Chapter 33: Arlong Park

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator-Voice-off

Your POV:

Yosaku: Wahhh...

"How long are you going to cry for that ? It's been 3 hours already."

Yosaku: B- But I'm so touched ! It was truly a beautiful goodbye, brother cook !

Sanji: You are keeping a check on our boat's direction, right ?

Luffy: Ahhh ! I want to bring back Nami so we can go to Grand Line already !

Sanji: You're awfully happy, but even with Nami, don't you still only have 6 people ? Are you seriously planning to go to Grand Line with only 6 people ? You'll regret it if you underestimate the seas, you hear ?!

Luffy: If it's only more crew members we need, we can do that in Grand Line too ! After all, it's supposed to be a paradise !

Sanji: paradise ? Don't you mean a pirate's graveyard ?!

Luffy: Before we left the restaurant, owner Zeff told me, that some people call Grand Line a paradise ! Hee he !

"Paradise... Huh... ?"

Sanji: That geezer said that ? Well, as long as Nami will be there, I won't mind even if it's just the two of us alone...

Yosaku: YOU'RE ALL BEING MUCH TOO NAIVE !! You really know too little about Grand Line ! Not to mention our destination as well ! If brother Zoro had some basic knowledge, then he'd have come back with me ! And he definitely would've realized just how terrifying, the man at the place sister Nami went to is !

Sanji: So, should we eat ?

"Sounds good to me."

Luffy: Heck yeah !

Yosaku: THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT !! There's something about the place we're going to that you have to know about ! The reason why Grand Line is called the "pirate's graveyard", is because of the 3 great powers that rule over it. And one of them, is the 7 shichibukai.

Luffy: Shichibukai ?

"To put it simply, they're seven powerful pirates, that are officially authorized by the government."

Sanji: What ? Why would the government permit pirates ?

"They're not just the average pirates... As long as they give a portion of their loot, from pillaging 'uncivilized' land and capturing other pirates, their activities aren't officially sanctioned by the government. Other pirates may look down on them by calling them 'government dogs'... But they're all extremely strong. In fact, that hawk-eyes Mihawk that trampled over Zoro is one of them."

Luffy: Woah ! There's 7 of these guys ?! Those shichibukai guys are amazing !

Sanji: ... How can you know so much about that topic ?

"I may have been to Grand Line myself, a decade ago or something."

Luffy: Was it when you met shanks ?

"Kind of. It was after the execution of Roger anyways."

Yosaku: You... Went to Grand line ? When you were a kid ?!

"Oh, no, I wasn't a kid. I'm older than I look, you know."

Yosaku: well, the problem here, is with another one of the shichibukai. The leader of the fishman pirates, "Jinbe" !

Luffy: Fishman ? Never met one before !

Sanji: Fishmen, huh ? isn't Fisherman island a very famous travel destination in Grand Line ? I've heard that the most beautiful mermaids are there.

Yosaku: in return for joining the Shichibukai, Jinbe let a terrifying monster loose in East Blue.

Luffy: Like this ?

Sanji: That's one ugly fish, haha !


"Yes. Now carry on please."

Yosaku: Whatever, I'll just skip the complicated history lecture for now. The place we're headed to is "Arlong park" !! It's an area ruled by Arlong, a fishman pirate that once fought alongside Jinbe, a member of the shichibukai ! In terms of individual strength, he's far stronger than even Don Krieg !

Sanji: but... You came back to the Baratie before catching up with her, right ? So how do you know for sure where Nami was headed to ? Isn't it possible that her destination happened to be in the same direction ?

Yosaku: me and Johnny have a strong feeling about this, based on what happened earlier on...

Nami: Johnny, what's this ?

Johnny: Those are wanted posters.

Johnny: What's wrong, sis ? You've been just staring at those wanted posters.

Nami: No, it's nothing.

Johnny: Oh, eyeing the high-bounty, are you now ?

Yosaku: But it's best not to go for that one.

Yosaku: Sister Nami was definitely staring intently at Arlong's wanted poster. And right after we said Arlong's crew was wreaking havoc again recently, she took off with the treasure. This is too much to be a coincidence. I'm sure there's some conne-

Luffy: how about this ?

Sanji: All you did was draw your previous fish standing upright. But I wonder just what Nami has to do with those fishermen ? Could it be that she's a mermaid ? That would explain her beauty...

Luffy: ... Like this ?



"Yeah, there's that really strong fishman dude, got it."


Luffy: Well, we'll see when we get there.

Sanji: Yeah, that's right. Don't sweat it, Yosaku.


Sanji: in any case, let's eat. What do you want ?

Luffy: MEAT ON A BONE !!


"I'll go with rice omelet."

Sanji: Alright, just leave it to me !

Luffy: Ahh, sure is nice having a cook around.

Sanji: I wish I could hurry up and cook for Nami instead of you doofuses.

Yosaku: Stir-fried !! Bean sprouts ! Big helping !!

???: Here's the pay for the month. Take it.

Nezumi: As always, thank you very much. Chi chi chi chi... You sure do know how to get by in this world...

[Marine 16th branch: Captain Nezumi]

Arlong: SHAHAHAHA ! What're you being so reserved now for ?! As they say, money makes the world go round !

Arlong: Money's good ! there's nothing more reliable than money ! Ain't that right ?

Nezumi: Certainly.

Arlong: SHAHAHAHA ! I despise humans but men and women like you who get how this world works are a different matter.

Nezumi: Well, if business is over, I'll have to get going now. it'd be bad to have my ship docked in a place like this in the middle of its patrol..

Arlong: You're always in a hurry, aren't you ? You should stay awhile and drink with me every now and then ! Live a little ! If anyone rats you out to headquarters, I'll kill him for ya.

Nezumi: No, it's fine... excuse me then.

Arlong: hey, the captain's on his way back ! Escort him to his ship !

Hatchan: Yessir ! Get on the octopus pot, I'll give you a lift !

Nezumi: Yes... Thank you.

Hatchan: You sure do have a nice-looking face, not to mention even your name is Nezumi.

(A/n: Nezumi=Mouse)

Hachi: C'mon ! Your face alone is enough of a joke already ! Ahahaha !!

Arlong: Hachi ! Watch that mouth of yours ! The captain is our valued client.

Hachi: oh, right. Sorry 'bout that. Well, get on then !

Arlong: My bad, captain ! That one's got a mouth on him !

Nezumi: N- No.. It's fine, chi chi chi ! 'these fishmen give me the creeps... But their money's good.'

Arlong park's east gates:

Boy: Hey, you ! Stop right there !! i'm going to kill Arlong ! He killed my dad !! So if you don't get outta my way, I'll kill you too ! I'm serious !

Nami: Arlong doesn't have time to waste, on little brats like you !! So if you understand, go home. Here's a little money. Use it for your own protection.

Boy: Dammit...

Arlong: Ohhh ! So you're back, that was quite a long trip !

Nami: This mansion is as lax as always...

Arlong: Ha... As if anyone would knowingly dare to raid my estate ! How much did you rake in this time ?

Nami: Quite a lot ! ... But it was strangely heart-breaking this time.

Arlong: SHAHAHAHA ! Since when did YOU get so sentimental ?! Betraying people is your specialty, isn't it ?!

Nami: oh, is that so ?

Arlong: My fishman brothers, our comrade Nami has returned ! Let us prepare a feast !

Fishmen: WOOHOO !!

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