Chapter 140: Jagi- Uhhh... Duval.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Hatchan: Nyuu ! Camie, Pappag !! It's dangerous ! Get back, you two !!

Macro: Dammit ! Steal Camie back !!

Luffy: bring it on, flying fish !!

"You'll have the occasion... Here they come !! Everyone, to battle !!"

Luffy: Which one, which one... ? Which one looks the freshest ?

Rider: Hm ? EH ?!

Luffy: I'VE GOT YOU !! Switch with me !!

Rider: Uwaaaa !!

Chopper: Is Luffy riding one of those things ?!

"Don't mind him and pull the sails in ! They're in the way !!"

Sanji: What a dumbass...

Luffy: Oh man, this is awesome ! Uhoooh !! I'm flying !!

Duval: Dive !!

Riders: Roger that.


Chopper: Eh ? LUFFY !!

"Puhah ! Luffy, what the hell are you doing ?! This is the middle of a fight !"

Luffy: Bubaaaa, I'b sowwy !!


Chopper: Oeho ! I... I'm sorry !!

Brook: I... ! I'm also sorry for causing you trouble... !

Nami: We had to save all three of you dead-weights ! It's pretty hard for us too, morons ! Don't make us work harder here !!

Macro: Grab Camie now, while we have the chance !!

Camie: It's the Macro crew !!

Pappag: Hey, Strawhat !! We could use a hand here !!


Hatchan: Nyuu !! I've been freed from my cage !! Thanks, Roronoa ! You really are a good guy !!

Zoro: Captain's orders, idiot.

Macro: NNGEH ! Hachi !!

Hatchan: Why, you guys... While I couldn't move, you really worked me over !!

Tansui: Auau !! I'm not done yet, Hachi... I'll finish you with my Fishman Karate !!

Macro: You just have terrible luck !! Mohamohahahaha, we just gave you a beating ! And now, you're gonna get it even worse !

Gyaro: Come on, I'll dye the sea red with your blood with my new sword style, "Goldfish sword" !

Macro: WE'LL LET YOU OFF FOR TODAAaaaaaaaaay... !!

Camie: Ueeeh, I'm so glad, Hacchin !!

Hatchan: Nyuu, I'm sorry Camie, Pappag, I meant to save you.

Pappag: Don't worry about it, Hachi ! HADAA !! BEHIND YOU !!

Rider: Did you forget ?! This is our base !! We, the Flying Fish Riders, are running the show here !!

Hatchan: NYUU !!

Zoro: Don't let your guard down... Leave the rest to us, you guys just get back !

Hatchan: I can't thank you enough, Roronoa !! I'm really sorry for that one time. I really hurt you with my "Six-swords style".

Zoro: I don't remember you touching me at all !!

Hatchan: Nyu ? Is that so ?

Usopp: Here they come !!


"There's a good reason we don't have a lot of cannons on this ship. I'm all the artillery we'll ever need."

Usopp: Haha, did you see that ?! How was that ?!!

Duval: Who volunteer for the "Zero fight" ? I'll pay your medical bill up to a million.

Rider: Got it, boss ! I'll go !! Out of the way !!

Chopper: There's a huge guy coming this way !! he's got a metal club too ! And that message, he said something about a medical bill.

Sanji: He let go of the handle ! He's coming in for a suicide attack !

"Ramming us at this speed, there's no way the ship can take it. No choice, it's interception time."

Luffy: Wait ! I want the fish ! Sanji, let's go !

Rider: I'll have you know, when I ram you at this speed, it'll be like a meteor hitting you !

"Hurry, he's coming straight for us !"

Sanji: Don't worry. You're not the only one, who hits hard in the air !!

Luffy: OOOOOOHRYAAAH !! And there's dinner !

Chopper: You guys are so cool !

"Well, it surely is bigger when seen up close..."

Rider: Looks like our usual tricks won't work against these guys.

Usopp: Wah !! They're still a lot of them flying around !! How many do we need to take out ?!

Luffy: I want to ride one so bad !! Dammit ! Don't think I've given up !!

Nami: And I'm telling you to give it up !! I'm not going to save you any more !

Brook: How shameful of me... !! My first battle as a member of the Strawhats !! If I don't make myself useful, it would be a disgrace !!

Luffy: Oh, what's wrong, Brook ?

Brook: I'll decrease the number of those flying fish riders... Please watch... This skill !

"Go for it, Brook ! Put your back-bone into it !"

Brook: Yohohoho !! Let's go !! TOUH !!

Chopper: Uwo !! Look how high he can jump !

Riders: What's with that skeleton mask ?! I'll finish you with one strike !

Riders: Hmgn... Zzzzzz... ?

Chopper: Th... they fell asleep.... Rzzzz

Nami: YOU GUYS, TOO ?!!

Brook: Yohohoho ! Music is power. EXCUSE ME !!

Riders: DOWAAH !! WE WERE ASLEEP !! What did that bastard just do ?! What kind of dirty trick did he just use ?!

Brook: Yohoho. It's not a trick. It's music !

Luffy: Good work, Brook !! Things are getting pretty fun ! I'm going too !

"Don't even think about it, it's not gonna end well !"

Luffy: Don't say that until you've tried ! Okay, I've got one ! Don't even think about diving !! Hey... ? HE'S ASLEEP !!

"Somehow, i'm not even surprised..."

Luffy: Hey, you guys !! WAKE UP !! GYAAAH !!


Riders: Uwaah !! That bastard crashed into the boss' room !!

Luffy: Uuhh... ow ow... Hm ? ... Ah ?!!

Duval: ... You saw.


Duval: You... You know me, right... ?!

Brook: Yoho !! I'm at my limit ! I feel as if my legs are cramping up, even though I don't have any muscles tocramp !!

Zoro: take it easy, Brook... Almost all of the Flying fish are down.

Brook: Haa... Haa ! As long as I was useful... But, I need to take a little break... Zoro... It looks like you're still hurt.

Zoro: That's not going to matter against these fish. Don't worry about it.

Hatchan: Nyuuu, you're being careless, Roronoa !! "Six swords style" !!

Zoro: Heh, you're helping us now ?

Hatchan: Nyuu ! Yeah ! It's because you guys were just spacing out !! Nyufufufu.

Rider: DIE, FISHMAN !!

Hatchan: OH ?!


Rider: OWAAAAH !!

Hatchan: ... M- My life flashed right before my eyes. T- Thanks.

Zoro: Looks like you're a little rusty.

Riders: Go at them all together. Form up ! Go by pair !

Franky: Eh ? Pervert ?

Riders: Attack them in aerial formation ! By pair to the target !

Franky: Are they calling me or something ?

Rider: A woman, huh !! It's a waste, but our orders are to kill them all !

Nami: Please don't, I'm jut a defenseless girl~ !

Riders: WHAT WAS THAT ?!

Nami: Too bad, that was a "Mirage Tempo". Also, look out for those thunder-clouds up ahead~.


Robin: Dos Fleurs. CLUTCH !!

Chopper: Kokutei... DIAMOND !

"Peew, peew, peew !"

Usopp: Are you... Making laser noises ?

"All the time in my head. Why, is that weird ?"

Usopp: ... ... ...

"... ... ..."

Usopp: Pe-choo ! Pe-choo, pe-choo !

"Peew, peew, peew !"

Riders: Don't break pair formation !!

Franky: What ?

Rider: Uwah !! What's with him ?! Bullets don't have any effect !!


Camie: Amazing ! You're all so strong !! Right Pappag ?!

Pappag: I had no idea they were this strong... I was planning on grabbing Hachi and escape as fast as we could...

"Hm... This is more troublesome than expected... Franky, can't we pull up to the dock ? We're giving them an advantage by just sitting in the middle of the water !

Franky: It's not like they'll just stop attack while we move the ship !


Luffy: UWAAAAAH !! That was close ! Guys, get out of here !! A huge guy is coming !

Hatchan: A big guy with an iron mask?!

Luffy: It's a masked man with a cow !!


Riders: That's "Motobaro"'s call !! It's the boss !!

Duval: You bastards, coming in here and making this mess !!

Usopp: Something came out ! What Is that ?!

Duval: You ain't mosquitoes or flies ! You're the flying fish riders !!

Riders: he wrecked his own place and came out.. !!

Duval: As long as we kill the Strawhats, we won't be needing this base !!

Riders: Our deepest apologies, boss !! We'll pull them all into the ocean right now !!

Duval: GET OUT OF MY WAY !! I have no business with fishmen or mermaids ! If you want to escape, then go wherever the hell you want !! I haven't been running this operation because I enjoy it ! You all know that, don't you... ?!

Riders: Of course, boss !!

Duval: Today is a glorious day !! The man that I've wanted to kill... That I've wanted to kill so badly that I see it in my dreams... !! Now he's right in front of my eyes !! I'm so grateful... God must truly be smiling down on me... ! That man who, all of a sudden, sent me to the depths of hell !!

Usopp: Is he talking about us over here ?

"It... It would seem like it..."

Duval: Right here, right now !! I will kill you, even if it comes down to stabbing you !!

"... Hey, I know I've been pretty much ruining your line of work, but is that really a reason ?"

Duval: NOT YOU, MORON !! IT'S YOU ! The pirate "Black-Leg" Sanji !! I'be wanted to meet you... Vace to Vace...

Riders: This is bad ! His accent is getting heavier !!

Sanji: Me... ?! That guy wants to kill me... ?!

"I won't lie, I'm kinda offended that what I did isn't acknowledged. Why would he even want your guts anyway, Sanji ?"

Nami: Is he someone from your time at the restaurant ? Think back !

Sanji: That's so long ago... Well, I got into fights with people all the time back then...

Usopp: You're getting what you deserve.

Chopper: Don't be any more trouble. That guy's scary.

Duval: Don't just sit there and space out, black leg !! THIS JUST HAPPENED RECENTLY !!

"Take cover !! He's shooting harpoons !!"

Sanji: Something recent ?§ This is getting more confusing !

Usopp: ... wait !! There's something weird about these harpoons !

Duval: these harpoons are dosed with scorpion poison !! Just a scratch, and you're already dead ! It'll only take three minutes !! HAVE A TASTE OF MY ANGER !! YOU AND YOUR COMRADES ARE ALL GOING TO DIE !!

Sanji: Uoh ! Damn it... ! I can't remember ! Who the hell are you ?!

Luffy: I... I saw what's under that mask ! i'll show you ! Don't be too surprised ! it's a familiar face to you, too.

Zoro: What ?! Who is he ?

Luffy: Oooh !

Riders: THAT BASTARD !! The boss'... IRON MASK !!

Duval: Uuh ! That's fine ! Take a good lok... Take a good, long look at my wounded face !!

Usopp: AAAAAAHH !!

Nami: No way... !!

Chopper: EHHHHHHH ?!

Zoro: H- He's... !!

Robin: Well, now.

Brook: Oh my.

Franky: Uwooooo... I'm crying... !

"Pff... Pffrrrr..."

Duval: I'be been waiting fo dis day... I went out to sea with my heart set on killing you... !! But finding you... Was too difficult... Because the face on the wanted poster was different from the real man's face !! If the Marine or bounty hunters saw the man on this poster, they wouldn't just walk by !! No, that would never happen !! They would try to find you !!

Riders: Boss... !!

Duval: "Hey, Sanji, where are you ?!" And when they found me, they would say... "We found you, Black-Leg Sanji" !! And I would tell them...



Duval: Do you understand the fear I felt at suddenly having people after my head ?! Even the marine headquarters started coming after me !! Famous bounty hunters were trying to kill me ! JUST WHAT DID I DO ?! GIVE ME MY LIFE BACK !! BOGEH !!


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