Chapter 56: Ascension

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Here. Let me help with that."

"And now back to the top we go... I swear, those two will be the end of me..."


"Seriously ? Out of all people, it's you guys again ?"

Wapol: Wait ! You've been disrespecting me too many times ! You white-haired little brat !"

"Listen, I have no time to play with you, so just get out of my way, would you ?"

Wapol: Are you dreaming ? Hahahahaha ! Why do I have to let you go ? Those things that you are carrying don't seem to have long to live anyway- HEY ! STOP !


Wapol: Why you... ! Chess ! I've come up with a new law. Write it down !

Chess: Yes, sir.

Wapol: "Whoever ignores a direct order from the king shall suffer death". AND NO ONE IGNORED ME SO MUCH THAT THOSE TWO HE'S CARRYING, SO GO AND KILL THEM !!

Chess/Kuromarimo: Yes, your majesty !!

"*Sigh*... You guys never learn, do you ?"

Kuromarimo: IRON PUNCH !!


Chess: W- Where'd he go ?!

"Not that far. In other circumstances, I'd be more than happy to beat you up, but I lack time; So I'll just let you with some of my new acquaintances."

Wapol: LAPINS ?!!

Kuromarimo: Are they protecting that kid ?!

Chess: That's impossible ! Lapins have never liked humans !

"That's my secret, To people like you, I'm a monster."


Chess: YES SIR !!


"Back to that damn cliff once again... I can't even see the top or even Nami from here... Well, here goes nothing, let's just hope I don't run out of gas before reaching the top. And that damn wind isn't helping either..."

Wapol: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! You brainless creatures ! You are just rabbits, and you think that you can defy the king ?

Kuromarimo: I've never thought that these rabbits could make us use our real power.

Chess: Well ! It's possible... After all, these are the most powerful creatures around here.


"The wind just sounded angrier than usual... Yes, I smell fried pride. No matter, I'm almost there..."

"Finally... One last thing to do..."


'Faceplanting into the snow and waiting for someone to come, because apparently I'm too stupid to even notice how tired I am... Damn it. At least, I know Nami arrived here safely, and was taken inside, so... Think I'm gonna take a nap now...'

3rd Person POV:

???: Doctoresse. The anti-body is working.

Doctoresse: Yes. Can you tell me what caused this ?

???: Casha.

Doctoresse: That's right, you saw it too.

Nami: ... Who's that ?

Reindeer: AAAH !!

Nami: Do you know that you're hiding on the wrong side ?

Reindeer: *Gasp*

Nami: It's too late. You can't hide anymore. What are you doing anyway ?

Reindeer: SH... SHUT UP, YOU HUMAN !! By the way, are you feeling better... ?


Reindeer: AAAH !!


Doctoresse: Hahahahaha ! You are waking up ? Are you feeling better, little girl ?

Nami: Uh... Who are you ?

Doctoresse: Mh, 38.2 degrees Celcius. You're getting better. I am Dr.Kureha, but you can call me Doctoresse.

Nami: Doctor ? Then, this place must be...

Kureha: You want to know the secret of my youthfulness ?

Nami: No, I don't want to know about that.

Kureha: You are in the castle at the top of the mountain.

Nami: So, where are the other 3 guys ?

Kureha: They are sleeping in the room in the room next door. And they are snoring too, didn't they learn any manners ? Let's see...

Nami: Eh ? What is it ?

Kureha: This is the problem. You were bitten by the insect called Casha, it's a poison insect that lives in tropical forests. When it bites someone, it will spread bacteria into that person's body.. Within 5 days, that person will suffer from high fever. Later, it will affect the heart, brain, and every part of the body. Based on your wound, I guess this is the third day after you were bitten. It's poison is very powerful, if you leave it without any medical treatment fro 5 days, you will definitely rest in peace !

Kureha: That's right, if you didn't come here within 2 days, you would be in heaven for sure.

Nami: HUH ?!

Kureha: It used to be known as "5-days fever" however, Casha have been extinct for 100 years. You are lucky that I still have some antibiotic. Where did you come from anyway ? Did you just go and take a stroll through a prehistoric forest shirtless or something ? That'd be just silly.

Nami: ...AH.

Kureha: Don't tell me I just guessed it right.. ? Anyway, just go back to sleep. You are not completely cured.

Nami: Thank you, but if my fever is gone, I should be fine soon, right ?

Kureha: Are you kidding ? It usually takes 10 days to cure this sickness, but if you want to die that much, then that will be a different story. Even with my wonderful medicine, it will take at least 3 days.

Nami: 3 days ?! But we are in a hurry-

Kureha: There are only 2 cases in which I will let my patients go. One is when my patients die, and the other is when my patients fully recover.

Chopper: EH ? AHHHHH !! HELP !!


Sanji: Where are you going, little reindeer ? Luffy, just wait and I will cook him. For you, his meat must be very tender.

Your POV:

"Could you guys be ANY louder here ? I'm kinda trying to replenish my stamina bar over there..."

Nami: Your what ?

"Oh, you're finally awake ? Ignore what I just said."

Nami: What happened ?

"The second Luffy woke up, he tried to eat that blue-nosed reindeer. Then Sanji joined in, and they made that wardrobe fall on my bed, which woke me up. Why does it always have to be solid oak anyways..."

Kureha: What a surprise, you all recovered pretty fast.

Kureha: Who are those peoples, Chopper ?

Chopper: I think they're related to that giant floating skull from earlier.

Kureha: There's no way they could've climb this mountain just like that, Drum Rockies is over 5000 meters high !

Chopper: This guy suffered with serious frostbite...

Kureha: What was he thinking ? Climbing a snow mountain dressed like this ? Put him in hot water immediately.

Chopper: This one is seriously injured. He broke 6 ribs, and his backbone is cracked. Can I treat him ?

Kureha: This girl's condition is the worst. Chopper, can you get some antibiotic ?

Chopper: Infection ?

Kureha: Yes, but her disease is not from this island...

Chopper: What about that guy... ?


Kureha: It's just exhaustion. Bring him inside with the others. Also, prepare everything for the treatments.


Luffy: Don't run away, you sweet meat !!

Sanji: Luffy, I told you that you can't eat him now.

Chopper: I HATE YOU, HUMANS !!

Kureha: You asked me who is he, right ? His name is Chopper. he's just a regular blue-nosed reindeer.

"Is there anything regular with the fact that he talks ? Or that he walk on two legs ?"

Kureha: He just...


Kureha: ... Accidentally ate the "Human fruit". that's why he has human abilities. I teach him about my medical knowledge.

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