Chapter 113: What one wishes for

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Calling for a Buster Call... I don't think you can really grasp what it means. If you do, you'll be blown up, too... Along with this entire island."

Spandam: Don't be silly !! How could we be blown up by our own allies' attack ?! What're you even talking about ?!!

Robin: Twenty years ago... Just one attack took everything from me, and ruined the lives of many people ! That is the "Buster Call"... ! That attack is now aimed, at the dear friends that I've finally found. The more I wish to be with you, the more my fate will bare its fangs at you !! No matter what sea I go to, I have this great foe that I can't shake off !! Because my enemy is... This entire world !! And its "Darkness"... !

Robin: First, the incident with Aokiji !! And now, this... ! I've gotten you involved twice already... ! If this goes on forever, even good-natured people like you... Will eventually consider me a burden !! In time, you'll betray and abandon me !! That's what I'm most afraid of... ! That's why I didn't want you to come and save me !! If it's a life that I'll eventually lose, I just want to die right here, right now !!

Sanji: Robin-Chan...

Zoro: So that's how it is...

"That's why it's fearsome. The government isn't a person, so just punching it isn't possible.

Spandam: Wahahahahaha !! I see... That's so true !! Of course ! No one would think you're not a burden with all your problems !! Wahahaha !! Look at that symbol, pirates !! That mark represents the unity of over 170 nations in the four seas and Grand Line !! THIS IS THE WORLD !! Do you understand how insignificant you are to stand against us ?! Do you understand how big of an organization is after her ?!

Luffy: I well aware of Robin's enemy. Sogeking...

Sogeking: Hm ?

Luffy: Shoot down, that flag.

Sogeking: With pleasure.

Spandam: Huh ?

Sogeking: Behold, my new giant slingshot "Kabuto" ! Carefully observe its power ! Sure kill... FIREBIRD STAR !!

Robin: No way...

Soldiers: Ah... Argh... They've... Done it... ! Do they even understand the meaning of attacking that flag... ?! THEY'RE REALLY DONE IT NOW !! THE PIRATES HAVE... DECLARED WAR... AGAINST THE WORLD GOVERNMENT !!

Spandam: ARE YOU BASTARDS INSANE ?! Don't you dare to even dream that you'd survive having the world as your enemy !!


Spandam: U- WAAAAAAH !!

"Robin ! I don't think we're heard it from you just yet ! So tell us... WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR ?"

Robin: 'What I wish for... ?!'

Pirates: You must not live in this world, Robin !! Your mere existence is your greatest sin !

Robin: 'Can I really express it... Nobody has ever allowed me that...'

Robin: I want to die !!

Saul: the sea is vast.. Someday, surely... Friends will appear, and they will protect you !!

???: One day, I'm sure our paths will cross again.

Robin: ... ...

"No one deserve to die, just because they were born. Have faith in Luffy."

Robin: 'Then... if I can really declare my wish... I...'


Franky: WOOOOOH, I love you guys, damn it !!!


Chopper: the drawbridge is lowering !!

Sanji: I guess they've done their job well.

Sogeking: I... I'm trembling from the excitement...

Spandam: They're coming !

Zoro: Come on, hurry up and lower it.

Nami: What an evil face...

Spandam: GYAAAAAH, don't come !!

Luffy: Let's roll !!

Kalifa: Hoho... They're so high-spirited.

Jabra: Gyahahaha ! How dare they disrespect the flag of the world government ?!

Kaku: Useless. They'll never defeat us.

Spandam: DON'T COME !!

Sanji: The drawbridge stopped moving !!

Luffy: Getting in our way... Damn it ! Who did that ?!

Spandam: haa... haa... Ah ? G- Good job !! Good job !! Now, before the 6 of them come over to this side, let me go to the gates of Justice... !

Kaku: ... 6 ?

Spandam: Huh.. Wait, there's one missing ?! Where did that white-haired brat go ?!

"I'm baffled at how long it took you to accept it, Robin."

Spandam: GYAAAAAAAAAH !! How did you get here so fast ?!!

"Now, Robin, I've only got 3 questions to ask you. Do you trust Luffy ?"

Robin: Yes.

"Do you trust your friends ?"

Robin: yes.

"... Do you trust me ?"

Robin: ... yes.

"That's good."

Robin: E- Eh ?

"'Cause I have no idea what I'm doing !! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!"



Spandam: ... Abaga... ?

Luffy: Great job ! Now make sure she's safe until we finish dealing with them all !

"Even if you ordered me not to, I'd do it anyways."

Robin: ... I saw my whole life flash before my eyes...

Spandam: ...Agh... Hmph... ! You really think this is it ?! I've got the assassination group CP9 right here !! And Cutty flam, who inherited the ancient weapon's blueprints ! How could I miss this chance to gain such authority ?!! Hm ?

Spandam: This... That's.. You mean... NO WAY !! Are tjose the blueprints of the ancient weapon, Pluton ?!!

Franky: ... It's legit. You don't believe me ? Lucci, Kaku, you guys can tell, can't you ?

Kaku: I didn't want to believe it... But you really were hiding it in your body, weren't you ?

Spandam: I- Is it real ?! It's real ?! Give it to me !! Give it to me !! That's what I've desired, the blueprints !!

"... Do I swoop'n woop ?"

Franky: Nah, no need. Nico Robin... I now understand that you are not the "Demon" who's trying to abuse the weapon, like the rumor says. What the shipwrights of Water Seven have passed down from generation to generation, it's not a blueprint to build that weapon... Listen, Spanda, what Tom and iceberg have protected by risking their lives.. If the ancient weapon falls into the hands of an idiot like you and starts its rampage, there needs to be another weapon, to counter and stop the first one... That was the wish of its creator !! It's true that you could use Nico Robin to revive the weapon ! She's a dangerous woman, but now, she has her friends who'll protect her !

Franky: So, I'll make a wager... Perhaps there's only one way to fulfill the wishes of the designer.

Spandam: Don't keep going on and on, just give it to me !! That's mine !!

Spandam: OOWAAAAAAAAAAH !! BASTARD !! What the heck did you do ?! Argh !! Damn it, I'll kill you !!

Kalifa: 5 years of mission... Burned to the ground.

Franky: The blueprints left to create the "opposing force" were sought by the government... Normally, they should only exist secretly, and should've been destroyed once they were discovered !! But now, we no longer have a force to oppose that weapon !! If Nico Robin falls back into your hands, we're all doomed ! But if the Strawhats win and manage to protect her... You have nothing left !! SO I'LL PLACE MY BET ON THEM !!

Spandam: What a jerk... I guess you want to die here too, huh ?!

Zambai: BRO !! FRANKY BRO !!

Family: Hey, Bro is on the tower of justice !! Good, he's safe !! Bro, we've come to rescue you !! We came with Strawhat and them !! Sodom and Gomorrah tried their best, too !! Bro, come back with us !! Are you hurt at all ?!

Franky: Y... You... DAMN YOU, WHO THE HECK ASKED YOU... AZKD JOO TEH COME WESQUE MEEEE ?! (Asked you to come rescue me)

Family: BROOOOO !!

Franky: Damn you... bastards. I ain't crying.

Luffy: SHUT UP, PUNKS !!

Zoro: Don't be so cold hearted !!

Luffy: Hurry up and lower the drawbridge !!

Nami: Oh, yes !! Move it, or I'll blow you away !!

Sanji: Nami-San, I love you for being cold-hearted, too !!

Franky: ... I see you've taken good care of my subordinates... So this time, I, the master dismantler Franky, will be your super great ally in this war !

"Whatever. That whole Usopp matter is not forgotten, you know ?"

Franky: But... he's right there...

"I know, but still."

Spandam: Cutty Flam !! You... How dare you... RUIN MY BLUEPRINTS !!

Family: OOWAAAH, bro !! He's gonna drop into the fall !!

Sogeking: OOWAH, Franky ?!

Kokoro: Eyyy, pirates ! I heard everything ! What'cha hesitating for ?!

Nami: Kokoro ?! Hesitating... ? But the bridge is only halfway lowered..

Kokoro: Halfway is enough. We'll be here in 4 seconds ! Jump to the fall with all yer might !!

Luffy: Is it the grandma ?! What does she mean ?!

Nami: I don't know... ! She told us to jump into the fall... !!


"Isn't that the sea train's sound... ?"

Luffy: Alright, LET'S GO !!

Kokoro: "Rocketman" Can still move ! Don't underestimate the legendary shipbuilding company, Tom's Workers !!

Franky: ... Rocketman... ?!


Spandam: TH- THEY'RE COMING !!

Spandam: ... They came... THEY CAME !! Damn it !! CP9, do whatever you like, but crush them in this judicial tower !! You have permission to butcher them up, as long as you bring back Nico Robin alive !! Lucci ! You come with me !! Whatever you do, protecting my life is your first priority !! Got it ?! FUNK FREED !!

Spandam: Alright, good boy.

*Elephant sword: Funk Freed (Zou Zou no mi)*

Spandam: I swear, I will make Nico Robin cross the Gates of Justice ! They will not escape !!

Family: Franky's safe and sound ! Strawhat and the rest have finally arrived at the judicial tower !! Bro's not in custody anymore !!

Zambai: It seems he's joining in ! That's right, bro's just like that !!

Family: Go for it, bro !! Do your best, Strawhats !!

Franky: Hey !! Are you okay ?! Kokoro ! Brats !! Why the heck are you here ?! Why'd you bring out that dangerous Rocketman ?! Th- Though, thanks to that, I've been saved... !! Hey, don't pass out !! Please, I beg of you... Don't die !! Don't die !!

Kokoro/Chimney: Ugh... We've got a nosebleed.

Franky: You should have something more severe than just a nosebleed after that crash !!

Luffy: WOOOSH, we've made it !!

Franky: Strawhat.

Luffy: Thanks for the help, grandma !! Hey guys, get up already !! That was nothing !!

Crew: W- Were not made of rubber like you... There's n- no way... For h- humans... Made of flesh and blood... To take a plunge like this... And stay... UNINJURED !!

Luffy: They're all fine.

Franky: You guys are all weird. You need to know that.

"Annnd... Safe landing."

Franky: Especially you.

Luffy: There's a staircase over there !! let's hurry !!

Fukuro: Wait !

"... First problem."

Fukuro: Chapapapa... !! Congratulation, for both breaking in and taking back that woman. But, even so, you haven't won just yet. Us CP9 members won't allow you to leave, we've received an order to obliterate you ! Chapapa. There's no way for you to release Nico Robin unless you defeat us. Look at this.

Luffy: A key ?! A key to what ?

"Luffy, it doesn't take a genius to figure what this key opens."

Fukuro: Chapapapa, that's right ! It's a key to the seastone cuffs that Nico Robin is restrained with !

Chopper: Seastone ?

"Right, you weren't there... It's a stone that nullifies devil fruit powers. It's basically the same as falling into the ocean."

Chopper: is that why you couldn't fight them, even though you're strong ?!

Robin: ...

Fukuro: You should know, seastone is as hard as diamond. So her handcuffs will never come off. Unless you beat us and get the key.


"It's useless. They all can use those weird techniques."

Fukuro: Don't rush, I never said this was the correct key. Maybe it's the key to different handcuffs. Chapapa... there are 5 CP9 members in this tower, and each of us is holding a key, waiting for you.

Zoro: Then, we won't know if it's the correct one or not, until we take the keys from you and try them on Robin's handcuffs ?

Sanji: What a crappy way to play for time ! What could they even gain, making us wasting our time here ?!

"... We're basically stuck here until we get the key... If they call the Buster Call now, and decide to just wait, we'd be in massive trouble... But they still need Robin, so they can't leave either."

Nami: Then, if every member has a key, there's a good chance that stupid commander knows which one has the good key. We should find him first, and then take care of getting the key ! Forget about him and let's hurry !

Fukuro: Chapapa. You're smart. But if you do that, I'll just toss this key in the ocean !! Chapapa. We're just giving you a chance, see ya !

Luffy: YOU !! WAIT !!

"You wait. We can't just carelessly charge in without a plan. "

Zoro: I though I heard the boss ordering that "Lucci" guy to follow him.

Sanji: The pigeon guy ?

Franky: Yeah, that's him.

Sanji: Then we can just let Luffy go first.

"Heard that, Luffy ? Once I let go, you need to beat up that pigeon guy !"

Sanji: So, excluding Luffy, there are seven of us. One will stay here with Robin, while the other 6 will find the CP9 members that are here, get all five keys, and then meet with Luffy !

"We're in a battle against the clock. If they use Buster Call while we're still here, we lose."

Zoro: It's a waste of time to lose...


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