Chapter 138: Twenty-Thousand mermaids under the seas

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"So we made it..."

Luffy: We finally made it... THIS FAR !!

Nami: It's been so long... It's such a deep feeling...

Sanji: That day... It was raining fiercely.

Zoro: We've grown a lot since that time...

Brook: I... It took me 50 years... Yohohoho.

Luffy: Shishishishi ! Anyway, we are halfway done !! the Twin Capes, where we met Laboon, are on the other side of the sea and connected to this wall !! I'm glad we made it this far without losing anyone !

Chopper: I can't see the top... This thing is huuuuge !!

Usopp: I feel like crying. A lot has happened... !!

Franky: As far as I can remember, I went over "Reverse Mountain" from South Blue. But that was over 30 years ago...

Robin: 5 years ago, I came to this sea, from West Blue...

"It has been more than 10 years... Since I last passed through here to get to the New World."

Luffy: When I come to this place once again after another turn around the world... At that time, I WILL BE... THE PIRATE KING !!

"Alright everyone, while I'm all for the celebrations, please be wary of a few things. First, this is the world Government holy land, with Marie Geoise and Marine HQ being just next door."

Usopp: Uwahahahahahaha !! Sink !

Chopper: What a surprise ! Pools are the greatest !!

"... Okay, these two apart, how many of you are interested by our chances of survival ?"

Nami: Zoro is lifting somewhere.

"So that makes 3 that aren't. Speaking of three, how is it looking down there, Luffy, Robin, Brook ?"

Robin: No good. It's all dark.

Luffy: It's all daaark !! Uhyaaa !! Hey hey, something shined just now !!

Brook: Uwah, isn't that the eyeball of a sea monster ?! I'm gonna die !! But I'm already dead ! Yohohoho !! Ah ! That's right, Nami-san ! What kind of panties are you wearing today ?


Usopp: That guy sure has guts...

Franky: Hey, you guys, the Shark Submerge has a depth limit of 5000 meters ! Be careful !

"5000 ? Couldn't you have said that sooner ?"

Franky: What ?

"Okay guys, you can come back here. You won't find anything."

Nami: Why's that ?

"I... Didn't appreciate what happened last time I didn't tell you guys what I knew, so I'm gonna think ahead this time. How to get to Fishman island and the New World."

Brook: Mmh ? Everything seems to be creaking.

Robin: It means we went over the 5000-meter depth. We better go back, or we'll get crushed by the pressure.

Luffy: Aaaah, that's deep !! Ah ! It's the sea monster from before ! It's still here !

Robin: Isn't it big ? Its mouth, that is.


Luffy: THAT WAS CLOSE !! We're gonna get eaten !!

Franky: This is hopeless.

Chopper: The Shark Submerge... I never want to ride it...

Usopp: Me neither.

Sanji: Nami-san~ ! Your Thriller Bark is ready ! It's a delicious tart without the horror.

Usopp: Wah ! It looks delicious !!

Nami: This is troublesome... Delicious.

Sanji: It's once again a stalemate like we had with "Sky island".

Nami: That's true... Even if we know the direction, we don't know the way to get there. How do we get to Fishman island ?

"That I can tell."


Luffy: Buhah ! Aaaah, that was fuuuun !!

Nami: Welcome back ! Good work !

Luffy: It's no use, we can't even see the bottom of the sea. Is there really a Fishman island ?!

Brook: Yohoho, that's the first time I've ridden in a submarine.

Robin: if we had tried to go even a little deeper, we would've died.

"No wonder. Fishman island is 10,000 meters deep after all."

Nami: This is troublesome... I wish I had asked Lola and the others more about this...


Bunny: PYOOOOO !!

Luffy: Don't think you can beat me on the surface of the ocean. Gum Gum... RIFLE !!

Bunny: DOBEUH !!

Usopp: I didn't even think it was that big...

Chopper: That's because we saw Oars ! In comparison, everything seems small !

Sanji: is it me, or did it spit something out ?

Luffy: Hm ? A fish ?

Usopp: A person ?! No !

"It's a bird ! It's a plane ! No, it's..."

Chopper: ... What's a "Plane"... ?

Franky: It can't be !!

Sanji: It... IT CAN'T BE~ !!

Luffy: There's something weird there, too !!

Mermaid: Haa... Haa... WAH !! I FLATTENED A HUMAN !! I'm sorry !! Are you okay ?!

Sanji: It's okay, don't worry~. What about you ?

"Yeah, don't worry about him. If anything, he probably enjoyed it."

Usopp: A tail and fin...

Nami: It can't be. A real...



Mermaid: Thank you very much for saving me before I was digested ! I'm easily eaten by marine animals; this is about the 20th time ! I have to thank you some way ! That's right ! Do you like Takoyaki ?!

Luffy: Takoyaki ?! That's my favorite food !!

Camie: Really ?! Well then, one will be 500 Berry !

Starfish: This is no store !!

Camie: I GOT IT WRONG !!

Sanji: MERMAIDS !! Ah, mermaids !! Every man's dream !! The jewels of the sea !! And I finally found one !! So... Cute !!

Usopp: Hey ! Aren't you forgetting about granny Kokoro ?

Sanji: Thriller Bark was nothing... Compared to the incomparable horror of...

Usopp: I'm sorry, Sanji !! Forget I ever said anything !!

Nami: How mean !

Luffy: Eh ?! You mean granny Kokoro was a mermaid ?! But she walked on two feet !

"Ah, right, there wasn't enough time to elaborate on that..."

Luffy: It's gross thinking that granny was a mermaid.

Nami: YOU'RE JUST DOWNRIGHT RUDE !! For crying out loud, what is it about men and their ideas about mermaids ?

"Through all ages, the beauty of the mermaids has been passed from sailors to sailors. Like some distant legend, many seeking to see them."

Nami: This isn't your first time seeing one, right ?

"I've passed through Fishman island more times than I can remember."


Robin: You have to admit, Camie is pretty cute.

Brook: Actually, this is my first time meeting a mermaid, too ! Say, could you spare me some cash ?

Sanji: WHAT FOR ?!

Camie: A SKELETON !!

Sanji: Stop scaring the poor girl ! Get lost !!

Brook: I can open up my head, too ! Neat, huh ?

Camie: That's so funny !

Usopp: She got over that quick...

Luffy: Hey, do mermaids poop ?


Camie: Well, in fact...


Starfish: Camie, Camie... is something wrong ? Something unnoticed for far too long ? Apart from your circle of fun, oh, what might it be ? The answer is simple... Because it is me...

"Yeah, I've been wanting to ask that for a while, but who's that talking starfish with you ?"

Camie: Sorry, I totally forgot ! This is my pet "Pappag". He's also my teacher, and a starfish !

"this sentence made so little sense you can probably kill with it."

Usopp: Are starfishes... Supposed to talk ? How can he be both a pet and a master ?

Pappag: Why am I under her care ? I don't mind if I share. Camie's clams, you see, always go right to me !

Nami: So it's for the food.

Pappag: *Yo, you're a hu-man ? I man be a star-fish, but I'm not a hu-man... You're not a hu-man ? I may not be hu-man but I am a star-fish. that's crazy-hard work, dude ! Oh no, not at all ? 'Cuz I've got plenty of hands tooo spaaaare !* Thank you !!

Camie: And yeah, so this T-shirt is the "Criminal" brand. It's super popular back on Fishman island ! The design is from Pappag ! And he's training me to be a designer someday, too !

Pappag: That's your cue to laugh !!

"You still didn't tell us why you can talk."

Pappag: Good of you to ask ! When I was little, I thought I was a human ! But when I finally learned the truth, I had already learned to talk !

"... It's a good thing I became impervious to nonsense long ago, or this discussion could be dangerous."

Pappag: Never underestimate "Willpower" !! The world runs on it, kid !! And there you have it ! I'm the starfish, Pappag !! I'm an up-and-coming designer !! Thanks for saving me ! I love you all !

"Well, you kind of got good timing. You see, we need some help to get to-"

Luffy: TIME OUT !! The Takoyaki comes first !!

Franky: Hopeless... Didn't you say you knew how to get there ?

"I did. But there are two major differences this time, being that I'm not alone, and that we need to fit the ship too."

Camie: Oh, right ! Your takoyaki reward... Then let's see if Haccin can meet up with us.

"Hacchin ?"


Camie: Hi, Hacchin ! It's Camie ! I'm sorry, I got lost... Where are you now ?

???: Oh, it's you, Camie ? Mohahaha... Don'cha know who I am ? This ain't Hachi !


???: It's me, Macro !! Y'know, the blockhead who visits all the time from the Macro crew ? Aw, crap ! I just insulted myself !!

Robin: Seem like there's been trouble.

Camie:: hey ! Why do you have Hacchin's Dendenmushi, anyway ?!

Macro: because I finally offed Hachi, that's why ! Mohahaha !

Camie: Liar !! Hacchin would never lose to you creeps !

Macro: yeah, I guess. If it had been like usual, then we probably wouldn't have won. But this time, we had help from the "Flying fish riders" !! Moha Mohahaha !!

???: Ngh... Camie... You're safe ? Thank goodness...

Camie: AAH ! HACCHIN !! They really got you ?!

Hachi: I... Was caught off-guard... Don't come looking for me. Ngh... Once I get my strength back, I'll cap these guys and find you...

Macro: Mohahahaha !! We're gonna sell him for serious cash, Camie ! You know how rare octopus fishmen are !! Wanna save him ? Give it your best shot ! We're at the Sabaody archipelago, in the sea 5 kilometers East of grove 44. It's the hideout of the terrible kidnappers, the "Flying fish riders" !!

Hachi: Gngh... Don't do it, Camie... Don't come...

Macro: Can it, Calamari !! Smell ya later !!

Camie: Hacchin... !

Luffy: So, where's the takoyaki ?


Nami: Wait a minute. That voice, which was supposedly Hacchin's... Sounded vaguely familiar... No, it can't be. It must be my imagination.

Camie: I'm so sorry ! The Takoyaki will have to wait for later ! I have to go save my friend !

Luffy: What ?!

Nami: Hold on, Camie. I don't mean to stick my neck where it doesn't belong, but if you're going to save your friend, then let us help you out. Ah, correction. I meant to say that they'll help you out.

Franky/Usopp: WHAT ABOUT YOU ?!

Nami: In exchange, how about you help us get to Fishman island ?

Camie: Eh ?! You really mean it ? Will you help me rescue Hacchin ?

Luffy: Okay, but who's Hacchin, anyway ?

Camie: He's the owner of the Takoyaki stand I work at ! It's the best in the world !


All: AYE AYE !!

"... Wooh."

Nami: That means okay ! You know the place ?

Camie: Um...

"He talked about Grove 44, if I recall. That's the farthest east of the Sabaody Archipelago. So we should run into it if we go straight for them. Problem is to get to the Archipelago..."

Camie: We can ask the fish for that.

"The... Fish ?"

Camie: Okay, sounds good ! Let's hurry ! Hellooooooo !!

Luffy: Uh ? Wow tons of fish popped out of the water !

Camie: Can you show us the way ?

Camie: They say the flying fish riders are scary, so they'll only lead us until we're halfway there.

"So mermaids really can talk to fish... The more you know."

nami: But how will we follow them if they're underwater ?

Luffy: Camie ! With you around, we'll never run out of fish to eat !

Sanji: Zip your lips, or else you'll be able to swim with them !

Usopp: I can't believe this is happening !! the fish are... Splashing an arrow on the water's surface !! Now all we need to do is travel that way, huh ?

Luffy: Three cheers for Camie !!

Camie: Ehehe... there's no need. I still have a lot to learn.

Zoro: We've set sail ? Does this mean we've found a way to Fishman island ?

Luffy: Yeah, kinda. Hey, look, Zoro, this is Camie the mermaid ! She's the real thing, and she's amazing !

Camie: nice to meet you !

Zoro: Hm... ? A mermaid ?


Zoro: First time I see one.

Chopper: He erased it !! He actually erased his memory of Kokoro !!

Pappag: ... More importantly, you guys offered to help without a second though. But are you sure you guys are able to handle this ?

Luffy: Uh, yeah. We're strong.

Pappag: I should warn you that these parts are home to plenty of kidnappers ! The Sabaody Archipelago is home to dozens of gangs just like them ! You can earn a pretty penny trading humans around here.


Luffy: ... Don't mind him. They trade humans ?

Pappag: Since Mermaids fetch an especially high price, the Macro gang, made up of three fishmen, is always looking for a way to catch Camie. And as for Hachi, the owner of the Takoyaki shop... Since Camie and I were eaten by that sea monster and didn't make it back in time, he must likely assumed that it was the Macro gang and went to pick a fight with them.

Camie: yeah, you're right... Hacchin is such a nice and honest guy. It's all my fault.

Zoro: All that talk about "Hachi" and "Octopus"... Is starting to remind me about a certain moronic fishman we ran into before...

Sanji: If it were him, then I wouldn't bother to help... It's not like there's any chance it could actually be him, though.

"... One day, I will explain to you the principles behind the 'Two great laws of jinxing'..."

Zoro/Sanji: What ?

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