Chapter 111: Until death

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Luffy: Excuse me, but could we pass ?

Soldier: Even if you ask nicely, no means no !!

Luffy: Got it, so... Prepare yourself !

Soldiers: Damn pirates !!

Luffy: Ally robot !!

Soldiers: Wha ?! What a dirty trick !!

Luffy: Ally robot punch ! Ally robot kick !!

"Luffy, stop fooling around for once, we need to hurry !"

Luffy: Oh well.

Soldiers: Take them down !! There's only two of them, and they're not even armed !!

Luffy: Sorry, but we gotta get moving ! We'll be back later !!

Soldier: Wah... !! Hold on there !! They went inside !! hurry, go throught the gate !! They've entered the main island !!

Spandam: YOU LET THEM THROUGH THE FRONT GATE ?! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ?!! What about Oimo and Kashii ?! They beat those two ?!

Soldier: No, it's just that... Since it's technically night, they're... Asleep.

Spandam: This isn't the time to sleep !! Wake 'em up !! And any other sleeping garrisons on the island !!

Jabra: Intruders... You don't need to scream like that, the tribunal will be fine... We're here, after all.

Spandam: Don't be a fool ! As the front steps of the world government, Justice island is burdened with a sacred badge !! I expect that any idiot can understand what it means to invade this place !! they came all the way to the main island... Just to get back one of their comrades... How embarrassing ! Being beaten by this filth, the Strawhat crew !!

"Well, this is a situation."

Soldiers: Hey, pirates... So, where's the rest of your army ? Hahaha... Enies Lobby's forces... Number in the ten thousands !!

"... That's all ? I was hoping for a challenge."

Luffy: Two of us is already too much.

Spandam: What's going on ?!

Soldier: Sir! Kashii and Oimo are currently holding them off at the front gate ! I don't believe there will be any problem !

Spandam: I see. What about the two intruders ? Have you captured them?

Soldier: Er... the estimate is... About 400.

Spandam: 400 ? What are you talking about ?


Spandam: Ah ?! Damage report ?! Are you saying 400 soldiers are down ?!

Agent: Ah... No, sorry. I'd like to correct that. 'They busted more 100 just now...'

Spandam: Of course !! There is only two of them !! Our soldiers aren't trash, we can't have that many down !! If there is damage, report it correctly !

Agent: yes. Five...


Spandam: ... Five ?! Idiot ! How could you mistake 5 for 400 people... ?!

Spandam: So these "Strawhat" pirates, are just running around the island, not fighting anyone. Of course, no one would face that many soldiers unless they were brain dead !! It's only a matter of time now.

Agent: Sir ! Lucci and the rest has arrived.

Spandam: really ?! Show them in !

Lucci: it's been a while, sir.

Spandam: Ah ! You're back ! Lucci, Kaku, Blueno, Kalifa.

Kalifa: that's sexual harassment.

Spandam: By just saying your name ?!!

Lucci: the criminal, Cutty Flam, wanted for assaulting government agents in Water Seven 8 years ago. The criminal Nico Robin, wanted for attacking marine ships in Ohara, West Blue, 20 years ago. Both have been escorted here. They are waiting just outside.

Jabra: Long time no see, Lucci... Looks like that flat mug of yours hasn't changed much.

Lucci: Same goes for your stupid look, Jabra.

Kaku: Settle down, you two. We haven't met for a very long time...


Fukuro: Chyapapapa...

Kalifa: I knew you were just waiting for this, Fukuro.

Fukuro: Evaluation, of the Rokushiki ! I will reveal everything now ! If a typical, armed soldier's strength is of level 10... Let's see, let's see... Then, your strengths are... Kalifa, level 630. Blueno, level 820. Kaku... ! Level 2200 ! Lucci... Hmm... ! Le- Level 4000 !!

Jabra: 4000 ?! Hey, are you kidding ?! I've never heard of such a high number !!

Fukuro: It's true. Everyone's gotten stranger, chapapa. I've already measured Jabra's and Kumadori's strength, so everyone is ranked accordingly !

Spandam: Would you all just forget about that meaningless ranking ! When you all completes the Rokushiki training, you've all gained superhuman strength !! You're a superman even if you achieve only 500 !

Fukuro: The commander's strength is level 9. Chyapapa.

Spandam: Be quiet !! that doesn't matter, since I'm just the guy in charge !! Plus, I have my special sword should I need it !!

Kalifa: It's common knowledge that the commander's incredibly weak.

Spandam: Ugh... Do you have to be so blunt about it... ?!

Kalifa: That's sexual harassment.

Spandam: Eh?! But all I did was respond to what you said !

Kalifa: Sir...

Spandam: Hm... What ?

Kalifa: That's sexual harassment.

Spandam: CAN'T I JUST EXIST ?!

Spandam: Hoohoohoo... Wahahahaha !! I couldn't be happier... !! What a miracle this is... That you survived the crash 8 years ago, Cutty Flam. And you, Nico Robin, the world-wide threat that has been long sought after. The people of this world may not know, of the glorious achievements we've made here today. It'll be years before these events are made into songs and sung the world over. But, from our perspective, the "Justice" of the old men in the government today is too weak ! You can't hope to achieve anything without making a few sacrifices first ! Towards peace for all mankind... We shall strive with all our might ! ANY TRASH THAT GETS IN OUR WAY MUST BE DESTROYED !! ABSOLUTISM IS A SMALL PRICE TO PAY FOR WORLD PEACE !! ANYONE, LIKE THAT FISHMAN, WHO REFUSES TO GIVE US WHAT WE WANT, IS NO MORE THAN A TRAITOR WHO DESERVES DEATH !!

Franky: ... The reason Tom sacrificed his life to protect the blueprints... WAS TO KEEP IT AWAY FROM SCUM LIKE YOU !!!


Spandam: GYAAAAAAA !!SA... !! SA- SA- SAA- !! SAVE ME, YOU GUYS !!


Agents: Did he leave the receiver off the hook again... ? No way, that's such a beginner's mistake... Yet, he does it all the time...

Soldier: HEY !! Where did they go ?!

Soldiers: RIGHT BELOW YOU !!

"Hmm... I think I've got an idea. I need as much rubble as possible."

Luffy: That's easy. Gum-Gum... VOLCANO !!

Luffy: Will that do ?

"More than enough. It's time... Meteor shower !!"

Soldier: Ah... !! WATCH OUT !!

"First serve is mine, let's move to next base !!"

Agent: Spandam sir, please respond ! Tell us how to proceed !! They've gotten through !!!

Luffy: Those stupid soldiers... They just keep coming ! We're stuck here !

"We'll see the end of it eventually ! But they're making quite a good job at stalling us... they're leaving ?

Agent: Send half of our men to the front gate !! the pirates have breached the gate !! We must stop them !!

"That can only mean one thing..."

Luffy: They're here ?! Great ! Now, this should be fun !!


"Hey, careful with these shells ! You could hurt someone !"

Soldiers: Over there !!

Spandam: Just like you were back then... You're just as hot-headed. Cutty Flam, how I wish I'd known you were alive and in possession of the blueprints. I wouldn't have had to suffer this way... using the sins of your past to capture you, would have been easy !! Instead, your senior apprentice friend, Iceberg, was a great annoyance. After Tom's death, he united the major shipyards of Water Seven under one name, and turned them into a major corporation... he allied with the world government, despite the grudge he had against them, and established his company as a government purveyor. He became the president of the Galley-La company shipbuilders, and mayor of the water capital, Water Seven ! Being supported by everyone, even the government, rendered him as an indispensable entity. Upon which even we couldn't lay a hand... !

Franky: ... 'So that's why he was doing business with the government... ?!'

Spandam: What a smart guy he was ! Wahahaha ! But now, the winds blow in my favor... Just when I was about to shake off my numbness and begin our enforcement plan... I received some good news from admiral Aokiji. It was that Nico Robin was aboard a pirate ship, and heading for Water Seven !

Spandam: To calm myself, I drank a cup of coffee, and incorporated my access to the Buster Call into my strategy ! Although, the scenario changed a little... Look ! The two keys to reviving the ancient weapons are here before me !! DON'T YOU SEE ?!! THE WINDS OF THE WORLD ARE TRULY BLOWING MY WAY NOW !! THE POWER TO RULE OVER ANY CIVILIZATION AS I WISH IS WITHIN MY GRASP !!!

Robin: ... Why would Aokiji entrust you with the power of the Buster Call... ?


Spandam: Wahaha !! You abominable blood from Ohara, the devil's land !! The value of your damned existence would amount to nothing were it not for me !! You should at least be thankful !! From now on, you will suffer so much pain, you'll wish for death countless times over, prepare yourself ! I'll beat you, use you, and I'll cast you into the sea !! Your existence is that sinful !! Wahahaha... Oh, right, by the way... Some idiots from earlier that tried to take your lowly self back is here.

Robin: ?! It's not possible... !!

Spandam: Well, they've probably been caught by the guards by now... The crew of "Strawhat Luffy"... Why, they're just garbage before the 10,000-man force of Enies Lobby !! At any rate, shipping them off to prison should be a fair souvenir. They'll be taken to Impel Down.


Spandam: ... You're clinging desperately to that hope... Lucci, what were the terms and conditions ?

Lucci: The seven members of the Strawhat crew, excluding Nico Robin, will depart from water Seven in peace.

Spandam: Yeah, that's right. They all escaped from Water Seven safely, only to come here by themselves, didn't they ?

Robin: ... ... What'd you say... ?! You'd violate our agreement using such a play of words... !!

Franky: There's nothing you can do, these guys are bastards ! they've got a screwed-up sense of justice.

Spandam: What was that ? SHUT UP, YOU PIECES OF FILTH !! THERE'S NO POINT IN KEEPING A PROMISE WITH YOU CRIMINALS IN THE FIRST PLACE !! DON'T GIVE YOURSELVES SO MUCH CREDIT !! We tricked the pirates and caught them ! It's an acceptable method used even by marines !!

Robin: Haa... Coward... Haa... !!

Spandam: You deceptive woman... NowI think I'll choose your ideal demise... Hahahaha... WAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! You can die together... You're powerless before this great justice.

Luffy: OUT OF THE WAY !!!


Soldier: Hee ! Haaaaa !! Commander !! they're so scary !!

Commander: Don't falter, you morons !!

Luffy: haa... That looks like a dead end !!

"You just go ahead, Luffy, I'll stay behind and cleanup !"

Soldiers: You're not going anywhere !!

"Oh, trust me, I don't intend to move an inch from there. I've got nothing left to worry about. This will be a nice demo... It's been ages since I've played Dynasty Warriors."

Blueno: the Strawhats have shown up ?

Fukuro: yeah, we received word of it earlier, chapapapa. The commander was so distracted by the news, it was embarrassing. But apparently, we only lost five people.

Blueno: ... The phone's of the hook.

Spandam: Guards !! Chain them up !! Don't remove Nico Robin's seastone cuffs take Cutty Flam to Impel Down, and Nico Robin to Marine HQ. As soon as the convoy's preparations are complete, take them through the gate of Justice !! CP9 will return to their rooms and rest for the moment. We will surely be recognized for our accomplishments ! We'll raise a glass to this unexpected turn of events on the ship !

Lucci: I'm in no mood for a toast. I have no interest in status or authority anyways...

Spandam: What ?!

Lucci: Our brand of justice exists for the world government. You are the commanding officer of CP9, and as such, it's our duty to perfectly complete the missions you gave us. However, I'm not required to endorse your ideals.

Spandam: You make a sound argument... Well, then what are you after ?

Lucci: ... Blood, I suppose. On our line of work, even murder is justifiable.

Spandam: Guh... 'What a chill... Even in the government, surely this is the sole assassin group ! What promising individuals... Now I feel like I can't lose to anyone !!'





Luffy: He really is having fun. So that's it... The last building, huh ? But, there's no way over there ! Guess I'll have to wait for him to be over down there before crossing... hey, what the... ?

Blueno: Air door.

Luffy: Ah ! You're the cow that was with the pigeon guy !! hey, what'd you just do ?! That's so cool ! Are you a magician ?!

Blueno: Looks like our intelligence really messed up their information. I figured the damage had to be more than five people, but... That was surprising. This is unheard of the entire world government's history... Intruders that broke in all the way to the front steps of the government... ! How long do you plan on struggling ?

Luffy: ... Until I die !!

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