Chapter 72: Karmic retribution

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Crocodile: LA SPADA !!

Crocodile: Haa... Haa... Even if you can stand back up after being stabbed, or buried alive... A single scratch from that and you're a goner. And whether you win or lose, you'll still be buried under this temple with all the other rubble. It's a miracle you're still able to fight after facing me 3 times in a row and taking a ridiculous amount of damage...

"3, 7, 45... It doesn't matter. If you're up to no good, you'll always find me on your way."

Crocodile: It doesn't matter how many times you block my plans !If you don't win this fight, everything you did would be useless ! It doesn't matter if you don't die you're a loser ! I don't care about amateur pirates. Many worthless pirates like you are already dead.

"I just need to beat your ass once, and then everything's over..."

Crocodile: It's already too late. It's over !!




"... I'm pretty sure there was supposed to be a *BOOM* here..."

Cobra: What happened... The bomb didn't explode...

"So much for your plan. See I had good reason to put all my trust in them."

Crocodile: You wish. They only delayed the explosion for a little bit.

"Wait... You don't mean..."

Cobra: You are so low !

Crocodile: Haha, I wished you'd comment me at how fully prepared I am, Mr.Cobra. It's a fight, I should be prepared for everything. If the cannon fails at the time of the shooter, the bomb will self-explode a few seconds after ! Although it's a shame it can's be launched directly at the rebels, but the result should be the same nonetheless. HA HA HA HA !!

"You truly... Truly are scum... Someone like you... Deserves nothing but death."

Crocodile: You could barely spew out those words... You're clearly out of breath, and your wounds are almost reopening, how can you still say such things ?

"One day... Luffy will be king of pirates. If I were to be killed by the likes of someone like you... I'd probably die of shame before you could finish me off."

Crocodile: if you really understood how harsh the sea is, you wouldn't say things like that ! I said it before, weaklings like you are all over the sea !! Once you realize the level of pirates in this World, you will stop having such foolish thoughts !!

"... Crusher."

Crocodile: Gu- GUAAAAAAAAHH !!!

"You made two deadly mistakes concerning all of that. Firstly, you didn't bother to immediately finish me off when you had the chance. And secondly, you made it so the final battlefield would be free of any possible collateral."

"Which means I can finally let hell loose."

Crocodile: I don't know where you came from ! BUT DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM ?! YOU MEAN NOTHING TO ME !!

"Do I know who you are... I know what you are. Dead. GASTER..."


"Those believing they reign on greater heights, let divine judgement fall down on those sinners... Gaster Thunder, retribution... ARMAGEDDON."

Crocodile: That light... What is it ?!

"Sorry, I've always liked giving my attacks names like that. Although the fact that you're going down isn't changing."


"Haven't you heard ? I've brought judgement upon you. This is the weight of your sins, crawling up your back. Enjoy your karmic retribution, bitch."

Cobra: How's that even possible... There are so many layers of rock...

"That's it. The war, finally has ended..."

Cobra: ... I will have to thank you.

"No need for it. Or rather, wait until we got out of here to."

Zoro: Hey ! Walk properly !

Usopp: Ughh... Listen... I've been afflicted, with "Walking-any-more-will-kill-me-itis" !

Luffy: Wait, really ?!

Zoro: Fine then, stay behind here.

Usopp: Hey, wait !! Why my leg ?!

Luffy: Ah ! Look ! It's...

Cobra: ... Who are you people... ?

Sanji: Umm... That guy you're dragging behind. Thanks for bringing him over here. But we'll be taking him from here. He's kind of part of our crew.

Cobra: Does that mean you're the pirates who escorted Vivi back to this country ?

Luffy: And who are you... ?

Vivi: Everyone ! Father ?!

Luffy: Hey, it's Vivi !


Zoro: You're the king ?

Cobra: I had already resigned myself to death, but he saved my life. Even after defeating Crocodile, and with those wounds, he carried two people back up to the surface.

Luffy: But why's he unconscious tough ?

Chopper: Exhaustion.

Usopp: You sure he hasn't been attained by that poison ?

Cobra: Absolutely. But he still needs to be treated for his other wounds. The same for all of you as well.

Zoro: More importantly, you should get back, Vivi.

Vivi: back ?

Zoro: Get back out to the square.

Usopp: That's right. The rebellion was finally stopped, but it's gonna feel pretty anticlimactic, without a word or two from the king and the princess.

Vivi: Then all of you should also-

Sanji: Vivi, you understand, don't you ? That we're outlaws... We've got no intentions of getting involved with the affairs of a country.

Chopper: I'm hungry.


Usopp: There's a beast somewhere !!

Nami: We're gonna head to the palace on our own. We're all dead-tired.

Tashigi: Yes. Understood, Colonel Smoker... An artificial rain-producing ship owned by Baroque Works has been found, containing significant amounts of dance powder. And the head of this criminal organization, Baroque Works, has undeniably proven to be you, Sir Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai. Under the authority of World Government's marine HQ, all rights and titles granted to you by the World Government are hereby revoked.

Igaram: Princess Vivi, you're still awake... ?

Vivi: Igaram...

Igaram: Having trouble falling asleep ?

Vivi: No... I just don't want to sleep, that's all. I simply wish to keep on watching this rain fall down.

Igaram: ... About Pell... He was the noblest and strongest warrior I had the pleasure of knowing.

Vivi: Yes... I just wish that I could have said "Thank you".

Igaram: ... There could surely be no greater to him.

The next day:

Soldier: Colonel Smoker, Miss Hina, Lieutenant Tashigi has arrived !

Hina: It's been a while, Tashigi.

Tashigi: Colonel Hina. Hello to you too... I- I'm rather tired so please excuse me while I take a rest.

Tashigi: Lieutenant Tashigi reporting back, Colonel Smoker.

Smoker: Welcome back. I heard about the incident with the Strawhats.

Tashigi: Forgive ma, Colonel... I aided the pirates, and let them escape when they were vulnerable for capture. I understand these are shameful actions for a marine.

Smoker: Why do you apologize ? Did your actions not stem them from your own sense of justice ?

Tashigi: No, they did not. It was because it was the only action I was capable of. Even though I knew where the enemy was, I was only able of conveying that location. Even though I knew when the bombing would be, I was only capable of providing them support. I had no justice which I could choose myself.

Smoker: ... people who you've thought to be on your level until recently have climbed higher and higher, spreading their infamy. They know that you can't survive in this sea without constantly continuing to climb higher. Will you advance or die ? Who was it that decided on her own to come to this sea ?

Tashigi: please excuse me, Colonel, I need to rest for a while.


Tashigi: ... *Sob*... YESSIR !!!

Smoker: I'd like to see that much guts from the rest of you too... Alright, get yourself onboard.

Soldiers: Yes, sir !!

Soldier: Colonel Smoker ! You have a call from HQ !

HQ: This is the Marine HQ. Is Colonel Smoker here ?

Smoker: yes, that'd be me.

HQ: Concerning your subjugation of Crocodile, you and Lieutenant Tashigi will be awarded with medals, by the upper brass of the World Government.

Smoker: Subjugation ? Hold on a moment there... We ain't the ones who beat Crocodile. Didn't you listen to my report ?

HQ: Additionally, the tow of you will be promoted by one rank each. There is also-

Smoker: Look, the ones that fought Crocodile and his Baroque Works, were the Strawhat pirates !

Hina: It's pointless to object, Smoker. The Government's set on covering up the truth of this affair. Do you really think anyone in the World Government would want to declare to the world, that pirates were responsible for saving the kingdom of Alabasta from destruction ?!

HQ: As such the medal-awarding ceremony for you two will be-

Smoker: That's a load of crap !

Hina: Just accept it, Smoker ! All they're making you do is take the credit ! Do you have any idea what might happen to you if you disobey the higher-ups ?!

Smoker: WE defeated Crocodile... ?! My subordinate is crying right now BECAUSE she wasn't capable of doing that... Pass on this message for me to those senile fools you call the upper-brass.

HQ: Wha- ?

Hina: Smoker !!

Smoker: Tell them to eat shit.


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