Chapter 98: Monster Trio

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Zoro: Just start the damn game already.

Referee: Hey, you !! It's against the rules to use weapons. Put them away !

Itomimizu: That's right. This is a competition of balling skills. No weapons allowed.

"Yeah, we'll be ballin' this alright."

Zoro: Eh ? Really ? Fine, no weapon. Not like it matters at all.

Sanji: Are you sure you'll be alright ? A swordsman without a sword is...

Zoro: yeah ? Still better than you, sandbag.

"For the last time: STOP MESSING AROUND !!"

Sanji/Zoro: YOU stay out of th-


Zoro/Sanji: ... Sorry...

Itomimizu: The preparations have been completed ! The ball of team Strawhat is finally in position ! The cheer from the audience intensifies !!

Crew: Smash them, Big Pan !! Pickle, send them flying !! make hamburgers out of them, Hamburg !!

Pickle: Big Pan, let's finish this in lightning speed.

Pan: ... ... ... ... ... Huh ?

Hamburg: Pupupupupupu, he didn't hear again !

Pickle: Hihihi, you're really... Hihihihihih ! Listen up... Hihihi !

Itomimizu: the Groggy monsters are laughing for no apparent reason again. They will win, again, with this cheerful attitude. No time limit. One point wins the game !!

Zoro: So all we need to do is throw that big guy...

"Into the ring on the other side, yes. But if they throw Sanji into our ring... Why do I even bother mentioning what won't happen ?"

Itomimizu: Will the Strawhat be able to win back the reindeer lost in the first round ?! Or will they keep losing crew members ? The intense Groggy ring is starting right now !! READY... BEGIN !!!

Pickle: Die !!

Itomimizu: Will the ball, Sanji, attack furiously, or run away in fear ? We shall see ! Dealing the first hit is Pickle, the tackle demon !!

Sanji: Come ! I'll take you all down !! Out of my way... I'M AIMING FOR YOU, BIG GUY ! We win if I hit you into the buoy ring, right ?!

Crew: The two ball-men are going head-to-head !!

Sanji: COLLAR...

Pan: Huh ?

Sanji: WUAH ! W- What the hell... This guy's skin is so slippery !!

Itomimizu: Sanji, the chef, is unable to move on Big Pan's arm ! But that can't be helped... Big pan is a fish giant with mudfish genes, so his skin is extremely slippery !!

Sanji: Wuah... Damn it... Wuah !

Zoro: What are you doing, IDIOT ?!!

Sanji: Who are you calling an idiot, asshole ?!

Pan: Speedy... PUNK PASS !!

Sanji: GUAH !!

Itomimizu: Good hit ! It's Big Pan's ultra-long pass !! Hamburg is positioning himself to receive the ball ! But... What are they doing ?! The rest of team Strawhat are just standing still !

Zoro: ... Now ?

"Now. Freeze !"

Sanji: Geurf ! Hey, next time be a little more gentle !

Itomimizu: Incredible !! Sanji completely froze while still in midair !

Pickle: What ?!

"The monkey is mine, Zoro, you take the walking seasoning !"

Zoro: of course ! there's no way we will let them score !!

Pickle: What are you doing ?! Hey... Hey... WUAAAAAH !!

Hamburg: Pupupu !!

"Oh, you wanted to catch Sanji ? Please, allow me to help."


"Sanji, pass !!"

Sanji: It's not right to end so soon... I still haven't done anything ! No way I would be losing to that seaweed head !! Rebound... COLLIER SHOOT !!

Hamburg; PUGAH !!


Itomimizu: IT DIDN'T GO IN !! The ball, Sanji, didn't go in like he should !! this is the first time someone defends against the Groggy monsters' attack ! The game is heating up !! What a surprising turn of events ! Two members of the legendary Groggy monsters were thrown out of the ring !! the strength of team Strawhat... It's breathtaking !!

Sanji: You're 100 too early to be of any help to me !!

Zoro: i'm not doing this for you you piece of trash !

"is it too much to ask you to cooperate for 10 seconds ?!"

Crew: those guys are strong !! they threw Pickle out of the ring... They got Hamburg, too !!

Porche: Yaaan !! I won't forgive you if you lose, Hamburg !!

Itomimizu: Oh ?! It appears that two members of team Strawhat are fighting each other again ! Though both balls are still safe, the game continues even if they are not ready !

"Can I at least ask you to settle down until we throw that one into the buoy ?!"

Itomimizu: It's a surprise attack by Big Pan !!

"Uh-oh... That's !!"

Pan: TOE PAD DANCE !! Hishishishishishi !!


Zoro: NOOO !!

Sanji: WAAAH !!



Usopp: Eh ?!

Sanji: Hey, ref ! I thought weapons aren't allowed !!

Usopp: What the hell is he doing ?!

Foxy: Fehfehfeh... The referee can't see "Everything"


Referee: GAH !!

Nami: Stop it, Sanji !!

Sanji: I know you saw it ! Stop pretending, ass !!

Usopp: Calm down ! He's the referee !!

Referee: I did... Not see... Anything.

"LIAR !!"

Referee: Sanji of the Strawhat, yellow card warning !

Sanji: WHAT ?!!

Usopp: Stop !! Stooop !!

Itomimizu: Sanji the chef got a yellow card warning !! One more and it's equivalent to a red card !! That means getting kicked out of the ring !!

Sanji: Say what ?!

Itomimizu: He attacked the referee !! What a barbaric thing to do !!

Sanji: Shut up or I'll turn you into sashimi !!

Itomimizu: Very barbaric indeed !

Sanji: I have to find some way to deal with those blades...



Referee: I don't see it. Too bad.

Usopp: Stop, Sanji. You'll just get kicked out of the game !!

Sanji: I can't take this bullshit anymore !!

Usopp: Calm down... You'll fall right into their trap if you don't ! Calm down for Chopper's sake !

Nami: Sanji, don't lose !



Zoro: This sucks ! If I knew that they hid weapons on them, I wouldn't have gave mine up... Time to take him down !!

Sanji: I can take him alone !!

"Teamwork, you two !!"

Itomimizu: They are about to clash !!

Sanji: His skin is too slippery to attack directly... I have to atack through his gloves, boots, mask and pants...

Pan: Loach scooping slide !! Loach racing circus !!

Zoro: Waaa !!

Itomimizu: There it is ! The racing circus !! It makes the enemy slide along the giant's back...

Sanji: Hah ! I won't fall for the same trick twice !! This is like skating !

Itomimizu: It's an inescapable sliding loop !


Itomimizu: While the giant is buying some time... the players that got knocked out have returned !! Oh ? Those two look a little different... the team captain, Hamburg, puts on iron american knuckles and sharp elbow guards. Pickle got a spiked shoulder pad. But weapons are not allowed ! Even though, it would seem that the referee is doing stretching exercise ! He's not facing the ring and do not see the illegal moves !!

Hamburg: Pupupu !!

Pickle: They pissed me off, captain !!

Itomimizu: And now that the two members of the Strawhat team... Wait, two ?!

"A tad too late to realize. Hey there big guy."

Pan: Huh ?


"Head- head- head- Headshot !"

Itomimizu: OOOOH !!

Sanji: A- AAAAAAAH !!

Zoro: B- Buuuuh...



Zoro: OW !


Sanji: Gah !

"That's it ? You're okay now ? Get a good look at things, they really don't intend on following any rules here. What do you have to say ?"

Sanji: ... 10 seconds, you said ? Sounds about the right amount.

Zoro: Yeah... We can manage that.

Itomimizu: For the second round of the Davy back fight, Groggy ring... For a second, it seemed the Groggy monster' was assured ! But team Strawhat managed to pay back each hit until now !! It would seem they deserve the nickname of "Monster trio" !! This match is by far one of the most intense we've witnessed !! What endurance ! What perseverance !! Swordsman Roronoa, chef Sanji and vice-captain Y/n !!

Foxy: Tch. You'll see. Listen up, you three !! Give me a "Monster Burger" Please !!

Nami: ... What ?

Robin: Look at their reactions...

Itomimizu: O... Our boss ordered a... A monster burger !! Death is inevitable for team Strawhat now !!

Hamburg: Pupupu... I smash the meat... To make hamburgers~...

Pickle: Ihihi !! I slice everything... Like pickles~...

Crew: AND YOU ADD ?! Green lettuce~, yellow cheese~ but you remove the bones~ !!

Nami: Hey !! they are showing off the weapons that aren't allowed in the first place !!

Pan: And finally.. I use these big pans... And smash them in between~ !!

Itomimizu: Here it is !! The most dangerous three-weapon combo attack !! Death is inevitable !! this is definitely red-card material !! But, by a sudden turn of fate, the referee just happen to be looking the other way... he is doing the bending exercise, and he doesn't see any of this !!

Luffy: You stupid faker !!

Usopp: Don't !! Luffy !!

Itomimizu: Their target is the ball, Sanji !! he will be mashed, sliced, and smashed flat !! What kind of burger will he become ?!

Sanji: From third-class ingredients like you...

Hamburg: Time to turn you into mush !!

Sanji: It's impossible to make anything good !

Hamburg: So... So fast...

Sanji: Troisième... HACHIS !!!

Pickle: Captain ! Watch out !!


Pickle: N- Not good !! Hey !! Big Pan, stop the pans !!

Pan: Huh ?

Pan: ... Huh ?

Pickle: Captain !! I'll avenge you !!

Zoro: Don't forget this is a team match !

Pickle: Damn you !

Zoro: Y/n ! Swords !

"All I've got is bones !"

Zoro: That'll do !! Swordless, 3-bones style...

Pickle: I'll slice you into pieces !!

Zoro: Dragon... TWISTER !!

Crew: Wah !! Big Pan is... Getting diced up by Pickle !!

Pickle: I... I can't stop !!

pan: OWAAAA !!

"Falling down now ? I don't think so. Gaster... GRAND PILLAR SURGE !!"


Itomimizu: A... AMAZING !! Big pan's falling got struck back up !! Now he's in the half-standing, half-falling, groggy state !! Oh ! The swordsman Zoro is rushing forward !! Without a doubt he's going for the ball, Big pan !!

Pickle: Ku... You won't pass !!

Sanji: You cheating bastards... You and the referee...

Itomimizu: Pickle got kicked out into... Oh, no... He landed on the referee !!

referee: Gr... ! You did that on purpose... You attacked the referee indirectly... Red Card... Hm ? Where are my cards ? Wah... damn it...

Nami: Looking for these ? Old habit~

Robin: Naughty girl...

Itomimizu: Only Big pan remains standing in the ring !! Oh ! Are the members of team Strawhat fighting each other again ?!

"Far from it... Zoro ! Sanji !!"

Both: ROGER !!


Sanji: Air force...


Itomimizu: Imp... IMPOSSIBLE !! The Wotan giant's heavy body... IS AIRBORNE !! He's aiming for the goal ring !!

Crew: The undefeated Groggy Monsters, about to lose ?!! It's not possible !!


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