Chapter 68: Megalomaniac

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Allsunday: ... ... ...

"... ... ..."

Zoro: That's some real tension... Attacking blindly an opponent who's strength is unknown is suicide...

Luffy: Shut up and help us open that door !

Usopp: It... It won't fit ! The key isn't working !!

"What ?! It's the wrong key ?!"

Allsunday: Never takes your eyes off your opponent. Dos flowers, TWIST !!




Allsunday: In front of me, strength or speed means nothing. As powerful as one might be-

"Guh... You really took me by surprise... You know, with powers like this, you'd make a great career as an osteopath. But to be fair, I'm at fault to be an idiot here. After all, almost all officer agents ate a devil fruit, and you're no exception, right ?"

Allsunday: Correct. I ate the "Hana Hana no Mi". And as you already noticed, I can make parts of my body bloom wherever I'd like, like a flower.

"I see. Being distracted in the middle of a fight is stupid, but revealing all of your powers is just as much."

Allsunday: That brings my question, how did you survive ?

"I said it, you took me by surprise. Had I reacted a tenth of second later, I'd definitely be dead now. Gaster..."

Allsunday: Tres flowers...

"So let's see, who will be faster, me carbonizing you, or you snapping your neck... Or rather..."

Allsunday: 'M- My body ?!'

"You snapping my neck, or you dying ? But right now, let's take this outside, shall we ?"

Usopp: Wait, don't leave us !! The water's rising !!

"Don't worry. Have you forgotten already ? We've got more allies out. isn't that right, Mr.Prince ?"

Sanji: You bet. You know I couldn't deal with pretty ladies. At some point, you need gender equality.

"And you need to save Vivi, Nami and the others. Just be aware of the crocodiles. The real ones."

Employee: M- Manager ! We don't understand what happened, Mr.Crocodile just left, then the bridge suddenly exploded ! What are we supposed to do ?!

'Remember. No sudden move, or your lifespan will shorten by a couple of decades'

Allsunday: Gh... Don't worry. Sir Crocodile had to leave for an urgent matter. Deploy the emergency bridge, and please lead the customers outside.

Employee: Understood !

Allsunday: ... What now ? You really expect to walk out like that ?

"Not really. I don't need to walk to get to safety. And don't play dumb, you know like me that there's no agents left in Rainbase. Shortcut."

Allsunday: Wha- How did we get up here ?!

"Good... I don't think anyone would hear us here. Now we can really get down to business."

Allsunday: What do you have planning ?! Do you plan to fight me or not ?

"Not really. I just want to ask you a couple of questions. Like about Crocodile's objective."

Allsunday: I think Sir Crocodile has been clear enough already, hasn't he ? What he wants is this country-

"I meant his real goal. I may not know the guy well, or personally, but I know him enough to assume it's not that country he wants. This whole 'Utopia' is just a smokescreen. So I'll repeat: What does he really want?"

Allsunday: And what makes you think I'd answer ? Besides, even if I did, I'd have to kill you afterwards !

"You won't be able to. Maybe it's because our powers are kind of similar, but I think I've already identified the two weaknesses of your fruit."

Allsunday: Water and seastone, I know. What about it.

"You're either playing dumb, thinking I'm dumb, or really dumb. But, unlike explaining how your owns works, revealing your opponent's weakness can give a certain advantage in negotiations, if not in battle."

"One. As much as you can produce them, they're still copies. So they can only muster the same amount of strength as the original limbs. What makes them dangerous is their numbers."

"Two. They're copies. The very way your power works, is also its weakness. You copy your limbs, which means you also copy the wounds and damage you've sustained. In other words, damaging one of the copies will automatically reflect the wounds on the original, and by extension every single copies."

"So I'll make it even clearer. Try anything funny and I'll immediately crush your arms and legs."

Allsunday: ... ...

"You know, I don't like repeating myself. So when someone forces me to ask the same question 3 times in a row, it really gets on my nerves."

Allsunday: Why would I answer you ? What makes you think I'd betray Crocodile ?

"Oh, I think you've already done enough on that matter. You've allowed Vivi to find out Crocodile's identity, and even tried to lead us directly to Alabasta. You may try to hide it by saying you like to watch us struggle, but don't you think that's a pretty light reason for something that may very well cost you your life ? Admit it, you want Crocodile's downfall as much as us. But you also want something from that whole operation, and that's why you're following and helping him. You have your sight on this operation's final goal, and i'm pretty sure you'll backstab him at that point, right ?"

Allsunday: ... Pluton. That's Crocodile's true goal. That country, that "Utopia"... He doesn't give a shit about them, he just wants Pluton. Well, if you know what it is to begin with...

"You mean its somewhere in this country ? The legendary weapon, lost for centuries..."

Allsunday: You are well-informed, for a simple pirate.

"I know a thing or two, because I've seen a thing or two. If Crocodile really manages to get his hands on it, then this country certainly won't be the only place affected... The whole World might beat stake... If such a ship was to resurface..."

Allsunday: Where are you going ?!

"I know enough as things are. Crocodile left for Alubarna, didn't he ? Then he already chose his grave."

Allsunday: You... Showing your back to your opponent... I could kill you right where you stand !!

"You could. Maybe. Probably, even. But you won't."

Allsunday: And why is that ?!

"Because, as it is, I may very well be the only one in this country, with the strength to make him fall."

Allsunday: ...What can little-time pirates like you do in front of a shichibukai ? His bounty is up to 80 millions Berrys, and yours only 25 millions...

"The ones that rely on the numbers of their bounties... Are usually the first ones to fall. I'll see you there."

Allsunday: ... He teleported away... He didn't even need to fight me. That can't be a small-time pirate who started sailing only a couple of weeks ago...


"Yes ?"

Luffy: We're going-

"After Crocodile, yes."

Luffy: Alright then, let's go-

"To Alubarna, yes."

Smoker: YOU !!!

"So you did escape the cage with everyone else. You still want us to deck out ?"

Smoker: ... I'm an officer of the marine, and you are pirates. My duty is to arrest you.

Smoker: ... Go. Just this once, I'll look the other way... But the next time we meet, consider your life forfeit, "Sans".


Sanji: Come on, let's go before the soldiers get here ! Which way's Alubarna ?!

Vivi: This way ! We have to head East !

Zoro: hey, what are you doing ? We've gotta get going !

"Right. You know, I don't think that's very fitting for one named 'White Hunter'."


"Just know there's always a bigger fish to catch ! You came to this country looking for copper, but wait the right opportunity, and you might find gold !"


Soldier: Colonel ! Why aren't you chasing after them?!

Smoker: ... I'm tired.

Soldier: Tired ?!

Smoker: You heard me...

Soldier: Y- Yes, sir !

Smoker: Call back the soldiers chasing after them, since it's pointless; Also, contact HQ, and tell them to get all ships in the vicinity of Alabasta to gather here in this country.

Soldier: You want to call for reinforcements ?! B- But I'm not sure if the higher-ups will agree to send so many ships just to catch a few pirates...

Smoker: Since when the hell did I care for the opinions of the higher-ups ?


Usopp: Hey guys ! We're not gonna run all the way to Alubarna now, are we ?

Nami: Oh right ! Where's Eyelashes ?! Because I'm not spending another 8 hours on that giant skull !


Luffy: isn't there like a stable in this town ?! Let's borrow some horses !

Vivi: But the soldiers are swarming all over...

Sanji: Don't worry, guys. Take a look in front of you !

Chopper: Ahh ! They're over there ! HEY GUYS !!OVER HERE !

Usopp: A GIANT CRAB ?!!

Nami: Chopper !

Vivi: It's an "Itinerant Crab" !


'Why does it has a claw bigger than the other one... ?'

Chopper: Get on ! He's one of Eyelashes' friends ! Eyelashes was born in this town so he's got lots of friends here ! ... They're all perverts though.

Vivi: Amazing ! Itinerant crabs are always hiding below the sand so most people have never even seen one before !

Zoro: Well, as long as it's fast.

Chopper: Alright then, LET'S GO ! AND WE'RE OFF !!

Vivi: Huh ? AHHHH !!

Luffy: VIVI !!


"It's him... LIKE HELL I'D ALLOW IT !!"




Chopper: GOT IT !!

Usopp: What ?! We're just going to leave him ?!

Vivi: NO-

Nami: It's okay, Vivi ! He'll be fine ! To be fair, I almost feel sorry for Crocodile. Against him, he's about to get destroyed.

Zoro: He will stop Crocodile. In the meantime, we'll have to stop the rebellion. If the army and the rebels collide, this kingdom is done for ! If you are our only hope for stopping this, then you must stay alive, no matter what ! And it doesn't matter, what happens to any of us !!

Sanji: Vivi, you helped set this fight up. You left your country years ago, and you began fighting an organization you knew nothing about. However, you're not fighting by yourself anymore.

Usopp: V.. V- VIVI ! Don't wo... Ro- Wy... Won't dorry !!! I'll... I'll...



Crocodile: Kuahaha... The princess just ran out on us. Anyways, the agents in Alubarna should be done with their duties soon. Call them. I think, your games have gone on a little too long.

"Too long ? Why, I'm only starting to have fun here. But I do feel like I'm the only one... Vivi, she doesn't want anyone to die, so she fighting with everything she's got, even though she's weak."

Crocodile: There are many weak, mushy fools like that, they do not know true battle. Don't you agree with me ?

"Of course. But, you see... The duty of a captain is to fight for his crew. The duty of a crew is to fight for their captain's ideal. As a vice-captain, my duty is to do both. And I'm afraid stopping you enter both those categories."

Crocodile: Kuhahaha... Hahaha !! Absolutely ridiculous... You're beyond saving, this should be a good example. Those who are ready to die for some stupid ideals, I've left hundreds of them in the dust !

"Well then. If that's what you think... Then you really don't understand what makes a pirate."

Allsunday: Fu...

Crocodile: What's so funny ?! Do you want to die as well, Nico Robin ?

Allsunday: if that's how you feel about it, do as you wish. What happened to your promise not to call me by that name ?

Crocodile: Where are you going ?

Allsunday: Ahead to Alubarna.

Crocodile: Crazy woman. Here. I'll give you three minutes. After that, I won't have the time to play with you anymore. Any problems ?

"Not at all. After all, I don't really have the time to play with you either. It's quite the beautiful day outside. The sky is burning, the sand is flying... On days like these, guys like you..."

"Should be burning in hell."

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