Chapter 105: Franky family

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Sanji: You're serious ?! That's what... the carpenter said ? The ship is...

Chopper: They can't repair it ? Even if we pay them ? Why... Did it end up like this... ?

Zoro: I don't know. I wonder what Luffy and the others decided... They probably came up with a good answer at the shipyard already.

Sanji: ... Are you sure he wasn't just exaggerating ? Just look ! The ship looks as good as always. Didn't it make it all the way here from East Blue with us ?

Zoro: That is probably the reason why it's broken. A person gets stronger with wound, but... For a ship, the wounds only stack up and weaken it more and more.

Sanji: I just can't accept this... I wonder what would Usopp think if he hears this...

Chopper: But I like Merry very much !!

Zoro: Everyone does... But there's no way to save it... Merry is broken, Robin is missing... This afternoon is filled with trouble...



"Robin's missing too ?!"

Sanji: What do you mean "Too" ? And where are the others ?! Did something happen ?!

Family: What do you think, Boss ?!

Boss: It's amazing !! You guys did very well ! With this much money, we can buy the thing that we always wanted...

Family: This is great, Boss ! We waited 3 years for it ! It felt like an eternity, thinking about it every night... When we got a little bit of money, we bet our hopes on the Yagara race... WE LOST EVERY PENNY !! When we got reward money from bounties, we had a banquet to celebrate... WE LOST EVERY PENNY !!

Boss: We went from having almost nothing, to getting the whole 200 million, in an instant ! YOU GUYS DID AN AMAZING JOB !! This is not much, but... These 5 million, take it. EAT ! DRINK ! SPEND IT HOWEVER YOU WANT !!

Family: YAHOO !!!

Family: WHAT WAS THAT ?! Damn it ! Who's that ? Who dares to attack the Franky family ?!

Family: Ah ! You're that weakling !! How did you manage to stand back up ?!

Usopp: the money... Give it back !

Boss: Give the money back to you ? So you are of the Strawhat's crew ?

Family: That's right, Boss !! he's with Strawhat Luffy. I thought he was strong, but actually... Ahahaha !!He's a weak piece of crap !!

Usopp: Buzz off !!

Boss: I can't give the money back to you. Too slow !

Usopp: Give it back !! We need it to repair our ship !! It's very important !! That money is for repairing the damages on the Going Merry ! You can't have it !!

Boss: Calm down... Uhahaha !! Your ship is very important to you, eh ? But no matter what happens to your ship, this money is our now !! And sadly for you, we don't get prosecuted for robbing from pirates. I don't want to know where you got the dirty money. If you don't like it, go ahead and go to the marines ! You'll just get arrested ! Too bad for Strawhat Luffy ! He has a worthless crew, WHO CAN'T EVEN KEEP MONEY IN HIS HANDS !! I'm going shopping with this money. Uhahaha. I can't wait...

Usopp: Eat this !! Sure kill, FLAME STAR !!

Boss: Remember this, long-nose freak. My name is Franky. If you want to leave this city alive, don't agitate me.

Family: YAHAHAHA !! What good would that kind of weapon do ?!

Boss: ... Goodbye. Thanks for the 200 million.

Usopp: Wait !! Give it back !! GIVE IT BACK !!

Nami: I'll stay here and wait for Robin to come back. I'll only be a burden if I go anyways. Plus, it's scary. I'll protect the ship and the 100 million berry. Please take care, everyone...

Sanji: STOP ! STOP ! Didn't Nami say that Usopp was somewhere around here ?!

Zoro: Are you sure that we're at the right place ?

"Like you're one to talk about that."

Chopper: USOPP !! Look ! Blood !

"Did he go on his own... Did he go... 'There' ?!"

Luffy: HELP !!

"Luffy ?!! What the hell were you thinking ?!"

Luffy: *Cough* I tried to fly down like the carpenter guy and find Usopp... Ah ! That's right !! Usopp disappeared !! he was kidnapped along with the money...

Sanji: We know. Come ! We're going to their place right now. Usopp got beaten and the money got stolen.

"I think he felt responsible, and went to the Franky Family's place alone..."

Luffy: EEH ?!

"... is he still breathing... Chopper ?"

Chopper: he's alive. No problem, he'll be okay. Even though he lost consciousness.

Luffy: ... Wait here a little bit, Usopp. Let's cause some trouble in that house, and then send them flying with a kick !!

Family: hey ! Go get more food ! We have plenty of money !! the rum tastes especially good today !!

Family: You lost ! You lost ! You're going shopping ! Buy the best rum and meat in the shop !! We have plenty of money !! Haha !!

Family: Just you wait ! I'll get you back !! Wahaha !! Huh ?

Family: WHAT THE HELL ?! SOMEONE'S THERE !! Who is it ?! Ah... You're... STRAWHAT LUFFY !!

Family: WAHAHAH !! Are you here for the money ? Look how many people we have !! You only have 5 ! 5 little guys at that !! We'll teach you lesson, and then turn in your heads for the bounty money !! So you're that softy long-nose's captain ?! You must have a death wish to break in here with that level of strength !! I'll give you a free hit, shorty !

"Such amiability. Don't mind if I do, then."

Family: Eh ? What's he doing ? Is he gonna attack with his fists ? Not even a cannon can scratch that super armor !! Hahah ! I'm going to laugh to death !!

Family: that's enough, boy ! Let me show you how to fight correctly !!

"... Blaster."



"The good thing with outcasts like you... Once you're gone, no one will shed a tear for you."

Family: W- Wait !! You're not really here to kill us, right ?! Le- Le- let's talk this out peacefully... Like gentlemen... FIRE !! DIE, SUCKERS !!

Zoro: Three swords style... DEMON CROW HUNT !!




"... Sanji, if you may ?"

Family: Huh ?

Sanji: ... You should've done your homework when picking who to rob from !! Party table, KICK COURSE !!


Chopper: Rumble, horn point ! ROSEO COLONNADE !!

Family: GYAAAAH !! Le- Let's talk about this !! We d- don't have to resort to violence ! All you want is the money, right ?! The 200 million we got from that Pinocchio guy ? The truth is, that money isn't here anymore !! Our boss, Franky, already took it and went shopping ! He's probably already on his way in the sea train ! We have no idea where he's going either ! No matter how much havoc you wreak... You can't get your 200 million back anymor-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!

Family: AAH ! Zambai !!

Sanji: You yap too much, also...

"If that was just about the money, you guys wouldn't be on death's doors right now."

Zoro: That's right, you ticked us off.

Luffy: We're going to... Pulverize you.

Family: PULVERIZE ?!

Family: Idiot ! Don't get scared ! That's what we're supposed to say to them ! Don't forget we're scavengers and bounty hunters. We're the Franky family !! EAT THIS !! THE FRANKY FAMILY SPECIAL ATTACK: ANYTHING-GOES SHOT CANNON !!

"... Free ammo, nice. All of you fuckers... Are gonna have a bad time."


Sanji: Should we go after Franky ?

Zoro: Where would we even go ?

"Damn it... Those small fries really don't know where the money is... And we can only take care of Franky after he's finished shopping..."

Sanji: So what now ? Do we wait here ? I don't think he'll be back any time soon...

Chopper: Ok ! I'm done ! Come help lift Usopp !

Sanji: We're just wasting time here. Let's go back. Nami is alone on the ship, and Robin is nowhere to be found. Even the ship itself is breaking down.

"Hey ! Luffy !"

Luffy: The ship...

Sanji: Hm ?

Luffy: I've decided... It's time to say goodbye, to the Going Merry.

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