Chapter 71: Royal crypt

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Allsunday: A hidden staircase ?

Cobra: The poneglyph is housed deep down in an underground chamber. Most aren't aware of its existence.

Allsunday: The criminal world is far bigger than you might think. Even if you are the king of one alliance state in the World government, you're not the only one aware of such secrets.

Cobra: Can you... Read poneglyphs ?

Allsunday: Yes... That is why Crocodile partnered up with me, and why he cannot kill me...

Allsunday: We should hurry, before they reduce the entire town to ashes. But you're not at fault, however. I'm sure you hadn't the faintest idea that there were still people on this world who could decipher those runes. The poneglyph in this country most likely holds the location to Pluton, am I wrong ?

Cobra: I do not know... It has been the duty of the royal family of Alabasta for generations to protect this thing. That is all it means to us.

Allsunday: Protect... ? Don't make me laugh.

Allsunday: What a great tomb this is.

Cobra: ... It's further back inside behind the doors.

Allsunday: Ah, yes...

Cobra: Is what you desire... Recorded there ?

Allsunday: ... Is there nothing else... ?! Is this everything this country is hiding ?!

Cobra: Why, dissatisfied ? I showed you everything as promised...

Allsunday: I see...


Allsunday: I think we've got some company.



Allsunday: I must say, I'm impressed he could go as far as face Crocodile head-on.

"... Ah, shit, I just led him right where he wanted to go..."

Crocodile: I see... A fitting place for a state secret. You normally wouldn't be able to find this place without knowing where to look... So this is a poneglyph, Nico Robin ?

Allsunday: ... You arrived quickly.

"And we're still in the middle of something right now, so don't mind us."

Crocodile: It's rather... Hmm, i'm not quite sure how to describe it... So can you decipher it ?

'... At least I can finally catch my breath."

Allsunday: I can.

Crocodile: Then read it aloud. Read this poneglyph.

Allsunday: ... "Alabasta is conquered by Kahira, in year 239 of the heaven's calendar... In year 260, the Bitein dynasty of Taymar begins. In 306, the great Taph temple of Elmar finishes its construction. In 325, Mamudin, the hero of Oltea, is-"

Crocodile: Hey now... Hold up ! You think that's what we've been wanting to know ?! I couldn't care less about this country's history !! Just tel me where the world's most feared weapon resides in this country !!

Allsunday: That is not recorded here. There is only history written here.

Crocodile: What ?

Allsunday: the name "Pluton" isn't even mentioned in this passage even once.

Crocodile: I see... What a shame. You were a most capable partner, but I'll be killing you here.

Allsunday: WHA- ?!

Crocodile: the arrangement made between us 4 years ago has now come to an end. Back then, you told me this... "If you lead me to the poneglyph, then I will give you information on the secret weapon". The work you've done for BW these past 4 years, were invaluable thanks to your intellect and leadership. For me, that was enough, you were a highly useful woman. However ! At the very end, you broke you promise to me... ! The poneglyph of this country failed to give meany leads to Pluton ! But I harbor not even the slightest ounces of anger towards you. Do you know why, Nico Robin... ?

Robin: Fufu... How foolish. I've been your partner for 4 years, you realize ?! I expected all along for you to resort to this in the end !

Crocodile: Hm ? Water ?

Crocodile: AGH !


Robin: He disappeared ! Where'd he-

Crocodile: I will forgive everything, Nico Robin. Because, you see... I never trusted anyone, from the very beginning...

"Alright, that's where I step in. I know, betrayal, and everything, but I still need to beat you up, so mind skipping directly to that ?"

Crocodile: It won't matter in the end. I've already verified Pluton's existence from Cobra's reaction earlier. I can find it myself without relying on this cryptic block of junk ! It's all just a matter of time once I take over this country... !

"Strange... I wasn't planning on blowing up the whole place just yet..."

Crocodile: What's going on ?! It's still too soon for the palace square bombing... Ah, it must be you... What did you do... ?!

Cobra: Nothing much, really... This underground crypt has a certain feature, that allows the whole center of gravity to be shifted when a small pillar is removed, bringing the whole place down... You and I, will both die here... Young man, i'm really sorry for bringing you into all of this, but as the 12th head of the Nefertari royal house, I shall not hand over this country to the likes of him...

"No worries. If something like that could kill me, I wouldn't be a pirate to begin with."

Crocodile: Ohh... the very model of an exemplary king... So you led me here to bury me below for the sake of your country, have you now ?! But you cannot kill me... I can turn all the stone walls here into sand, and make my escape ! Just three minutes left now... After 3 minutes, this crypt, the palace square, and all my pesky annoyances will disappear at once ! And from that moment on, this land... THIS COUNTRY WILL BE MINE !! KUHAHAHA ! YOU WILL DIE A FUTILE DEATH, COBRA !!

"Not as long as I've something to say in that matter, i'm afraid... And all things reconsidered, I should thanks you for making this crypt crumple, it's going to be quite the big help for me."


Crocodile: Gh- Water drops ?! From the ceiling ?! It's damp...

"I thought you'd notice it sooner, that all my barrels are gone. That was a risky bet, I'll give it to you, but it all paid off."

Crocodile: You didn't... You poured all your water on top of that crypt so that it would infiltrate and reach us...

"All the holes in the ceiling now definitely help. Now here's the big thing, Croco-boy, you said yourself that as long as you dodged my water, you'd be safe. But, can you dodge rain... ?"

Crocodile; ha... haha... Kuhahaha ! So be it... Rainbase... the palace... And now this underground crypt... let me reward your persistence in constantly challenging me, even after tasting hell... ! I will treat you as a real pirate... it seems you're planning on beating me no matter what. So I shall acknowledge you as a troublesome enemy.

"A second hook under the first one ?"

Crocodile: Poisoned, this one. You should know, that amongst pirates, fights are all about who dies and who lives. There is no fair nor unfair ! Once the explosion occurs on the surface, it'll likely cause this place to collapse in on itself. This is the end, let us settle this once and for all !

"You seem awfully confident that this explosion will happen, aren't you ? Just like you think you're getting rid of me."

Crocodile: I've stabbed you, buried you alive, even tried to desiccate you... yet after all of this, you're still standing up like it's nothing...

"You don't understand a thing, do you ?"

Crocodile: if anything, it's your stupid stubbornness that I don't understand... There should be no reason in this country for you to still fight ! Am I wrong ?! Or are you doing this all for her sake ?! You would really die just like that for someone else ?! If you just abandoned her, you could've avoided all this ! You, your captain, your crew... You all are interminably moronic !!

"In my case... I don't think it would've changed a lot of things. Be it that way or another, I'd have to beat you up one day. it's nothing personal, really. Well, it became personal not too long ago."

Crocodile: What are you blabbering about this time ?

"There will be a day, when the Shichibukai will disappear. And that day, not only will I witness it with my own eyes... But I'll also be laughing from being a direct cause of their downfall."

Crocodile: ... You're crazy.

"Perhaps. But as long as Vivi won't give up on her country, Luffy won't stop fighting either. And so will I."

Crocodile: Even if it means your deaths ?

"I've thrown my life out of the window years ago already."

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