Chapter 54: The No-Name country

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Dolton: This country, has no name as of yet.

Vivi: A nameless country ? Is that even possible ?


Dolton: It's just a hiking bear. It poses no danger but mind your hiking manners and don't forget to bow.

The snowing town, Big Horn:

Dolton: This is... Our town.

Luffy: They got some weird animals walking around.

Usopp: A real snow country for sure !

Sanji: Nami, it's a town ! We're finally at a town full of people !

"Not judging your level of vocabulary, Sanji, but I don't think she can hear you right now."

Sanji: Then hurry up and put her in a bed ! Be careful, would you ! But hurry !

"Sanji, you're losing your composure."

Sanji: Hurry ! Steady ! Be careful !

Dolton: Good work, everyone. Those that aren't on guard duty can now return to their normal jobs.

Villager: You sure you can handle all of them yourself, Dolton ? They ARE pirates.

Dolton: They should pose no harm. Or at least, that's what my reliable gut instinct tells me...

Vivi: ... This country doesn't have any professional soldiers, does it ?

Dolton: No, they're all normal civilians. For the time being, come to my house.

Villager: Dolton ! I'll be looking forward to the elections in two days ! Everyone says they'll be voting for you !

Dolton: T- That's preposterous ! I bear too many sins for such a position...

"Would it be wrong to assume, that this snow-white country has seen darker days... ?"

Dolton: You can use the bed over there. I'll go heat up the room right now. My apologies for the belated introduction... My name is Dolton and it is my duty to guard this island. Please forgive our hostile welcome.

"That's fine. We are pirates after all, we better get used to that kind of stuff."

Dolton: I'd like to ask you one thing...

Vivi: Hm ?

Dolton: I get the feeling, that I've seen you before somewhere...

Vivi: Y- You must be imagining things. I'm sure we've never met before... More importantly, could you tell us more about this witch... ?

Dolton: A fever of... 42 degrees ?!

"Yes... Her fever has been rising steadily since 3 days ago... And we don't know hat the cause of her disease is, nor how to treat it..."

Sanji: It doesn't matter if this doctor's a witch or whatever as long as she can cure Nami ! So just where the hell is she ?!

Dolton: From the window... You should be able to see the mountains...

Sanji: yeah, you mean those extremely tall-



"Would you be so kind and pay attention for once ?"

Dolton: Those mountains are called the Drum Rockies. Perhaps you can see a castle at the top of the tallest mountain in the middle ? Presently... It's a castle with no king...

Sanji: yeah, I can see it alright... So what about it ?

Dolton: Dr.Kureha, the lone doctor in this entire country whom the people call a witch, lives in that very castle situated on the mountaintop.

"Just our luck. Of all places she could be, it HAS to be up there... How do we contact her ?"

Dolton: As much as I'd like to, there is no way to do that.

Sanji: What ?! And she calls herself a doctor ?! What's with that woman ?!

Dolton: her skills as a doctor are undeniable, but she's bit of a kook... And almost 140 years old at that, too.

"140 ?! How is she still alive ?!"

*^WAY older than he looks^.*

Dolton: other than that... Ah, that's right, she happens to like pickled plums.

Vivi: Then what do the people of this country do when they're sick or injured ?!

Dolton: Well, she comes down from the mountain whenever she feels like it, finds patients to treat, and afterwards... She takes anything she wants from their homes as payment.

Usopp: That is one mean old hag.

Luffy: She's basically a pirate !

"... How does she even get down from the mountains... ?"

Dolton: According to certain eyewitnesses, she supposedly rides down on a sleight on moonlit nights... That is why the people call her a witch... Others have reportedly seen a most bizarre creature traveling along with her...

Usopp: Gahhh ! I KNEW it !! I warned you guys ! I told you guys about the snow monsters ! I just KNEW there had to be witches and yetis lurking among the snowy mountain peaks ! Ahhh ! Please god ! Don't let them find me !

"He's always like that, nothing to worry about here."

Dolton: Yes, although she's this country's only doctor, she's also someone who I'd prefer to have little to do with. In any case, I'm afraid the only thing you can do is wait until she comes down...

"Out of the question. We have absolutely no time to spare."

Sanji: What in the world... How the hell is it possible for there to be only one doctor in an entire country ?!

Luffy: hey, Nami ! Nami ! Can you hear me ?


Nami: Mnn...

Luffy: Ah, you're up ! Listen, we can't get a doctor unless we go up a mountain, so we'll be hiking up.


Luffy: It's fine, I'll be carrying her.


"That's actually our best option here. I can bring her to the top of that mountain in no time and with no problem."

Vivi: Even so, it's still too much of a burden fromNami !

"I can also carry the bed, you know."

Vivi: that's not the point ! What if she falls ?!

Luffy: Well... There's only nice and comfy snow below...

Sanji: A normal person would die instantly if they fell from a mountain of that height ! And you're not even dealing with a normal, healthy person here ! She has a temperature 6 degrees above normal ! Do you understand how serious her situation is ?!

Nami: ... haha... I'll leave it to you then, guys...

Luffy: great ! Just leave it to us !

Usopp: oh lord, our navigator just gone crazy too !

Vivi: Do you even understand just how sick you are, Nami ?!

Sanji: ... Alright, I'll be coming along too !

Vivi: Hold on, Stand still... I have to tie her tightly around you...

"That should do already. Remember I'll only carry her like that until we get to the mountains."

Vivi: I'll stay behind here. I'd only drag you down if I came along.

Usopp: Me too !

Luffy: Alright ! Hang on tight here, Nami !

Nami: Ok...

Dolton: If you're serious about this, I won't stop you, but you should at least climb up from the other side... The route to the top from here is full of lapins. They're extremely violent and carnivorous rabbits... If you come across a pack of them, there will be no escaping alive !

Luffy: Rabbits ? But we're in a hurry... I'm sure it'll be fine. Right ?

Sanji: yeah. I'll kick any that get in our way.

"Very well, we're off then."

"Welcome, and thank you for choosing Gaster Airlines today. Next stop, Drum Rockies !"

Dolton: ... Well of course, now that's the easy way to do it... Are they gonna be fine ?

Usopp: If it's those 3, there's nothing to worry about, but...

Vivi: The problem is whether or not Nami can hold out long enough... I just hope they can all get to the top safe and sound...



Dolton: What's wrong ? You should go back inside already, it's quite cold outside...

Vivi: It's fine... I... I want to stay outside for now...

Usopp: Me too !

Dolton: ... I see... Why don't I join you then. It used not to be like this long ago...

Vivi: Hm ?

Dolton: The doctors, I mean. There's a reason why all of them save for one disappeared... Only a few months ago, this country was utterly destroyed at the hands of pirates !

Vivi: Wha-

Usopp: The entire country ?!

Vivi: So that's why you were so hostile to us...

Dolton: Yes... Everyone is still uneasy at merely hearing the word, "pirate"... It was a pirate crew of only 5 people... Their captain called himself "Blackbeard"... With overwhelming strength, they destroyed our entire country in the blink of an eye.

Vivi: O- Only 5 pirates ?! That's crazy !

Dolton: Be that as it may... There are some who say it as a good thing that our country was destroyed...

Vivi: What ?! there's no way it'd be a good thing for one's country to be destroyed !

Usopp: yeah, that's ridiculous ! How could that be ?!

Dolton: That's because up until that point, the king and his tyrannical rule brought much suffering to the people... The name of this country was formerly "Drum Kingdom" and the ruler of this kingdom was a man named "Wapol" ! He was truly a most despicable king... !

Vivi: Ah ! That man... ! Now I remember !

Usopp: Wapol ?!

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