Chapter 96: Donut race

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Itomimizu: And now... What we are all waiting for... the winner will be greeted by celebration ad the looser by the deep cold sea. It's the Davy back fight ! The first round, Donut race, is about to begin !! Both sides are waiting behind the starting line.

Crew: WUAAAH !! Porche !! Drown that freak with the long nose, Capote !!

Usopp: OH SHUT UP !!

Itomimizu: But first... The objective ! It's very simple, just go around the island once !! Ob, and by the way... Guns, cannons, swords, any weapon is allowed ! If you don't like it then you don't deserve to be a pirate !!

Zoro: What kind of boat-race is this ?

"The pirate kind. You think the audience is allowed to participate ?"

Sanji: I'm warning you, Usopp ! If any of the ladies get hurt, I'll slice you into pieces and feed you to the fishes !!


Chopper: I'm so excited !!

Foxy: Fehfehfehfehfeh. Those fools. We always use the rules to our advantage !! Do you think that this race will last more than five minutes, Hamburg ?

Hamburg: Pfff ! Nope ! Pupu !

Nami: Stop talking and start the race already ! We're going to win !!

Robin: So we can also win if we destroy the opponent...

Usopp: Uh... I'll leave that to you.

Porche: Tsk-tsk-tsk. Look, they are bluffing.

Capote: they can bluff all they want. We will sink them in three minutes. Right, Monda ?

Itomimizu: Racers, catch !! Use these Eternal pose so you don't get lost !

Nami: Lost ?

"Why do they have Eternal Poses specifically for this island..."

Itomimizu: Remember not to go too far away from the island. Be safe, and... Good luck ! Everyone...

Nami: Leave the island ? Why would we do that ? The shortest path is along the ridge !

Usopp: No, it won't be that easy.

Nami: Why not ?

Usopp: We have to leave the island as soon as the race starts !

Itomimizu: Ready...

Nami: Why ?!

Itomimizu: DONUT !!

Itomimizu: the two ships charge forward simultaneously !! At the same time, the Foxy pirates engage in support fire !! The Barrel Tiger got blasted away and the Cutie wagon takes the lead !!

Usopp: WUAH !!

Porche: Go !! Charge, Monda !!

Usopp: Ah... Hey... They are breaking the rules ! The audience shouldn't be able to attack !! T- Turn ! Turn !! We're going to overturn !!

Porche: Ahahaha, excuse me. I'll be taking the lead. Don't sink so fast though ! Let's have some fun~.


Usopp: Phew ! We're safe.

Robin: Not yet. Something is flying our way.


Foxy: FEHFEHFEH ! Sink !!

Nami: It must be from the audience again !!

Usopp: ROW FAST !! Interruption from the audience is commonly accepted in a pirate-vs-pirate game !

Nami: I can't accept this !!

Robin: if their friends can provide support...So can ours.

Nami: Eh ?


Crew: WAAAH !!!

Usopp: SANJI !!


Crew: IYAAAH !!

Porche: No matter, we're still well ahead of them. Let's go !

Monda: NNNNNNgggghhh !!!

Porche: M- Monda ?

Capote: Porche, I think there's something wrong... Monda going all out, but... We're not moving an inch ! What's happening ?!

"So, for how long do I need to hold them like that ?"

Zoro: Until the end of the race would be good.

Capote: WHAAAAAAT ?!

Usopp: Good ! We're catching up !!

Nami: Let's cut them of on the next turn !

Porche: Capote, don't let them pass by us ! Show them your fish-men karate !!

Capote: Sure thing ! SEA SPLITTER !!

Nami: WAAAAH !! We lost a seat ! We need to re-balance !!

Usopp: Bastard, eat this !! Certain-death fire star !!

Capote: Hehehehehe... useless !!

Usopp: D... Damn him... !!

Robin: Ocho fleurs...

Capote: What's this ?! WAAAH ! !

Crew: Look ! That must be the power of a devil fruit !! That bitch ! She's a devil fruit user !


Robin: ... Flip.


Capote: GAAH !!

Porche: Capote ! What are you doing ?!

Nami: Good job !! Now is our chance !! Usopp ! Swim and pull the ship along !

Usopp: Why don't YOU do that ?!

Luffy: AWESOME !! Kick their ass !!

Chopper: GO ! GO !!

Foxy: Fehfeh... Those newbies are getting better at this. Come, Hamburg, let's show off our talents !

Hamburg: Yes, boss !

Itomimizu: The race just started, and it's already a mess inside and outside the court !! But that's what the Donut race is all about ! In the lead is the Cutie Wagon... Currently immobilized for some unknown reason, and the Barrel Tiger is quickly coming back ! The game has only just begun !!

Usopp: Look ! It's a breeze dial !!

Nami: Good idea ! Use it, quick !

Nami: ... Get back to rowing, idiot !!

Usopp: It worked in sky island !! There's not enough power with only the dial or something...

Nami: Then use the Jet dial !!

Usopp: Where would I get that ?! It's extinct !

"Oh, so that's what was under Enel's airship... I knew I should've taken one."

Nami: i'm sure of it. If we loose... They will take me away for sure, because I am too cute. We must not let that happen !!

Usopp: They won't want you. Go back to rowing.


Nami: Robin ?! Why are you reading and not rowing !!

Robin: I am rowing.

Nami: I see your other hands are rowing...

Usopp: yeah, if Robin had be doing this from the beginning.

Robin: I will try harder from now on then.

Nami: Heh, that is some honesty... What are you doing, Usopp ?

Usopp: Experiment.

Porche: How is it looking, Capote ?!

Capote: I don't get it ! No matter how much we pull, we just don't move ! Like something's holding us back !

Porche: ... I don't know why, but something's telling me this guys' eye glowing blue... Anyway, we need to get out of here and win that race !

Capote: Hm... But I want to return the humiliation to that woman. I won't be satisfied with just winning.

Nami: IYAAAAH !!

Porche: How ?! How did they go so fast all of a sudden ?! ... It stopped...

Nami: Hey, Usopp, what did you do ?!

Usopp: Heh... Heh... I almost broke my shoulder...

Robin: That was amazing. We flew passed them.

Usopp: Heh... Heh... I- Impact dial !

Nami: All that power came from just one blast ? This is great ! Even though it only last a short time, the speed boost is great !

Usopp: Well, get back to rowing ! We need to keep our lead !

Itomimizu: It's... UNBELIEVABLE !! The undefeated Cutie Wagon has lost its lead !! It seems that while the Barrel Tiger has a secret weapon to boost its speed, the vice-captain of the Strawhat crew is acting from the sideline to hold their opponents down ! The race is getting more and more interesting !! Go, Porche !!

Zoro: For a commentator, he's not exactly neutral.

Sanji: ... There's something I've been thinking about. Who was on watch duty last night?

Luffy: Oh, that was Y/n !

Sanji: And the night before ?

Luffy: Uh... Y/n again.

Sanji: And the one before... ?

Luffy: ... ... ...



Zoro: ... You know, I'm amazed he could be this fine after not sleeping for 3 days straight.

Sanji: Maybe he needed to balance it out with that time in Alabasta... But more importantly, if he's asleep, how is he gonna...

Capote: We can move again ?!

Porche: I don't know what happened, but I'm not letting that slip by ! Full speed ahead, Monda !!

Usopp: They're catching up to us !!

Nami: What is that idiot doing, he was supposed to hold them back !!

Robin: Weren't you the one who made him stay up all night to watch over the treasure ?

Nami: He's the only one I can trust with that ! In any case, Usopp, if we can't count on him, then the dial may be our only way to win this. Try to store up energy and then use it again !

Usopp: Again ?! That blast earlier almost cost me my precious shoulder !!

Nami: That's okay, I don't mind.


Porche: Let's just sink their ship !

Itomimizu: Aaaaah !! Wow !! the most difficult challenges of the race are just ahead !!

Itomimizu: The first is the "Long Coral" area, then it's the terrifying "Long whirlpool" followed by the "long cape" !! How will these two teams conquer the challenges ?!

Itomimizu: Ah ?! That is... There is someone on the island !!

Porche: Ah ! BOSS !!

Itomimizu: Riding the amazing runner Hamburg, it's him... The genius of trickery, the natural enemy of rules, it's our infamous boss... FOXY THE SILVER FOX !!

Crew: Oh ! Boss !! Yeah ! We'll win for sure now !!

Nami: He's their captain ?!

Itomimizu: Hm... Our boss' face is a little twisted. He must be thinking about some very evil scheme !

Foxy: I just had... A very naughty idea !

Itomimizu: GO, BOSS !!

Itomimizu: The blazing sun adds to the heat of the action as the racers face the new challenge, the Long coral area. The Barrel Tiger is still in the lead, but... The Cutie Wagon is quickly catching to them !

Porche: We wasted too much time earlier, so we have to get it back here.

Capote: Monda, we're counting on you !!

Robin: What's this ? The area is covered with giant corals...

Nami: Hey look, because of that, the sea currents are moving strangely...

Usopp: We probably shouldn't just blindly charge in...

Itomimizu: Don't forget, there is someone on the dry land waiting to unleash his wrath ! He is our boss, Foxy the silver fox !!

Foxy: Fehfehfeh... No one can survive my evil schemes ! Get ahead of them, Hamburg !

Hamburg: Okay, boss !

Itomimizu: What is he planning ?! What exciting things will happen next ?!

Crew: Go get them, Boss !! It's only a matter of time now !!

Luffy: Alright, who else wants to fight ?!

Cook: Yo, boy. Want something to eat ?! Here's some Inari udon and kitsune udon ! All free !

Luffy: Really ?! Thanks a ton ! It looks delicious !!

Seductress: I like you best, pretty-boy chief. Come here~.

Sanji: Eheheh. It seems that loosing isn't half-bad here~...

Pirate: Hey, want some apple ?

Chopper: Eh ? What's the ? Is it sweet ?

Pirate: Err... Shake a paw... ?

Crew: Hey, we're running our of booze here ! This bro sure can drink !!

Zoro: You're up next round right ? Show me some spirits !!

Crew: ... What do we do with that one ?


Crew: Leave him be. Always better than having to deal with more.

Pirate: He seems like a "more"tal foe alright.

Crew: *Sigh* Seriously ? Puns ? Wait, where did he go ?!


Crew: ... The fuck ?

Itomimizu: Uh-Oh, what happened ?! Barrel Tiger suddenly slowed down !

Usopp: Hey, Nami, what are are you doing ? Row !

Itomimizu: Using this opportunity, Cutie Wagon takes the lead !! They're entering the Long coral area !!

Porche: Charge, Monda ! Go !!

Capote: H- Hey, what are you doing ?! Monda !

Usopp: Eh... It turned around...

Itomimizu: Oooh ?! Cutie wagon suddenly moved backward ! What is happening ?!

Porche: What are you doing, Monda ?! Charge !!

Usopp: they turned around again...

Porche: NOT THIS WAY !!

Nami: I knew it. The current is the key here. It's our turn, let's go !

Itomimizu: How tragic !! No matter how many times the Cutie Wagon tries to move forward, it gets pushed back ?! On the other hand, Barrel Tiger has begun to move forward again ! Now the two boats are both tackling the coral area !

Foxy: Fehfehfeh... Not if I have anything to say about it- !!


"... Did I just run over something again ?"

Itomimizu: BOSS !! Sneak attack from the vice-captain of the Strawhat crew, throwing our boss away !!

Nami: If you fall asleep again, I'll make sure you never wake up !!

Itomimizu: Incredible !! Barrel Tiger is passing the Long coral area without even breaking a sweat ! Yet, the Cutie wagon remains stuck at the edge of the coral area !!

"Well, looks like my help was hardly needed after all."

Foxy: You... I've had enough ! It's time to settle this !

Usopp: the boat is moving on its own ?!

Nami: Yup. This place is the maze of the currents ! Because of the giant whirlpool behind the corals, a chain of smaller whirlpools are formed in this area ! All I needed to do, was to determine the correct path and the currents would take us through. With that, we can literally pass this place with our eyes closed.

Usopp: AWESOME !! Witness the skills of our amazing navigator !!

Foxy: Bastards !!

Itomimizu: Don't celebrate just yet ! The terrifying Long whirlpool is up next !!


Nami: Usopp, stop screaming. Get ready to use the Impact. Otherwise, the whirlpool will swallow us.

Usopp: So calm... D- Did you plan all of this in the beginning... ?

Itomimizu: The Barrel Tiger is still speeding up !! No... They are not just speeding up... The entire boat flew !! They flew over the whirlpool and all the way to the other side of the Long cape !! And... THEY LANDED SAFELY !! WHAT AN UNEXPECTED TURN OF EVENTS !! WILL THE INVINCIBLE CUTIE WAGON LOOSE LIKE THIS ?!!



Itomimizu: It's not over yet. They have combined the strength of the fishman with the tail of the shark !! The blazing boat shatters all the corals in its way to catch up with the leader ! The race is halfway done, and in the lead, we have the ever-struggling Barrel Tiger !!

Nami: Usopp, wake up !!

Usopp: Where am I... ? I think I twisted my wrist... GYAAAAAH !!

Robin: Look. It's a sign...

Nami: "Turn right ?" Okay, let's turn right now ! NOT ! ONLY A IDIOT WOULD'VE FALL FOR THAT !!

Itomimizu: Amazing ! They saw through Boss' trick #18 "Fake sign attack" ! What a formidable foe ! Does this woman even believe anything in this world ?!


Itomimizu: She's profane, at that ! But speaking of the Boss...


"Nothing to see here, move along !"

Itomimizu: A- Anyways, the race continues and the Barrel Tiger faces a new challenge.



Itomimizu: Shooting high into the air, it's the Long ripple !!

Foxy: Alright hamburg, I'll hold that plank here, prepare the nails.

Hamburg: Yes boss.









Itomimizu: And no our boss strikes once more, this time building a nice plywood shack, and using the strawhat crew's vice-captain as a hammer !


"Don't worry*ZBUNK*I'm absolutely*ZBUNK*'Nailing' this*ZBUNK*."

Itomimizu: Even the sight of her Friends in such grim situations can't bother her ! Nami the navigator is also very heartless and cruel !!


Itomimizu: Very profane !


Itomimizu: Victory seems to be at hand for the leader !! But wait, the Cutie Wagon is catching up fast !! Who will end up as the victor of the Donut race ?!!


Ito: She did it again !! Not even the "Fake goal attack" could stop her !! But the boss hasn't even noticed it, too busy disputing a cossack dance contest with the vice-captain of the Strawhat crew !

Nami: ... ...

Usopp: You're not saying anything ?

Itomimizu: She is a tough foe indeed !! Excuse me miss, do you ever believe in what you see ?

Nami: GO TO HELL !! ALL OF YOU !!!

Itomimizu: She has lost it !! Anyhow, a tragedy has taken place !! Porche's team has stopped at the fake finish line !!

Porche: Did we win ?!

Capote: Where is everybody ?!

Itomimizu: Her trusting and innocent mind shines brightly in comparison to a certain someone's. However, she must realize her mistake quickly !!

Nami: If I loose to idiots like those, I will be too ashamed to stay alive !!

Usopp: more terribly, we will loose a friend !!

Itomimizu: the race is 2/3 done, and the Barrel Tiger is still in the lead !!

Porche: Damn it ! This is a fake finish line !!

Capote: What ?! Who could've done such a lowly thing !!

Itomimizu: the contestants are approaching the Long bamboo shore. The finish line is just ahead !!

Nami: It's true, I can see it !

Robin: They're catching up ! We won't be able to beat them in speed.

Nami: Hold on... Usopp, see that ?! Can you hit that bamboo tree ?!

Usopp: Bamboo ?! Like that ?!

Nami: yes, shoot more !!

Porche: Full speed ahead !! Capote ! Monda !! Ram them into bits !! Eh ?!

Nami: yes ! Bingo !!

Porche: Oh no... Capote !! No mercy... I won't forgive them !! Cutie baton !!

Usopp: What ? A trick that spawn flowers ?!


Nami: WATCH OUT !!

Usopp: This is bad, she punched holes in the ship !!

Nami: It's fine, we can make it !! Look, the finish line is right there !! Let's charge !!

Itomimizu: This is it. Davy back fight round 1... The Donut race is about to end !!

Foxy: Go next to them ! We mustn't loose !!

Hamburg: Okay, boss !!



Porche: Monda, charge !! We can't lose to those three !! Get back here !!

Itomimizu: Here they come !! Who will cross the finish line first ?!!

Luffy: NAMI WON !! YAY !!

Sanji: Nami-San~ !! Robin-Chan~ !! Your nimble bodies are always so beautiful~ !!

Crew: ... Too bad, you guys came close.

Luffy: Huh ? We're going to win !

Crew: Hahahaha. No you're not. Our boss is here. He is like you... He also ate a devil fruit.

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