Chapter 107: Aqua Laguna

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Nami: I really don't like this...

Chopper: LUFFY !! USOPP !!

Usopp: Haa... Haa... I know... You won't get knocked out so easily... Luffy ! Haa... Sure kill !

Luffy: Gum-Gum... GATLING !!



Luffy: Uwaa ! Gum-Gum... PISTOL !!

Usopp: It's a Dial. Thanks, for that... IMPACT !!

Chopper: IMPACT DIAL !!


Luffy: Haa... Haa...

Usopp: I am Usopp ! The captain of the pirates who dominate this town !!

Luffy: Gum-Gum...

Usopp: How's this ?

Luffy: Good ! Let's put that on the sail too !!

Chopper: USOPP !!

"... ... It's decided, then."

Luffy: Haa... Stupid asshole... !! THERE'S NO WAY !! THAT YOU'LL WIN !!

Usopp: ... ... ...

Nami: I can't... Take this...

Luffy: ... Do whatever you want, with the Going Merry. We'll get a new ship... And we'll go on, to the seas ahead !!

Usopp: Take turns Luffy !!

Luffy: No !! This is my special seat !!

Chopper: What're you making, Usopp ?

Usopp: Hey hey you guys ! No dirt allowed in the Usopp factory !!

Usopp: Someday !! I will go to Elbaf ! The country of warriors !

Luffy: yeah Usopp ! We'll definitely go !!

Usopp: Party !! Party !! This is the party before the gold fest !!

Luffy: Good bye... Usopp. It's been... Fun.

Chopper: USOPP !!

Sanji: Hey !! Stop, Chopper !

Chopper: Why ?! He was in pieces to start with and got beaten up like that... !!

Sanji: This is not just a fight or a game !!

Chopper: SO WHAT !! I'm a doctor !! Let me at least look at his wounds !!


"You aren't going anywhere... Usopp just lost a duel, and then was pitied by his opponent... Think about how he must feel right now... Think about how this kind of kindness pains the 'Loser'... When he entered this fight, he knew the consequences his acts might have."

Luffy: ... ... Heavy... !

Zoro: That's what a captain is. Don't hesitate. If you can't be decisive, who can we believe in ?

Sanji: ... Let's clear the ship. We can't return to it, ever again.

Sanji: There you guys are. We paid for rooms in the inn, and no one's in there. Guess they can't sleep, or something... Where's Luffy ?

"Over there..."

Chopper: Where'd you go, Sanji ?

Sanji: I was keeping watch at the peninsula... I thought maybe... Robin-Chan would come back. Wonder where she went, without saying a word...

"Don't we all do ? I've been searching from the sky all this time, and couldn't find a single hint..."

Sanji: if anything happens, we'll regroup in the hotel room.

Chopper: I'll got too ! To search !

Sanji: Ok... Sure.


Sanji: Nami-San...

Nami: Big news, guys ! Everyone in the city is talking about it !! Luffy... ! Last night... Iceberg was...

Paulie: ICEBERG SIR WAS SHOT IN HIS HOUSE ?! HEY !! DON'T KID WITH ME, MAN !! IS HE DEAD ?!! He's not the type to make people hold a grudge against him !

Lulu: Hey ! Calm down and listen to me !! He was found lying in a pool of his own blood this morning. he's in a comatose state... I mean, he's unconscious... Anyway, come to HQ right away !!


Kaku: Lulu ! Where's Paulie ?!

Lulu: I just called him. He's coming. What a mess. The whole city is in a state of panic... If something happens to him, Water Seven and the Galley-La company are finished !

Kaku: Yeah... There are reporters pushing at the front doors of HQ, too. Who could've done it and why... Although it's really messed up in the company, nothing of value was stolen. So it wasn't just a simple burglary !

Lulu: I think it might be... The World government. That man, Corgi... He comes to talk with Iceberg, and he gets thrown out every time. Don't know what they talked about, but he might've been angry about it.

Kaku: hey, don't complain about the government... If someone were to hear, who knows what might happen. Right now, Iceberg's safety is the top priority. Everything else comes after...

Luffy: Ice gramps was... ?!

Nami: Yeah, he was shot. he's unconscious right now...

Sanji: Who is that ?

"Basically the one in charge around here. Mayor of the city and president of the naval company."

Sanji: Wow ! He must be one important guy...

Nami: It's said to be the greatest catastrophe to ever happen in this city.

Luffy: That guy... he's respected by so many people... I'll go look.

Nami: Wait, Luffy ! I'll go, too !

"... Then I guess we'll go search for Robin in the meantime. Zoro, you coming ?"

Zoro: ... No. I'll wait and see what happens next...

Speaker: We are nearing Water seven, the city of water. Blue station, blue station. Make sure you take all of your luggage.

Boss: Kiwi... Mozu... I... Am I dreaming.. ?

Kiwi: No, sir. This is where the Franky house should be. But, this is...

Mozu: Terrible.

Boss: ...WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE !!! Heh... Heh... I see... It was them !! Damn you... Strawhat Luffy... is this your revenge ? My dear, sweet followers... !!

Kiwi: That's so cruel.

Boss: I'll never forgive you !!

Zambai: B... Boss Franky !! Y- You're back !!

Boss: You guys okay ?!

Zambai: No, not really... ! They were just so crazy... We really want you to avenge us... So we searched for their hideout !!

Boss: Where are they... ?!

Zambai: We saw them entering an inn in the town. Then they headed for the city center. So they're probably at dock 1 by now... !!

Shift station, North of Water Seven:

Chimney: Gramma ! The wind's amazing ! The wind, the wind !

Kokoro: Don't go to crazy over there. Nagagagaga, it's Karock, the south wind... the waves are rougher as well... The sea train, is gonna have to stop tonight... Chimney ! Gombe ! Get ready to go back to the island !

Chimney: Okay !

Kokoro: the Aqua laguna... is coming.

Speaker: This is an announcement. The Water seven forecast department... Has officially declared an aqua Laguna warning for the entire island.

Citizens: It's that time of the year already... ! We were all too distracted by iceberg's assassination attempt. HEEEEEY, THE AQUA LAGUNA'S COMING !! Go tell people who haven't heard about it !! Take a break from work !!

Chopper: What ? Aqua laguna ?

"Pff... Pffffr."

Sanji: No but really, what's up with your reaction every time your hear "Aqua something" ?

"It's... Something personal. But I do wonder what this could be all about."

Folk: Huh ? Ah, you must be travelers then. What a bad time to be here, eh. Aqua Laguna is what you would call a high tide.

"High tide ? How high ?"

Folk: Make sure you get to a high place. This town's gonna sink.

Sanji: What ?! This town's gonna what ?!!

Folk: Well, it's not like it'll happen immediately, so don't worry. It usually happens at around midnight, after the warning. It's like this every year, take care !

Chopper: ... Wait... This place's gonna sink ?!

Sanji: It seems that way... So we have to hurry, and find Robin-Chan.

"This promises one hell of a spectacle, at least... Where are you guys going ?"





Both: 'RUN AWAY !!'

Usopp: What was that conversation... ? Something about a high tide... Now that I think about it, the wind's kinda strong today...

"So that's what you guys wanted to do first, okay. Now the top priority is to find Robin before the Laguna."

Sanji: Thank god you can fly...

"Even though, I have a bad feeling about all of this..."

Citizens: Do we know anything about those pirates ? No, sorry. But if we can catch any of those four, we can find the rest easily ! Hurry ! We have to catch them before the tide comes !!

"I'm astonished at how fast this whole situation went from quite problematic to absolute and utter chaos in such a short timespan."

Chopper: ... ...

"What ?"

Sanji: ... ... Pffr. Nice moustache.

"it's not like I got any other choice... Hiding the white hair in that cap is already hard enough... plus, that itch my nose like crazy. But please, don't attract any attention."

Sanji: Pfffr... Y- Yeah... Focusing on something else, the sea train is still operational... One train during the day, and one in the night... The weather is this bad, and they can still go to Enies Lobby at 11 PM... The sea train sure is amazing...

Chopper: Hopefully, Robin didn't get on the train already...

"Otherwise, it'll be a hell of a lot of trouble, which is rather impressive considering our current situation. It's hard enough searching in just Water seven..."

Chopper: I wonder why she left... Did I make her mad when I went to the book store ?

Sanji: idiot, that's impossible. Hey, excuse me sir. Have you seen the cute girl in this picture ?

Folk: No, but the real person is around 20 years older. If I'd see her, I'd be telling the Galley-La by now. She's the assassin !

Sanji: ... ... Okay, this sounds really bad.

"I hope the others are fine..."

Sanji: Luffy and seaweed head are fine, it's Nami-San that I'm worried about. This place looks so deserted now... the wind is getting stronger, too... Everyone probably evacuated... Hey !! Robin-Chan !!

Chopper: *Sniff sniff* huh ?

"Noticed something, Cho..."

"... I was not expecting that."

Chopper: ROBIN !!


"Since you're, we should probably go back to the hotel to talk."

Robin: No. We're fine where we are. I won't go back with you... let's say our farewell here, in this town...

Chopper: ... Robin ?!

Sanji: Er... What are you saying, Robin-Chan ? Is it about the thing in the papers ? Don't worry ! We don't believe it ! They always blame the pirates whenever anything bad happens !

Robin: yes. You guys were falsely accused of the crime. However... For me, it is the truth. I did, in fact, infiltrate the mayor's office last night.

"... Okay, what ?"

Robin: I am shrouded in a darkness that you have no knowledge of. And that darkness will eventually be the death of you.

Sanji: ... What ?

"Remember what Kuzan... well, Aokiji said ?"

Aokiji: Up 'til now, every group that ever associated with Nico Robin, has been destroyed. That woman is always the sole survivor.

Robin: Now... You will be my scapegoats for this incident. I will leave soon, and the situation will worsen.

Sanji: What are you talking about ?! Why are you... ?!

Robin: Why am I doing this ? Yes, there's no need to tell you all that.

Sanji: ... Robin-Chan !! You're not making any sense ! Did something happen to you ?!

Chopper: ROBIN !! Let's go back together !!

Robin: We haven't known each other for long... And after today, we won't see each other again. Say "Hello" to everyone for me. In the time I've been with you... You have treated me well. Good bye.

Sanji: Hey... I... I don't believe this... WAIT A MINUTE !! ROBIN-CHAN !! THIS ISN'T FUNNY !!

Chopper: ROBIN !!*

"She's gone already."

Sanji: Why didn't you do something ?! You could've just, I don't know, fly over the water !

"... No matter what you do... Your past will always gonna come back to you..."

Sanji: What ?

"We're missing something here. We can't just bring her back by force. Chopper, go find Luffy and the others, tell them exactly what happened."

Chopper: What about you two ?

"Don't worry about us. I think I have an idea... We're gonna board a train tonight."

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