Chapter 137: Just a little longer

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Franky: Hey, what's wrong ? Play more, Brook !!

Chopper: Yeah !! I'm dancing with chopsticks in my nose !!

Brook: ... Umm.


Brook: This is a tone dial that I bought from a merchant ship a long time ago. It records and plays back sounds. It truly is a rare shell.

"We know about these. We went up there."

Brook: Oh, you know ? I want Laboon to listen to this when we meet again. That's why I always carry this with me.

Usopp: What did you record ?

Brook: A song. My dead comrades' singing voices... It's a message to Laboon... That we cheerfully and happily ended our voyage. Is it all right if I play it now ?

Luffy: Yeah, I want to hear ! I'm sure Laboon would love to hear it, too.

Brook: Then...


Lola: ... Hmm ? If it's this song, then let's all sing it together !

Pirates: YEEEAAAHH !!

Brook: 'Laboon... If you've been waiting there for me for 50 years now... Just one or two more years, will you endure that for me ? I still... Have the pirate spirit !! You're still facing the opposite wall and waiting for me... And I will fulfill our promise and reunite with you from the front !!'

Pirates: Heeeey, skeleton ! You're not going to sing anymore ?! Let's do one more !! One more !! Wahahaha !

Brook: Yohohoho... Long ago, my comrades and I used to sing this song with lots of gusto. This song was... the Rumbar pirates "Last great number". When I was alone, lost in that dark, dark sea of fog for 50 years... I thought of this song countless times...

Brook: All alone on my huge ship... This song, and only this song, made me feel like there was something else "Alive" other than myself. However, just today I made up my mind. That I will seal this tome dial. Seal !!

Usopp/Sanji: EHHHHH ?!! So that really does open ?!!

Brook: I understand that Laboon is healthy and waiting for me... My shadow has also returned, and I have escaped from that devilish sea... The singing voices of my crew stored in this shell aren't only for the sake of my reminiscing anymore ! It's for the sake of delivering that song to Laboon ! There wasn't a single easy day. Honestly, I even lost sight of hope. But you know, Luffy... I... AM GLAD I'M ALIVE !!

Brook: Ah, is it all right if I join your crew ?

Luffy: yeah, that would be great !


"I swear..."

Robin: Fufu... !

Franky: But welcome Mr.Musician !! Hooray !!

Luffy: Mr.Musician, dead-and-only-bones-left musician !

Chopper: the musician we sought after !

Usopp: That's a good thing that he's light !!

Brook: Yes!! I'm all bones !!

Luffy: He's funny !!

Nami: I get it...

Robin: It's going to get lively around here again.

Nami: Just why exactly did we pick up someone like him... ? And no puns !!

"I didn't say anything... I'll take that promise with me to the grave."

Nami: ... ... ...


"Worth it..."

Lola: I don't know what happened, but it seems like it's good, Namizo.

Pirates: We don't get it either, but cheers !!

Nami: Well, whatever. Thanks.

Brook: 45 DEGREES !!

Usopp: Gyahahahahaha !! What the hell is that ?!

Brook: 'Laboon. I... I won't turn back !! We've only faced forward on this journey of ours.. Because that is definitely the only path we can meet you with. Circling the world... With you as the goal ! Isn't that right... ? That's why, I won't turn back !! I will surely come to see you. So please, wait for me. Just a little bit longer !'

Crocus: What's up, Laboon ? You're in unusually high spirits today.

Laboon: BUOOOOO~ !!

Brook: Take a look at this !!

Sanji: A wanted poster ? You have a bounty ?

Brook: Forgive me for not mentioning this earlier ! I am known as "Dead bones" Brook !! I am notorious ! My nickname is "Humming" Brook ! I have a bounty of 33 million Berry ! Long ago, I was the convoy leader of a battloe fleet for a kingdom. Later, I became the captain of the Rumbar pirates, where I was known as the "Musician swordsman". From this day forward, I pledge my life to captain Strawhat Luffy ! May I not be excess baggage to you !! I SHALL WHOLEHEARTEDLY LEND YOU MY FLESH AND BONES !! YOHOHOHOHOHO !


Brook: How wonderful ! Thank you very much, Franky, Usopp !

Franky: Don't worry, it's nothing. Something like this is easy, uhahahaha.

Usopp: My designs are the best, aren't they ?

Brook: Such a splendid grave... !!

Chopper: I planted the flowers !

Brook: There was no way that Lion could take such a large amount of remains.

Franky: It's called the Thousand Sunny, so call it that.

Brook: ... Oddly enough, Thriller Bark... Was an island that came from our homeland, West Blue. Perhaps they will be able to rest in their native soil...

Usopp: Well, Brook, we're going on ahead.


Brook: Ahh... You, surprised me. Are you all right now ?

Zoro: Yeah, I overslept a little...

"Zoro, you were that close to oversleeping forever."

Zoro: ... Here is the hospital, here is the charity. Figure that one out.

Brook: ... That is...

Zoro: While we're at it, please allow me to hold a service for the dead katana, "Yubashiri".

Brook: ... ... ... Ummm...

"Yes ?"

Brook: Ah, nothing... That's right, I have joined the crew.

Zoro: is that so ? Guess you have bad luck. So, we've got a pretty good crew ?

Brook: Yohohoho !! That's what I thought !! I'll give it my best until I die !

"But you're already dead."

Brook: Yohohohoho !!

Luffy: ALL RIGHT !! Zoro's already up !! So, shall we head to see ?! On to our next adventure !!


Lola: You guys sure are hasty, setting sail already.

Chopper: Huh ?! Zoro, you already took the bandages off ?!

Zoro: yeah, it was hard to move.

"You do realize they were there so that you couldn't move, right ?"

Franky: You guys take Brook's ship. I fixed the sail and rudder already.

Lola: Thank you for taking such good care of us ! I don't think we'll ever be able to repay you ! How about I marry you ?

Franky: As fine as a gem you are, I'm too super. We wouldn't match.

Pirate: It's too difficult to part from you guys. let's party for another two or three days !!

Luffy: WE CAN'T !! Next up is Fishman island !! i'm looking forward to it !! there should be some interesting people there !!

"Did... Did Luffy just reject a feast ?! What shadow is in there ?!"

Sanji: Oh, the beautiful mermaids ! I want to play with them~ !!

Brook: I wonder if we'll be able to see the mermaids' panties...

Pirate: Hey, hey, don't be stupid !! mermaids... Don't wear any panties~...

Brook: ... ... ... *PSHHHHHH*

Sanji: ... ... ... *PSHHHHHH*

All three: The beauty of the mermaids would even surpass that of the pirate empress Hancock !! Mermaids, mermaids~ !!

Robin: Don't they have the lower halves of fish ?

"Let them dream. Also, remember Kokoro ?"

Robin: Oh.

Usopp: Why do you guys know so much ?

Pirate: Ahh, three years ago, we passed through here ! Mermaids are the best !!

Nami: Lola, aren't you guys heading to the New World ?

Lola: We weren't heading there, I was born in the New World ! My mama is a pirate, too... Ah, that's right. Take this. It's my mama's "Vivre Card". Because you and I are sworn sisters, it's just for you, okay ?

Nami: Paper ?

Pirate: Oh !! You should be happy, you know ! Captain Lola's mama is an amazing pirate !!

Lola: take good care of it. It'll definitely be useful later.

Nami: What are Vivre cards ?

Lola: Eh ? You don't know about them ?

Pirate: Vivre cards are only available in the New World, captain Lola.

Lola: Ah, right. This isn't a normal piece of paper. Even if it gets wet or burned, it'll still be fine ! If you bring some nail clipping into a shop, they will mix them up and make them into a special sheet of paper, which is called the "paper of life" or Vivre cards.

Lola: When you are going away, you tear it with a friend or relative. Look, this is part of a Vivre card I got from my mama.

Nami: Ah, it moved !

Lola: No matter where you are in the world, the card will pull towards its partner. In other words, I always know in which direction my mama is. Even though I can't tell how far away she is.

Chopper: Wow, that's amazing ! Are there a lot of those in the new world ?!

Lola: pretty convenient, isn't it ? Here, I'll sign this Vivre card. If you are in trouble some time, you can follow this and meet up with mama. When you do, tell her that I am doing well.

Luffy: I... Might have seen one of those papers already. Maybe...

"And that is correct. Remember that paper Ace gave you back in Alabasta ? Yeah, that was one as well."

Ace: This paper will let us meet up again.

Luffy: So that's what it meant. Here it is. Huh ? It's a little burnt and getting smaller.

Lola: Wait ! Let me see that ! ... ... This is definitely a Vivre card, the paper of life... But.. I haven't told you yet, but this paper also displays the life force of the holder ! Is this... person important to you ?

Luffy: Yeah, he's my older brother.

Lola: Sorry to tell you this, but... This person's life... Is already fading !!

Luffy: EHHH ?!!


Brook: Everyone !! Be careful and don't get annihilated !! Yohohoho !

Usopp: Don't even say that as a joke !!

Nami: Lola !! Thanks for the Vivre card !! Take care !!

Lola: Give my regards to mama if you meet her !! let's get together again, Namizo !!

Pirates: We won't forget this favor, Strawhat !! The sun !! thanks for the sun !! Our saviors are the members of the glorious Strawhat crew, who leave for their great voyage !!

"Let's go !!"

*Nobody knows what occurs, in the mysterious sea called the "Florian Triangle". Every year, 100 passing ships disappear into the depths of the mist.*

Lola: Now, we're all departing tomorrow !

Pirates: Ohhh !!

*It has been a mystery since long before the giant pirate ship, Thriller bark arrived in that sea 10 years ago.*

Lola: Hmm ? Did something move inside the mist just now... ?

Pirates: What are you saying, captain Lola ? Please don't say such scary things ! Who cares ? we're not passing through that mist again !!

*It is fortunate that the white mist hangs over today, as well... Concealing the sea's bizarre face with a white veil.*

Pirates: Ah! That's right !! hey, hey !! everyone gather around !! We're gonna tell you an amazing story !! We call it... "The Strawhat crew: A man's impressive tale" !! Don't complain, you bastards ! It's about... How we got away from that Shichibukai bastard !!

*Meanwhile, the strong luck of the crew of this ship has helped them slip out of that strange sea. They continue in the direction the compass points them... Towards the paradise on the ocean floor.*

"Are you sure about this, Luffy ?"

Luffy: Hm ? Ah, about Ace's paper ? It's fine, don't worry.

Brook: Luffy, I don't mind taking an alternate route ! So far, there's no need for me to worry about how much Laboon is waiting. "Live on" ! "let's meet" ! That's what's important !!

Franky: UWOOOH !! Let's go meet that huge whale !!

Luffy: No, it's really fine !! besodes, even if he was in trouble, there'd be no use in worrying about it every time. Moreover, Ace hates to be looked down on as if he was weak. If I go, I won't eb able to do anything. The next time we meet, we'll be enemy pirates. For ace, that's his adventure.

"Even so... I can't help but feel uncomfortable about this..."

Luffy: It won't happen again, okay ?

Sanji: That Vivre card gets smaller when that person is weak. But once he gets better, it'll grow back to its original size, right ?

Luffy: yeah, we'll meet him when that happens !! That's the reason why Ace gave me this paper !! Right !! Oh right, Zoro, you were asleep. So you haven't done it yet~ ?

Usopp: Eh, if that's so, let's do it again.. In celebration of the embarking of our new crewmate, "Musician" Brook.



Holy land, Mary Geoise:

Sengoku: Bartholomew Kuma... Are you saying that they ran away in spite of your ability ?! Make a better excuse !! I'm the one that has to report it to the higher-ups !!


Sengoku: SHUT UP, GARP !! You had a government order to wipe out the entire crew, and you didn't even come back with Strawhat Luffy's head. This is a disgrace !

Kuma: Shoot at the target...

Sengoku: What's that ?!!

Garp: Relax, Sengoku. Luffy is not the kind of pitiful man who would spread around the fact that he defeated Moria. Neither him nor anyone on his crew.

Sengoku: Hmph... !! Kuma... You bastard, don't tell me you felt pity for the injured pirates. You had orders from a superior !

Kuma: ... Yes... I knew.

Sengoku: But since you spared that crew, we do no longer need to follow them. Right now they are being led by the Log so they are slowly getting closer to "Marine Headquarters".

Kuma: ... That's true...

Garp: Oh yeah, I brought the first tea of the season ! Bring out the rice crackers !!


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