Chapter 135: From Charybdis...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Pirates: Morning is coming !! Everyone, get into the forest !! Damn it !! We've come this far !! He took the shadows of all zombies on the island !!

Pirates: He split the island with one attack !! Right now, Moria is even stronger than Oars !! There's nothing more we can do ! Run away !!

Pirate: Come into the shadows, captain Lola !! Do you want to die ?! Captain Lola !!

Lola: I don't care whether I live or die anymore ! I... I won't return to the shadows !!

Pirates: Captain... ... Hey !! Where do you guys see any chance for victory ?! There's no way you can win !! You're up against a monster with the strength of a thousand men !! Your shadows and powers are in there too ! There's no more time left !!

"... if you just plan on standing there and watch, then shut the fuck up and do so. That fight... We've already won it. All that's left is to see if we can make it out before the sun rises. Moria knows it, and that's why he's betting on defeating us before then."

Luffy: ... Gear... Second !!

"Will we be destroyed first ? Or will Moria self-destruct first ?"

Luffy: Gum Gum...

Moria: Oooh... OOOOOOH !!

Pirates: Shadows are coming out !!


Usopp: they're gradually being freed... But why... ?! Those shadows should be under his power...

"Yep. He put all shadows under his direct control... So as he loses consciousness, his control over them fades as well. Even Moria can't control a thousand shadows.

Luffy: Gum Gum...

Moria: Black Box !!

Luffy: Haa... Haa... I'm traped.

Moria: BREAK !!

Pirates: A DIRECT HIT !! That punch split the island !! STRAWHAT !!

Moria: This is your "Baptism" ! Haa... Haa... You little punk... This is what happens when you act tough on this ocean...This is what happens when you defy a Shichibukai !! Know your place ! This world only crushes those who stand out !!

"... It's about time for me to go."

Brook: Your captain just got crushed ! And if you could do something, why didn't you ?!

"Brook... When the crew has to rush to save their captain... It's a sign he's not fit to be captain. When a captain has to rush in to save his crew... It's proof that they are not fit to be his crew. That answer your first interrogation. As to answer the second one, it is quite simple."

"When it comes down to this... Anything less than a one-shot... is a lost shot."


Luffy: ... I don't know about being a punk or standing out... Haa... But I... Won't be crushed by anyone... !

Pirates: HE STOOD UP !!

Moria: You won't be crushed... ?! How can you say that... ? You're just revealing your lack of experience...

Luffy: Because I'm made of rubber. I'll make you spit them all out right now... !!

Pirates: Is he immortal or something ?! Amazing !! ... CRAP, THE SUN !! GYAAAAAH !!

Pirates: You idiots ! Make sure you're in the shadows ! Otherwise, you'll be destroyed !! The courtyard is dangerous !!

Luffy: Here we go. BONE BALLOON !!

Franky: Eh ?! Hey !! Is it okay to add that technique ?!

Chopper: Don't you remember what happened to you after you used Gear Second ?! That's really reckless, Luffy !! You're damaging your own body !!

Luffy: ... Gum Gum... Giant...

Pirates: UWOOOH !! SO POWERFUL !! The shadows are coming out !!

Moria: 'As if I'm going to let my troops go.. Shadows... I'm your master !!'

Pirate: that bastard !! He's trying to hold them in !!

Lola: COME BACK TO ME, MY SHADOW !! CAN'T YOU HEAR ME ?! Haven't we been together since we were born ?!! We were born together, right ?! Come back to me !! I've been looking for the zombie you were in for three years !! You're in there, right ?! If you, can hear me, come back !! Come ba-

Pirates: Captain Lola, please get in the shadows !! You're going to lose your body !!

Lola: ... How can you stand it ?! they're right there !! Right now... All of our shadows are in Moria !! This kind of chance is never going to come again... !!

Pirates: But... We're still up against a Shichibukai...


Luffy: I've got something to say... To my shadow, too... !! YOU !! if you want to become the Pirate King... Make sure... YOU COME WITH ME !!



"... I'm one that works from other's shadows... I've always been. So this time, you will... GIVE THEM ALL BACK !! GIGANT CRUSHER !!"

Pirates: THEY DID IT !!

Moria: EAAAH !! STRAWHAAAT !! OEH... !! Why, you... Haa... Haa... !! Go forward and see... !! the real "Nightmare" is in the "New World" !! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!

"The shadows are coming back !!"


Usopp: Hey, guys !!

Lola: Shadows ! Come on... Hurry !! UWAAAAAAH !!

Zoro: Hahahahaha... man... It's great to be alive.

Robin: For a moment there, I felt like I was ascending to heaven.

Sanji: that would be great ! i'd happily go to heaven with you, my dear Robin !!

Usopp: This isn't something to laugh about, your morons !! We seriously thought that you guys died !! Your head were completely gone, you know !!

Nami/Chopper: That was so scary...

"I don't really know about that whole going to heaven thing, but didn't felt like crossing the line to me."

Usopp: YOU'RE THE WORST ONE !! Because you were so high up in the sky, there was almost nothing left of your body !!

"It's okay. I've been through worse."

Chopper: Looks like they're all okay over there, too.

Pirates: It's the sun !! The morning sun isn't dangerous anymore !! We've got shadows !! Our days in that dark forest are over !! YAAAY !!

Robin: When the sun hit us, our existence was being erased. But our shadows returned in the nick of time, and our actual bodies were reborn...

"It's just like Moria said... The shadow and the body are as one. If one change forms, then the other follows. It's a good thing the complete form of the shadow took over the incomplete of the body, otherwise..."

Zoro: rest easy. Your shadow isn't going to be separated from you for the rest of your life.

Usopp: Anyway, I'm glad we got through that without anyone disappearing.

Franky: Aahh... All of a sudden, I'm feeling really tired and sleepy... No cola left, huh...

Sanji: All the strange things we've seen since coming to this island were part of Moria's deception. Now that he's been defeated, there's nothing left... It's like waking up from a bad dream.

"Everything's gone... Like a bad haunted house."

Zoro: Speaking of... Didn't Luffy shrink earlier ?

"That's the aftereffect of the 'Gear 3'. he shrinks for the same amount of time he used it for..."

Usopp: Don't you think Luffy's new fighting style is too hard on his body ? If the enemies we face from now on are even stronger, he's just going to keep on being this reckless. I'm worried...

"We all are..."

Sanji: On the topic of "Being reckless", I had no idea that you were capable of lifting this entire manor like that... And that purple light, instead of blue...

'Uh oh... Distraction, quick ! Anything... !'

???: Hello !!

'Thank god !'

Usopp: UWOOH !! It's a zombie !! You still have your shadow ?!

Ogwmi: No, I'm just an old guy with major injuries.

Usopp: That's really misleading !! Just become a zombie already !!

Sanji: hey, it's the old man we met in the graveyard...

Ogwmi: I can't believe it... I can really walk under the sun again... Thank you... I don't know how to thank you... !!

Pirates: Old Mr.Supoil !! Gramps ! The honored Chairman of the victims' group !!

Lola: You guys... !! I haven't thanked you yet ! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts !! Sorry for having such strange things happen !! We saw you fighting, so we selfishly put all of our hopes in you !!


Lola: In thanks, I'll be your bride !!

Guys: No thanks.

Lola: Don't say that !

Zoro: Even though you're thanking us, Luffy told you that we're just here fighting by coincidence, old man...

Lola: Especially you !! Won't you marry me ?!

Zoro: We just happened to help you guys, too.


Nami: What are you saying ?! These people just want to thank us !!

Pirates: Yeah, that's right, bro ! Let us do something !! We don't care how it happened ! The fact is that we want to thank for beating Moria !!

Nami: I know !

Usopp: You're so...

"Quit it. When it's already going down this slope, there's no stopping her. In that matter, even a Shichibukai's no match for Nami."

Nami: Hm ? ... That's right... !! I forgot something really important... !!

Usopp: What ?

Nami: 'I forgot all about him... !!' It's something really bad... !!

???: I see. The worst case scenario came true.

Kuma: So it appears...

???: We've just decided on Crocodile's successor. it's unfortunate that another hole has opened in the Shichibukai.


Nami: Haa... haa... He's here...

"That's... No... What the hell is he doing here..."

Usopp: Okay, what the hell ?!

Nami: W... While we were fighting with Moria... I didn't say anything, but... On this island... Another person... Was here... !!

"He's... Another Shichibukai !!"

Usopp: Wha ?! Why now... ?! That's... A SHICHIBUKAI ?!!

???: Could he just barely be alive ?

Kuma: Who knows...

???: As long as he's still alive... We can wait for him to recover. We want to keep some continuity in the Shichibukai. As for the situation over there, if Shichibukai continue to fall like this, then the name will lose its prestige. We shouldn't allow news of this to reach the world. What a troublesome bunch.

"Oh, he's one alright, and not the least one... The tyrant... Bartholomew Kuma !"

Pirates: He's the Tyrant Kuma ?!!

???: Do you understand what I'm saying ? We can't have any witnesses to Moria's defeat. This is a special order from the World Government ! Contain the Strawhat crew ! And as for everyone else left on that island, Dispose of them.

Kuma: ... easy enough.

???: Well then, we await your report. *Click*

Pirates: Eh ?! Did I just hear something... ?! Di- Dispose of us ?! Did he really say "Dispose" ?! Why us... ?! Why ?! There's no need t for that... ! We just got free from Moria's power !!

Usopp: I can't believe we're fighting another Shichibukai.. !!

"Denial won't make us win."

Zoro: You guys get back, we'll deal with this.

Nami: Be careful !! He's got some kind of ability ! I saw it... When he touched someone with his hand, she vanished !! And he can teleport, too !! That... That hand is... dangerous.


Pirates: Eh ?! Uwa... HE'S HERE !! HE'S HUGE !! WHEN DID HE... ?! Damn, just when we thought we were free !! there's no way we're going to die at a time like this !! Get him !!

Lola: You guys, stop !! You're no match for him !!


Pirates: he didn't even touch them !! Something went through them !! And he disappeared again !!

Kuma: "Pirate Hunter Zoro". Let's start with you...

Pirates: Hey, hang in there !! Are you still breathing ?!! What the hell did he do ?! He didn't touch anyone, yet it looks like something pierced them !! is that his ability... ?!!

Lola: This is just too cruel. We lived for years in that dark forest under Moria's power. Now, after our brief moment of joy... Another Shichibukai appears. Is he going to kill us all ?!

Pirates: That's dirty, damn it !! Do you even know what kind of fight the Strawhats just finished ?! We're still injured, so even if the odds are against us, we'll go against you !! We don't care if you're a Shichibukai or whatever !! You're nothing compared to Oars and Moria !!

Zoro: It's fine, you guys ! Just get back !! he wants me ! Didn't you hear him... ?! i've accepted this fight... I don't need your help. Don't humiliate me... !!

"Haa... very well. Let this be round one then."

Kuma: ... You all have a pretty good reputation. I've heard that Strawhat Luffy has gathered a number of skilled crew members.


Kuma: You guys are causing a lot of trouble. Even though you were unknown before... it's not just the captain who's getting noticed.

Usopp: Hey, you guys, wait !! That's too reckless !! You're too beaten up right now !!

Zoro: This kind of misfortune is just the way the world is. If you make excuses, will someone come and save you ? If I die here, then that's just my limit as a man... !!



Zoro: What was that ?! Why did it make a metallic sound ?!

"And these marks in the rubble... Just what..."

Pirates: Look ! On his palm !! Is... is that a paw ?! Why is that on his palm ?!

Zoro: I told you... To leave this to-

"There's no shame in teaming up against someone stronger, you know ?"

Zoro: ... Just this once. 36-Pound...


Both: CANNON !!

Pirates: LOOK OUT !! UWAAAAAH !!

Chopper: What ?! There's no way ?! No one can just deflect their attack with bare hands !! How is that possible ?!

"So that's your ability..."

Kuma: The power to repel anything... I ate the "Nikyu-nikyu" fruit... I became a paw man.

Sanji: A- A paw man ?! That sounds so gentle !!

Franky: There are these kinds of cute devil fruits, too ?!

Franky: he might be a Shichibukai, but maybe he's compassionate... Maybe he's not such a big deal after all...

"Franky !!"

Kuma: Cyborg Franky... Is this the limit of your strength ?

Robin: Could he be repelling the air itself... ? A normal cannon shouldn't have any effect on Franky.

Kuma: This is called the "Pad cannon"... Air is repelled at light speed, creating a shockwave that penetrates anything. Your time is up...


Chopper: UOOOH !! Sanji !!

Usopp: That wasn't repelled by his paws ?! That bastard's skull must have been crushed !!

Sanji: ... Gh... GAAAAAAAAAAHH !!

Kuma: Black-leg Sanji... So, that's how you are...

Usopp: Sanji's kick didn't move him an inch !! What the hell is going on ?!

Sanji: What was with that hardness ?! Is his face made fo steel or something ?!

"The more I think of it... the more believable it becomes..."

Usopp: S- Sure kill, Firebird star !!

Kuma: ... The "King of snipers"... As outrageous as your name suggests... Now that you've been weakened like this, destroying you isn't interesting at all... The government's order was to completely destroy you all, but...

"What... the heck is that ? Some sort of bubble... ?"

Zoro: it's getting smaller.

Nami: he's applying pressure... To a ball of air that he repelled with his paws... It's been compressed that much... !!

Robin: If that much air returns to its normal state, it would create a gigantic shockwave... Like a bomb... !

Usopp: A bomb?! He can create a bomb whenever he needs to ?

Kuma: I will... Spare your lives. In exchange, I'll be taking "Strawhat Luffy". As long as I take his head, the government won't complain.

"... Are you seriously expecting us to betray him... ?"

Kuma: Now... bring Strawhat here.

All: HELL, NO !!

Kuma: ... That's a pity.

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