Chapter 108: Puffing Tom

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Speaker: Last train for Enies Lobby will depart at 11:00 PM. Due to the rising water level, please enter the ship from the second floor...

Sanji: Bingo...

"Robin running away from us and going with some world government's agents... Everything is going the wrong way..."

Soldier: CP9 will be here in person. Nico Robin get on board the "Sea train" first.

Corgi: Hurry up !! Hey, you guys, take her quickly !

Soldiers: Aye !

Corgi: Hoohoo... So you're the woman I've been chasing for 20 years... It's only natural that you'd surrender.

Sanji: ... I understand that, it's all upside-down... Now, how do we get on board...

Robin: Unknown to you all, I have a "Darkness".

Sanji: No matter how you look at it, it seems like she's just being taken away... If those people are the only enemies, she should be able to get away easily...

"It can only mean she has a good reason for not running away... Did that guy said 'CP9' just now ?"

Sanji: I think he did.

"Then, it's much more clear... She is following them willingly, and the reason she's not running away... Is literally us..."

Sanji: Us... ? Is it because she want to be saved by me ? Buh hoo hoo~

Sanji: Forgive for the wait, Robin-Chan !!

Robin: I've been waiting for you, my one and only prince !

"... You know the rules, and so do I..."

Sanji: Buhhoohoohooduhhoohoohoohoohoo...

Soldier: i'm pretty sure I heard something...

Soldier: Well, duh, genius, the Aqua Laguna is coming. Of course there's gonna be noises. Corgi sir ! The CP9 has arrived !

Soldiers: 'Wha... It's Rob Lucci... What strength ! So that's the CP9...'


"... Usopp... ?!"

Soldiers: Thank you for your efforts on this long mission !! Your coat Lucci sir.

Lucci: This is too much, you can stop that.

Soldier: Aye, r... Right away.

Lucci: This isn't a game, brace yourselves ! All hands board the train ! Prepare for departure to Enies Lobby !

Usopp: Let me go ! It's cramped in here !


Usopp: Ow.

"... Carpenters from the Galley-La, Iceberg's secretary, and I'm pretty sure that guy lifting Usopp is a barman... I'm gonna need a thorough explanation for that one..."

Sanji: "I won't cause you anymore trouble anymore" he said. But even with him gone, it still feels like trouble.

Speaker: The final 11 O'clock train, departing from Water Seven's Blue station, to Enies Lobby.

Soldiers: Stay here and shut up !

Franky: Ow !! You bastards ! Treat us more hospitably, ya morons !!

Usopp: yeah, you morons !!

Franky: Government shitheads !!

Usopp: Whoa, whoa, that's too much...

Speaker: Due to the impeding "Aqua Laguna" we will be moving the schedule forward. We will be departing soon.

Sanji: Shit... It's leaving already...

Kalifa: Looks like our mission is almost complete...

Lucci: Until we arrive, refrain from such lax speech, idiot.

Kalifa: ... Forgive me...

Soldier: Lucci sir. We will be departing a little early. Is anything wrong...

Lucci: No, let's leave. For five years, I've lived on this island... I don't regret leaving this place...

Robin: ... ...

Robin: You made me live when I wished for death... That is your sin. I have no place to return to. So, let me stay on this ship.

"That's fine by me, but you gotta ask Luffy."

Luffy: Ok, you can stay


"How are the others faring... But at this point, there won't show up on time. Sanji, time to take matters onto our own hands."

Sanji: Right behind ya, vice-captain.

Speaker: The final train will leave soon ! We will be departing soon.

Nami: ... I wasn't in time... !!

Paulie: Hey, you... It's hard to say this, but... It's headed for Enies Lobby. Once the train leaves, it can't be stopped... Are you crying... ? Geez, those feelings are...


Paulie: She's angry ?!!


Paulie: What's with you all of a sudden ?!

Nami: Lend me a boat !! A huge, strong boat !!

Paulie: You want to take a boat out on this kind of sea ?!! Don't be stupid, you don't even know how strong Aqua Laguna is !


Paulie: These waves are on a completely different scale than the ones you're thinking of !! the sea will be extremely rough from now on !! You can't go out to sea now ! YOU'LL BE GOING TO YOUR DEATH !!

Nami: But !! Robin is throwing her life away... For our sake..

Paulie: LOOK OUT !!

Paulie: ... That was close...

Nami: Th... Thank you.

Inspectors: Pa... Paulie sir !! Thank you very much ! We were almost carried away by the tide.

Paulie: Look... That huge board standing out there, with all the times on it... It was torn apart by the waves. That's never happened before, not even once. What's with the strength of this tide... ?! And it's still approaching... Right now, the "Aqua Laguna's" wave velocity is... Abnormal... !

Nami: Hey, is Robin safe aboard that sea train ?!

Paulie: It should be able to get out of the area just before the surge hits... ! It would have to be hit directly, but usually, the surge will just pass it by...

Carpenter: Hey !! Is one of you Nami ?! There was this letter just sitting there in the station square... it must be one of your friends.

Nami: A letter from someone... How did you find something that small... ?!

Carpenter: We found it right over here !

Nami: 'Idiot... !!'

Paulie: What's it say ?

Nami: Wait, the first half of this is just a love letter, therefore... the answer we're looking for is... Down here.

*P.S.- Me and Y/n confirmed that Robin-Chan is on the Sea Train, so we decided to board it.*

Nami: Eh... ?! They got on the train some time ago ?! And Usopp ?! And... "This thug with a punk hairstyle"...

Paulie: That must be Franky.

Nami: Oh yeah, there's also a small Dendenmushi with the letter.

*There should be more than one Dendenmushi onboard the sea train, so we will contact you as soon as possible. I found that baby one in town. I want you to keep it next to your heart, like it was me, your beloved...*

Nami: the rest of the letter is a mess of ink, blood stains and parts of it are burnt. They're gonna send a message through this !

Paulie: So they were able to predict where Nico Robin would go. Amazing.

Nami: yeah ! They are with Robin right now ! Us, too ! We'll get to Enies Lobby without fail !!

Sanji: Dammit, it's totally drenched out here... Can't even smoke...

"Hey, I'm doing my best, okay ? But the real question is, how will we sneak in without being noticed ?

Soldier: Oh, man, there's a mean storm outside...

"I know, right ? Really not a time to be out. You should go back inside before you catch something."

Soldier: yeah, I guess... ... ... HEY, WAIT A SEC-


Soldiers: Eh ?! Who are you, assholes ?!

"Ah... This will prove to be problematic."

Sanji: How can so many people be riding in the last car ?!

Soldiers: What are you doing, assholes ?! I saw that kick just now ! You're not just civilians ! You're no ordinary folks !!

Sanji: ... If those are your honest feelings... This is awkward.

"i don't think they were praising you."

Soldiers: Don't make fun of us... Quick, report this to Lucci at once ! These suspicious characters snuck in !!

???: Hold up !! *Cough* This ain't the type of thing that should concern CP9. *Cough* No matter how rude and suspicious the character is, don't be afraid !! because in this car... I'm here !! *Cough*

*Graduate of karate island, CP6 secret intelligence member: Jerry.*

Jerry: Phew, it is smokey ! Ha ha ha ha. *Cough* Am I the king of South Blue's island, that's famous for karate ? Yep, I am... the boxing champion !!

"Wasn't it supposed to be karate ?"

Soldiers: Hey !! That's asking for death !!

Jerry: Jerry... AURORA FLICKER JAB !!

Soldiers: GYAA !! UUBEH !! Je... Jerry sir, the enemy's behind... Gah !!

Jerry: Hm ?! They escaped, huh... Youngsters, i'm saying this because I'm a big man... If you think I'm at a disadvantage in this small car, you're mistaken.

Sanji: This is the first time I've been warned by someone with their head between their legs...

Jerry: My boxing has the advantage in such a small space !! It's Yoga style !!

"You only lost reach ! Just pick a damn fighting style already !"

Jerry: Really... ? Let's see... SCREW DRIVE KICK !!

Sanji: You're already ignoring the rules of boxing !! What a waste of time...

Corgi: Each car has its own representative... Naming off the government officials in order, starting with the 7th and final car, the boxer of Cipher Pol No.6, Jerry. As you progress, their power grows... 40 sailors in the 5th car under the command of a colonel from Marine HQ, former royal knight "T-Bone". Next up, in the 4th car, also the head cook of this voyage, the grappler of CP7, Wanze. And then, in the 3rd car, CP9's newcomer, Mr.Nero, is awaiting orders. This is just a basic escort mission, and we're not expecting any attacks, however, to be on the safe side, we brought enough combat strength to handle anything.


"Nearly anything."

Sanji: What ?


Usopp: S- Sanji !! Y/n !! What are you doing on the sea train ?!!

Sanji: Actually... That's what I'd like to ask you, you... Ah, I don't know your name, but... You there.

Usopp: That was so obvious...

"Hey Sanji, catch !"

Sanji: Woo ! Dendenmushi !

"Thank god, there's a few here. This is probably also the communication room. Much better than the crap the guys earlier had."

Sanji: Finally, I can contact Nami-san !

Franky: You guys... Are pirate comrades...

Sanji/Usopp: Were.

"Also, who the hell are you ?"

Franky: i'm the hidden boss of Water Seven ! Franky the dismantler !!


Usopp: hey, hey, wait a minute !! A lot's happened since then !! he did save Merry at one point !

Franky: Bastard !! You'll regret it when I get out of this crap !!

Usopp: ... Oh yeah... Merry...

Franky: Hey, hey, wait. Now's not the time to become depressed. Could you please just get me out of this ?

"Why would we do that ? I mean, in my book, you kinda deserved what's happening to you."

Franky: bastard ! Don't take advantage of me because I'm being polite !

Usopp: Hey, guys, stop it !! if we don't hurry... WE'LL BE DISCOVERED !!

Soldiers: Ah ! Colonel T-Bone !

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