Chapter 139: Heart and stomach wavering

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"But, just so we know... What are we up against exactly ?"

Pappag: Under normal circumstances, there's no doubt Hachi would have walloped those guys... But since the "Flying fish riders" were involved, the story's different...

Franky: Who are they ?

Pappag: they're a bunch of kidnapping thugs who suddenly started causing all sorts of trouble around here. They say that once you've been targeted, you're a complete goner...

Pappag: They've led by "Duval", some guy with an iron mask ! No one knows what he looks like, but he seems he's searching for someone. They say he's actually checking every ship that passes through here.

Luffy: Anyway, smile, Camie ! We'll save the Takoyaki, for sure !!

Pappag: You mean the shop's owner, I hope. You don't plan to use him as ingredient...

"Worst is, I don't even know for sure. Plus, with the possible context of this, he might not be the only one..."

Camie: Eh ?

"Something the matter ?"

Camie: The fish are saying "This is as far as we go".

Pappag: Uwa !! Here they come !! It's the Flying Fish Riders !!

Luffy: Where ?! I don't see anybody !

Pappag: No, not in the sea ! Up in the sky !!

"Ooooooh... Flying fish riders..."

Usopp: Flying Fish ?! They can fly that high ?! UWAAAAH !!

Pappag: watch out ! Those fish... Are able to fly for 5 minutes once they pop out of the surface !!

Riders: Did you get a load of that ? It's the Strawhat crew, without a doubt !! Tell the boss !!

Rider: We only came for the mermaid, but it looks like we've hit the jackpot ! Just wait until the boss gets a load of this !!

Duval: Listen up, Macro gang...

Macro: Yes, sir Duval ?!

Duval: That mermaid you lured out... Is on board a pirate ship right now.

Macro: Eh ?! Camie's on a pirate ship ?!


Macro: E- Eek... !

Duval: At long last... The very ship... I've longed for in agony !! the man who ruined my life... Will pay with his own !!

"And the fish suddenly disappeared right as they were preparing to attack... Kinda rude, if you ask me."

Robin: It looked like they got some message. Orders to withdraw, maybe ?

Luffy: I want to ride one of those flying fish ! They can fly for 5 minutes !!

Sanji: Anyway, those flying fish will be where we're heading to. We need to get ready for battle... Who would've thought they'd come from the sky... ?

Usopp: Can we get the cannons up on the deck ?! let's shoot them out of the air !

Franky: Good thinking. Now get over here, you !

"I'll fill the sky with laser beams."

Camie: I hope Hacchin's okay...

Pappag: You're the one Macro's really after. You should worry about yourself.

Punk: Duval! Two of our riders have returned.

Duval: ... ...

Riders: Duval, why did you give the order to retreat ? If you had left it to us, we could've captured both the mermaid and the pirates...

Duval: YOU MORON !!

Duval: There's no way you don't know... How much I've longed for those pirates to appear !! Just thinking about that man, my back... !! It makes this wound on my back throb so bad... !! Ebery day, ebery day... I'b hated dat bastard mo and mo !!

Punk: Oh, crap ! The boss' accent is getting worse ! Boss !! P- Please calm down !!


Punks: Uwaa, what raw... rage !


Punk: Y- Yes... They can't be left alive !!


Punks: Y- Yes, sir !! Boss !!

Duval: hey !! Macro crew !!

Crew: Ah ? What's up, Duva ?

Macro: "Duva" ?! What the hell was that ?! You guys are too rude ! Every single one of you !! Hei ! Boss Duval !! Your orders ?!

Macro: My apologies, boss. These guys are morons, so they have no idea how to behave themselves !!

Duval: Hehehe... That's fine. You guys, are like messengers from heaven, sent to bring me good fortune. I'm so grateful to you that I can't even find the words to say...

Tansui: Well just say "Thank you".


Duval: Thanks to you guys... I've finally get a chance to meet the "Strawhat crew"... !

Macro: "Strawhat"... Huh... Who are they... ?

Hacchin: 'Strawhat... !! I knew I heard right, Nyuu !!'


Punks: Boss !! Boss ! You're getting too angry ! Your accent !!

Macro: Looks like he really resents that guy...

Hacchin: Nyuuu ! Hey, you ! Big guy !

Macro: That's boss Duval to you, Octopus boy !!

Hacchin: 'Nyuu... Who would've thought I'd hear the name "Strawhat" again out here ?! This is bad !! Nyuu ! Even worse than before, those guys...'

Hatchan: Camie was captured by the "Strawhat pirates" ?!! Are they coming here ?!!

Riders: yeah, they're coming here. Wasn't it your mermaid who went asking those pirates for help ? Dunno the whole story, but it doesn't sound like she was captured. Well, it doesn't matter who she brings, as long as we're here, we'll catch 'em all and sell 'em in the "Human shop" !

Hatchan: 'As if you could do that !! They're terrifyingly strong !' Nyuu ! This is bad, this is bad ! I'm sure Nami is with them, too... ! They probably still hold a grudge against me. Of course they do... When I was with Arlong, we did some terrible things... I've gotta find a way to escape before they get here... i'm sure they'll kick my butt, too... This is so bad, Nyuu !!

Rider: Duval !! It's the Strawhat pirates !!

Duval: They're here.

Hatchan: hey !! Macro ! I'll make you some Takoyaki if you let me go !

Macro: As if, you moron !! Do you think I'm a glutton or something !! Mohahaha, it's time for you to pay, too ! Prepare yourself !!

Duval: is that man there... ?!

Rider: Yes, sir !! There's no mistake !! He's there !!

Pappag: We're here !! That's it !! The flying fish riders' base !!

"So this Hacchin guy is being held there... ?"

Sanji: We'll have him out in a second, Camie~ !!

Camie: Thanks, Sanji !! Be careful, everyone... the Macro crew alone has captured me about 30 times...

Usopp: That's a bit much, don't you think ?! You get swallowed too much, too !

"... It's quiet... Too quiet... Hey, Luffy..."

Luffy: FORWARD !!

"... Figure. This isn't an island, it's just a platform built in the middle of the ocean..."

Robin: I wonder why they're living all the way out here.

"Proximity with the wares, probably..."

Camie: Heey, Hacchin !! Are you okay, Hacchin ?!

Pappag: Got out here, Macro !! Give us Hachi back !!

Hatchan: Crap, it's really the Strawhats' ship !! Takohachi Black !!

Camie: It looks like... There's someone in that cage. Is it Hacchin ?

Pappag: What luck, Camie !! there's not even anybody around !! It must be snack time or something !!

Usopp: Are you guys serious... ?! No matter how you look at it... This is obviously a trap !! They must be all hiding and targeting us !

Camie: What insight !!

Pappag: I didn't even think of something that underhanded...

Franky: That's why you two get caught all the time !!

Hatchan: Nyu !! I'm here, Camie !! I'm fine, so don't worry !!

Camie: KYAAAAH !! Hacchin, you're all black !! What happened ?! Were you burned ?!!

Hatchan: Nyu ?! No, this is... well, nevermind. This is a trap, so get away !! You know how strong I am, right ?! I'm fine, so just go !!

Zoro: ... That voice sounds familiar, and that silhouette... Nami, what do you think ?

Nami: Hhmmmm... It definitely looks kinda... Suspicious...

Luffy: What ?

"Well, how about we just ask ? Hey !! How's Arlong doing ?!"

Hatchan: Nyuu ?! Ahh ! Arlong ?! Arlong, Smack and Kuroobi, they're all still being held by the marines !! I broke out by myself. I managed to achieve my dream of opening a takoyaki shop, though.

"... I see..."

Luffy: Arlong...

Hatchan: ... ... ... OH, CRAP !!


Robin: What's going on ?

"It's a long story..."

Usopp: Nami's hometown used to be ruled by a fishman pirate crew called the "Arlong pirates". That octopus was a lieutenant of the crew !!

Franky: Haa... So you know this guy...

Usopp: Well, of course, I took the other guys and we crushed them...

"Figure when he started bending the truth. But they should have been jailed by the marines... How did he managed to break out...

Brook: I see... It truly is a small world.

Luffy: So, "Hacchin", the takoyaki vendor, was really you all along !! You were with Arlong, Takohachi !! if we had known that, there's no way we would have come to help you !!

Luffy: But... is your Takoyaki... Reeeeally that good ?!

"Careful Luffy, your head and your stomach are in direct conflict."

Zoro: How moronic...

Camie: Could it be that you guys are all Hacchin's friends ?!

Zoro: We're not friends !!

Camie: GYAAAAAAAAAA !! N- Nami !!

Nami: I'm sorry, Camie. I never imagined that your friend would be that guy.

Usopp: Turn the ship around !

Camie: But... But then you... You won't help rescue him... ?! Hacchin... !

Hatchan: Nyuu !! Camie !! it's fine !! Just turn back ! This is a trap !

Camie: No !! I... I'll save you !! You're always helping us out !! Pappag !!

Pappag: yeah !! Keh ! I didn't know these guys were so heartless !! You idiots !

"... We're pirates... Sanji, is there any good starfish recipes you know ?"

Sanji: Sadly, no.

Camie: Hacchin !!I won't abandon you !! Just wait there !!


Camie: Kyaah !!

Macro: We've got you, Camie !


Macro: Mohahahahahaha !! We're gonna be rich !! hachi can't come to your rescue this time !!

Hatchan: Nyuu ! Camie !! Pappag !! I tried to warn you !

Sanji: Those bastards ! Camie-chan didn't do anything !! let's just save her.

Nami: Hold on, Sanji. Let's save hachi, too.

"Eh ? Are... You absolutely certain ?"

Nami: It's fine. Hachi's really a harmless guy. I mean, we made a promise to Camie, right ? Luffy !

Luffy: if you're fine with it, then we've got no choice. We'll save Takohachi, too.

Usopp: Your eyes look like Takoyaki !!

Duval: Are you ready, Flying fish riders ?!

Riders: of course. Anytime.

Macro: Mowah !! Damn, he's got a devil fruit ability !!

Luffy: All right !! We got'em back !!

Macro: That bastard !!

Hatchan: Nyuu !! Strawhat !! thank you !! I'm in your debt !! I'll never forget this !!

Luffy: Zoro !Cut down Takohachi's cage and rope !!

Zoro: Got it !

Hatchan: Strawhat, be careful !! You're already in their trap !! The flying fish riders are gonna come out of the water and surround you !!

"He's right... In fact, I think we're already surrounded... And they're gonna come out, any second now !"

Luffy: I don't care if they come from the sea or from the sky !! bring them on ! We'll destroy them !! ALL RIGHT GUYS !! IT'S TIME FOR BATTLE !!


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