Chapter 112: Buster Call

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator-Voice-off

Your POV:

Franky: ... You should be happy. You've got really good friends. They don't usually come to save you, you know... Oh, I'm not sulking or anything, just 'cause my guys aren't coming to save me, ok ?

Robin: ... ... ... ...

Spandam: Behold, Funk Freed ! The golden Dendenmushi... It bears the authority to invoke the Buster Call itself... None other than the three admirals of Marine HQ are allowed to have this. It's a beautiful gift from Aokiji for this special situation. But after that, once the revival of the ancient weapons become a reality, I'll no longer need to receive it from an admiral. I'll have one to myself, and become a man that controls the troops as I please. One push of this button and an island disappears. Wahahaha... When you think about it, "Authority" seems like a weapon.


Spandam: UWA !! You scared me !! What's wrong with you !! Can't you even knock !! I almost pushed the button by mistake !!

Agent: I... I'm terribly sorry... But this is an emergency... It's a call from Enies Lobby's main island !!

Spandam: WHAAAT ?! If it's a Dendenmushi call, they could've just called me in this room... hey ! It's disconnected ! WHO THE HELL KEEPS DOING THIS EVERY TIME ?!! Hmm ? Did you just say it was an emergency ?

Agent: Yes, sir !!

Spandam: Muhuhu...

Franky: Spanda...

Spandam: Wahaha... hey, Nico Robin. Seems there's an emergency over on the main island... This so-called emergency probably isn't all that bad, but... Let's make some predictions, shall we ?

Robin: ... ... !

Spandam: They've been working hard, they defeated five of our soldiers. But I wonder what happened to these Strawhats idiots. I wonder how the strongest gatekeepers, Oimo and Kashii, trampled your comrades... Together, let's ask about the fate of those fools that defied the world government...

Franky: You're scum... !

Spandam: Quiet, you hoodlum !! Hey, guard ! Yes, this is Spandam !

Agent: Ahh !! Is this the commander ?! Th- Thank goodness, we can finally report ! Sir !! Where do I begin... ?!

Spandam: Calm down, you fool !! Alright, listen up ! Cut to the chase and speak loud and clear ! It's about the Strawhat pirates, right ? What about them ? Did you kill them already ? Oh well, it's a shame they were so weak...


Agent: Next is the matter of the giant gatekeepers of the main island front gate ! Oimo and Kashii have gone over to the pirate's side ! Right now, the area around the center of the main island is being evacuated !! The soldiers around there have been almost completely wiped out !

Spandam: Wha... What... ?

Agent: We also lost sight of the captain "Strawhat Luffy" ! He and his vice-captain seem to have split path in front of the court !!

Spandam: Then what are you waiting for ?! Search and execute him !!

Agent: WE CAN'T ! The vice-captain is slaughtering our forces in the plaza, no one can even get close to the court !! Half our forces have already been wiped out by him alone, more than 5000 men !!

Spandam: Di... Didn't you said it was five...

Agent: This is probably the first time in the history of Enies Lobby that something like this has happened ! THIS CAN BE CONSIDERED AS THE WORST POSSIBLE SITUATION !!!

Franky: UHAHAHAHA !!


Left: Oooh ! Commander Spandam !! This is "Left Baskerville" on the left !!

Right: And I am "Right Baskerville" on the right !!

Middle: And I, in the middle of the three, am the "Solitary journey at central main line" !!

Left/Right: What the heck is that ?!

Spandam: I want a full report on the situation over there !! I heard that the pirates are already at the plaza in front of the courtyard !!

Left: The situation ?!

Middle: Hrmmm, the situation... !!

Right: The situation is... Not so much about the plaza, but inside...

Three: The worst has occurred.

Spandam: WHAT ?!

Agent: GUHEH !! Your honor ! here's my report !! The giant stone doors of the courthouse has been blasted off... And pirates are pouring in !!

Baskerville: I CAN SEE THAT, YOU IDIOT !!

Zoro: Really, you could've left us some soldiers... You're the only one having fun here.

"What matters here is that we can finally proceed at once. Also, don't mind that thing spouting nonsense up there."

Zambai: Whoa ! A three-headed man ! I've heard of three-headed watchdogs, but... What is that thing... ?!

Middle: SILENCE !! This is the holy building of judgement !! We will now announce a verdict that will seal your fates !!

"Alright ! Everyone, run towards the roof where Luffy is ! The frog and a few others will stay here and stop the pursuers at the door ! Any objections ?!"

Zambai: Not even one ! We've got your backs, so you just charge on through !!

Nami: Hey, look at that !! It seems like that trial has begun !!

"I told you to ignore it already, this is too much trouble. You guys take the staircases on each side of the room."

Soldiers: WHOOOA !! HOW RUDE !! They ignored the holy trial !! Unforgivable !! they're making a mockery of the judicial island !!

"Can someone make them shut up for once... Zoro ?"

Zoro: Enbima... Yonezu...

Soldiers: What ?! His swords seem to be bending...

"Let's move before more arrive."

Chopper: Okay !

Zambai: ... Remind me why the captain ain't one of them ?

Sanji: WAIT, WAIT, WAAAAIT !! Get outta the way, everyone ! This is dangerous enemy territory ! I will clear the path that Nami-san takes ! Get outta the way !!

Zoro: Whoa !! Watch out ! You wanna fight, punk ?!


Sanji: Nami-san, this way, please !! Just follow me !!

"You already forgot we're here to rescue Robin, didn't you ?"

Sanji: Oooh... yeah, Robin-Chen is... !! Waiting for my rescue !! I wonder if she's now crying from the loneliness.

Chopper: Huh ? AAAAH !! ZORO WANDERED OF SOMEWHERE WHILE WE WEREN'T LOOKING !! Wait up, Zoro, that's not the way !!

"This is the way ! I said to take the staircase, literally right in front of you ! How could you get lost in a straight line ?!"

Zoro: Shut up ! It's your explanation that was bad !!

"It was just 'Go forward' ! How could that be confusing ?!"

Chopper: I'll try to make a medicine for it next time ! A good medicine for a hopeless idiot.

Zoro: Don't call me hopeless !!

"Oh, so you don't deny the 'idiot' part then ?"

Sanji: HA !

Family: I wonder if bro will be okay...

Zambai: They'll do fine when the time comes. I hope...

"Climb up the stairs, and continue until you reach the roof. I'm going too."

Chopper: Wait, where are you...

"I'm taking a shortcut."


Chopper: ... WAAAAAAH !! SO COOL !!

Blueno: 'He can keep up to my speed perfectly. He even altered the path of my Rankyaku... he has unbelievable physical ability...'

Luffy: I'm no good. If I stay the way I am now. I won't be any good... When even Y/n was defeated by Aokiji, I started thinking about it... if there are more strong guys like him in the seas ahead of us, then I have to be stronger... Because otherwise I can't protect my crew... Some of them aren't strong... But I still want them to be with me... So, I have to be stronger than anybody else... Or I'll lose them all !!

Blueno: Then, what will you do ?

Luffy: I've though of a way to fight with all my might... So I won't lose anybody... !!


Luffy: So I won't even have to lose anybody...


Blueno: 'His body is steaming... ?!What is he doing ? Something's happening in his body.'

Luffy: You won't be able to follow me anymore... All of my techniques, are now getting to the next level.

Luffy: Gear... Second.

Luffy: Haa... Haa... I'm dead tired...


"I take it I arrived at a good moment... Isn't that the barman from the CP9 ? You needed Second to defeat him ?"

Luffy: I guess my body hasn't gotten used to it just yet. Oh well, I don't care about my body for now.

"Luffy, you know what repercussions that can have on you. I already told you to only use it only when necessary. That apply even more for the Third."

Luffy: I know that. But the same goes to you.

Agent: Bring Franky and Nico Robin to the gate of justice ?!!

Spandam: That's right. Just do what I said !!

Agent: However, sir, the armed convoy departing from the gate of justice is not ready yet !

Spandam: That's fine !! We'll just wait on the other side of the gate !! We need to take away the pirates' main objective !! Once we pass through the gate of Justice, they can't touch us any more !! Also, gather all CP9 members immediately !! Now, Stand up, you two ! Let us embark quickly on a trip to hell ! I'll take the time to corner the pirates later on !! Wahahahaha !!


Soldier: Commander, sir !! Two people are standing on the roof of the courthouse ... ! One of them is wearing a Straw hat... No doubt, it's "Strawhat Luffy" and "Sans" the leaders of the crew !!

Spandam: Shut up !! Last time I looked, Blueno was on the rooftop ! Wasn't he guarding the roof ?! What the hell is he doing at such a crucial time ?!


"That was you..."

Luffy: I was fighting so much, now I'm starving...

'This whole thing brings me years before...'

Luffy: that's why I have a bento !! Grruday shfpuffrem nn mawpowked ! (Glad I stuffed 'em in my pockets !)

"I actually amazed that you managed to stuff it in your pockets."

Spandam: What the hell... ?! So that's them... BLUENO ?! No way... This can't be happening !! He's a member of the CP9... A Rokushiki user, as well as a devil fruit user... ! Blueno's a superman with a strength that exceed level 800 !! yet, he lost to these brats ?!

Luffy: All right !! My strength is back ! WOOOOOOH !!!

Soldiers: C- Commander ! What should we do ?!

Spandam: Call Lucci and the others !! Gather everyone here !! My orders for CP9: "Strawhat Luffy" and his entire crew, are to be completely annihilated !! Inform Baskerville, too !! if the pirates lower the drawbridge, I'll personally decapitate all three of his heads !!

Soldiers: Y- Yes, sir !! Rigth away !!

Franky: ... Lift up your head, Nico Robin. They've come this far. Do you know how completely outrageous this is... ? I understand that you've accepted the government's terms for their sake, but that moron commander... he broke the agreement you had with the government, just like that. It's not like anybody will be saved because you've surrendered yourself. there's only one way to get outta here: Respond to their call ! ... So, why do you look so depressed... ?

Franky: It's like you're running away from something on your own... Are you afraid that they will die here ? If you look away, they won't be able to rescue you !

Robin: ... ...

Franky: I'll force you to see them now.

"Is there even anyone in this tower at all ?"


"... One of my questions just was answered... But now I have way more to ask..."

Franky: Ah.. ! Shit, we're falling !! The chains are broken, good ! Mnnn.. SUPER !!!

Franky: Haa... haa... Th- That was close. i'm glad there was a fence... hey, you ain't hurt, are you ? If only I had one more bottle of cola, I could do a "Coup de vent" and get to the other side. But, well, here they are. Now, respond to them accordingly !

Luffy: HEEEEEEEY !! ROBIIIIIIIIIN !! I'M GLAD YOU'RE STILL HERE !! Okay, no time to waste !

"I go flying all the way to the other side and bring them both back ?"

Luffy: Yep !

"... Do I have to bring Franky back too ?"

Luffy: Yes.

Robin: Wait !! ... ... ... I've told you several times ! I... I'll never come back to you !! GO AWAY !! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACES AGAIN !!

Franky: Huh ?!

Robin: Why did you come to rescue me ?! When did I ever ask you to do that ?!! I just... WANT TO DIE !!

Spandam: Oowa... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! Interesting !! What're they gonna do now ?! Wahahahaha !!

Franky: Nico Robin... !! What're you smoking ?! They risked their lives to come this far, and now this... !!

Robin: ... They did that on their own.

Franky: WHAAAAT ?! Don't be a foo-

Kaku: Move.

Jabra: Gyahahahaha !! Kaku ! Did you do that out of spite ?! Huh ?! Because you ate that weird fruit ?

Kaku: Oh, shut up. Besides, I like it !

Spandam: Wahaha ! Glad you're all here, CP9 ! But, let's wait for a while. The Strawhat crew has begun to fall apart ! Let's see where this is going !! Wahahaha, this is amusing !!

Kalifa: Oh, there are just two enemies ?

Kumadori: YOYOI !! Even if they're alone, they came this far, and that's praise-worthy !

Jabra: Right, Blueno got owned. Gyahaha, what an idiot.

Lucci: I guess he lost his touch, after being a barman for 5 years.

Kaku: Even if he's lost his touch, would he lose that easily... ?

Fukuro: he still lost ! Chapapa !

"... So you're still so adamant about that whole thing..."

Robin: ... That's right !!

Jabra: Hey, boss ! Couldn't we just go down there and wipe 'em out so that'd be the end of the story ?!

Spandam: Well, just wait... They're being rejected after coming this far to rescue her... have you ever seen funnier shit than this ?!

Luffy: ROBIIIIIN !! Is death what you want ?!

Spandam: Wahahaha... !! Listen to this grievous scream ! I wonder what the look on their faces are while-

Luffy: What the hell are you talking about ?! Idiot !


"You really won't change... Even after all these years..."


Luffy: Listen, Robin !! We've come all the way here !! So, we're gonna rescue you anyway ! And, if you still wanna die, then die afterwards !

Zoro: Phew... That's what I should've done to climb up from the start.

Nami: Zoro !! I knew it was you !! We're stil alive only because we took an indirect hit !! If we'd been hit directly, we'd be dead by now !!


Sanji: WOOOOH !! DASH !! SANGLIER SHOOT !! DORYAAAAAAH !! I'm definitely the first one to get here... ! Now, Robin-chan, you've been waiting... ! I've come here to rescue... AH !! MARIMO !! How'd you get here before me ?!!

Zoro: Ah, you're late. Did you get lost ?

Sanji: Y- You... And where did you learn that word ?!

Chopper: Um ? AH !! Sogeking !!

Nami: Eh ? He's flying !!

Sanji: What's he been doing all this time ?

Zoro: I wonder if he can land safely ?


"Apparently he can't."

Chopper: SOGEKING !!

Kaku: They keep showing up, one after another...

Luffy: I beg of you, Robin... !! I don't care what you want, whether you choose to live or to die... But whatever you decide... SAY IT WHILE YOU4RE WITH US !!

Sanji: That's right, Robin-chan !!

Chopper: Robin, come baaack !!

"Now, Robin, you won't get rid of us that easily. Stop trying to use others as an excuse for death, and let us deal with everything !!"

Luffy: Drawbridge ?

Zoro: yeah. The Franky Family's working hard to lower it now.

Sanji: You two rushed ahead too quickly and went to the roof, so we had to get up here in order to regroup.

Spandam: S- So many... Pirates have come !! CP9 ! Listen, guys, I'll give you permission to wipe 'em out, but take them down at the tower of Justice !! It's not like they could get up here to begin with !!

Spandam: 'The most important thing is my life ! My promotion ! If I let them go freely, who would protect me when something happens ?!' WAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! You stupid pirates !! Do you realize that no matter how brave you are, nothing would ever change !! We have the full of an assassin group, CP9 !! We have the heavy gates of justice that human power cannot open !! Moreover, now I have the authority to use this golden Dendenmushi to call forth the Buster call !!

"W- What ?! Buster Call ?!"

Spandam: That's right. Exactly 20 years ago, it's the power that obliterated your hometown, Nico Robin !! Even the word "Ohara" disappeared from the maps afterward, didn't it ?

Chopper: Robin's hometown ?!

Sanji: Shitty mask. I wanna kick him down into the waterfall right now.

"I'll make sure there are still a few breathing pieces once I'm done with him."

Robin: STOP IT !! DON'T DO THAT !!

Spandam: Oooh~, I like that response. It's very thrilling ! What ?! Does that mean I should press this lil' button right here ? Eh ? Hm... ?!

Robin: ... Do you even know... WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN YOU PRESS IT ?!

Spandam: Of course, I know it very well... ! THE CHANCES OF YOU PIRATES GETTING OFF THIS ISLAND WILL BECOME ZERO !! By just a push of the button on this gold Dendenmushi... What, did you have something else in mind ? WAHAHAHAHA !!

Robin: It's not that simple !! STOP IT !!

Spandam: Eh ? Don't get cheeky with me now !!

Robin: You said Ohara disappeared from the map, didn't you... ?! Can you see humans on that map ?! YOU COULD ONLY BE SO CRUEL, BECAUSE YOU LOOK AT THE WORLD LIKE THAT !!

'The Buster Call... A merciless power that makes you lose sight of your purpose... No one, should ever use it... I remember that, like it was yesterday...'

20 Years ago, West Blue:

Soldiers: OOWAAAH !! The evacuation ship exploded !! Why did that happen ?! It's a bombardment !! from a warship !! From Vice-Admiral Sakazuki's warship !!

Kuzan: ... bastard... !

Sakazuki: If we're going to do it, we do it thoroughly... !! If any of the scholars had managed to sneak onboard, all sacrifices would've been a complete waste ! Evil needs to be rooted out !!

*Marine HQ, Vice-Admiral Sakazuki (Future Admiral Akainu)*

Saul: ... is this a deed of your justice... ?! CAN YOU STILL BE PROUD OF YOURSELF AFTER THIS ?!!

Kuzan: I wasn't gonna overdo it as much as that fool !

Saul: Let's run, Robin ! His strength is extraordinary !

Kuzan: You... ! Ice time capsule !!

Robin: SAUL !!

Saul: Robin... Run ! Run with all your might !! If you stay on this island, you're not gonna survive... !! Just... use my raft and sail out !!

Robin: What about you, Saul ?!

Saul: This is as far as I'm gonna get. i'm caught !! GO !!

Robin: No !! Nobody's on the sea anymore !!

Saul: Listen up, Robin... Even though you're alone now !! Someday, surely... You're gonna meet friends ! The sea is vast... Someday, they will appear, and they will protect you !! ONCE YOU'RE BORN INTO THIS WORLD, YOU'RE NEVER GONNA BE ALONE !! RUN !! ROBIN !! DON'T LOOK BACK !! Remember what I taught ya ! When you meet hardship, just laugh, like this !!! DERESHISHISHISHISHI !!

Robin: SAUL !!

Kuzan: Ice time...

Robin: Haa... HAAAAA !!

Kuzan: ... ...

???: Don't. If you go after her, death is all that awaits you.

Kuzan: You've been following me for a while... Since I set foot on that island, in fact. Who are you ?

???: My name is not important. What is important is to protect the light that is this little girl.

???: We were waiting for you. Don't worry, we're here to help.

Kuzan: Absolute justice... Sometimes drives a man insane. I've decided to let you escape from this island... A "Seed" that Saul protected... I wonder, will it really become such "Light" ?

???: Listen here. You have all rights to be angry at a lot of people. Hate, sorrow, all these kinds of things. But, right now. You should be at least grateful for all those that sacrificed themselves so you could live.

Kuzan: In the future... Try to live a life as ordinary as possible. A path of ice on the sea have been prepared. If you travel straight with this boat, you'll reach land. And remember this: i'm not your friend. If you do anything, I'll be the "Enemy" who'll be the first to catch you.

Robin: M- My mom is still on the island... !

???: ... No one survived. I can't order you to just forget this and go forward in life. But, please, at least... Try not to forget Saul's words.

Robin: ... ... I... Will I... Ever meet friends... ?

???: Who knows... ? One day, surely... And one day, I'm sure our paths will cross again...

Kuzan: ... A timed bomb has just been released in the wild...

???: It's up to her to find those who will defuse her.

Kuzan: So, you're adamant on not giving me your name ?

???: I told you it had no importance. But, if you're really that desperate, I suppose...

Soldiers: V... Vice-Admiral Sakazuki !! What is that light ?! It's coming from above !!

???: I suppose...


"Something by the lines of 'Gaster' would do."

Kuzan: The ship... The entire warship... Vaporized...

"And yet, he survived... i'm really sorry, I wish I could stay here longer. But, I've got somewhere else to go."

Kuzan: Hey ! You can't just leave like... Where is he... Where did he go... ?

"No survivors... Not that it could be possible, anyways... Everything's just gone... Well, if we forget that massive cube."

"Poneglyph really are something else, to withstand such an assault without even a scratch... That and their notes about the language... that could be useful..."



"I should've expected as much... You've been tracking me all the way there, haven't you ?"

???: And you were well aware of it, yet you allowed it.

"Before we continue, I want to know if this line is secured, and where the ship is."

???: Close enough so your mini Dendenmushi can be reached, and yes, it's 100% safe.


???: So, you saw it ? You saw what their ideals, their so-called "Justice" is ?

"... I had a first row seat..."

???: Then, I take it you finally made up your mind.

"I did. Congratulations, you've managed to convince me. I'm walking with you...

... Dragon."

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