Chapter 106: Fratricidal battle

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Corgi: In that case, we will take our leave for today... .. ... What a stubborn man... Plus, it's not certain if he has it or not... They just send me here again and again, can't they think in my shoes for once... ?!

Iceberg: ... ...

Kalifa: This is Kalifa. You must be tired, Iceberg sir. Would you like some refreshment ?

Iceberg: Some red tea please.

Kalifa: I have it right here.

Iceberg: Hm ! Kalifa, you're so thoughtful !

Kalifa: You flatter me. Why do they keep coming again and again ? And Corgi always leaves with an angry look on his face.

Iceberg: Ah; They want to take something that's mine. They keep making deals with me.

Kalifa: It must be very important.

Iceberg: Hm... I told them I don't have it... And send them back every time... But he just refuses to believe me and keeps blabbering...

Chopper: Ah ! Hey ! Usopp is awake !!

"Thank god..."

Luffy: Really ?! That's great !!

Sanji: ... Hm... Why hasn't Robin-Chan come back yet... ?

Luffy: Hey ! Usopp !


Zoro: Hey, calm down... Hey !!


Chopper: Usopp ! You need rest !!

Usopp: ... So in the end, we still don't have it...

Luffy: We don't know yet. We're waiting for Franky to come back. And even if he doesn't, we still have 100 million, so don't worry about it !

"It's enough luck that you're still alive."

Nami: Luck ?! We lost 200 mil-


"I said we lucky today."

Usopp: I'm so sorry... So can we fix the Going Merry with 100 million ? We came a long way to get to this high-class shipyard. We need to make the ship even stronger for us to conquer the sailing beyond.

Luffy: Nope ! Usopp, I've decided to change ships ! Going Merry helped us a lot, but its sailing days will end right here.

Usopp: ... ... ?

Luffy: Let's talk about which ship to buy. Most of the 2nd-hand ships that we can buy with 100 million are bigger than ours.

Usopp: Hold on, hold on. Don't joke around... It's not funny at all ! Do we not have enough money to repair the ship anymore... because I lost the 200 million ?! We just don't have enough money, right ? Since the world-class shipyard probably charges world-class prices...

Luffy: No, that's not it !!

Usopp: Then what is it ?! Tell me ! Don't worry about hurting my feelings !!

Luffy: I don't !! It has nothing to do with the money !!

Usopp: Then why do you say such nonsense like changing ships ?!

Zoro: Stop yelling, you two. Sit down and talk calmly.

Usopp: Calm ?! How can I be calm after hearing such stupid things ?!

Luffy: You should calm down and listen instead of yelling !

Nami: We only decided on that because we had no other choice !

Chopper: Usopp, you shouldn't do any intense movement with your current condition !!


Luffy: No one can fix it no matter what. I would never make that decision other wise !

Usopp: But this ship.. It took us all the way here, didn't it ?

Luffy: Yeah... But now it's only a matter of time before it sinks...

Usopp: ... What are you talking about, Luffy ?

Luffy: i'm not kidding. It's the truth ! The shipwrights suys said we won't get to the next island with this ship no matter what !

Usopp: Ah... They said you can't get to the next island... Do you always listen to strangers and trust everything they say ?

Luffy: What ?!

Usopp: ... Just because a few carpenters say it can't be saved, it's going to die ? It came all this way with us... Be it giant waves or deadly sea-battle, the ship is a friend that came through it all with us !! YET YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE IT HERE TO DIE !! THIS SHIP IS JUST A TOOL TO YOU, ISN'T IT ?

"Usopp... Say... if one of us was inflicted by an incurable disease, leading them to a slow and painful death... Would you still request them to go with everyone else ? The first thing I did upon getting back is checking what they said. And everything's right. Going Merry has become a timer bomb. If we set sail like that, it's a question of hours until it breaks apart."

Usopp: Then I'll fix it like I always have ! It's decided then. Everyone give me a hand !! First, we'll buy wood from the shipyard. Time to get busy !!

Luffy: You're not a carpenter, Usopp !!

Nami: Hey, Luffy !

Usopp: Yeah, but so what ?! And so what if they are ?! It's not their ship ! They don't give a damn !! They're just bullshitting us. I don't believe them ! We'll fix our own ship !! I'LL NEVER GIVE UP THIS SHIP !! ARE YOU ALL IDIOTS ?! DO YOU LISTEN TO THOSE CARPENTERS LIKE DOGS ?! The Strawhats I know wouldn't give in to a marketing scheme ! They would believe in the Going Merry's strength and fortitude !! Stop bluffing, damn brat !! Don't say "I've decided" like you're a real captain !! I've misjudged you, Luffy !!

Nami: Stop, Usopp !! Luffy didn't...

Luffy: Shut up, Nami ! I have made my decision ! I won't change it no matter what you say !! W 're changing ships, and we're going to say goodbye to the Going Merry right here !!

Usopp: Bullshit ! I won't allow that !!

"Calm down ! Stop yelling at each other !!"

Usopp: Listen, Luffy !! Not everyone can ruthlessly move forward in cold blood like you !! I can't leave a behind a wounded comrade and I won't !!

Luffy: That's stupid ! Ships and people are two different things !!



Usopp: If you care, you won't want to change ships !!

Luffy: Fine !! if you don't like my decision, then just leave...

Sanji: IDIOT !!

Sanji: Luffy, what are you thinking ?! Calm down !! Watch what you say !!

Luffy: Ah... Sorry, I didn't mean...

Usopp: No. That's fine, Luffy. Since that's what you really feel ! Leaving behind the crewmates that are useless to you one by one, so you can keep moving forward !! If you want to leave this ship behind, then leave me behind, too !

"Usopp, you're not serious !"

Usopp: No... I am. I've thought about it... I knew... That I would never be able to catch up to any of you... !! As of today, I am nothing more than a bad baggage boy who can't hold on to cash... In the future, I will probably get you into even more troubles... There's no doubt that you don't want a useless crew member like me... Luffy, your goal is to become the pirate king... But I don't necessarily want to go that far... If you think back to when I joined... I only went because you invited me...

Zoro: Just shut up and get on board...

Luffy: We're friends, aren't we ?

Usopp: The fate that brought us together is only so strong... SINCE WE DON'T HAVE THE SAME GOALS, WE SHOULD GO OUR SEPARATE WAYS !!

"H- Hey, Usopp ! Where are you going ?!"

Usopp: I go where I want to go. I... Quit.

Nami: Let's talk about this !! No...

Sanji: Hey ! Come back !!

Chopper: AAAH !! Don't leave us ! USOPP !!

Usopp: I can't go with you anymore... I won't cause you trouble anymore... But the ship belongs to the captain... So fight me. If I win, I'm taking the Going Merry ! Monkey D. Luffy !! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL !!

Nami: What are you thinking ?! Nothing good can possibly come out of this stupid fight ! Why must two good friends duel each other ?! Just calm down ! We just need to calm down ! Usopp only said that stuff because he lost his head for a moment !

Luffy: ... ... ... "What's done is done." right ?

Nami: No ! Just apologize to him !! We can solve this by talking it out !

Usopp: Tonight at 10 ! I'll come back here ! We will duel for the right... To have the Going Merry ! After the fight, everything is over between us !

Luffy: Complain all you want. There's no turning back... Usopp is not so stupid as to give up his life, just for an argument... If there was another way, it wouldn't have ended up like this. Go off and chill if you understand !

Nami: Luffy...

Sanji: Didn't they come here during the day ?! The Franky Family !! Why didn't you lust finish them off ?! If you had, Usopp wouldn't have got robbed and lost his pride !!

Zoro: Look who's talking ?! You went off shopping instead of staying here to help !!

Sanji: I'm a cook ! I was doing my job !!

"SHUT UP, BOTH OF YOU ! THIS IS NOT THE TIME !! We don't need any more infighting at this point..."

"Chopper... Don't tell me you ran after Usopp..."

Chopper: I wanted to finish treating him... But he forced me to come back... Usopp is in the city now... And he said... "You and me are finished !! Go back to the ship !"

"... Everyone was so happy just this morning... And we still don't know Robin's whereabouts... It feels like the whole group is falling apart..."

"It's 10... Usopp should be coming..."

Luffy: Don't come down, any of you.

Nami: He's here !

Chopper: USOPP !!

Luffy: You look determined, but... I hope you don't regret your decision later ! This is what you want !

Usopp: Stop pretending and just come get me ! I came prepared ! I'll beat you !! Don't think that I am the same as your previous opponents who knew nothing about you, Luffy ! I've been with you for a long time, and I know you inside out !

Chopper: Can't we stop them ?! Usopp is hurt really bad !

Zoro: Go inside if you can't watch.

Usopp: Don't be too surprised when I tell you this, Luffy, but... I HAVE 8000 FOLLOWERS WAITING FOR MY SIGNAL !! SURRENDER NOW IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE !!

Chopper: OH MY GOD !! 8000 PEOPLE ?!!

"You should go inside."

Luffy: I am pretty sure you're lying, Usopp !!


Chopper: GYAAAA !!

"Just go inside already !"

Luffy: GUM-GUM...

Nami: Usopp !!

Chopper: Waaah ! See ! See ! See ! I told you he's hurt really bad !!

Usopp: Sure kill... Ketchup star ! It's foolish to pity your enemy and leave yourself vulnerable ! FLASH DIAL !! And now... SURE KILL, EGG STAR !! STAR ! STAR !!

Luffy: Ah! So smelly ! How old are these things ?! Stupid !! get serious already !!

Usopp: You think this is stupid ?! Soon, Luffy, you won't think so !! This is my fighting style !! By the way, Luffy, don't open your mouth so wide !! You may get burned !! SURE KILL, DELUXE TABASCO STAR !!


Usopp: Also, when you're falling down, you should look out... beneath you !!

Luffy: Ah ! It hurts !

Usopp: How do you like my caltrop hell !!

Chopper: Usopp is... So fast !

Usopp: Luffy !! I'm going to beat you and get the Going Merry, and I don't care how I do it !!

Luffy: *Cough* Damn it ! So smelly... Spicy.. It hurts...

Usopp: Didn't I tell you ? I've prepared all my attacks just for you !! You won't get a chance to catch your breath !! Sure kill ! SHURIKEN METEORIC SWARM !!

Luffy: Heh... Heh... Huh ? Smoke ?!

Usopp: It's a breeze dial ! I used the rotten egg to stop you from smelling it... While I surrounded you with gas !!

"Gas !"

Nami: He's not going to...

Usopp: No hard feelings !! FLAME STAR !!!

Chopper: uwaaa !!

Zoro: What an explosion !!

Nami: LUFFY ! USOPP !!

Usopp: I see an island !!

Luffy: Wow ! Awesome !! What kind of island is it ?! Let's go there ! Going Merry, full speed ahead !! Hahahahah !!

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