Chapter 69: Quicksand

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Crocodile: Burning in hell ? You have no idea how many people said those kind of heroic lines to me, and deeply regretted it afterwards.

"Funnily enough, it's the same for me. Although your damn sand powers are definitely a handful.

Crocodile: You and I, are pirates in completely different leagues ! Desert spada !!


"Shortcut !"

Crocodile: Nicely spotted... had you been hit by that attack, you'd be saying a lot more than just "ouch".

"I think I wouldn't be saying anything at all..."

"If something like that hit me directly, I'm pretty sure I'll die instantly..."

Crocodile: Devil fruit powers can be extremely strong in battle, depending on how you use it and how long you've trained with it. Unlike those fools who're satisfied merely by having a devil fruit power, I've honed my powers to perfection... ! I'll make you soon regret ever going up against me ! Desert Girasole !!

"A sandpit ?! It's sucking me in !"

Crocodile: A quicksand is quite a convenient desert grave, isn't it ? It doesn't even requires a casket. The sand is being sucked into the groundwater below, which I can sense with my powers. There's not a single person in this world who can best me in a desert battle.

"If you're to the point of saying that, it's only because we haven't fought yet. There's no such things as 'invincibility', everything got a weakness that can be exploited. You are no exception, hell, even I am no exception."

Crocodile: So you are admitting your own weakness ?

"There's always stronger than you. And if there isn't, then you're just not looking hard enough."

Crocodile: You never learn do you... it's all futile. BARCHAN !!

"Logia like you, they're by far the most troubling to deal with..."


"My bones... Turned into dust... ?

Crocodile: Hadn't you moved away, you'd be like a mummy right now. The sand can turn anything it touch to dust, be it soil, rocks, or even bones. That'll give you a true taste of the desert, don't you think ?

Crocodile: When will you understand ? Even artillery cannons won't do a thing to me. All you're doing is some heat.

"You just gave me everything I needed to know."

Crocodile: And what would be your point ?

"I don't like sand. It's coarse, rough, and irritating... And it gets everywhere. What I do like, however, is what happens when sand is heated up enough. I'm gonna change you into a glass statue. Like that old man said, I shall not be defeated by mere sand !"

Crocodile: 3 Minutes have passed already... It's time, I will finish you off for good, along with that stubborn land of Yuba !! Sables.

Crocodile: Ahh, the sand's perfectly dry... Listen well, the prevailing winds here usually blow North to South. So, if a little sandstorm were to start here and head South while growing larger and larger from the prevailing winds, where do you think it'll hit when it's grown into a monstrous sandstorm ?

"... You're a cheeky little bastard, aren't you ?"

Crocodile: Look, it's already begun to travel South... You efforts are futile, once this sandstorm grows, it'll become so strong that not even I'll be able to stop it.

"Then I'll have to stop it here and now. Gaster thunder, second downpour, IMPROVISED TORNADO !!"

"I'm really sorry, I don't have a name for everything I can do, but if you got one, feel free to share it."

Crocodile: You created another tornado by spinning those bones.

"Rotating the other way, the two storms will annihilate each other before it reaches Yuba. See what I meant when I said nothing could possibly be flawless ?"

Crocodile: What I see, is how much of an annoyance you can be ! I'll dry you up and throw your remains down that pit for good measure !!

"You never learn, do you ? If you can't touch me, then it's usele-"

Crocodile: Just who, do you think I am... ? Little rookies like you who only know how to run their mouths, there's countless of them out here in the Grand Line.

Crocodile: Yuba will die, and its destruction will only further fuel the rebel's rage. Such cliched empathy and pity for your comrades is what will destroy this kingdom... And the same goes for you, if only you left the princess die, you could've lived to see another day.

"I'm the one... Who'll decide... When and where I'll die..."

Crocodile: You are a persistent one, I'll give you that.

Crocodile: G- UUUURG !! You-

"G... Got you this time... Motherfucker..."

Crocodile: You little... ! No, I won't get angry over something like that. It's only a matter of time before you finally kick the bucket. But if you really want to know, I had anticipated you'd jump away to escape my grasp, so I detached my hook to impale you. Funny, you impaled yourself on it.

Crocodile: Don't you think the middle of the desert is an ironic grave for a pirate ?

Crocodile: That was a complete waste of my time.

Tashigi: You want me to go to Alubarna ?! Am I to pursue the Strawhat pirates there ? Or are you telling me to help the royalists quell the uprising ?

Smoker: I'll leave that to you.

Tashigi: Pardon ?!

Smoker: You decide on your own what the right thing to do is.

Tashigi: Just what on earth is going on, Colonel ?!

Smoker: Follow your own sense of justice, that'll be good enough. Whatever happens, I'll take responsibility.

Tashigi: And where are you going, colonel Smoker ?

Smoker: I need to go back out to sea on urgent business. Be ready to receive further orders from me at all times. Tashigi, keep a close eye on the impending conclusion to this kingdom's crisis. Whether Alabasta falls or survives... Crises like these always mark the turning point of an era. Remember, there's always a bigger fish to catch.

Soldier: Lieutenant Tashigi ! Your orders, please !

Tashigi: O- Oh, right.. ! ... ... We shall resume our pursuit for the Strawhat pirates ! Restock on ammunition so we can then depart for Alubarna as soon as possible !

*Those who laments the war... Those who fight it... Those who agitate it... And those who know the truth and attempt to stop it... All of them, each with conflicting intentions, will clash at Alubarna.

"And then some wonder why I don't like sand... He got me good, I'll give him that. Can't remember the last time I had such a near-death experience..."

Allsunday: Seis fleurs.

"Oh ? Weren't you gone already, with your precious boss ?"

Allsunday: ...

"So what are you waiting for ? Just kill me already, I don't have the energy to resist anyways..."

Allsunday: Why, do you fight... ? Why do you keep fighting and protecting your captain, who carry the name of "D"...

"... Wouldn't you like to know, 'Demon child'... ?"

Allsunday: Tres fleurs !! How do you know about that ?

"Easy, Nico Robin. I told you, I know a thing or two, because I've seen a thing or two."

Allsunday: That seems to be a pointless conversation.

"Speaking of point, mine would be easier to achieve if you could point me the direction of Alubarna."

Allsunday: Even after this, you intend to fight Crocodile once again ? With those wounds ?

"I'll be transparent, could I only have a single percent chance to win, I'd do it. Because that's what I swore, years ago."

Allsunday: Even if it means rushing to your death ?

"Especially. I've thrown away my life many years ago already. You can't kill what already died several times."

Allsunday: So there's no stopping you...

Pell: I've found you. What has happened to princess Vivi ?!!

Allsunday: Oh, you're awake.

"You two know each other ?"

Pell: Now that I understand the nature of your powers, I will not be taken so easily as before... !!

"Oh, I get it now..."

Allsunday: Please, stop it... Don't get yourself any more injured than you already are. But you've got a perfect timing, so why don't you save that boy ? he's one of the brave knights in shining armor, who safely escorted your precious princess here. And besides, the princess is fine, and she is heading to Alubarna at this moment. I don't know what will happen from now on, but you know the state this country is in...

Pell: Damn... ! If I cannot protect princess Vivi, then who will... ?!

"WE will. Just let me grab a few things, patch up my wounds, and I'll show him what 'Being boned' truly mean'."

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