Chapter 9

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Lucy Pov

I ran back to my apartment. I know I should have supported Natsu and his decision. I knew how much he looked up to Gildarts and what it meant to him, but I just couldn't help it. I wanted him to stay.I laid in my bed, mt face burried in the soft pillow as I allow the tears to fall. There was a knock on the door after a while. I cleaned my face the best I could and went to anwser it. Standing outside was Juvia, Gray, Levy, Wendy and Erza.

"Minna! What are you doing here?" (A/N: Minna means everyone. :) )

"Natsu told us." Juvia spoked up.

"We just wanted to make sure you were alright, Lu-chan." Levy came forward and gave me a hug. "Sorry we didnt tell you before." She whispered into my ears.

"Natsu is a bastard." Gray said, his laugh was filled with a mixture of sorrow and anger.

"Anyway, Lucy you dont mind we come in?" Erza voiced out from behind. I moved aside as they pile in. They each settle in a diffrent spot of the room. Juvia sat on Gray's lab on the floor. Levy pulled out the chair from my desk and rooled it over closer to the center. Erza sat on my bed along with Wendy and Carla. I sat in between Levy and Gray.

"How are you doing, Lucy?" Carla asked.

"I don't know."

"You know Natsu really want to go with Gildarts on a mussion right?" Gray's voice came out barely a whisper. Like he was afaird he might offend me.

"I know but...."

"Juvia understand what you are feeling." Everyone turned to face her. "Juvia went through it one before, you know?"

"Have I heard this one before?" Gray twisted around to look in his girl's eyes, a playful smirk spread across his lips, making her giggled. Erza cleared her throat snapping them out of the soon-to-be awkward situation. Juvia whispered something to Gray, then tge two of them turn their attention back to me.

"Anyway, you will know what is right soon." Juvia continued.

"Thank you Juvia."

"If you really wanted you could ask him to stay. Why dont you just tell me?" Wendy sugeested in a timd voice. I thought for a bit.

"Where is Natsu?"

"He is a t the guild."

"I'm going to talk to him." The rest stood as I did.

"Let's go!"


At the guild

"Natsu! You pointy eyed bastard!" Gray insluted him even though he was far from angry.

"Who you calling bastard, you ice freak!" Natsu spat at Gray, sneering at him but his features soften the moment he saw him. "Lucy. " because he had nothing eles to say.

"Can I talk to you?" He nodded his head to the direction behind the guild and we started to walk. I heard him ask Happy to stay.

"Lucy.....I....." He started when we stopped, I back faced him. "You know if you wanted I could stay right? I coild just tell gildarts that..." he started to blab.

"Natsu." I said, breaking his train of thought. "Its fine." I spun around and gave him a smile. He seemed delighted yet uncertain at the same time. "You should go. I was wrong to ran away. You are my boyfriend I should have supportted you. " I walked over and took hold of one his hand.

"You really mean it? It could take a few years, by then....." he looked me deep in the eyes.

"I will wait for you no matter how long it takes." He replied by pressing his lips warmly against mine. "When do you leave?"


"Then could you spend your last afternoon here with me?"

"I wouldn't ask for anythi else."

A/N The next chapter will be the last but I hope you have enjoyed this fanfic ^^

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