3 - The Dating Talk

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Reasons Why I Hate Kai #3 : He's Always Leaving For The Toilet

I sat quietly at the back of the classroom. Obviously not doing the note and simply reading The Hobbit instead.

We were getting our tests back and my teacher, Ms. Brown was strolling around the class handing them out. Her grey hair was tied up in a bun and her lips pinched in disappointment with each test she laid on the desk.

Kai was snoring from where he sat, sleeping. His feet propped flippantly on his desk. And Cole was listening to music, nodding along to the beat.

"Mr. Smith." Ms. Brown gave him an unimpressed look when he jolted awake. She slid the paper over to him, facedown. He picked it up and his face immediately fell.

She handed out the rest, moving a good meter away from Lloyd before giving it to him. Then she came to me.

"Can you please put the book down Miss James." She raised a perfectly arched brow.

"Isla." I glanced up. She looked confused. "My name is Isla."

She handed me the test. I glanced at it. A big fat A plus in red marker was written at the top.

Everyone began chattering as she sat down again. I peered over the top of my book and furrowed my brow when I saw her beckon Kai over. He slumped and shuffled over. She spoke quietly with him and I frowned when she motioned to me. He glanced over eyes wide before doing what looked like adamant protest.

I rolled my eyes and went back my my book. Suddenly a loud screech rang through the school as the Garmadon Alarm went off.

Kids screamed loudly when the sound of an evil laugh rang through. "Remember everyone! Duck and cover!" She yelled.

As I slid under my desk, still reading i glanced up to see Lloyd and all his gang raising their hands.

"Can I have a bathroom pass?"

She gave them an incredulous look. "Can't you go later?"

"Sorry miss, but I uh..." Kai brought his hands to his crotch and hopped from foot to foot. "Really can't hold it."

She looked disgusted as she moved under her desk. "Just go."

He exchanged a smug look with the unimpressed one of Lloyd before they all ran out of the room. I narrowed my eyes watching them go.


"Hey Leif, watcha doing?" I found him on the floor watching television as he drew.

"I'm drawing the fire ninja!" He said proudly. "He's my favourite. The Super Secret Ninja saved the day!"

I looked up and sure enough the news was on, unfocused footage from phones showed the ninja battling Garmadon. I could see Fire Ninja himself in his bright red mech. I glanced down at the small figure Leif was drawing clad in red.

There was another small person next to him. "Who's that?" I pointed at the figure.

"That's you." He said.


"The fire ninja is trying to save you but you're to cool to be saved so you're showing how to punch Garmadon in the face." He showed the small circle of the fist going into the drawing of Garmadon.

I laughed. "You bet I would." I ruffled his hair.

"Isla..." He said hesitantly.

"Yeah?" I glanced at him.

"You know what I really want for my birthday?" Leif asked innocently.

"What?" I asked.

He bit his lip. "For the ninja to come."

I stared at him. "It's hard to ask Pops for anything because I know we can't afford it and then I feel sorry that pops looks sad. But I wished in everything and I don't think it'll happen." He looked despairingly at a dandelion stem I didn't even realize was there until now.

"Well." I said lightly. "At least we have one little Ninja." I ticketed him gently.

He giggled. "I'm the best ninja!" He exclaimed. Making a karate chop with his little hand.

"Alright little fighter, we better get this all cleaned up before Aunt Helen freaks." I picked him up and helped him pick up the crayons.

"I'm baaaccckkkk!"

"And there she is!" I shook my head and let Leif down so he could run to greet her.

He bounded over and gave her a hug.

"Hi honey, you weren't hurt during the attack right?" She asked, checking us over. She had the same dirty blonde hair as dad but it was lying and perfectly styled in a sort doo. She of course had more feminine features but I could see him in her smile. But her eyes still had the spark in them that made them so alive.

  Aunt Helen was a little younger than him and she was very attractive but she wasn't dating anyone at the moment. She said she needed time since her last break up but we all know she's doing it so she can have more time for us.

  "We're fine." I reassured her. She sighed and chucked one of Pops' socks in the laundry hamper.

  "Lyn?" Leif jumped up and down as the door opened. Pops entered and he out down whatever he had in a grocery bag. He hugged him tight.

  "I'm glad your all safe." He said through Leif's hair. "Those attacks are becoming more frequent."

  I nodded.

Pops brought Leif to the couch and we all joined him. "So I met a nice guy at work today...." Aunt Helen said.

  Pops sighed. "Helen..." Oh dear, he used her whole name.

  "I'm serious! He's gay and super nice." Aunt Helen rushed in.

  "I don't want to get in a relationship right now. Besides, who are you to try and play match maker, you aren't dating so why should I?"

  Aunt Helen crossed her arms. "For your information I am actually going on a few dates with Robert."

  He stayed silent, fiddling with the buttons on Leif's sweater.

  "What about you Isla?" She turned on me.

  I froze. "What?"

  "Are you seeing anyone again?"

  "Oh no." I avoided everyone's gaze. I'm like pops.

   After the big break up I'm done. I had dated before, that's who I'd actually hang out with. I dated Steven freshman year but then he moved away without telling me and practically ghosted me. I also dated Savannah the next year. We were close and I did make some friends thanks to her. But then she smashed my heart and all her friends took her side and I was left alone. Again. So after that I stopped dating. I stopped friends all together. It was to painful and I want ready for that.

  "What about you Leif?" Aunt Helen smiled. Pops and I both snorted.

  "I have a girlfriend!" He announced excitedly.

  I choked. "What?"

  "Her name is Mary-Katherine and she's super good at drawing." He said confidently.

  "No, no, no." I stopped him. "You're not dating until high school mister."

  He frowned. "Why not?"

  "Because five is way to young to be in a relationship." Pops chuckled. "Come on, we can have Chinese tonight."

Leif cheered and ran out, tugging Aunt Helen along.

  Pops and I both sat in silence. "So no girlfriends." Pops confirmed.

  "Not until he's fifty." I agreed.

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