Chapter 114: *Click*

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


"... I think we should move before this entire tower falls down on us..."

Robin: What makes you think it'd fall ?

"Oh, you know..."

"... Subtle hints."

Robin: But, even so, where could we go ? We can't just leave...

"I know, I know... And I have an idea. Let's go to the Gate of Justice."

Robin: W- What ?!

"Calm down. I need to think always one step ahead, and here's the reasoning: Once they got the keys and you're free of these cuffs, we'll need a way to leave this island, correct ?"

Robin: Ooh... I think I see where you're going... We'll need a ship...

"And would you look at that, there's one waiting just for us, right here at the gate. And with the CP9 going against them all, I doubt there will be any loud objection to us taking it."

Robin: Not like a loud objection would stop you...

"Guilty as charged."

Luffy: ... For some reason, I just thought there'd be a bridge or something. What the heck is that ?

Luffy: Giant swirls ! I can see the gates of justice though ! Can a regular boat take me there ?! I don't have time, I'll just have to try something !

Robin: I didn't expect there would be a tunnel...

"Of course it's a tunnel. Who would build a bridge in such a raging sea ? What the next step, trying to cross these swirls with just a little rowboat ?"

Chimney: UWAAAAH !! Mister Pirate, what're you doing ?!!


Chimney: There's no way you can cross this sea with a boat ! Are you an idiot ?!

Luffy: GUPUH ! Cough Cough ! Haa... Haa... It's 'cause... I followed the Pigeon guy ! I thought he'd go to that gate !

Chimney: Calm down !! We came to tell you the way to get there !!

Luffy: An underground passage beneath the sea ?!

Chimney: Yup ! Lucci's subordinate went down the staircase earlier while laughing out loud, so I followed him.

Luffy: is this it ?! It's a hard steel door...

Chimney: The subordinate touched something over here earlier, so I bet you can operate it using this keyhole ! But we don't have the key...

Luffy: ... Guys, get back. We can get to the gates of justice from here, right ?!

Chimney: Eh ?! Whet're you gonna do ?

Luffy: Gear... Thir-


Luffy: ... Hey, I didn't hit it yet, why'd it open ?

Chimney: I don't know, but the subordinate seemed very happy when he saw that hole in the door sooner.

Luffy: Hole... ?

Robin: ... ... ... ...

"Okay, what is it ? I know that face Robin, it means 'I've got an important question, but I can't find the right time to ask it'. So what do you want ?"

Robin: ... it was you, wasn't it ?

"Hm ?"

Robin: 20 years ago, On Ohara... It was you... With Aokiji...

"... One day, I'm sure our paths will cross again... Well, what were the odds, they sure did."

Robin: But, how... That was 20 years ago... You haven't changed one bit..

"Robin, Robin, Robin... You should know that better than anyone else. Just like you, I'm more than just meets the eye."

Robin: So this was where you met Aokiji... And you learned to decipher Poneglyph... But why were you there ?

"Let's just say I was... Doubting someone's ideals and cause... What happened back there finished to convince me..."

Robin: And Alabasta...

"I'm just doing whatever I believe is right... But I'll have to admit, even though I acted on my own, my orders would've been to save you anyways."

Robin: Orders...

"I'm not the leader type. I'm sure you've noticed already, but I'm more comfortable when i'm not under the spotlight. I'm the one acting from someone else's shadow, be it Luffy or-"


"W- What... ?"

Spandam: Haa... Haa... haa... You... made me run... You damn pirates... But now, I've got you... You can't escape now...

"Wait, are those..."

Spandam: Correct ! Hahahaha !! I can see that your rotten brain can still work ! Seastone cuffs, the same that this woman has ! Now you're both powerless !!

"... ..."

Robin: ... ... ...

"... OH god no ! I've been got ! I cannot stand against such strategy, what a dumb high IQ you have, planning such a master move !"

Spandam: Hahahahahaha !! No god will save you from what's awaiting you ! I must say... You did surprise me a little bit back there, but you devil fruit users... Are no match ! I had the chance to overhear your little conversation sooner, and dare I say I was more than happy to capture you both ! I may have lost Pluton's blueprints, but now that I've got two people who can decipher Poneglyph, my promotion...

Robin: Um... While he's busy with his little monologue... Why did you act like you were captured ?

"Easy. What better way to approach the ship than being escorted by that dumbass ?"

Spandam: Now come ! Both of you will be escorted through the gates of Justice, and you'll never see the light of day again !

"... Come to think of it, where did the pigeon guy go ?"

Spandam: What, Lucci ? Apparently, some of your little friends tried to sneak up behind, so he's taking care of it. But don't worry, you won't have the opportunity to miss them.

Spandam: Hey, hurry up.. Stop lagging behind !! Hey ! You "people of sinful existence" !! Don't stop !!

"Oh, sorry. We were just, sharing our common despair for falling to your superior tricks."

Spandam: You'll have plenty of time for that once we've passed the gates !

Robin: ... Does he really not realize you're just mocking him ?

"Who knows. He's so obsessed with his promotion he wouldn't notice an elephant until it landed on his back."


"Ah. That must've been Luffy."

Spandam: Wahahahaha, such a fool. Are you really hoping for those weak-ass pirates to get here ? You already tried, and look where that took you. If anything, that must've been Lucci dealing the finishing blow ! Get that through your skull, there's no way they can come here !! While you're daydreaming, we're getting closer to the "Bridge of hesitation", which stands right in front of the "Gates of justice" ! After crossing half of the bridge's length, the other half will come up from the seabed and we can finally cross the "Gates of Justice". And once the gates are closed... You'll never feel hope, ever again ! YOU BOTH WILL KEEP ATONING FOR THE SIN YOU'VE COMITTED BY BEING ALIVE TO THIS DAY !! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?! WAHAHAHAHA !!

"... ... ... *Yaaaaaawn*"

Spandam: ... KH ! Whatever, let's hurry !! Damn it, howrates manage to intrude down here ?! Hey ! Respond, everyone !! CP9 !!


Spandam: Guys, what were you doing ?! The pirates marched in here !! Are you listening to me ?! Answer me, dam it !!

"... Wait a second, isn't that... ?"

Spandam: ... G- Golden...


Soldier: The Solver Dendenmushi has received a signal !! Request to trigger "Buster Call" !! Request to trigger "Buster Call" from admiral Aokiji !!

Officer: Location ?!

Soldier: Judicial island, Enies Lobby !! Five vice-admiralsin the vicinity, please respond !

Officer: Considering the distance, it's probably faster to head there from the headquarters !! What about the time ?!

Soldier: We can get there in 30 minutes !!

Officer: Prepare ten warships to depart immediately !! Gather five vice-admirals !! Act promply !!

Soldier: Yes, sir !!

Spandam: Hey, hey !!

Kalifa: Yes, commander ?

Spandam: Damn it, I screwed up ! This one is the mini Dendenmushi !! What have I done ?! I was so careless !! How could I have pressed the golden Dendenmushi ?!! Worst of all, I TRIGGERED THE "BUSTER CALL" !!

Soldiers: Bu... Buster Call... ?! No way. What is it ? An announcement ?!

"You... What absolute moron you are !! You've domed everyone on this island !! Call it off !!"

Spandam: Whaaat ?! Call it off ?! Hey, hey, look who you're talking to !! Wahahaha, bring it on, Buster Call !! What's wrong with it ?!

Soldier: That's the commander's voice, isn't it... ?

Spandam: That's right... it's okay. I'm the commanding officer of Cipher Pol No. 9... In order to deliver you to the government without fail, I triggered the "Buster call" !! Haha... That's a good cause, isn't it... ?! So, in case anything does happen here, at least we will certainly slaughter all the pirates !!

Robin: How foolish... I've told you !! It won't end just there ! That attack doesn't involve any human emotion !!

Soldier: The commander and.. Who are these two with him... ?

Robin: It'll burn down everything on Enies Lobby !! Buildings and humans !! even the island itself... !!

Robin: It'll sacrifice everything to carry out the goal: a diabolical focus-fire !! That is the Buster Call !! You're like that because you don't know what happened 20 years ago in Ohara !!

Spandam: That's fine... That just means this is such an important case for the government... !! Now that that idiot Cutty Flam has burned Pluton's blueprints, your existences is the only way for us to get the ancient weapon. Military strength that will overturn an era is dependent upon it... !! Even if several thousand soldiers die in the process of burying the idiots who are trying to oppose us, we can say that it's simply a necessary sacrifice for the glorious future !! Most of all my promotion depends on this, too !!

Soldiers: EEEEH ?! What is he talking about ?! Us,a sacrifice ?! Don't joke around !!

"So, this is what human lives are worth for to you ?"

Spandam: Don't forget, CP9 is the government's secret intelligence organization. If we need 100 deaths in order to save 1000 lives, then we'll kill those 100 people on the spot, without hesitation. For true justice, sacrifices are needed, too. EITHER WAY, THOSE USELESS SOLDIERS ARE BETTER OFF DEAD ! THEY COULDN'T EVEN STOP YOU PIRATES FROM INTRUDING, IDIOT BASTARDS !!

"... ... You know your Dendenmushi was still on, right ?"

Spandam: EH ?! UGEE !! SHIT !! EVERYONE HEARD THE CONVERSATION JUST NOW ?! ... B- B- By the way, this is Strawhat Luffy...

Soldiers: WHAT A LIAR !!

Robin: Everyone, please leave the island !! Buster Call is aimed at Enies Lobby !! If you stay on the island, you won't survive !!

Spandam: Don't say unnecessary things !!


Spandam: You... Bursting out with all that nonsense... How will you take responsibility if the pirates really manage to escape ? There is no way that I would let that happ-


Spandam: Hap... Haaaaaaaaaaaa...

"Haa... Thanks to that dumbass, we've got even less time to lose here. let's hurry to the gate, before the warships got here. Can you follow ?"

Robin: I'll manage.

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