Chapter 95: Davy back fight

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Our... Duel... ?"


Nami: What was that ?!

Luffy: Eh ? What ?! The horse !! Mister !!

Tonjit: H- Hey, Sherry... What happened ?! Are you okay ?

Usopp: Hey... Are you two alright ?

Chopper: I heard a gunshot !! Did she get shot ?! Sherry !!

???: Fehfehfehfehfehfeh !! Hey, that horse is mine. I shot it ! Don't touch it !

???: Yeah ! That's the boss' horse !!

Luffy: Who the hell... Are you !!

???: Who am I ?! He actually does not recognize my face ?!

Porche: We should teach him some manners !!


Foxy: BUGAH !!

"I think I ran over something... nevermind that, what happened ?! We heard a gunfire !"

Porche: BOSS !!

Usopp: They're the ones who shot !

Chopper: It's okay ! They only wounded her leg. The bone is not hurt neither, so she'll be okay.

"These guys ?"

Luffy: Yes, the one you ran over.

"Who's that ugly mf anyway ?"

Porche: Nooo ! Boss, don't feel sad... they are probably just pretending to not know you...

Foxy: *Sob* They don't know me...

Hamburg: Pupupupupu...

Porche: Hamburg, stop laughing !!


Foxy: I am the great Foxy, and I always get what I want !! I don't give a damn about such a worthless horse. I only shot it for fun...

Luffy: You bastard ! Gum-Gum...

Foxy: HOLD IT ! Strawhat Luffy !!

Luffy: Eh ? How do you know my name ?!

"Luffy, when your bounty hits 100 Million, yous should expect people to start recognize you..."

Foxy: That's right, we did our homew-

"I wasn't talking to you, so shut it !"

Foxy: Huuuuuh...

Porche: "Monkey D. Luffy", wanted for 100 Million. "Y/n 'Sans L/n" wanted for 85 Million. "Roronoa Zoro", wanted for 60 Million. With only eight people, your group has a total bounty of 245 million. That is quite a feat.

Foxy: That is why we, the Foxy pirates, will challenge the Strawhat pirates, to an official Davy back fight !!!

"... I think I understood something. You get all depressed when someone insults you."

Foxy: And what if ?!

"... *Smirk*. Rh-hum... You're just a bunch of little- !!"

(A/n: to protect our young audience for the verbal abuse currently ongoing, here is a picture of a cute cat.)

"-You're the human equivalent of a participation award- !!"

(A/n: Woops, it would seem one cat picture wasn't enough.)

"Haa... Haa... Haa... I feel much better now."

Porche: Boss, let go of that pistol !! He didn't mean what he just said !!


Luffy: What Daffy bark fight ? What are you trying to do ? If it's a fight you want, I accept !!

Usopp: Uh... Luffy... Wait a sec... That Davy back fight thing... And that weird ship we encountered near here... ? Hey !! Luffy !! We can't play that game !! We'll loose our friends !!!

"Usopp, you know what they're on about ?"

Usopp: I said not to agree to his game !!

Foxy: Fehfehfehfehfeh ! It's too late, fool. I heard it loud and clear ! Strawhat Luffy accepted the challenge !! Right ? Porche ?!

Porche: yes, Boss ! I heard him too ! There is no way out of it now !

Hamburg: Pupupupu... !! No way out !

Foxy: Unless... You are not a man, and want to go back on your words...


Usopp; Idiot, don't fall for his trap !!

"Well, I've got an idea about that. They're tricking you, because if you refuse, they'll most likely spread rumors that you're a coward."

Usopp: So ? Your solution ?

"... Dead men tell no tales."

Usopp: STOOOOOOP !! You can't resolve your problems by slaughtering everything in your path !

"It worked very well for me until now !! Let go !"

Tonjit: Sherry...

Chopper: Don't worry, she'll heal !

Tonjit: Move out of the way, all three of you ! I will return the pain they gave Sherry right now !!

Usopp: No, old man !!

Tonjit: How dare you do that to my loyal Sherry... !!

Luffy: Don't do it ! Old guy !! they are pirates !!

"Um... We are too, aren't we... ?"

Nami: Davy back fight ?

Crew: yes. The game begins when the captains from both ships agree to it. Our captain is proposing the game to your captain as we speak.

Zoro: "Proposing" ? Why bother ? We never turn down a fight anyways !

Sanji: Uh... have you never heard of it before ? This isn't just a fight. "Davy back fight" is a gambling game played between pirates

Robin: that is correct. According to legend, the game was invented... A long time ago in the "Pirate's Paradise island". Many pirate groups have been using it to acquire good crews. It's the way pirate groups fight over pirates.

Nami: Groups fighting over pirates... ?

Robin: Yes.

Crew: You didn't even know that and you call yourself a pirate ? Davy back fight is the "Contest for human resources" !! the format we use is the 3-coins rule. That means 3 rounds per game !! The victor of each game may pick one crew member from the loser's team. The chosen crew member must then swear loyalty to the winning captain !! he will do so in the name of the great Davy Jones !!

Nami: ... If you lose the game, you loose your friend ?!!

Crew: That's right !! Lastly, if there is no desirable crew member left in the loosing team, the winner may choose to take the loser's pirate flag.

Sanji: In this game, you fight for both your friends and pride. If you win, you grow stronger, but if you lose, you can fall and never get back up again... It's a very dangerous game... !!

Nami: So that other ship... The one we saw on our way here, it had no sail... Nor was there a captain...

Crew: Oh ! You must mean the "Fanged toad" pirates. They were the looser of the previous games ! Look, these are the new crew members we got !

Crew: WUOOOH !! LONG LIVE FOXY'S PIRATES !! I won't deny it, I was the captain of the toad's pirates ! We've also got the doctor, navigator and shipwright ! We played "3-coins" and lost five times, so we lost 14 crew members and our flag.

Crew: well, at this point it's more like a fusion of businesses ! HAHAHAH !!

Nami: ... That's so foolish and meaningless. We will never play such a lame game !!

Crew: idiot ! It doesn't matter if a crew member like you rejects ! The game will proceed as long as the captains from both sides agree to it !! You can cry, you can scream, but... As soon as your captain Monkey D. Luffy accepts, you will all become the stake of the gamble !

Sanji: It can't be helped, Nami-san... this is the "Law" of the sea... No matter how foolish it sounds... if you run away or play tricks, you will become the laughingstock of every pirate in the world.

Nami: So ? Let them laugh. Who cares ?!

Zoro: I do. I would rather die.

Sanji: Me too.


Robin: Give it a rest... Men are always like that...

Nami: Fine !! then we have to stop Luffy now !!

Crew: You're too late. When the captains fire their guns at the same time, the game starts !

Sanji: Y/n already went some time ago. Who knows, maybe he'll stop Luffy-


Zoro: Or not, it would seem.

Nami: That means... ?!

Sanji: He accepted it...

Zoro: Perfect...

Robin: Interesting...



"Luffy... What the hell did you do ?"


Luffy: All we have to do is win, right ?

Foxy: All right. The game has officially started !!

Luffy: yeah ! i'm gonna kick your ass !!

Foxy: hehe. Are you sure you can do that ?!

Luffy: Of course I can, you 2-piece head !!

Foxy: 2-piece... head...

Porche: Boss !! You little brat !! How could you say such a thing ! The Boss is very sensitive !! Don't laugh, Hamburg !!

"Luffy, if you were just pissed for what they did to the horse, beating his head in would've been enough... I even think it could've improved it."

Foxy: Gh- !

Porche: BOSS !!

Tonjit: Please... Avenge our pain !

Usopp: You sure recover fast !!

Luffy: Leave it to me !!

Foxy: I'll show you...

Crew: HOT DOGS ! Get your hot dogs here !! Pork chops and hamburgers, too !

Announcer: the initiation ceremony will begin soon, please be quie- *BAM* !

Crew: Shut up !! Hahahaha !!

Luffy: Wow ! It's getting really interesting... Are all these people the 2-piece head's crew ?!

Chopper: there are so many...

"This at least proves they're used to that sort of thing, if they have a setting like that ready in all occasions..."

Tonjit: hey, two cups of ramen please.

Usopp: OLD MAAAAN !!

Porche: All right, scums ! Be quiet !! I will now state the rules of the game !! Rule #1: The crew and flags lost in a Davy back fight, may only be reacquired through another Davy back fight. Rule #2: the person chosen at the end of a game, must swear loyalty to the winning team immediately !! Rule #3: the pirate flag that is taken away may never be used again !!

Nami: Why do you all act like this is no big deal ?

Sanji: Nami-san~ they sell cotton candy here !

"Brooding won't take us anywhere, Nami. At this point, might as well just throw everything we have and then get away."

Porche: Anyone who disgraces any of the rules will be sacrificed to Davy Jones !! Do you swear to honor these rules ?

Foxy: I do.

Luffy: I SWEAR !

Crew: WUOOOOH !!

Foxy: See these coins ?! I am reporting to the great Davy Jones, that this official game under the 3-coin rule will commence now !

Chopper: Who's Davy Jones ?

Robin: He is a cursed pirate from ancient time that live under the sea.

Chopper: He is living under the sea ?

Chopper: It's a legend... He also takes all the ships and treasure that sink to the sea floor.

Chopper: It must be a scary place under the sea... Cotton candy, so sweet !

"He takes whatever he likes from the sea, kinda like how the winner takes whatever he wants from the loser."

Sanji: So they named the game "Davy back fight".

Foxy: Fehfehfehfeh...

Porche: Are you interested in someone in particular, boss ?

Foxy: A captain, vice-captain, a swordsman, a navigator, a sniper, a cook, a doctor and an archaeologist... ? Hm, which one should I take first... ? Ah... I'll take that one after all~ ! Yes, that one will do nicely !

Crew: Hey ! You know the rest of the rules right ?

Luffy: That's so nice, so many crewmates...

Sanji: We know. Get out of here.

Usopp: Damn you !

Nami: It's all your fault !!

Luffy: Guys ! All we need to do is win ! And when we win, we can get a shipwright, too !


"So the games are racing, sports, and combat..."

Zoro: I'll take combat.

Luffy: What ?! No ! I want to fight !!

Sanji: No, let me ! My legs are itchy already !

"Kids, please, stop bickering like that..."

Robin: Well, it's decided then. I'll turn in our listing.

Usopp: hey, what will happen if we loose... they'll take me, the great captain Usopp for sure.

Nami: No, they will take me, I am so cute...

*Round one: Donut race. Contestants: Usopp, Nami, Robin.*

Usopp: Actually, I just remembered that I have the "Dies-if-enters-a-boat-race" syndrome...

Nami: I don't want to do this either, but you need to toughen up !!

Robin: It can't be helped.

*Round 2: Groggy ring. Contestants: Zoro, Sanji, Chopper.*

Zoro: Don't get in my way.

Sanji: That's my line !

Chopper: I'll do my best !

*Round 3: Combat. Contestant: Monkey D. Luffy*

Luffy: YEAH !!

"... Okay, what level of bullshit is that ?"

Robin: Well, only seven people can participate, and there's 8 of us after all. You just got the short straw.

"Still bullshit though."

Announcer: First up, it's the obstacle course around the island, Donut race !! You are given 2 oars and 3 barrels to make your canoe. You are disqualified if you use extra materials !! It all depends on the ship mechanics' skills ! Now for the self-introduction, I am the party-captain of the Foxy pirates, Itomimizu !! I will broadcast the race from the air with my super sparrow of South Blue, Chuchun !

Itomimizu: Now, introducing the Strawhat team. They're Nami, the navigator, Usopp, the sniper, and Nico Robin, the archaeologist !! The boat they will use is called "Barrel Tiger" !!

Nami: This won't sink... Will it ?

Usopp: I told you I'm not a shipwright !

Robin: It'll probably sink.

Crew: Hey, that orange girl is cute !! I want to play with that dark hair chick !! of course we won't even consider the guy ! Nope, not him.

"No Sanji, you can't beat them up !"

Sanji: Why not ?!

"They might survive ! We need to find a boulder first !!"

Itomimizu: Um... And now, representing team Foxy... She is our sweetheart, Porche !!

Porche: Oh, leave it to me~ !

Itomimizu: In assistance are Capote the Billfish fishman and Monda the Star-shark !!

Crew: OOOOOOH !! We'll win by a huge margin !!

Itomimizu: their ship is the "Cutie wagon" !!

Nami: Hold one a second... They have a fish on their team !!

Porche: yes, so ? There is no rule that disallows fish crew !

Crew: Bury them, Porche honey !!

Luffy: Kick their ass !!

Itomimizu: Both team, get ready !!

Porche: I will make you sink.

Nami: BRING IT ON !!

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