Chapter 55: Drum Rockies

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:

Dolton: What... ?! Do you people know about Wapol ?!

Usopp: Know him ? We don't know jack other than him being the pirate who attacked our ship... ! 'Course, I was the one who chased him away, but now that I think about it, he did say something about Drum Kingdom...

Vivi: yes, I remember clearly now... He's the same man I met, back when I was a little girl and father took me to the council of kings.

Dolton: Council of kings... ?! Who are you exactly... ?

Vivi: Ah-Umm... I- In any case ! We did meet Wapol ! We came across him only yesterday while on our way here.

Dolton: Are you telling the truth... ?!

Vivi: What does this all mean ? You said that the country was destroyed, but then why is the king alive and well being a pirate out of all things ?!

Dolton: Him being a pirate is just a disguise. he's most likely been loitering around the oceans here waiting for the right time to come back.

Vivi: So then... Wapol and his men were driven out of this island and forced to be pirates, after being unable to fight off the Blackbeard pirates...

Dolton: Unable to fight off... ?! Wrong ! Back when the pirates attacked this country, the king and his soldiers didn't even TRY to mount a resistance !

Vivi: What ?

Dolton: Once Wapol realized just how strong the pirates were, he simply abandoned his own country, by immediately taking off to the seas faster than anyone else ! All the citizens were dismayed by such an act of cowardice committed by their own king...

Vivi: AND HE CALLS HIMSELF A KING ?!! It's beyond cruel... How could the king just abandon his people...

Dolton: Exactly... But thanks to that, Wapol's reign of tyranny finally came to an end. This island now belongs to those of us who remained behind... ! The towns are slowly beginning to recover, and we're now in the midst of forging a new country. That is why the thing we dread the most is Wapol's return. At this time of great unrest and uneasiness, we must prevent that at all costs ! For the purpose of creating a better country for a better tomorrow, we must... !

Your POV:

"Those damn mountains are much taller up close... It's gonna take a while to climb."

Luffy: And it's getting pretty cold with all this wind too...

Sanji: Why the hell are you wearing sandals in this weather ? Just looking at them is making me feel cold !

Luffy: That's just my police !

"it's called 'Policy', Luffy..."

Luffy: Oh is it ? In any case, did ya know that people in snow countries don't sleep ?

Sanji: And why is that ?

Luffy: Because they'll die if they do.

Sanji: That's the dumbest things I've ever heard.

Luffy: It's true, that's what a guy once told me.

Rabbit: Grrrr !!

"Who, Usopp ?"

Luffy: Nope, from a guy in a bar.

Rabbit: Raawwr ! Grrr !

"Then why is there a bed in Dolton's house ?"

Luffy: Ah... You're right ! Then that must be for when it's time for him to die...

Sanji: That's even more ridiculous !

Rabbit: Grrrrr !!!

"Luffy, it's trying to sleep in the snow that kills you, that's all."

Sanji: Well, let me ask you this. Did you know that the women of snowy countries all have beautiful smooth skin ?

Luffy: Why's that ?

Sanji: Isn't that obvious ?

Rabbit: Rawr !!

Sanji: You know how when it's cold, you rub your skin together ? Well, that's why.

Rabbit: Grr ! Rawr !!

Sanji: Having smooth white skin is the trademark of women in snowy countries.

Rabbit: Rawr !! Rawr !!

"I still don't see the link..."

Rabbit: RAWR !

Sanji: That's because the color of the snow seeps deep inside their skin.

Rabbit: GRRRR !!!

"Luffy's story at least was partially true, yours' just a fairy tale..."

Luffy: You're pretty stupid, you know.


"Wonder how it managed to get there in the first place. You think it jumped from a tree ?"

Luffy: Hang in there, Nami. We'll get you to a doctor soon.

"If the wind keeps getting stronger, flying up will become problematic..."

Sanji: Hey, be more careful or Nami's body won't hold up !

"I'm just saying, it'll probably take us more time to get to the top than expected."

Luffy: Hey, what the hell are those ?

Luffy: They're white and big so they gotta be polar bears !

"Didn't Dolton warn us about those things... ?"

Dolton: I wonder if they're alright... I just hope they don't come across any lapins...

Usopp: You said they're carnivorous, but they're still just rabbit, right ?

Dolton: Yes... Agile as normal rabbits but with the body of bears. And they happen to hunt in packs as well.

Usopp: BODY OF BEARS ?!!

Vivi: A- Are they really that big... ?

Villager: Dolton ! You were looking for the doctor, weren't you ?

Dolton: yes, but the patient has already-

Villager: Well good, because she just came down to the neighnouring village !

All: WHAT ?!!

Chess: Ah ! YOUR MAJESTY !!

Wapol: What is it, Chess ?! Did you just spot those pirates from yesterday ?!

Chess: No but look, your majesty ! We've finally returned at last...

Wapol: What ?!

Chess: After many months of perseverance, WE'VE REACHED OUR HOMELAND, DRUM ISLAND !!

Wapol: Really ?!!

Luffy: IT JUMPED !!

Sanji: What in the world... How can it jump like that ?! It's like a gorilla !

Luffy: No, it's a polar bear !

"I believe they're called 'lapins'. So it's a pack of giant rabbits."

Sanji: Get down here and help us fight them off !

"About that, I'm afraid all my focus is already on use by keeping us up in the air. Sorry guys."

Sanji: If all you can do is flying around, then forget about us, and head straight for the castle !

Luffy: Yeah, do that ! We can hold our own here, but Nami can't wait !

"... I think you hit your heads. There's no way I'm leaving you guys behin-"

Luffy: Y/n. That's a direct order from your captain. Go, now.

"You guys better expect me to return soon enough. And is wear, if I don't find you, I'll-"

Luffy: Y/N !

"Yes captain !!"

Sanji: remember that if anything happens to Nami, you're dead meat !

"I've got enough pressure already, no need to add more... I'll be on my way."

"Finally, we're here... We've only got this cliff left to climb, and we'll finally be able to meet that doctor..."


"I don't like that noise... I DEFINITELY don't like that noise... It sounded like an avalanche..."

"I know Luffy ordered me to go without them... But I swore on my life I'd put mine on the line for him... And I never could present myself before him again if I let him die... I'm sorry Nami, but please hold on for just a moment, I'll be right back."

I summoned yet another giant Gaster blaster, and after gently laying her between its jaw, I turned back.

"You go up to the top. That way, I won't be disobeying Luffy's orders. Now... Time to put my backbone into it for once."

And so I sped off back toward the valley, our navigator slowly heading up, to the mountaintop.

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