Chapter 70: Alubarna

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Vivi: Please stop...

Allsunday: You've fought well, princess, but your voice won't reach them now...

King Cobra: 'So this is as far as we get... ?!' RUN AWAY, VIVI ! GET AWAY FROM THAT MAN !!

Vivi: NO ! The dust clouds... They're your doing. But as long as I stop that explosion 15 minutes from now, I CAN STILL SAVE LIVES !

Crocodile: "I can stop the rebellion if I do this..." "I can stop it if I do that..." Open your eyes, princess... Your unbearable idealism is sickening !!

Vivi: UGHH ! Agh-

Crocodile: Ideals can only be brought to reality by people with ability...

Vivi: What do I care if you find it unbearable ?! I won't abandon my ideals no matter what !! Someone like you could never understand !! I'm the princess of this country !! I'll never give up to the likes of you !!

Crocodile: How uncut for a girl...


Crocodile: 15 minutes left until the explosion. More rebels reinforcements are coming to the palace square as we speak... All the while oblivious to the fact that they're walking to their very graves...

Crocodile: If you had just told the royalists earlier that the palace square would be blown up soon, even if it did cause a panic, I'm sure it would've saved a few thousand to a ten thousand lives at least...


Crocodile: Your deluded idealism that wished to save everyone, is what inevitably led to the deaths of your beloved people.

Citizen: This is... Dance Powder !

Crocodile: From the very beginning to the very end, the people of this country have provided me no shortage of laughs... !

Igaram: No ! Absolutely not ! This is not a game !

Crocodile: You worked very hard these past 2 years, spying on my organization.

Toto: It's me ! Can't you tell ? Well, I did lose a bit of weight so I guess I can't blame you.

Crocodile: But in the end, you and your comrades couldn't stop anything at all. All your idealistic talk of stopping the rebellion or saving this country, only ever amounted to increasing the casualties. Let me make this clear to you. You cannot save this country.

Crocodile: WHAT ?! How could-

Crocodile: It can't be... !


Crocodile: How can you be still alive... How the hell did you escape from the quicksand with those wounds... ?!

"I'm persistent. I'm even worse than the flu, you can do everything you want, you can't get rid of me. I'll come back each time, and each time, I'll be stronger."

"Pell, take Vivi, and try finding Luffy and the others. I lost to him once already, that's too much. Hey Crocodile ! Gaster..."

Crocodile: No matter how many times we fight, you will never be able to land even a single punch on me... ! So you want me to impale you again, do you ?!


Cobra: He... He hit Crocodile...

Allsunday: Oh... ?

"Hey, get up. i'm only getting started."

Crocodile: Kuku... You figured it out, didn't you ?

"Back there, when you impaled me, my blood dripped on your arm. Remember when I said nothing is flawless ? It seems that as sand, your flaw is water. You've been stealing the water all this time, because you were scared of it."

Crocodile: Ha... haha... HAHAHA ! You really think you can beat me ?! You genuinely believe that you actually have a chance ?!

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't the case."

Crocodile: Well, I suppose I should commend you on your escape from death's door, but even so, there's still an insurmountable gap between you and I ! I am on the level of a Shichibukai... !

"Pff, yeah, and you have an impressive bounty of... What, 81 millions ? Impressive, when we know all the others are around 300 millions. Stop trying to flex your bounty over us."

Cobra: Who is that man... ?

Allsunday: He's a pirate, haven't you heard... ? It appears he's saved the princess yet again.

Cobra: Then... He's the one who escorted Vivi safely back to Alabasta ?

Allsunday: Fufu... Well, one of them at least.

Crocodile: A simple dodge, and your attacks are meaningless whether wet or not. Has anyone ever told you you were too direct ?

"Well, I surely remember you telling me, that powers grow stronger depending on how you use them. Also that they only really counts when you mastered them entirely. So..."


"Omae wa mo, shindeiru."

Crocodile: Nani ?! GUAH-

"Geeeeeeeeet Dunked on ! So, how does it feels getting a taste of your own medicine ?"

Crocodile: C... Cheeky brat... You think this is a game ?!

"Not quite. I just think, that after facing so many threats, so many mortal enemies, so many deaths... I don't know, maybe I kinda stopped caring about it in the end, after all these years..."

Crocodile: You... DESERT SPADA !!

"Has anyone ever told you you were too direct ? You've already tried this, and it wasn't even close to hit. What makes you think it would hit me this time, when you don't even have the effect of surprise ? Takes note, when you attack someone, MAKE SURE IT'S SOMETHING HE CAN'T EXPECT ! DOWNPOUR !!"


Crocodile: 'Above ?!' WHAT THE-

"You really expected, that I'd show up here completely unprepared ? Back in Rainbase, I had all the barrels I needed, and all the water I could carry."

Crocodile: You... You used the very dust cloud I created to hide them above us...

"Correct. I've been waiting for that, the occasion to finally send you blasting off. Gaster..."

Crocodile: 'Curses.. My body won't-'


Crocodile: GUAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...


"And one good thing done."

Cobra: I can't believe it... ! ... !!!

Allsunday: Now's not the time to be impressed, Mr.Cobra. Come, you'll be showing me the way, where the poneglyph us located.

Cobra: Just what do you plan to do... By seeing that thing ?! GAHH !

Allsunday: Don't waste my time with useless questions. All you need to do is show me where it is.

"Try not to damage him too much, we still need him to rule the country."

Allsunday: Fufufu. Even your luck can only take you this far... Your time's almost up. I hope you don't expect this battle to be already over ?

"I'd be really disappointed if it was the case. But an advice for an advice, you should leave if you don't want to be in the crossfire, Nico Robin."

Cobra: Nico Robin ?!

Allsunday: I suppose I should.

"Meanwhile, I'll just go hunt for crocodiles."

Allsunday: Clear the way, i'm in a hurry.

Tashigi: Absolutely not ! I've been informed of what's happening in this country by the royal guards ! Just who do you think you're holding hostage ?!

Allsunday: Like I care who I'm holding hostage... I really do despise you government dogs. If you won't clear the way...

Allsunday: ... Sounds like he found him.

Tashigi: I don't have the slightest intention of giving into your demands !

Allsunday: So be it. I'll just have to kill you !

Cobra: MARINES, STOP !! Pay no heed to me ! More importantly, at 4:30 PM, the palace square is set to be fired upon ! You have to stop it somehow !!

Tashigi: What ?! that's only 7 minutes from now !


Tashigi: BUT... ! T- Then I'll save you and stop the bombing !

Cobra: WAIT ! This woman is-

Tashigi: AIM !!

Allsunday: I told you not to get in my way... ! Treinta fleur !! STRANGLE !!


Allsunday: I told you I'm in a hurry. Don't make me any angrier.

Soldier: Lieutenant Tashigi ! T- This woman... Is Nico Robin !! There's no doubt about it !! Colonel Smoker ordered me to look up her bounty poster ! She caused a huge uproar in the world when a bounty was first placed on her head ! I still remember the newspaper article on her 20 years ago ! An 8-year old girl was apparently the perpetrator of a case in which 6 marine warships were sunk. Judging her to be a danger of the highest priority, the World Government placed an astounding 79 million Berrys on her head ! But she has since hidden all traces of herself...


Tashigi: 'It doesn't seem to bother her that she's outnumbered !!' Sergeant ! Take the troops to the palace square ! Your mission is to stop the bombing !!

Sergeant: But, Lieutenant- !

Tashigi: NOW !!

Sergeant: Yes, sir !!


Allsunday: I told you to stop getting in my way...

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