Chapter 115: A Spand-ass whooping

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Haa... Haa... Haa... Damn, that asshole sure isn't light... But hey, we made it..."

Robin: The Bridge of hesitation... You're gonna wake him up ?

"Yeah, one sec..."


"WAKE UP !!"




Spandam: BUGUH !!

"Ah, good, you're awake. Now hurry and make us go through that damn gate ! Before the warships arrive !"

Spandam: Ah... Ah, that's right ! We're here... We're on the top of the Bridge of hesitation... Even if I don't remember getting here... Look ! The Gates of Justice are already opening, they are ready to welcome me !! It's been a long journey... But once we pass through the gates, I will be the world government's... I mean, I will be the World's hero !! The bridge that connects to the other side of the gate is rising now, and waiting for the steps of the hero !! Now ! Let's go !! we're crossing it... Hey, wait for me !

"Sorry, but we're kinda in a hurry, so we're going on ahead !"

Robin: ... Not yet ?

"Not as long as the boat's not on sight."

Spandam: Wahahahaha... !! Finally, it opened !! I can't stop laughing !! Hey, guards of the "Gates of Justice" !! Come out and salute !! the hero Spandam is marching through !!

Soldiers: Ah... !! Y- Yes, sir, right away !!

Spandam: Shit, those fools. Hey, would you look at that. That small gate is practically the entrance... !! the first step going through that, is the borderline of heaven and hell for you !! And it's also the moment when i'll carve my name into history !! To tell you the truth, I do sympathize with you... But what can I do ? Your lives are just worthless.

'i do hope you had time to think about it.'

Robin: Think about what ?

'What you're gonna do to that asshole once your cuffs are opened.'

Robin: ... ...

Spandam: Now, let's go !! Let's go to the beautiful, sparkling future !!

Officer: Guards, outside ! The convoy is ready for an immediate departure !! Gates of Justice "Guards" ! Convoy sailors of the "marine headquarters" !! Commander Spandam of Cipher Pol No.9 is currently crossing the bridge from the judicial tower to take the criminals away ! Stand in a row and salute !!

Soldiers: Yes, sir !!

Spandam: Wahahahaha !! Look, travel preparations are complete ! NO ONE WILL INTERFERE !! Oh, and on that matter, do you want to hear something good ? I activated a mine that is set on the top of the staircase we just climbed. Just in case, anyone tries to come up here, he will be blown away along with the staircase. isn't that interesting ?

"... Man, you really planned everything, didn't you ? We just can't compete with your superior intellect."

Spandam: Wahahaha, you don't have to worry about them, no one can reach the staircase anyway !! No one will come !! Everyone will be burned in the hellfire of the Buster Call and die !! It will even erase the fact that the pirates disgraced our sacred flag !! It'll be just like when that giant marine rampaged in Ohara 20 years ago... !!

Robin: Eh ? 'Saul... ?!'

"Ohh, boy... You just pushed the Ohara button."

Spandam: What ?

"You shouldn't have done that."

Spandam: You... !!

Soldier: Commander, please hurry !!

Spandam: I know, just shut up !! I'm a hero !! You think I don't know anything, huh ?

"There's a lot of things you ignore."

Spandam: Ha ! About the former marine headquarters' vice-admiral Jaguar D. Saul's violent conduct... !! About your mother, Nico Olvia, I know everything that happened in Ohara back then !! It's all because I was told about those things... !! Stepping into Ohara, where the devils lived, revealing their great crime, and triggering the "Buster Call" !! That was all done by the former commander of CP9, my father, Spandine !!

Robin: ?!!

Spandine: Your death penalty is assured !! I've found her !! Evacuation ship !! Don't let that brat onboard !!

Spandam: Wahahaha... The government believed that whoever was on Ohara island died then, but they overlooked one brat that sneaked our. How was it ?

Spandam: How many times was an eight year old brat about to be killed for money by adults ? Couldn't trust anyone who approached you, no place to get a good night's sleep... No food, either. I don't even want to imagine having such a shitty life for 20 years ! And one last thing ! The one who put your bounty on your head 20 years ago, WAS MY FATHER !! WAHAHAHA !! All for World peace !! And now, 20 years later... ! I, the son, hunt the only survivor... And the battle of Ohara will finally end ! Ohara has lost !

Robin: ... It hasn't. Ohara hasn't lost, as long as I'm still alive !!

Spandam: And you'll soon be dead !!

Spandam: Wha... ? C- Cutty Flam !! the mine... ?! Why is he here ?! Haa... Ah... Wahahaha !! But he fell for it !! What an idiot ! That fool fell for it !!

"... This is why I'm happy we waited for so long, Robin. Had we do it sooner, maybe we've been the ones falling to that."

Spandam: What are you even talking about ?!

"To put it simply... I'm tired of stroking your ego. We're already close enough to the ship, so your usefulness for us just ran out."

Spandam: Huh... Hah ! Just take a look around ! This one step will be the hero's first step that will be carved into history !! And if I'm wrong, then let God strike me right where I stan-


Soldiers: Chief, sir !!

"Well... It's not God, but it will do."

Soldier: Whaaat ?! Who is it ?! No one else is on the bridge !! There's no way anyone could be here. They must be hiding somewhere !! Search !!

Spandam: Heeey !! What the heck are you guys doing ?!

Soldiers: But commander, sir, we cannot identify the enemy !!

Soldier: Ah... There... Commander, sir, over there ! On the top of the judicial tower !!

Spandam: Did you say Judicial tower ?! What can someone do from that place ?! Who is he ?!!

"Who he is ? He's our sharpshooter, and his name... Is Sogeking !"

Robin: Long -nose...

Sanji: Look !! Our sharpshooter rules !! Take that shit, bastards !!

Zoro: Does he really need to sing ?

"So, since this is heavily needed, allow me to correct your previous statements. Ohara is not dead, and it will not die, as long as we protect that last ember. After all, this is for World peace."

Spandam: Daaammmnn yooou, bastaaaard !! GWAH !!

Soldiers: Chief !!

Spandam: I... I don't understand !! Damn it ! The cuffs aren't working ?! Don't let them get away, idiots !! Shoot them to death, but don't kill them !!

Soldiers: What ?!!

Spandam: FIRE !!

"Your funeral ! Gaster..."



Franky: I'm tough as steel. There are no more mines, are there, Spanda ?

Spandam: Hieeek !!

"To be honest, I really though that explosion got the better of you."

Franky: That's underestimating how Super I am today... And speaking off, I have Super good news !

Sogeking: Franky, Franky. This is Sogeking.

Franky: Hrmm ? Huh ? This Dendenmushi's supposed to belong to...

Sogeking: I got it from Nami ! Anyway, you should see a "red cloth bundle" around there. There are two keys in it. With the ones you have, they should complete the whole set !

Spandam: ALL OF THE KEYS ?!!

"Very well. The delivery's been confirmed. Robin's unharmed, and we've got nothing worth much between us and our way out. This is the final sprint."

Franky: Number 1... Number 3... Number 4... No !! Number 5.


Franky: They're off !!

"Great ! Now just one thing, give me that... And..."


Franky: How did you get them ?

"Not important. Not like they were hindering me, but having this attached to me's still a little uncomfortable."


"Sogeking, Gaster here. The handcuffs are off ! I repeat, the handcuffs are off !"

Robin: Long nose... Thank you !

Sogeking: If you're to express your gratitude, do it later, to everyone who worked hard to collect the keys. You are truly Luffy and the other's companion ! Do whatever you want !

Robin: Yes. I know what to do now. Seis fleurs.

Spandam: Eh ?! What ?!

Robin: I won't hold back !

"You don't need to. He's all yours."

Franky: Okay !! Guys, come over here quick !! We're preparing the escape !

Soldiers: Commander, sir !! the criminals' seastone handcuffs are off ! Catch them again !!

"Please, do try. All of you calling her a demon, let me show you what a monster is about."

Spandam: Gan'd be !! Bombardment from the warships... ?!! The protection fence !!

Zoro: the fence around the island was just blown away... that was a huge-ass explosion.

Sanji: If there are many warships coming this way to raze the island with a firestorm of bombs... And look at the sea. Up until a minute ago, there were whirlpools everywhere. Those ships would have never been able to get in, but it's all gone now.

Zoro: It's all because the "gates of Justice" fully opened for the attack... the huge gates blocking the current were creating that whirlpool. Sogeking !! This is urgent ! Jump down from there !!

Sogeking: That's insane...

Soldiers: Uwoooo !! The judicial tower !!

"USOPP !!"

Zoro: Hey... Tell me this isn't true...

Sanji: HEY !! USOPP !!

Sogeking: Did you call me ?!


Zoro/Sanji: You are alive, dammit !!

Sogeking: Don't you have any kindness to catch the hero who risked his life and jumped off of a roof ?!!

"It seems they're safe over there..."

Franky: then, we'll do something about this situation... Can I count on your fighting powers ?

Robin: Of course.

"A cyborg, a monster, and a demon. It's either a really odd combination, or it's just really convenient."


Soldiers: YES, SIR !!

Franky: Do you see the "Convoy" on the other side of the bridge... ? Don't you think that's the key to escape ?

"Why do you think we came here in the first place ?"

Robin: There's no other way out for us than stealing that ship.

Spandam: GO !!

Soldier: It's... Too late already...

"... Ah... !!"

Soldiers: UWAAAAH !!

Spandam: H- Hey, don't run ! Wait !!

Franky: I see shadows, on the other side of the bridge ! A FLEET OF WARSHIPS !! BUSTER CALL'S ABOUT TO COMMENCE !!

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