1. Year the sorting will finish!

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UPDATE! (^_^)☆
Kiku's POV
"Kiku Honda!" I felt nervous the second my name was called upon. I did not like to be the center of attention. I just wanted to get it over with. I walked slowly up the steps and reached the chair where I sat down, my eyes was searching the ground so I wouldn't have to look at all the students whose eyes I could feel pocking onto my face. The hat was placed over my head, and I sighed softly with relief when it called out "RAVENCLAW!!!" I walked to the table and fell into conversation with a nice German boy.

Yong's POV
"Im Yong Soo!" Yao and Wang looked at me when I was yelled from the back that I would be there in a second. I was furthest in the back and had to announce my arrival. I jumped through the group of first years and finally reached the chair after running up the few steps. Finally I could sit down and let myself get sorted. I hoped that Wang and Yao would be sorted into other houses than me. The hat felt like it was laughing and it yelled out. "GRYFFINDOR!!!" I ran over to my house and presented myself to them all.

Arthur's POV
"Arthur Kirkland!" I looked down at the floor, I felt slightly nervous giving a secret look to Alfred and then let my eyes travel further down to the back where my older brothers were sitting at the Slytherin table. I didn't want to be sorted into the same house as them. I knew that I couldn't avoid it so I went up to the chair and sat down having the hat placed on my head. Apparently the hat didn't care about what I wanted. "SLYTHERIN!!!" The hat yelled out and I could see my brothers looking at each other with that smirk they always had when something happened to me. I went to the chair and sat down and a boy with a nice but slightly creepy smile began talking to me.

Heracles' POV
"Heracles Karpusi!" I looked up from my daze as I heard my voice being called out. I was thinking about my cats back at home as I walked up the stairs. I sat down and almost feel asleep when the warm hat sat on my head. Et felt nice when I heard the house I was being sorted into. "RAVENCLAW!!!" I went to the table slowly and began a conversation with the others.

Matthias' POV
"Matthias Køler!" Finally it was my turn. I hurried up the steps after giving Tino and Berwald a smirk. Sitting down I took a look at the Gryffindor table. The new first years were laughing together but the hat soon fell over my eyes and a little voice spoke to me in some sort of mumble before yelling out, "GRYFFINDOR!!!" I jumped down the stairs and sat at the table where I was quickly pulled into the conversation with the others.

Berwald's POV
"Berwald Oxenstierna!" My name was called and I gave Tino a small hug, he was my best friend. I went to the chair and sat down with the hat on my head. "SLYTHERIN!!!" I walked to my house and waited patiently for Tino to get sorted.

Tino's POV
"Tino Väinämöinen!" I looked at all my friends who was already sorted out to different houses and hoped that I would join at least one of them, I didn't care about the house I just cared about my friends. I went up to the chair with a smile but before the hat had been placed on my head it yelled out to everyone. "HUFFLEPUFF!!!" I was sad that I didn't get to join my friends but the ones at the table were very nice and I quickly felt at home.

Lovino's POV
"Lovino Vargas!" I was about to walk to the hat when I felt my brother pulling my arm, "what?" I whispered as I turned my head to look at him. "If we are sorted into different houses then please don't forget about me." I gave him a pat on the head and a reassuring smile. "How could I ever forget about my fratello?" He smiled and let go of my arm so I could go to the chair and get sorted. The hat mentioned Hufflepuff but decided for something different. "SLYTHERIN!!!" I sent my brother a slight smile when I saw the disappointment in his eyes, he knew that he wouldn't be sorted into the same house.

Feliciano's POV
"Feliciano Vargas!" I looked over at my brother and I hoped that I would get into the same house even though I knew that we were too different. I walked up to the chair and the hat was placed on my head. It commented my brother and I sat there waiting for it to decide. "HUFFLEPUFF!!!" I jumped slightly in surprise and went to the table where many nice smiles were waiting for me.

Yao's POV
"Wang Yao!" I walked slowly to the chair and sat down. I already knew what the hat would say and it said it before touching my head. "RAVENCLAW!!!" I walked over to sit together with Kiku and the other Ravenclaws.

Matthew's POV
"Matthew Williams!" I walked up to the chair but the hat wasn't placed on my head, I was used to this though, so I coughed and the professor had a slight shock. The hat was placed on my head and it mentioned my brother and me and then mumbled a few things before sorting me. "HUFFLEPUFF!!!" I went over to the table and the first thing that happened was me being noticed by everyone.

Yes it's done!
I will begin the story in the next chapter and I just want to say 2 things.
1. It will not follow the original Harry Potter story I'm making up my own monsters and villains.
2. I will not follow each character all the time. I have a few main characters but don't worry everyone will be there.
3.(you thought there would only be 2 so silly) I'm gonna put a few OCs in there because I need more people at times. I will not follow these characters they'll just be in the school.

I hope that you'll all keep on reading this story!

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