Chapter 134: Edge of Dawn

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Pirates: AWESOME, STRAWHAT !! YOU BEAT OARS !! We made you do something pretty reckless ! Are you okay ?!

Usopp: Hey, Luffy !! hang in there !!

Nami: Luffy !!

"Na, don't worry. I know the guy, something like that won't even get to him."

Lola: He must be totally exhausted, he was using the strength of 100 shadows, after all.

Pirates: Anyway, we've got to return all of the victims' shadows quickly !!

Risky: That's right ! Hurry !! The Eastern sky is getting bright !! Morning is coming !!

Usopp: But how do we get the shadows back ?! We've got five people without shadows, too !!

Lola: That really is a problem... We wanted Strawhat to do it, but... It looks like ha can't even move. Moria controls all of the shadows that were put in the zombies, so... Unless he gives the order "Return to your original owners", the shadows won't return !!

"Well, why didn't you say so sooner ? Just give me a minute to wake that giant eggplant, and all our shadows will be back in no time."

Pirates: ... ... Eh ? UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!

"What ? You guys look like you saw a... Demon... ?"

"Oh, you DID see a demon !!"

Pirates: O... OARS IS STANDING AGAIN !! He took such a beating ! He shouldn't even be able to move !! How could this be... ? It's over... !! The entire Strawhat crew has already been beaten !! The shadows that we collected have all been used, too... !! We don't have enough power left to beat him !!

Oars: That didn't hurt one bit... !

Lola: DAMN IT ALL !!

Pirates: There was just now way we could win against zombies... He really is... IMMORTAL !! We're at our limit... !! Night is almost over... !! There's just no way out of our life in the darkness... Let's give up !! Staying here would just mean death... !! Let's hurry... back to the forest !! That dark forest, where the light doesn't reach... Let's go back...

Zoro: Haa... I don't know what happened to Luffy, but.. He did plenty.

Pirates: Y- You !! H... Hey, wait a second ! If you move around with those wounds, you'll die !!

"Ah, Zoro. Back up for more I take ? Careful not to push yourself to much."

Zoro: It's the dinosaur telling the elephant to watch his steps.

"Weird analogy, but okay."

Lola: He took an attack from that giant head-on... And he's still standing ?! I can't tel which one is the zombie... !!

Pirates: Hey !! Where did all the people we moved over here go ?! They weren't even conscious, there's no way they could've gone anywhere, right ?!

Pirates: Huh... ?! Where did the two people who were unharmed go ?! I'm sure they were here until Oars stood up again !! they couldn't have... They just ran away... !! Did they all flee ?!

Luffy: Gah ! Haa... Haa...

Pirates: HUH ?! Strawhat !!

Luffy: Haa... Haven't had enough yet, huh... ?! With one more attack... ! Damn... Looks like I'm still tired from before...

"is there anything the captain need ?"

Luffy: Up... I need to go up higher !!

"You just needed to ask."

Brook: If there's anything... I can do... !

Pirates: OWAAH !! That skeleton is up and moving, too !!

Nami: I thought this would happen ! Everybody's ready to help !!

Pirates: Uooh, it's that girl from before ! These guys didn't even think of running... ! In the instant that Oars got back up... THEY WERE PREPARING TO INTERCEPT HIM !!

Sanji: Chopper, hurry !! The sun is rising !!

Chopper: Right !!

Usopp: Can we use it, Franky ?!

Franky: It'll be more than enough ! Help me out !!

Pirates: I can't believe these guys... ! They haven't given up in the slightest !!

Zoro: Hey !! You guys are in the way !! Move it !!

Lola: IF YOU SAY SO !!

Luffy: Okay, here we go !

"Team Strawhat is blasting off againnnnnn !!"

Oars: WAIT !! Where are you... Hmm... ?! What's this, smoke ? Clouds ?

Nami: The forecast calls for "Rain". Cool ball !

Pirates: It's raining !! Why ?! Is she a magician ?!

Franky: OKAY !! Emergency pipeline construction complete !!

Franky: Turn that shit as fast as you can !!

Usopp: GOT IT !!

Franky: Fire the Super-sized freezer ultra-low temperature air cannon !!

Oars: Waah... It froze !! I can't move !!

Pirates: WHOOA !! Awesome !! they froze the rain with cold air !!

Sanji: NEXT IS THIS !! GO !!

Oars: Ugeh ! A chain !!

Chopper: GOOD JOB !! Awesome, Sanji !!

Oars: Uwaah ! It's the helm's chain !

Luffy: Throw me !!

"You think we're high enough ? Brace yourself for the impact !

Luffy: I'm made of rubber !! Gear third !! Bone balloon !!

"It's an all-out plummeting speed now ! Meteor !!"

Oars: Hm ?

Chopper: Zoro !! Make Oars pull in his stomach !!

Zoro: leave it to me. Three-sword style, hidden technique... !!

Sanji: Now ?! Here we go !!

Chopper: Good, Sanji !! Now Oars' spine is totally straight !!

Pirates: What are they doing ?! That's...

Chopper: A human spine is naturally curved so that it softens shocks. If the spine is straightened out... The force isn't mitigated, and all the damage is taken !!

"Go teach him, WHO'S THE REAL MONSTER, LUFFY !!"


Oars: Haa... As if... !! I'll give you a bazooka !! GUM-GUM... It won't move... !! Huh ? My right arm won't move !! It won't stretch either !

Robin: A zombie's weakness is that it doesn't feel pain.

Zoro: It's your shadow. You finish it, Luffy.

Luffy: GUM-GUM...


Luffy: GIGANT...

Pirates: ... HE DID IT !! Even a zombie wouldn't be able to stand up again after that beating !! Oars, he lost... !! For sure this time !! THEY WON !! THEY REALLY DID IT THIS TIME !! THANK YOU !! You guys are the best !! You really are our ray of hope !!

Pirates: EHHHHHH ?! He shrunk !! Who are you ?!

Luffy: Uuu... !

Pirates: Why did you shrink ?!

Oars: ... ... ... ... It doesn't hurt... But I can't move... !

Chopper: So he's still conscious... The bones in his spine must be shattered, but we still couldn't destroy him. This ability makes a complete mockery of life... !!

Brook: ... What is this feeling ? I feel shivers down my spine... !

"All of you guys will keep the celebrations for later !! Remember why we even took down that giant to begin with, and before we all go *POOF* !!"

Usopp: R- Right ! Hey, Luffy ! Get your shadow back, quick !!

Pirates: The shadows ! That's right ! We need to hurry !

Lola: Go wake Moria up and get our shadows back !! the morning sun is almost up !!

Moria: There's no need to wake me... !!

All: MORIA !!

Zombies: UOOOH !! MASTER !! Thank goodness you are unharmed !! There's no way that Lord Moria could lose !!

Pirates: I... If you're awake, then that's perfect !! Now... If you don't want to get beaten up by the Strawhats again, release all of our shadows !! that's right !! Give them back, you batsard !!

Moria: Kishishi... This isn't some kid's fight... !! A real pirate doesn't back down, even from death. If you loser pirates from the forest were involved... Then I know how Strawhat got that ridiculous power-up... !! How dare you try to use my shadow powers against me !!

Lola: Shut up !! Return our shadows !!

Moria: Strawhat... How dare you... You've made a mess of my Thriller Bark... !

Luffy: Haa... That's because you got in the way of our voyage !! Give our shadows back before the Sun rises !!

Moria: if you continue your little "Voyage", the only thing awaiting you is death... With your strength, the "New World" is far out of your reach... ! It looks like you've gathered some pretty good crew members, but you're going to lose it all !! Do you know why ?!

Pirates: Hey !! Strawhat !! You don't have time to stand around and talk !! Look at the sky !! It's already this bright !! Please, get our shadows back !! THERE'S NO MORE TIME !!

Moria: I'll tell you, from my own experience. I gathered subordinates... Famous and capable. Why did I lose them all... ?! I LOST THEM BECAUSE THEY WERE ALIVE !! IF I START WITH ZOMBIES, WHO ARE DEAD FROM THE START, THEN I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE !! ZOMBIES ARE IMMORTAL ! EVEN IF THEY ARE PURIFIED, I CAN REPLACE THEM ! IT'S AN INFINITE ARMY !!

Moria: I will aim to become the Pirate King with my army of the dead !! Be happy that your shadows will become part of it !! 'Come to me, shadows of Thriller Bark... ! Become my strength !!'

Zombie: BRO !! His shadow is gone !!

Nami: Those shadows ! He couldn't be !!

"he's gathering all the shadows from around the island, and collecting them into his own body."

Pirate: THEN STOP HIM !!

"No... Not yet at least... This is much more of a help to us than it is to him..."

Moria: Strawhat... !! The number of shadows you had... Was it one hundred... ?! Then, I will take 200... 300... 500... 700...

Pirates: UWAAAAAH !! It can't be... It's over... !! What the hell is that ?!!

Luffy: i'm back to normal...

Pirates: It's pretty much dawn already !! With a hundred shadows, Strawhat took care of Oars like he was nothing... Now Moria has ten times that amount ?! Is the actual ability user's capacity that different ?!! We're done for !! What's with this, now... ?! This can't be !!

Franky: So Strawhat's shadow is in there, too...

Moria: Oooh...OOOOOOOOOOHH !!

Pirates: UWAAAAAH !! The island is breaking up !! the mast mansion is tilting !! Run !! Get back to the forest !! We're really done for this time !!

Pirate: GYAAAAH !! I'm disappearing !! My body is disappearing !! Help me !!

Pirates: Get in the shadows !! the morning sun is leaking through !! Use the shadows to get back to the forest !! Stay in the shadows of the buildings !! Captain Lola !! What are you doing ?! Quickly !!

Lola: ... You guys get away.

Pirates: What are you saying ?! You should run too, captain !!

Lola: I... Am responsible... For this gamble. Take a good look. They're not budging an inch !! They've had their shadows taken, too... !!

Pirates: They can't still think they can win, can they... ?!

Lola: If they haven't given up on victory, then I won't move from this spot !! Our long-awaited "Ray of Hope" is in a pinch. We got them into this... Are we worms who would abandon them ?

Pirates: But in this situation...

Lola: You guys run ! It is my duty as captain to remain here. Take good care of yourselves now... Uugh !!

Pirates: UWAAAH ! CAPTAIN LOLA !! the sunlight is getting through there !! Quickly, into the shadows !!


Pirates: CAPTAIN LOLA !!

"Does that mean we can get a little wild ?"

Luffy: Just this time... There's no more time, everyone !!

Franky: All right, take care of it !! Kick his ass !!

Usopp: This is getting out of hand... He's literally out of control...

Zoro: He's ruining himself with his rage and foolish pride...

"And soon you'll see why he just gave us that victory because of that. You guys leave the rest to us."

Luffy: If you want a nightmare, then I'll show you a good one, Moria !!

Moria: I have no intention of playing with you !!

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