Chapter 136: Weight of life

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Kuma: Uugh... !! Grzzzt...

"... Even harder than steel... What kind of monster have they made of you, Kuma... ? A cyborg ?"

Kuma: ... Yes, I suppose that's true. But I'm quite different from the "Cyborg" Franky. I'm called a "Pacifista". An incomplete human weapon developed by the government.

"Pacifista... ?!"

Kuma: The person developing the projects is the government's genius scholar, Dr.Vegapunk, the most brilliant man in the world. It is said that his scientific ability is already 500 years ahead of our time.

"... Every words you just spoke make me want to violently hurl. Especially coming from your mouth."

"But... With that body, and these powers... By doing this one-on-one, I'm afraid my chances of victory would be rather dim... Or rather, I could, but Luffy is in no state to give me the order anymore... And even if he could... Then I would be the one sending them to hell..."

"In the end... If you really intend on taking Luffy's head, then... All I can do is a trade."

Kuma: A trade ?

"A head for a head. You won't be taking Luffy's head. But in exchange... Take mine. That name I use may not be as notorious... But I would be disappointed if you haven't recognized who I was."

Kuma: ... This a rather unfair trade. Are you really willing to die in this man's place ?

"... I have no ambition for myself. I have already achieved all that I dreamed for long ago. Now, I live so that they can achieve their own dreams. The Pirate king... The world's strongest swordsman... The world's map... All Blue... The true History... A captain's mission is to protect their crew, and the crew's is to protect their captain. As the Vice-captain, if I can do both... Then death means nothing to me. Take this as... My last request."

Kuma: ... To lay a hand on "Strawhat" after that... I would be humiliated.

"... Looks like some bits haven't been changed yet..."

Kuma: Rest assured, I'll keep my promise. But you... I'll show you hell...

Kuma: What I just repelled from his body... Was his "Pain" and "fatigue". This is all the damage accumulated from the battle with Moria. If you really want to take his place, then you must take his pain as well. But your body won't be able to withstand it, and you will die.

"That's not for you to decide."

Kuma: Well then. Why don't you have a taste ?

"Huh ?"



"Gah... Guh..."

Kuma: How was it ?

"Haa... Haa... At least... I don't want them to see. Let's go somewhere else."

"... No backing down now... And no coming back either... Really... I had a marvelous life !"

Zoro: YOU !!

Sanji: MASSIVE !!

Both: MORON !!


"Buguh !! ... Gaaaaaaaaaa-"

Zoro: ... "Death means nothing as long as they can live on". Are you even aware of the amount of crap you can spout ?

Sanji: Think about it for 2 seconds, and try to imagine, what would happen to Luffy if you really died like that. You're the one who needs to stay alive, no matter what.

Zoro: And as crew... This is our duty. So that you see it to the end.

Kuma: ... As expected... Even though you always insist on being second... Your son definitely got some good friends, Dragon. With this, I bid you farewell, Dr.W...

"Guh... Funny, I don't remember getting wasted recently... What happened ?"

Lola: Heeey... Are you guys alive ?! Guys ?! He must have thought that attack killed us all... And left !! Stupid bear guy !! Check it out !

Franky: Hey, hey, how can that be ? What happened to you ?!

Luffy: Look ! My body feels so light ! I wonder why !

Usopp: You're lying ! They're no way that can be !!

Robin: I wonder if took so much damage that it had the opposite effect...

"Took damage... Ha !! Zoro !! There you are !! Why the hell did you... Where did Kuma..."

"S- So much blood... ! Hey, are you alive ?! What happened ?!"

Zoro: ... Nothing. Nothing happened.

"... ... I'll go get Chopper..."

Usopp: So, everyone eventually fell asleep right there in the courtyard for an entire day.

Franky: That's because we fought through the entire night without rest.


Sanji: You're already munching on cheese.

Luffy: Cheese is no good !! This cheese doesn't help me move !

"Then help us carry the stuff we need for a meal to the courtyard. Why do these guys don't wanna move from this place, seriously ?

Lola: Sorry, they haven't seen the sun in years, so they're really happy... They're crying tears of joy as they sunbathe.

Usopp: How the hell are you so energetic, Luffy ? It's definitely strange... It's a mystery.

"Don't ask questions you don't want answers to."

Lola: hey, is there enough food ?

Sanji: The food that was taken was returned with some extra. We should be fine !

Lola: Whoever did this deed is truly a saint...

Nami: That person even stacked up all this treasure for us. This is 100 steps above Christmas, it's too good !

Luffy: This armband is neat ! i'm taking it.

Usopp: hey, hey, if you take any treasure... R- Right, Nami ?

Nami: It's fine, it doesn't have any gems on it.

Usopp: Ah... So that makes it okay ?

Nami: But we aren't giving you guys a single piece !

Lola: We wouldn't take anything from the ship of our saviors, Namizo.

Usopp: Whoa ! What an amazing knife ! Ah... It has gems on it...

Lola: Huh ? Hm ? Whose name is Namizo ? That's strange... Why does it feel like this isn't the first time we've met... ?

Nami: Are you possibly... Lola ?!

Lola: ... Oh ? Did I say my name before ?

Nami: Is it really you ?! Lola !! I'm so happy that we were able to meet again !!

Usopp: You said L- Lola- Wait a minute ! You can't be that boar zombie...

Lola: Hmm ?

Nami: Fufufu, you don't know a thing. I'll tell you everything later !! In return, take this as my thanks !

Lola: Huh ? Is that okay ?! Thanks !


Franky: Hrm ? The end ? Seriously ?!

"Don't mind them. We need to transport these, and fast. The cheese won't last long."

Pirates: Haa... i'm so happy... the light is covering my entire body. We're alive... !!


Pirates: Strawhat ! Aah ! If you told us, we'd have brought it !! Our saviors are doing extra work !!

"Is Zoro still... Not asleep, clearly, he's in a coma, but how is he ?"

Pirates: he's in the mansion getting bed rest...

Franky: Hey reindeer, we brought what you asked for.

Chopper: Ah ! Thank you ! I've never seen Zoro take this much damage before. His life was seriously in danger... ! I wonder if something happened when we were knocked out.

"... You think any of us could've taken that... ?"

Chopper: I doubt it. Not you, at least. Physically, you would be already dead...

'... So they did save my life...'

Robin: It's hard to believe that man left things as they were.

Usopp: Luffy being unusually healthy is strange, too.

Luffy: I don't understand it at all, either. Shishishi !

Pirates: What happened, you ask ?! The truth is, we saw it !! From the beginning to end !! We'll tell you what happened at that time !


Sanji: Come with us, you two.

Luffy: Hmm ? Guys ?

"It won't take long."

Pirates: What are you doing ?! You guys were so cool, too ! Going all like "It is my duty" and all !!

Sanji: SHUT UP !!

"After you guys knocked me out..."

Sanji: ... Hm...

Pirates: So we cried ! We really cried !! All right ! Now let's go tell everyone of the moving story of the Strawhat gang !


"You won't tell no one about this. I didn't sell out my life for gratitude."

Sanji: Especially... if Luffy knew of that... Don't you dare talk. Above all else, everyone is safe... And that's good.

"Why don't we just eat now ? I don't know about you guys, but i'm properly famished right now..."

Pirates: Th... T- Th... These guys are super cool... ! What a fortunate captain.

Robin: ... I see...

Luffy: hey !!You two !! Didn't you guys say you knew what happened earlier earlier ? What did you see ?

Pirates: Don't ask such an unrefined question. Above all else... Everyone is safe.

Luffy: ... What ?

Robin: Fufu.


Pirates: MMM !! I've never had deliciously cooked food like this before !! To be frank, we haven't eaten like this in years !! I'm glad we're alive !!

Sanji: I made a lot !! Don't leave any leftovers !!

Brook: I'm able to eat Mr.Cook cooking again ! It's so delicious that my cheeks will drop...

"But you don't have any cheeks !!"


Franky: That's something I didn't miss !! Shut up and eat !!

Brook: Yohoho ! Really... Ah, excuse me, *Burp*. I've stuffed myself yesterday and today. I think I'm getting a little... FAT !!

Franky: What do you have besides bones ?!! Just shut up already !!

Pirates: Gyahahaha ! This skeleton is the best !! How are you still moving ?! Ah, it doesn't matter !!

Chopper: They haven't even toasted yet and it's already become a party. Zoro won't even open his eyes with this kind of noise.

Nami: he's always been the toughest man...

Luffy: Hey, Chopper !! This is Zoro's share ! Now, drink !


Luffy: Zoro likes booze, so this will make him feel better !

Chopper: What kind of medical science is that ?!

Luffy: ... How about meat ?

Chopper: All right ! Your thoughts alone are enough.

Brook: Now, for some background music...

"There was a piano in this room ? I thought you played the violin."

Brook: Yohohoho ! I can play all musical instruments. Umm... But to go back to that story for a little... The truth is, I also "Saw"... Your actions moved me.

"I just embarrassed myself."

Brook: No, your resolution was truly admirable. How about a song ? Do you have a request... ?

Sanji: Heh... I can pick anything ? Then...

Brook: Ah, Bink's brew~...


Robin: Bink's Brew... I wonder what I've heard this nostalgic song...

Luffy: Hey ! Brook ! I know this song ! Shanks and his crew sung it.

Brook: A long time ago, every pirate sung tis song... During the bad times and the good times ! Yohoho !

Luffy: So, are you going to join my crew ? We brought back your shadow, you can sail under the sun again.

Brook: That's true, but... There's one thing I haven't told you... I lade a promise to a friend. Unless I fulfill it, I can't stand tall as a man... !

Luffy: Ah, the thing with Laboon ?! I know about that. I heard about it from franky !!

Brook: Huh... Ah, is that so ? Laboon... That was the whale's name. At that cape...

"Yep. And he's still there. We met that whale at the twin capes."

brook: ... Huh ?

Pirates: Hey ! What happened, skeleton ?! The piano's tempo suddenly dropped !

"He's been here for 50 years, waiting for you guys to return. So imagine the surprise that the lone survivor he was waiting for was you. And you still remember that promise."

Luffy: If Laboon knew this, he would be delighted ! Shighighi !

Brook: ... Plea... Please wait a sec ! You surprised me... ! That was sudden. Did you really... Meet Laboon ? After 50 years... ?! Even now... That whale is still waiting for us ?! Laboon !!

Sanji: We're also witnesses ! We certainly met him !

Brook: Is he doing well... ?!

"he sure is. And he's so big now, like a mountain !"

Brook: Yohoho... I want to see... When we separated from him, he was as big as a little rowboat. He was a little disobedient, but he loved music. He was such a good kid...

Brook: Even now... When I close my eyes, I can still see him... Ah, I don't have eyes. He... Still comes to mind.

Brook: I see... ! SO you're doing well ! UOOOOOOOO !!

Pirates: Hey, what's wrong, skeleton ? Play the piano for us !

Brook: I've never been this happy...

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