Chapter 97: Groggy ring

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Itomimizu: And the winner is... THE CUTIE WAGON !! Round 1 of the Davy back fight, Donut race, has ended !! Our idol, Porche, won !!

Porche: Hurray ! Thanks for everyone's support ! That was too easy !!

Capote: Grmmmbl...

Crew: Let's claim our new crew member now !! You're the best, Porche !! GYAHAHAHA !! No one can beat the Foxy pirates !!

"... Eh... What... Just happened ? Guys ?"

Foxy: FEHFEHFEHFEHFEHFEH !! It's time for you to say goodbye to one of your friends !!

Sanji: Wait ! Somebody tell me what happened back there ! We were about to take the win...

Crew: Yeah, you were "About to" win, but you didn't !! WAHAHAHAHAHA !!

Sanji: Nami-san... ?!

Luffy: Hey ! Usopp, Nami, Robin, what happened ?! Are you okay ?

Nami: What was that ? We... really lost ?!

Sanji: We came to welcome you back, but then you suddenly stopped moving... And they passed you !!

Nami: Hm... We thought we were going to win, too... But after that beam hit us... I couldn't move my body... No, actually... We could move, but everything was going very, very slowly... the boat, the waves, too...

Usopp: yeah. When we recovered, the enemy had already won...

Chopper: Any injuries ?

"Except if you can treat a wounded pride..."

Luffy: What did he do ?!

Foxy: Fehfehfehfeh... That was too easy Thanks to my Noro photon.

Sanji: Asshole ! What did you do to Nami-san and the others ?!

"Noro photon ?"

Foxy: It is a particle that was only recently discovered by the scientists. Anything, from life-forms to liquid and air hit by its radiation... Will not lose any energy, but its physical velocity will decrease dramatically !!

Luffy: What kinda crap are you talking about, stupid ?!

Foxy: He called me stupid...

Porche: Poor boss !

Nami: But... A thing like that is not possible...

Foxy: Not possible ?! Haven't you learned by now that anything is possible in Grand Line ?! Anyways, anything it hits will slow down. That is the Noro photon !!

Luffy: Oh, why didn't you just say that earlier, 2-piece head ?

Foxy: Hah ! After eating the Noro-noro fruit, I gained the power to emit these photons, and I became the almighty Noro-Noro man ! Behold ! I shall demonstrate my power !! Hamburg !

Usopp: EH ?! The canonball stopped in mid-air ?!

Foxy: Fehfehfehfeh ! Anything hit by the beam will slow down dramatically. Most humans are ignorant of the world of the sea. Fehfehfehfeh ! The effects lasts for around 60 seconds before the object resumes its movement. With this, nothing is a threat to me...

"... 26, 27... 28..."

Foxy: Do you doubt your eyes ?

"29... 30."

Foxy: MY NO-


Porche: BOSS !!

"So that's how and why we lost..."

Nami: that's a really dirty trick to use in a race...

Sanji: No wonder those bastards were so confident... His power clinched the match for them.

Porche: All that matters is crossing the finish line ! We did it first, so you lost ! No excuses !

Foxy: That's right ! The victor of round 1, IS MY TEAM !!

Itomimizu: The first match has officially ended. Now it's time for the highly anticipated crew selection ! The captain of the winning team will choose a crew member from the losing team ! Please proceed, boss !!

Foxy: The first one that I will take is... You !! The doctor, TONYTONY CHOPPER !!

Chopper: MEH ?!


Chopper: WAH ! WAH !!


Foxy: Yeah, you will make a beautiful pet... You're even more cuddly than I imagined.

Porche: Eh, Boss, can I hold him, too ?!

Crew: It's so cute ! What a great prize !!

Chopper: WUAAAAAAH !!

Luffy: Chopper !!

Sanji: Those bitches... They took Chopper because he looks like a rare pet.

Nami: Is he a collector of rare pets ?!

Robin: Hopefully not a collector of rare pelts.


Usopp: WHAT ?! This is not the time for jokes !! They took our friend !!

Foxy: Listen up ! Dr.Chopper, you are now one of us... You must now swear loyalty to me !! Fehfehfehfehfeh !!

Chopper: Everyone...

Nami: CHOPPER !!

Usopp: I'm sorry Chopper, we lost... Ah, damn it !!

Foxy: Fehfehfehfeh... A rare pet indeed. It's an amazing talking reindeer !! Come, sit next to me, comrade !

Chopper: ... EVERYONE !! I... *Sob* I don't want this !! I started sailing with you guys... Luffy !! Luffy ask me... I only went because Luffy asked !! I don't want to join these people !!



Zoro: It was your choice to get a life on the sea. Dead or alive, the choice was yours alone. Don't blame it on others. We accepted the challenge ! Usopp and the others tried their best. In the pirate's world, tears won't get you anything... If you are a man... Then just sit tight, and quietly watch the game !!

Chopper: ... ...

Nami: How could you say that ?! He must feel terrible right now...

"Shut up, and watch."

Chopper: Uuuhhh...

Nami: Ooh...

Zoro: Much better.

Crew: WUOOOOH !! That swordsman sure can talk !! Boss will probably choose him next round. The reindeer is a tough guy, too. I'm so touched that I shed a tear ! Look ! At the corner of my eye ! See ?!

Zoro: Let's get ready for round 2...

Usopp: YEAH, ZORO !! Win back my pride next round !!


Sanji: That's right... There are two more matches. We have to retrieve our emergency food friend.

"Sanji, Zoro, do me a favor. Don't win that match. Crush them."

Zoro: You needed to ask ?

"Just in case."

Itomimizu: The conversion is now finished ! Cheer as the Davy Back fight continues !!

Chopper: Cook me, fry me, I don't care ! I'm a man !!

Usopp: Wait... Wasn't Chopper supposed to be in the second round ?! You guys took him away...

Robin: That's true.

Crew: WAHAHAHAHA ! This is strategy ! Gambling strategy !!

Foxy: Hmmm...

Itomimizu: In round 2, Groggy ring, team Strawhat... Will only have 2 contestants ! In other words, the Foxy pirates also have this match in the bag !

Usopp: What ?!

Zoro: Whatever, not like I need you.

Sanji: Shut up, you're the unneeded one, seaweed head !

Nami: I hope they don't end up fighting each other...

Foxy: ... Psst ! *Mutter*

Itomimizu: A- Are you sure, Boss ?

Foxy: Fehfehfeh...

Itomimizu: Alright... Attention, everyone !! Our boss, Foxy the silver Fox, in his well-known leniency, is proposing a deal to the Strawhat crew ! If both captains agree, a substitute could replace the missing crew member for the second round, as long as they aren't involved in any other round of the Davy back fight !

"What ? A substitute..."

Foxy: well ? Do you agree, Strawhat Luffy ?

Luffy: Are you kidding ?! Of course ! Go for it Y/n !

"Don't need to tell me twice !"

Usopp: Hey, isn't that against the rules ?

Crew: Bah, as long as both parties agree, where's the problem ?

Itomimizu: Well... With both teams now complete, with 3 members each, I shall explain the rules for the Groggy ring now !! In the court, there are two goals on each side. You win by throwing your ball into the enemy's. However, you won't be using a regular ball. You'll use a person !! So first, each team must choose a person to be the ball !

Crew: Which one of you will be the ball ?

Zoro: Him.

Crew: Okay. Here.


"What is that language ?"

Itomimizu: You are listening to their entrance music... It's our returning champions for Groggy ring !! Naturally, they have gone undefeated in the past ! They are the "Groggy monsters" !! They are now entering the field ! AND HERE THEY ARE !!

Luffy: Wow ! What are they ?!

Itomimizu: In the front id the four-hoof-driven dasher, Hamburg ! Behind him is Pickles, the tackle demon !! And standing at the rear is the half-fishman, half-giant, Big Pan the wotan !! They are literally the monsters of the ring !! With that, the 2nd round, Groggy ring, is about to begin !!

Nami: That is one giant fishman !!

Usopp: And he's the one playing the ball !

Foxy: Fehfehfehfeh !! There's no way you can win !!

"Well, it looks like... We're out-weighted here."

Zoro: No problem.

Itomimizu: Going against our undefeated Groggy monsters, they are... the one who eliminated our interference group with one kick, the "Violent chef"... Sanji !!

Sanji: It's "5-star chef".

Itomimizu: Alongside him, the pirate hunter that has a bounty of 60 million... Roronoa Zoro !!!

Zoro: ...

Itomimizu: And finally, the one who joined at the last moment as a substitute, no other than the vice captain of the Strawhat crew, with a bounty of 85 million... Y/n "Sans" L/n !

"Hey Luffy, you want us to make it last, or beat them in asap ?"

Pickles: beat us in asap... Since the captain specifically appointed us to the game... I thought our opponents would be tougher than this. Right, Big pan ?

Pan: ... ... ... Huh ?

Hamburg: Pupupupupupu ! He didn't hear it !

Sanji: What are they even doing ?

Referee: Ball or field ?

Hamburg: Ball.

Itomimizu: Our Groggy monsters chose to take the ball ! The ball of team Strawhat will now go to the center of the opponent's side. May I remind you that the ball hat marks the two balls in the game !! If you hit the opponent's ball into the enemy life buoy, you win !

Zoro: Yo, ball guy. Go stand over there.

Sanji: Shut up ! You decided it by yourself ! I never said I wanted to be the ball ! Plus, how can I wear this lame thing on my handsome head ?

Zoro: You are annoying... Wow, Sanji ! You lok so handsome with that thing !

Sanji: up yours, I am not falling for that !!

"Okay, this calls for drastic measures... Nami, please ?"

Nami: Sanji, you look so awesome with that hat~.

Sanji: Like I was saying, there is no better man to be the ball in our group !!

Zoro: Yup. You look like a prince... The prince of idiots.


Foxy: Seriously, your team is really lacking team spirit ! The Groggy monsters won't need any support to win this. I'll just sit here and enjoy the show.

Nami: You can interfere in this game, too ?!

Foxy: Fool ! You can disrupt any game !! There are teams that will win regardless of the method. Then there are teams that want no less than a clean win ! It's all up to personal standards. Though it doesn't matter why you lost. If you complain and whine, then you simply don't have the guts and pride of a true pirate !!

Nami: Look who's talking... But I guess we should thank you for letting Y/n participate.

Foxy: Don't mistake it for me being nice. I just want to know what my next acquisitions are capable of.

Nami: Your funeral. You let the only person who can handle these two join the game. Your Groggy monsters, are about to go against our monster trio.

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