Chapter 109: A hero descends

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

T-Bone: Hey ! You there !!

Soldier: Yes, Colonel T-Bone !

Bone: Where'd that wound come from ?!

Soldier: Ah, that... Earlier, a bug bit me and it started bleeding...

Bone: Oh no !! We have to stop the bleeding !! Let this stop it in time !!

Soldier: Ah !! But that's your important cape... !!

Bone: That's fine... When my men bleed, my heart aches !!

Soldier: Colonel !!

Bone: Let today be peaceful, and our world, gentle !!

Soldiers: 'Too bad his face is so scary...'

Soldier: Colonel T-Bone !! We have a problem !!

Bone: What is it ? I will do everything I can to help ! Even if it means destroying my body !!

Soldier: Ah... No... The guards in the sixth and seventh cars have been wiped out !! And the two criminals are missing !!

Bone: WHAT ?!

Soldier: We still don't know if there was an intruder or if the criminals got free by themselves...

Bone: How did this happen... ?! Give the wounded emergency aid !! report this to all cars !!

Soldier: Yes, sir !!

Sanji: Nami ! Nami ! Can you hear me ?!

Nami: Yes ! Is that you, Sanji ?! What happened ?!

"Let's just say... That because of a couple of morons, the situation here has become very bad..."

Franky: Hey, hey !!

Sanji: Luffy, you there ?

Luffy: Sanji ! Y/n ! How is it over there ?! How's Robin ?!

"Still in their hands, for now. At least she's okay. And, Nami told us about her reasons. Everything..."

Luffy: Is that so ? Ok, go kick their asses !

Zoro: Luffy ! Don't mess around ! Tell them to wait for us ! Hey, you hear me ? Those guys are dangerous !

Luffy: Forget it, Zoro ! If it were you, you wouldn't listen to us either.

Sanji: ... That's right. Oh, and is Marimo head actually worried about me ?

Zoro: Like hell I am !!

"You guessed it already, but at this point, after hearing Robin's reasons, even if Luffy himself ordered us to stop, we wouldn't take a single step back. None of us would, no matter what. We'll see each others after that. Over."


Usopp: So then, Robin's on this train, too...

"That's why we boarded it to begin with. You and that punk were just along the way."

Usopp: So many things happened after I left...

Sanji: Robin probably doesn't even know about what happened between you and Luffy... So to ensure the safety of the seven of us, including you, Robin turned herself over to the government, for our sake.

Franky: GYAAAAAAH !! OOWOHWAWAWA !! It's all so touching !!

"Why are you crying ?"

Franky: idiot !! i'm not crying, you idiot !! Damn it... Nico Robin... isn't she supposed to be the legendary, cold-blooded she-devil... ? And they say she's the ender of all groups... !

Sanji: Robin is right in front of us !! I'm going to save her !!

Franky: Okay !! I, Franky, the head of the "Franky family" will lend you a hand !! My reason is, if the government has Nico Robin, it will be a problem for me as well !! Not to mention that moving story... hey !! Long-nose !! let's go !

Usopp: I'm... Not going. It's got nothing to do with me anymore, right ? If we keep going, we'll ended up in direct confrontation with the world government... I don't want to be a part of that... And you'll be regrouping with Luffy and the others, right... ? After saying what I said in front of everyone, I can't possibly rejoin you guys !! I'm grateful for what Robin did... But it's not my duty to save her !! I left your group already ! I can't fight side by side with a strawhat anymore !

"... How about side by side with a friend ?"

Usopp: ... I could do that... But no. Goodbye.

Franky: What do you mean by "Goodbye" ?! You have nowhere to go from here !!

Sanji: Forget it. Let him go.

"If that's his decisions, then it's our responsibility to respect it."

Bone: Search more carefully !! They must've left something behind !! This is bad !! the injuries are rather severe ! This is all I can do for now !!

Soldier: Wanze sir ! There's a big problem...

Wanze: Shut up !! I'm the one with a big problem !!

Soldier: Nero sir, the criminals got free !!

Nero: Huh ?

Soldier: ... the window is open.. AH ! I see them...

Sanji: Damn it !!


"Who did that ?!

???: he told me everything. I heard that you guys are on your way to rescue a defenseless girl... So I will assist you for free. Let us fight together !!

Clearly-not-Usopp: My name is... SOGEKING !!

*On the sniper Island,

I was born~

100 shots, 100 hits,

Lu lu lala lu~

Even a mouse's eye,

Lock on !

Even your heart,

Lock on !

The man from the Sniper island,

Lululu lulu lala~

You'd better run !

Sogege Soge Soge

Sogeking~ !*

Franky: What the hell is he doing ?

"Don't hurt his feelings, and just play along with it."

Franky: ... hey, get over here !!

Sogeking: Ah, sure...

Sanji: Okay ! Now we carry out our strategy to rescue Robin !!

Sogeking: Don't you guys have any questions for me or something ? Since this is our first meeting... Like "Where's the sniper island" ?

"So first off, you guys were in car 6, so right now, Robin could be in any of the 5 remaining cars.

Sogeking: It's in your heart !

Sanji: ... Right, so. Are you strong ?

Franky: I'm super strong, jackass ! I've been especially super this week !!

Sanji: Lastly, if we can rescue Robin, we win. There are lots of enemies. Busting in carelessly and being surrounded in this narrow train would be trouble. Avoiding pointless fights and taking out the main force in an order would probably be a good plan. Meaning no blasting everything until this train's nothing but a pile of ashes.

"I had no intentions of doing that anyways. Well, at least not until Robin's rescued."

Sanji: It is... acceptable. In any case, we have but one strategy...

Sogeking: I'm listening...

Lucci: Intruders, you say ?

Corgi: Y- Yes, that seems to be the case...

Lucci: ... "En route boarding" is impossible on the Puffing Tom... if there are intruders, they must've come aboard before we left... I'm amazed...

Corgi: I agree, sir... they have no honor !

Lucci: But, by the same token, "En route departure" is also impossible, unless they can fly. Both criminals and intruders are certainly still riding this sea train. Calm down and search for them.

Corgi: Yes sir !!

Soldier: Colonel... Where could they possibly hide in such a confined area...

*Knock knock*

Bone: Hmm ?!

"Good evening !"

Soldiers: THAT'S WHERE THEY WERE !! On the other side of the door !! We've discovered four suspicious people, including the criminals !!

Bone: They were in the seventh car ?! Corner and capture them !!

Sanji: Hurry and seal it up !

Franky: Your hammering skill sucks.

Sogeking: Shut up.

"Less chatter more hammer, they've opened fire !"

Soldiers: The criminals have been discovered in the caboose !! Capture them without killing Franky !! there's nowhere to run !! Seize them, but use caution !!

Soldier: Shit !! The door won't open !!

Soldiers: Don't fire randomly !! It'll be bad if you kill them !! All hands fortify those in the last car !! Dammit !! Open the door ! Figure it out !! Colonel T-Bone !!

Bone: Move aside please. I hate foul play ! Right angle flash...

Soldiers: Get ready !! ... ?! They're gone !!

Bone: ... On the roof... It can't be !!

"Oh, Bone-jour. Look, I have plenty of humerus bone jokes right now, but we don't have time."

Bone: Everyone, return to the previous cars !! IT4S A TRAP !!

Soldiers: A TRAP ?! What the... ?! Even if we should go back... the dor's been shut !! Who did that ?!

Soldiers: The car's been detached !! WHAT ?!!

"See ya guys ! Beware of the sea monsters !!"

Sanji: have a good trip !! Take care !!

Soldiers: We'll remember this, you bastards !!

"So, with those two cars, how much do you think we've reduced their numbers ?"

Sanji: 50 or so, I guess.

Sogeking: But, aren't the strawhat pirates... traveling here on the same railroad track ?

"Heh, they'll manage."


"Ah, you wanted to get out ? Please, be our guest."

Sanji: Being pirates doesn't mean we don't have manners after all.

Agent: EH ?!! *SPLASH*

Sanji: Try not to die, there's 5 cars left.

Agents: You !! You guys think it's over already ?! We're reporting you to the CP9 !! How dare you do that to Colonel T-Bone !!

Sanji: Huh, there are some soldiers left..


"Was some soldiers left."

Agent: heavy shells... FIRE !!

Sogeking: HE'S HIT !

Sanji: What ?!

Franky: That hurt...

Agents: F- Fire, fire !! WHY AREN'T OUR PISTOLS WORKING ?!!

Sanji: Hey, what the hell are you ?!

Franky: Huh ? Oh, i'm a "cyborg"... My body is built with steel and weapons. If stings a bit if I'm shot, and I may bleed a little but... Well, it won't hurt me.

Sanji: Such a thing exists... the world is truly vast.

"There's an island inhabited mainly by mermaids."

Sanji: The world is truly beautiful...

Sogeking: Wow !!


Franky: YEOW !! What are ya doin', ya moron ?!!

Sogeking: What ? Just a needle can hurt you ?

Franky: Ya bonehead !! You've started doing some awful experiments !! What I said before doesn't apply to my backside !! get it ?! Since I did all of this remodeling myself, my hands couldn't reach back there !! Only the front side of me is Cyborg !!

Franky: Now, while i'm at it, I'll tell you one more thing. My stomach is actually cold. Why do you think ?

"Dunno, and to be honest, I don't really care..."

Franky: Well, it's because I stuck a cola-chilling fridge in there !

Sanji: Oh ! that's great !!

Sogeking: Wow ! That's the best on a hot day !!

"... Where the hell are your intestines ? And besides, this isn't the time for chat ! There aren't any enemies left in this car, so let's move on !"

Sanji: Eh, right. Next up, the fourth car.

Wanze: I'm Wanze... I'm Wanze... Sa, sa, sa, sa, sa !! I'm the mad, mad Wanze !!

Wanze: Hallo guys !! Are you hungry ?! I'm Wanze !! Since i'm the head chief, I can make anything. You want some ramen ?!

All: ... ... ...

Wanze: Then, ramen you shall have ! But before that, I've got one bit of trivia I want you all to know... It's y nose hair !! It's like, they're woven together... they're like fishnet stockings !!

All: ... ... ...

Wanze: Right, first, I put wheat flour in my mouth, then I knead it well ! MMM... !!

Wanze: Welp, dig in !


Sanji: There's no time for this... Wanze, we're keeping someone waiting. we're in a hurry, so see ya.

Wanze: WAIT !! if you want to go through this car... !! You'll have to get through me !!!

Kalifa: They disconnected the last two cars ?! How could you let that happen ?!

Agent: i'm truly sorry !! But even Colonel T-Bone, one of our primary fighters, got trapped in the disconnected cars !

Kalifa: What's the situation on the cars that are still intact ?

Agent: As of now, there are five cars still with us. All the soldiers are down, so the only ones left are Wanze in the 4th car, Nero in the 3rd car, and everyone here in the 2nd car.

Lucci: It sounds like the attackers are fairly strong... However, the only problem in our current situation is... That Franky has been freed. Our mission is to deliver Franky and Nico Robin to Enies Lobby. Aside from that, nothing else matters.

Kalifa: Have you identified the intruders ?

Agent: yes, there are the two that were under arrest... But, one of them is wearing a lame mask. One of the others is a blonde male in a suit...

Kaku: He's probably a member of the Straw hats, like the guy with the long nose. Their goal is to take Nico Robin back, and Franky is just helping them out. Who's the fourth one ?

Agent: That's the problem... We've identified the fourth intruder as the vice-captain of the strawhat pirates, nicknamed "Sans".

Lucci: I see. No wonder they couldn't be stopped.

Blueno: Lucci, should I go check on Nico Robin ?

Lucci: ... There's no need. Just focus on apprehending Franky. They want to take Nico Robin back, do they ? That will, never happen.

Franky/Sogeking: I can't believe I'm being mocked by someone like that !!

Sanji: Stop, stop ! Don't let him control you, it'll just waste time ! I'll take care of him, you three, go to the next car !

Franky: ... He already left long ago, you know ?

Sanji: What ?!

Robin: Ah... Vice-captain ?!

"Shh... Robin, I think we need to talk."

Robin: What happened ?! Why are you here... ?! How did you get here ?!

"Pretty much anything that could've gone bad, you can tell by yourself, come on, and we boarded the train on Blue Station. Oh, and Sanji's here too. Him, Usopp and that Franky are fighting the enemies back there, so I sneaked up here."

Robin: Don't tell me... You're trying to save me... ?

"See, you can figure that one out yourself. Also, the rest of the crew's following us wit another sea train, with a little army."

Robin: Why... Why are you doing this... ?! Didn't I clearly tell you that I'd quit the group ?! Don't make me tell you twice, I'm not one of you anymore !!

"Oh, I didn't forgot since last time. What changed, though, is what Iceberg told them."

Robin: Wha... He's safe... ? No ! Even then, I still can't go back...

"You really don't get a thing, do you ? You really think, that any of us would've accepted your sacrifice, even if you were trying to protect us ? Even more, now that they know your reasons, nothing and no one will stop Luffy from rescuing you. Him or any of us."

Robin: It's you who don't understand a thing !! I never wanted for you guys to save me !! I won't let you have your way !!

Corgi: What're you babbling about, Nico Robin ? Are you crying about your future now ? You know it's too late for that, don't you... ?

'... It's you whose future just went shorter...'


'Guh... ?!'

Robin: I'm fine... Just leave me alone...

Corgi: ...


"... Why did you interfere ?"

Robin: You really have no idea who the world government is... Or how terrifying they can be...

"I'm well aware of that. Maybe even more than you. I'm not telling, you don't have any reasons to be scared... But, you really think something like a buster call will be able to stop us ? But what baffle me, is how you're throwing out your life like that... Even after all they did for you... Not gonna lie, i'm kinda disappointed."

Robin: What do you-

"Know ? But I know everything. I was there, 20 years ago. I was there, when Ohara was destroyed... I was there, when Sauro sacrificed himself, so you could live. When Kuzan purposely let you go. And this is how you thank them ? By letting yourself get taken, under the false impression we'll be safe if you do ? This isn't what they died for."

Robin: ... You...

"You asked me where I could've learn how to decipher Poneglyph, didn't you ? If you're that stubborn on that, then I'll leave for now. Just expect me to be back with everyone else, once you've changed your mind on the value of life. Of your own life that is."

Robin: Value..

"There's something I've learned over the years. No one, and hear me out, no one, deserves to die just because they exist. Have faith in us. Have faith in Luffy."

Corgi: Okay, what is it this time-


Kalifa: What happened... Ah ?!

"I believe this is my cue to take my leave... ... You really do lok like her, you know ?"

Robin: L- Look like who ?

"... I've met your mother, a long time ago... Nico Olvia... Yeah, you two are definitely almost the same. Even if there's one little detail that differentiates you."

Robin: What ?

"... She wasn't a coward."

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