Chapter 7

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Daisuke (POV)
During our walk back to the cabins Eren suggested that mikasa cut her hair cause of how long it's getting.
Mikasa- Okay I'll cut it. How short should it be? Daisuke, what do you think?
Daisuke- That's entirely up to you. Surprise me.
Mikasa- Alright. Hikaru, I might need your help.
Hikaru- I was going to help you anyway.
We reach the point where we had to split to go to our separate cabins. We said goodnight and split.
Timeskip to the next morning
Keith- It's aptitude test time! Listen up, there's no place for you here if you cannot perform! Fail and be shipped to the fields!
Basically it's a test to see how well we adapt the ODM gear. Plenty of people including myself, Hikaru, and Mikasa pass with flying colors. Eren on the other hand didn't do so well.
Timeskip to sunset
All five of us were outside at the ODM training site. Eren was in it and the rest of us were trying to help him.
Mikasa- Just remember the basics and you'll be fine. No need to try any fancy maneuvers. Just focus on your balance the distribute the weight between the belts on your waist and your legs.
Armin- Loosen up your stance a little bit. If I could do it, I know that you can.
Hikaru- Yeah, we know you can do it.
Daisuke- C'mon Eren. You got this man.
Eren- Alright. A lose stance but balanced. Let's give it a shot guys.
Armin cranks the lever and Eren slowly begins to rise. He instantly loses his balance and ends up going forward and smacking his face against the ground.

Daisuke- Woo! You know that's gonna bruise in the morning.
We immediately get him off and take him to the infirmary. All they did was wrap his head in a bandage and we went to eat afterwards. Eren was staring aimlessly at nothing. That is until I smacked him the back of his head and Mikasa squeezed a pressure point his shoulder.
Armin- Worrying won't solve a thing. There's still time to get some practice in come morning.
Eren- How pathetic. How am I supposed to kik them if I can't even stand up straight?
Mikasa- It might be time to let that dream die.
DE- What?
Eren- What do you mean?
Mikasa- I think you should give up this attempt to become a soldier. There's a lot more to fighting and combat than just throwing your life away in vain. Daisuke, I think you should join him too.
Daisuke- Are you kidding? After everything we saw that day. After what happened to Eren's mom and then Hikaru's and my mom afterwards. You must out your damn mind if you think we're walking away.
Mikasa- I understand but it doesn't matter how determined you are.
Eren- What do you mean?
Mikasa- Because whether or not you're fit to be a soldier isn't up to you.
The bell tolls and everyone gets up to go to the cabins. Everyone except Mikasa and I. She looks me directly in my eyes.
Mikasa- You misunderstand. The both of you do. I'm not saying you should return to the fields by yourselves. I wouldn't dream of it. (Grabs my hands) Because wherever you two go, especially you, I'm going to go with you. And that Daisuke, is never going to change. Ever.
I couldn't help that my cheeks raised up in temperature.
Daisuke *mind*- The hell? What's this that I'm feeling? I don't understand it. Why is that all of a sudden, Mikasa is all that I see? It wasn't like this before. Why now?
Mikasa- Daisuke, your cheeks are red. Are you okay?
Daisuke- I-I Uh I'm alright. I'm fine. I'm totally fine. (Takes hands away) I think I'm going to go back to the cabins now.
Mikasa- Well let me walk you back.
Daisuke- Oh no that's fine. I wouldn't want to trouble you. Matter of fact, I think Sasha here has something to ask you.
Sasha plops down next to Mikasa and takes her attention. I use this opportunity to the make my escape and bolt it back to the cabins.
Daisuke *mind*- The hell was that all about? That was really weird yet oddly satisfying to hear those words for me come out of her mouth. Hmm, I don't know. I guess I'll look into it in the future.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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