Chapter 110: Enies Lobby

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kaku: What the...

"Don't mind me, I was on my way out anyways."


Sanji: Ah, Y/n ?! What-

"We're leaving."

Sogeking: But Robin...

"Miss Robin is being difficult. So, while she goes through her rebellious phase, we have to regroup with the others."

Sanji: What ?! We can't...

"Even if we did take her back, she'd try her best to get captured again. We can't do anything just by ourselves. Also, I've already separated the cars."

Sanji: She... Wants to be captured... But why... ?!

Blueno: That buster call is the problem... Rankyaku.

Sogeking: SANJI !! Wha... What was that ?! He appeared out of nowhere !!

Blueno: Such is the power of the Doa Doa no mi. Even though we have orders not to kill any members of the strawhat pirates, we still need to capture Franky.

Sanji: ... How can you let them take Robin away ! I thought you too wanted to save her !

Blueno: yelling to each other won't change things. Nico Robin won't break her promise...

Sanji: How can you say that ?!

Blueno: In the past, there was a Buster Call invoked by the marines. The horrific event occurred on an island, the whole thing was burnt to a crisp, leaving no traces behind. The only person to survive that incident... Was a young Nico Robin. In other words, due to the Buster Call, as far as that woman is concerned, she is an irredeemable devil. Those memories of terror planted in her days of youth... Are what cause her yo turn on her comrades.

Sanji: You really... Knowing all of that... !!

Blueno: Of course.


Blueno: It's all for the sake of justice. That girl has our deepest condolences.

Sanji: Don't screw with me !! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL !!

"Forget that. We need to find Luffy and the other, and prepare our assault. Today... Enies Lobby shall fall."

Lucci: We can already see it in front of us... So we'll be arriving soon. How nostalgic, it's been five years... The nightless island... Enies Lobby.

Family: Hurry up !! Go faster !! What ?! So, our bro Franky is still okay ?!

"Yep... He's been captured by these guys, along with Robin. We need to find the others, and quick !"

Family: Hey ! I see the nevernight island !! Enies Lobby !!

Sanji: Nevernight island ?!

Family: yeah ! it's always daytime there. It's also known as the judicial island !!


"LUFFY !!"

Luffy: AH !! Y/N !! SANJI !! Eh... Who's that ?!

Nami: They all look so energetic ! Ready to siege the front door of the world government !!

"Alright ! You know what's coming up ! ENIES IS IN SIGHT !! ALL CREWS, PREPARE FOR BATTLE !!"


Sogeking: That's me. I'm Usopp's friend, I've come to your aid as per his request !

Luffy: A he... Hero !! I knew he was a hero when I saw his cape !! So cool ! This is my first hero sighting !!

Chopper: Oh ! So wearing a cape means he's a hero... ?! So cool !!

Luffy: yes ! Cape equals hero !

Chopper: Really ?!

Zoro: 'Isn't that Usopp... ?'

Nami: 'i'm glad Usopp's safe.'

Zambai: 'Isn't that the long-nosed idiot who charged into Franky House alone... ?'

Squares: 'Isn't that the long-nosed guy who was arrested along with our bro ?'

Chimney: 'It's that guy we met at the Shift station.'

Luffy: So, where did Usopp go ?

Sogeking: He's safe, so don't worry about him. He told me that saving Robin is my top priority, and then he left.

Luffy: Oh, I see !

Chopper: Oh ! Oh ! Where's sniper island ?!

Sogeking: ... It's... In your heart...

Nami: Idiots.

"... I think... Every last one of you, listen. Before we barge in and bust everything in our way, there's something you must know..."

"And, that's basically it. They're using her past trauma to blackmail her. Just so you know, it might be more than just beating these guys."


Chopper: WOOOOOO !!


Nami: SHUT UP !!

Luffy: Well, it's true !! We tried to rescue her, but she refused to go !!

Nami: That's because she's worried about her safety !!

Luffy: She should worry about her own safety !! If we don't do anything, Robin might die !! She doesn't wanna die, so we have to save her !!

Nami: That's true, but... !

Zoro: Forget it... We were already gonna rescue her anyways.

Luffy: I don't care who they are, I'm gonna send them flying !! I have a new attack I wanna try, too !!

Paulie: hey, guys, have a look at this. I've been here once before, for railroad maintenance... I drew this based on what I could remember, this is what Enies Lobby looks like. The gate of justice is right behind the island, and the only path to it is through the judicial tower.

"... What's that black stuff all around the island ?"

Paulie: This is the waterfall. You'll see it once you get past the gate. Anyhow, it's a straight path from the main gate to the gate of justice, if we can't get to Robin and Franky before they reach the end of that path, we fail !! Even if we all charge into the island, the only ones that'll have any chance against CP9, are you guys ! I've seen how strong you guys are on the way here. So, you guys should wait for 5 minutes at the beach, then charge in with Rocketman, right through the gates and into the island itself !!

Zambai: before that, the rest of us will go in there, open the main gate and the front gate to make way for RocketMan !! No matter how many of us die, don't stop, just charge right through !! There are only 60 of us, but there may be two to three thousand enemies. Strawhats ! You guys should avoid any unnecessary fights, and just focus on the CP9 !!

Luffy: Yeah !! I got it !!

Kokoro: hey, guys, come take a look... At the sky behind Enies Lobby !

"This is it... The gate of justice !!"

Kokoro: That gate never completely opens. It only opens a little bit to let criminals through. On the other side of the gate, there's a windless area, like Calm Belt in the two sides of Grand Line. Giant sea kings live there, so it's impossible to sail past it with a normal ship. I don't know how they do it, but only the marines know how to pass it. In other words...

"If they manage to pass through that gate, our chance to save them will severely slim down."

Zoro: I take it you won't let a door stop you ?

Kokoro: There's no time for chit-chat !!

Zambai: let's stick to the plan !! We'll go in first !!

Zoro: hey, aren't you two in our group ?

Chopper: Um... Where's Luffy ?

Nami: Huh ? He was there a second ago...

Family: AH ! It's strawhat !



Chopper: ... It's useless.

Sanji: I thought he said "I got it !"

"To wait 5 minutes, is like asking an ostrich to fly..."

Zoro: That's true...

"... i'm going too."

Nami: WHAT ?! Did you not listen ?!

"If we cause as much havoc as we can, we'll split the enemy forces, making it easier for you to charge in."

Soldiers: Hm ? What's that ?!

Luffy: Gum-Gum... ROCKET !!!

Soldier: Huh ? Did something just fly past us... ?

Luffy: haha ! What's this ? What a big hole !! the island's floating in midair !!

Soldiers: Who's that on the top of the gate ?! INTRUDER SPOTTED ! KILL HIM NOW !!

"Very poor choice of actions."

Soldier: Huh ?!


Soldiers: There's two of them !! THEY WENT INSIDE !!

Luffy: Why are you here ?

"This is what I should be asking you, didn't you listen to the plan ?"

Luffy: Yeah, we kick their ass and then save Robin !

"... In any ways, it became the plan now. We need to get their attention as much as possible !"


Soldier: This is the main gate, reporting to the front gate officers !!

Spandam: What is it ? Is something wrong ?!

Soldier: Intruders have climbed over the main gate and are quickly approaching the front gate !!

Spandam: If it's only a couple intruders... Just kill them !!

Soldier: No... They're...

Soldier: This is the front gate, we see the intruders... We'll get rid of them, don't worry about it.

Soldiers: Hey, brats ! Stop ! Do you know where you are ?!

Soldier: Be careful everyone ! If I'm not mistaken... The intruders are... THE STRAWHAT PIRATES !!

Soldiers: WHAT ?! S- SAY WHAT ?!

Soldier: There's no mistaking it... With bounties of 100 and 85 million Berry !! They're the captain and vice-captain of the Strawhats !!

Luffy: Where's Robin ?!

Soldiers: Ah !!

"You heard us. WHERE'S ROBIN ?!"

Agent: Main gate reporting !! two monsters are pulling a giant cart over the fence !! A large group of intruders just broke through the perimeter !! requesting backup !! BACKUP- *BTOOOOOOM*


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