forgiveness is a virtue

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before we start anything, shout out to the lovELy person who did a drawing for pretty boy!! i love it sm nd it's so nice save me.

their instagram: judd_x
their wattpad: judisutive


chapter thirty-seven ;; forgiveness is a virtue
third person

There was an unforgettable drag to every time Jimin's arms loosely swung. He was sad, there was no lie about that, and it was almost as if everything was back to square one. Except Jimin wasn't mad, oh no, he was instead hateful, hateful towards himself, to be exact. Once again, it was his false. The weight being pushed down onto his shoulders slowly moved to his lungs, suffocating instead of endlessly clinging. All Jimin wanted was forgiveness, for a new start and a new way to approach things.

He was the only reason as to why the cute boy left.

He was the one who spoke the wrong name at the one time.

He was the one who did nothing to have him stay.

There was a sluggish ring to his new found courage, wanting to make things right. Jimin didn't care if had to beg because he would in fact get on his knees with a quivering lip and hands clasped together.

It was almost a reflex, the way the younger's name flew past his lips with gratification. It had rang through and against the walls of his bedroom, coating the atmosphere. The defining and deafening silence was the worst part, an uneasiness ghosting over. A warm hand slowly backed away with a body. Jimin knew Yoongi was waiting for him to speak, to say something else, to fight for his leaving body to continue, but there were no words leaving his lips as he himself was frozen in place.

With a thin film of sweat covering both of their bodies, Jimin observed the elder take shaky movements. Yoongi's hand reached out and retrieved the shed items of clothing, quickly putting his legs through the tight skinny jeans and deciding to put his shirt back on later. Jimin's parents weren't home, so it didn't matter if he trailed through the house with messy hair while half naked.

One last glance, a set of eyes both put in the same situation. Jimin felt as if Yoongi had the right to speak first, to confirm what he heard was true. There must've been no point as Jimin's guilt filled eyes that used to contain such lust dulled down more and more.

For once, he felt as if his anger disorder didn't define him, being handled in the hands of the elder boy who just slammed the bedroom door shut. Instead of Jimin's moan loudly stuttering out 'Jeongguk' ringing through the empty house, it was the sound of booming footsteps flying down a set of stairs.

Yoongi wasn't the only one hurt that day. In a split second, a fraction of a moment, Jimin understood why Yoongi had agreed to nearly having sex. He had already confessed the truth to his one and only best friend, Jung Hoseok, the one Jimin was stupidly jealous over but had to remember his own goal was to only be Yoongi's friend. Yoongi had cried to Jimin, told him how terrible he felt, how he couldn't take the guilt any longer, and just like that, his lips were somewhat hungrily on the younger's. He felt used but in such a wanted way.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Jimin repeated the words to himself as a mumble, each one having a different tone and meaning.

He knew he was sorry for saying the wrong name, but he couldn't help but feel the need to be sorry for something more than that. Maybe he should also be sorry for comforting Yoongi in the wrong way. Jimin knew he was sad and already felt horrible for practically losing his best friend, but Jimin let his own feelings get in the way. Jimin felt like it was a good time to insinuate something, and when Yoongi only responded in a positive and hungry way, he felt like what he was doing was right, but maybe, just maybe, he was wrong.

The cobble doorstep to the spearmint's house was felt under Jimin's feet as he looked up to see a grand door in front of him. Large stairs had already been trekked upon, so his hand shakily reached up to grip the large and hefty knocker hung up high. And he waited, waited for the older to open up the door and receive some sort of slap to the face, a way of saying fuck you.

None of that happened. The large door swung open with great force, and the person in no way pierced Jimin's face with a pain inducing slap, but a body instead tightly clung onto him. Arms snaked around necks in a heap of missing, as they had seen their younger step brother and his new found love together. Yoongi had felt lonely at the sight, causing him to drink massive amounts after the splitting incident and rat out everyone for what they were worth.

"I've missed you." Yoongi's usual calm and straight voice now cracked, finding a desperate thing to the younger.

"I've missed you too." Jimin speaks, his orange hair running against the elder's face as he rests his arms on Yoongi's lower back and head on his nape.

"I was stupid for leaving like that."

"I was stupid for doing everything."

Their grips only tightened, earning such a gratifying smell of the other's emotions and sweet cologne. Oddly enough, Yoongi smelled of mint, while Jimin smelled of citrus. It felt so much nicer for Jimin to hug someone who was taller, to hug someone who seemed to return the same emotions he felt. Yoongi seemed so much better than Jeongguk in his own eyes. The two boys currently hugging were complete opposites, making the elder all the more exciting.

A slight tug of the hand ended up with Jimin walking through the enormous hallways of Yoongi's sublime house. Original paintings hung on the never-ending walls that were painted a warm grey. He knew Jeongguk must enjoy the color palette, and for once, the thought was of a friendly one. A smile had grown so widely on Jimin's face at the revelation, Yoongi could only give him furrowed eyebrows before returning the bright teeth.

Shouts and hollers were heard booming from a bedroom, and at first the two of them thought that it was something much more taboo. As they got closer, the voices got more distinct and the reasoning became much more clear. Two young ones in undeniable love- Taehyung and Jeongguk -were cracking for the first time, but it was nothing new for Yoongi. He'd already heard Taehyung do the same once more with someone from the past. That girl was long lost, brushed away with a moving van and many tears. Their love was never as strong as this newly sprung one. The elder had strong confidence in his brother's new relationship.

Yoongi couldn't help but feel bad for what he had done. He was drunk and hungover for days in an endless cycle, retching out only late at night. He skillfully hid vodka. Drinking was comforting for the moment being, but as soon as he was on the laminated ground and hurling out contents along with strings of profanities, it all became clear what he was doing was absolutely stupid, although he did it anyways. Not once did Yoongi think of his step brother he loved more than anyone else with each swig. Not once did he calibrate the consequences of getting drunk. Not once did he think about shouting at Jeongguk until he was on the floor and shaking with tears.

"My room's this way." Yoongi finally says, voice no longer cracking while he tugs Jimin along.

There innocence to the sentence, and Jimin adored it. Doors opened and closed, giggles were effortlessly thrown, and backs hit plush bedsheets in a moment's notice. A silence of peace encrypted in a thank you was casted over. They were thankful the other understood without need to explain, how they wanted to push past this slip-up.

Yoongi had enough time to think things over, as well as Jimin. Two events were springing through the usual empty and echoing house. One was heartbreak while the other was the complete opposite. Yoongi already knew he'd have to comfort Taehyung once it all would come to an end, and Jimin knew he'd have to keep a distance from Jeongguk through everything.

Two lips met, softly and attentively, almost scared to do something wrong as it was still some sort of Cold War. It was a slowly lessening battle without shouts and words made to kill as time went on, but things never got as hands-y as they were the first time. The two knew there was a boundary made to not cross. There was an Iron Curtain, an imaginary line to divide the two from stepping over.

Forgiveness had come so easily for Jimin and Yoongi, as if there was nothing to fight over in the first place. Yoongi and Jimin both knew they're much wiser friends wouldn't have the same ease. Their tale together was much longer and far more complicated than theirs, consisting of true betrayal and utter heartbreak. Namjoon and Seokjin feared for their love in a mess of hostility and anxiety, one hurt and the other guilty.


aaAHHHH i h8 this sm yyyy

this wasn't even supposed to happen. this story is literally taking a complete u-turn from my original idea hA.

the next update will be focusing on namjin!! ^-^

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