Chapter 104: Out Of Service Merry

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Paulie: Hey ! Hey ! Stop that !! What do you think you're doing ?! I SAID I WON'T RUN ANYMORE ! LET GO OF MY EAR !!

*Galley-La company, chief of sawing and bolting: Rob Lucci*

Paulie: It wasn't easy getting all this money, too... !! I'll remember this, Lucci !!

Pigeon: You tried to steal other people's money to pay your debt ?! You are shameless !

*Lucci's pigeon: Hattori*

Paulie: I found this money !!

Luffy: they're coming back. What a relief ! Right, Usopp ?

Usopp: What kind of attitude is that ?! That was our 200 million berry !

Nami: Yeah ! Why didn't you go and get the money back ?!

Luffy: But... that pigeon said, "leave it to me..."

"In any case, i'm about to have a thorough chat with that guy once he gets back here..."

Iceberg: Hm... It was a problem among our employees, so I'd rather have another carpenter take care of it. If you had took it into your own hands, it would've drawn unnecessary attention.

Kalifa: You should feel relieved they didn't succeed in stealing your money.

Nami: Yeah... My feelings exactly, but... Who were those strangely dressed people... ?

Kalifa: They are the Franky family, professional ship scavengers.

"No wonder they didn't look like serious shipwrights..."

Kalifa: yes. They also work as bounty hunters, and attack the pirates who come here. They are a troublesome bunch. After they take down a group of pirates, they take the ship, scavenge it and sell everything they can. That's how they do business.

Usopp: You mean they scavenge the ship and crew alike ?!

Kalifa: yes, and they don't leave anything behind. Once they're done with a prey, nothing remains of it.

"These guys... No offense, but they didn't seem that much of a deal..."

Iceberg: Those were just the small fries. Their boss hasn't done anything lately, but... You should never underestimate Franky himself.

Luffy: ... Franky ?

Hattori: he's here, Iceberg sir.

Paulie: Stop pulling my ear !

Iceberg: Thanks, Lucci.

Hattori: Our group's scumbag cost you some problems. For that we apologize.

Luffy: ... It talked again... !!

Hattori: Hurry up and beg for forgiveness, Paulie !

Paulie: BUGEH !

Luffy: Why is that pigeon so strong...

Usopp: He's practically the hat guy's spokesman... But at least we got our money back.

Paulie: Yo. Are you the owner ? I got your money back.

Luffy: Ah, thanks a lot.

Paulie: I won't ask for much, just 10%-

Hattori: Sorry, customers. This punk owes a lot of money and is really desperate.

Luffy: But how come you can talk ?!

Paulie: Damn it... Lucci, you asked for it !! ROPE ACTION !! BOWLINE KNOT !! Death lift...

Nami: Wait a minute... Isn't that going over the edge ?!

Iceberg: Hmm. That's normal.

Usopp: Hey hey hey ! Look ! He broke the fall with just one hand !!

"His fingers went into the ground... Just what are they made of... ? These carpenters aren't human..."

Usopp: You're one to talk.

Luffy: Hey, goggle guy ! Think about it, the one who has been ordering you around and talking smack is THE PIGEON !!

Paulie: That thing doesn't matter! Lucci is the one who hit me !

Luffy: But that's because the pigeon can't hit you, so it made the guy hit you !! Listen up, pigeon ! Fight your own fight !! Why aren't you talking now ?

Lucci: ... ...

Paulie: Huh ? You want more ? Come on ! C'mon !!

Iceberg: That's enough, Paulie.

Hattori: How embarrassing, we made a fool of ourselves. I'm Rob Lucci's pigeon, Hattori. This is Rob Lucci, nice to meet you.

Nami: Eh ? Now it's talking like a person...

"Aaaaah... I get it now, he's a ventriloquist !"



Hattori: No, no, it's nothing really.

Paulie: Wahahaha ! This guy never talks directly ! He's a freak ! AH !! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU ?!!


Kalifa: Calm down, Paulie !!


Usopp: ... What the hell is he talking about ?

Luffy: He's the real freak !

"... ... Boomer."

Iceberg: Hmm... These people may be slightly... Original, in carpentry, they're part of the 5 chief mechanics in this dock. Kaku is one, too. The only thing that matters is one's carpentry skills. It doesn't matter how strange his personality is.

Nami: ... Weird...

Iceberg: Okay, come on in. I'll give you a tour. Don't let the money off of your hands even though there shouldn't be thieves in here.

Usopp: It was my fault for not paying attention. So... You'll have to protect me this time.

Luffy: Okay ! Don't worry !!

Iceberg: In dock 1, the best carpenters of the Galley-La company gathers here to tackle the most difficult of jobs that come in our way.

Luffy: HOOOOOOOO !!!

Luffy: It's so big ! The shipyard looks so great up close too !!

Usopp: Who's that big galleon you're building for ?

Carpenters: Oh ! Iceberg is here ! Good morning, iceberg sir ! The president came to visit us !

"He sure is popular around these parts."

Kalifa: Of course ! In this town, one's skill is everything. Since long ago, this island has been specialized in carpentry and there were 7 competing shipyards. Then iceberg came and amazed everyone with his genius carpentry techniques. Five years ago, he united the 7 shipyards into one company, thus creating the Galley-La Company. His love carpentry and his techniques are still the same after he became the leader. So the workers respect him even more. The only thing the carpenters respect is skill. They won't bow to any pirates or political powers, that is the way in the carpenter's world.

Luffy: hey, mister, everyone says you're a really good shipwright. Want to become a pirate with us ?




Iceberg: Hmm, you don't have a carpenter on our ship ?

Luffy: Nope. We came here to repair our ship and find one to be our crew's.

Iceberg: there are plenty of carpenters here, but I don't know if one is willing to become a pirate. If you do find one who is willing, I don't mind if you take him with you.

Luffy: really ? You're so nice !! But can't you come, mister ?

Iceberg: Hm, i'm the mayor, of course not.

Luffy: Oh well then. I'll see if there's someone !

"Seriously, kids these days..."

Iceberg: true. By the way, there is a girl named Nico Robin on your ship, right ?

"Ah, yes. She's our ship's archaeologist."

Paulie: Hm ? Kaku ? Where did you go ?

Kaku: I went to check out our customers' ship. Are they here ?

Usopp: Wow ! A Demi cannon ! It's so long ! Is it made of bronze ? Looks expensive... GUAH- !!

Nami: Ah ! The person from before ! Have you seen our ship ?

Kaku: yes, I did. Iceberg sir is here too ?

Iceberg: I already spoke to them, tell me what you found.

"Luffy ! Get down here !"

Nami: hey, where's Usopp ?

"Last time I saw him, he was checking out the cannons. Probably want to see the forge or something."

Nami: Oh, he left the money here, so nevermind.

Luffy: So, how much will it cost ? We have tons of money to pay ! If possible, please make it super strong, and then add some cannons and make it go faster.

Nami: Please also do some decorative remodeling on the exterior, and for the rooms, too.

"Calm down, please."

Kaku: Allow me to speak frankly, but your ship suffered significant damage. Your trip here must've been very eventful.

"You have no idea. From Reverse mountain to Sky islands, Going Merry saw everything. Any idea how long the repairs will take ?"

Kaku: ... No, the truth is... Even we aren't able to fix your ship. Even if we patch it as much as we can, the probability of you making it to the next island is... 0%.

Luffy: What ?! But we had been sailing perfectly all this time !!

Paulie: is something wrong with the keel ?

Kaku: Yes. It is severely damaged.

Zoro: ... ...

Zoro: Are you serious ?

Kaku: I'm a carpenter. I don't lie.

Zoro: Going Merry... is it true ? Can you not sail any longer... ?

Sanji: Shit...

Chopper: i'm sorry, Sanji. I was too focused on reading those books, and...

Sanji: You don't need to apologize... I was an idiot too, thinking that the masked guy with Robin was you in human form. I wonder who that man in the mask was... I hope nothing went wrong... I have this strange feeling in my chest...

Chopper: Should I take a look ?

Sanji: I'M NOT ILL !! I'm feeling uneasy about what Aokiji said...

Chopper: What did he say ?

Sanji: he talked about Robin's past and... Said that soon we will regret having her... Let's just go back to the Going merry for now, and hope she went back there safely...

Luffy: You can't fix the going merry ?! Why ?! Aren't you the best shipwrights in the world ?! If it's money you want, we have lots !!

Kaku: that's not the problem. The ship cannot be repaired, no matter how much money you have. It's already a miracle that you sailed here safely with that ship... I'm actually impressed about that...

Nami: What do you mean ? What's wrong with the Going merry ?!

Paulie: ... Do you know what a keel is ?

"The piece at the bottom of the ship... if I'm not mistaken..."

Paulie: Correct. it's the support that goes from the head to the tail of the ship. It's the most important part of the entire ship.

Paulie: When you build a ship, you have to start with the keel... Then the head, the tail, the spine, rib, pillar... Every piece of wood in the ship is put together with the keel at the center. that's the basics of ship construction. The keel is the foundation of the ship's entire frame, its life. If the keel is broken, you just can't take it off and replace it with a new one. Replacing the keel is the same as building a whole new ship. Thus, no one can "repair" your ship. As things are it it... Nothing more than a pile of wood waiting to be scrapped.

Nami: Hey... How could you say that ?!

Paulie: I'm only telling the truth.

Luffy: Then... Just remake the ship from the start !! remake the Going merry !!

Hattori: that's not possible either.

Luffy: Why not ?!

Hattori: While it is possible for us to build a ship like yours, it's still technically not "Remaking" the same ship. In this world, there are no two identical ships.

"... Can you develop ?"

Hattori: Are there two completely identical trees in the world ? Ships are built from pieces of wood. The size and the shape of the ship depends on the wood. So even if we have the blueprint, we can't build an identical ship. Even if we do make a nearly identical ship, the ones who will most strongly feel "This is not the same ship" will be yourselves !

"So, what you're saying is... That the Going Merry will never be able to set sail ever again... ?"

Kaku: That is correct. You can either take it apart now, or let it sink naturally.

Luffy: It's finished !! This is our own pirate ship, Going Merry !!

Iceberg: Hmm... the ship has outlived its life. But if you think of it the other way, with your old one gone, you can buy a brand new ship. You have the money for it, no ? I heard about your ship's caliber; it's a very old model. The sea beyond this point is too rough for it even if it's not broken.

Luffy: No !! I don't want a new ship !!


Luffy: Our ship is the Going Merry !! If you fix it, it'll definitely keep going !! plus, we sailed perfectly until today !! Who says it can't go on ?!! I don't believe you !! You have no idea how strong our ship is !!

Iceberg: ... Then you can just sit in that ship and sink with it... i' amazed... And you call yourself a captain ? That's enough talking for today. Think about it, and come back when you want to buy a new ship. With 300 million, you can easily afford the best ships we can make. Kalifa.

Kalifa: Yes, sir. Please reconsider. This catalog lists everything from second-hand ships to the newest in production...

Carpenter: Iceberg sir ! There are customers at the front door. they're representatives of the world government, should I tell them to leave ?

*Galley-La Company, dock 1. Chief mechanic of nailing and sanding: Peeply Lulu*

Iceberg: Hm... Tell them i'm not here. Also, did you comb your hair after your nap, Lulu ?

Lulu Excuse me.

Lulu: I'll tell them to come back later at another time. Yes, that's what I'll do.

???: Hold on a second, Iceberg ! Nfufufufu... I knew you would be here.

Paulie: Hey, you guys, hide ! They're from the world government !

Iceberg: Hm... Long time no see, Corgi. Sorry, but i'm not here today.

Corgi: What, are you drunk ? I sat on the sea train for a long time to get here !! Don't kick me out just yet.

*World government officer: Corgi*

Corgi: Sniff, sniff... Hm ? I smell pirates.. Nfufu, nevermind, I need to talk to you.

Iceberg: I don't like you, go away.

Corgi: You're acting like a child...Don't be so stubborn. I have some good news for you. You should let me finish before you kick me out, so let's go somewhere private first...

Paulie: Those guys are so annoying. What do they want with Iceberg this time ?

Hattori: It's none of your business.

Lulu: Let's beat them up.

Kaku: Don't be a fool, they're from the government.

"I concur the idea of beating them up."

Kaku: Even worse. If it was known pirates and carpenters teamed up on that one, the amount of trouble would be astonishing.

Luffy: ... Huh ? That briefcase...

Nami: What ?

Luffy: It's light...

Nami: Why ? Don't joke around, there's a hundred million in there. How can it be light ?

Paulie: What are you screaming for ?! Shameless girl ! Why do you sit like that ?!

Luffy: 200 MILLION BERRY !!

Nami: GONE !!

"If you look closely, these two briefcases aren't even ours ! ... ..."

Paulie: H- Hey, don't look at me like that !! Even if I wish it was me, I didn't take it !!

Lulu: So noisy. Hey, Kaku, weren't you with the Franky Family earlier ?

Kaku: What are you talking about ? I haven't seen them at all today.

Lulu: That's weird... i'm sure I saw your long nose...

"What did you just say ?!"

Luffy: That's Usopp !!

Nami: he's with the Franky Family ?!!

Lulu: More precisely, they were carrying him.

Nami: Isn't that a kidnapping ?!! Luffy, go find him !!

Luffy: OKAY !!

"Wait, you don't even know where to start looking !! Hey, where can we found them anyway ?!"

Paulie: if you're talking about their hideout... Well, more like their scrapyard... From where you've docked your ship, it's on the northeast coast of that rocky cape. You'll see the "Franky house".

"Okay, thank you !!"

Nami: Wait, what about...

"Shit... Finding Usopp and the money is just a part of the problem... Since he wasn't here, he doesn't know Going merry cannot be repaired yet... He still believes it..."

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