack ?

Luffy: Gold !

Renter: Hahahaha. You're funny. Though it would have no problem carrying gold.

Luffy: See ?

Renter: WAH !! GIVE ME !!


"Really straightforward with what he wants..."

Nami: Don't show it to people, idiot !!

Luffy: Why ? It's not like we'll lose anything...

Renter: That was a surprise... Okay, 3 Yagara bulls will cost you around 1,500,000 berry.

"Sorry, you were saying ?"

Nami: Don't mind him, is there an exchange near by ?

Renter: yes, but that's a lot of gold you have there... They won't have enough cash to exchange for all of it. You should go to the city center for that. Thanks for coming ! Please take care !

Luffy: Okay ! let's go, Yagara !!

"So, um... Mush, I guess... ?"

Usopp: This is a useful animal.

Nami: It's quite a ride !

"So we're in the residential area... But if we need to go up, can it swim uphill as well ?"

Usopp: Wait ! This is the wrong way !

Luffy: Yahooo ! It can also swim against the current !! This fish is so strong !! there are water roads above the roof too !

"Yeah, but we're going the wrong way ! We have to go to the market district first..."

Luffy! Who cares ! let's just look around on the water roads.

Nami: Ah ? I think this is the market district... was that a shortcut ?!

"Hm ?"

Nami: No, not you !"

Usopp: Wow ! These fishes are smart ! It's so lively here...

"That one looks scary. Like it could swallow us without even noticing..."

Usopp: Eh ? What the heck ? Masks... ?

Nami: That look so high class... I wonder who they are.

Luffy: What ? Ah ! Where are you going, Bull ?! Are you hungry ?

Shop-lady: Aqua meat is for people, but Yagara bulls also like them.

Luffy: Aqua ? Give me 10 !

"WHERE ?!"

Luffy: Soooooo soooooooooft~...

Usopp: Eeh ?! Let me try too !!

Luffy: Go buy it yourself !

"Another one with mask... This place keeps looking like Venezia to me... All these masks, reminds me of the good old times..."

Nami: What ?

"Nothing, just a bit of nostalgia catching up to me."

Nami: Okay. Anyways, we should be at the entrance to the shipyard soon. First we have to go through the aquatic elevator.

Luffy: aquatic elevator ?

"Probably that tower-looking structure."

Hostess: this way to the elevator to City center ! It's where the shipyards and the city all of Water Seven are located. Please enter quickly, the gate will close in one minute !

Luffy: What do we do here ?

Nami: Oh, I see. that's how the aquatic elevator works ! A sluice !

"The door close... And now we're going up."

Luffy: Hahaha ! Water Seven is so fun !! They do everything with water !

Sanji: Hey ! Hey, Zoro ! Where's Robin ? Is she on the ship ?!

Zoro: Hm, no... She went out with Chopper. They went to buy some stuff.

Sanji: What ?! This suck, only you are left on the ship ! So boring !!

Zoro: same to you.

Sanji: Fine, I'm going to go shopping, too. Watch the ship !

Zoro: Zzzzzz...

Sanji: Fell asleep already... Oh well, you're it.

"We're finally here... The best shipyard in the world ! Water Seven city center !"

Luffy: So big ! Everything is so big !!

Nami: This is the first time I've been to such a big city !!

Usopp: hey, what's that crowd about ? Are they looking at ship's being made ?

Luffy: Let's go and see !! Go, Yagara !!

Crowd: Look !! Lucci is so strong !! So handsome !! Where's Paulie ?! Lulu is the best ! He's the man amongst men !! No, Tilestone is the man !!

"Uhh... What happened here ?"

Citizen: Hm ? Oh, there were some pirates causing trouble in the shipyard. But as usual, they got taken care of by the carpenters. They never learn.

Luffy: Ehh ? The ship mechanics beat the pirates ?

Citizen: Yeah. You must be travelers, yes ? Anyways, the crowd gathered here to see what happened. The carpenters of the Galley-La company are idols of the people in the city. They are all goo at both combat and carpentry, they are the pride of Water Seven.

Luffy: really ? That sound interesting.


???: ... I thought you were asleep...

Zoro: Who... The hell are you ?

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