67: Turmoils Of Relationship

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( Listen to " lovely" from Billie Illish while reading this)


In Dungeon, Seoul Royal Palace

Author's POV

The Sounds of harsh whipping can be heard through the one particular prison...... The echo of the scream is ringing on the whole dungeon not letting any other prisoners in the Dungeon sleep...... How can they dare to sleep like a normal person when the former King of Seoul Royal kingdom is getting whipped mercilessly by none other than the Current New king.......

The thick whip is completely drenched in blood as it was thrown on the muddy floor as the victim who got whipped is breathing heavily..... His hand is tied up to the wall by those silver chains as his upper clothes are torn apart.... Dignity is turnished to the ground as he slowly looked up with a heavy smirk plastered on his face and blurted out.....

" Why are you so frustrated, Taehyung???? Is it because Hawoon refused your presence???? I guess, breaking you two apart worked very well.....", Namjoon hoarse voice hinted a sense of mockery towards Taehyung as it's very late night as Taehyung should be in his Halvet night but here he is beating him with whip taking out his frustration on namjoon.....

Taehyung: Be Greatful that I didn't kill you for what you have done..... I feel pity for you because you destroyed your own happiness for getting your sinful desire which was never yours from the very beginning...... You Are The Reason of your Own destruction, Hyung..... I was happy with what I have.... I didn't wished more than that..... You made me do this to you....... Don't blame me for your misery......

Taehyung's agitated gaze loathed Namjoon the most..... He is the reason that everything started to go down will...... But on the other side, Hearing Taehyung's words Namjoon laughed bitterly.......

Namjoon: I also pity you too, Taehyung.... You got everything that I wanted in my whole life......You got Love for which I wandered around to find And See where I got that..... I got that in Hawoon......You Love has no meaning, Taehyung.... It's her who's love is kept you sane and in the same time, it made you a Bloody monster..... You are becoming bloodthirsty, Taehyung.... You are transforming into King that is suitable for that bloody throne...... Slowly slowly it will take over on your head and it will make you blind..... Your love will vanish and Obsession will take place.... And to satisfy that you will do anything.... After all, Love and obsession are two parts of Coin.... Without one, it can't survive...... Just like Me....

Last words came out like a whisper as he started to laughing out maniacaly..... Taehyung just listen to his laughing that is echoing on his ear making him feel irritated...... He turned around as the door of the prison opened as Taehyung left from there.......

He walked away from the dungeon as he is walking on the hallway as it's late night, the whole palace is quite as most of the people are sleeping peacefully except him and her ...... This little luxury was taken away from him too......

He entered into his chamber or to say king's chamber as the moment, he entered he can hear the sound of sobbing loudly.......His eyes went on the left side of his chamber where a another room adjacent to the king's chamber as it's locked up and the sound of crying can be heard...... He wants to go inside and hold her tightly on his arms and never ever let her go..... And for that, he did this..... Locked Hawoon on the room..... What else has left for him to choose???

His finger balled up into a fist thinking about the conversation that he had with Hawoon...


[ F l a s h b a c k ]

Taehyung is sitting on the floor as he put hawoon's head on his chest as she is sitting on his lap ...... Hawoon's breathing has got normal as he is stroking his fingers delicately on hawoon's hair....... Things are so peaceful right now between them from the outside.... But inside both of their mind, The storm is flowing vigorously......Both of them has so many questions on their mind.... They have so many things to talk..... But none of them has the courage to talk first......

Taehyung slowly pulled her into his arms and went to the bed.... As he carefully put her on bed and went to the other side and he layed down on the bed and slowly put her head on his shoulder......

Hawoon felt conflicted by her overwhelming emotions....... She wants to go away from him but at the same time, her heart yearns for him..... The tranquility she feels only Taehyung has the ability to do that.... To make her feel safe..... But how can she make peace with those things she saw in her own eyes..... She can't forgot that night..... It's still haunt her...... The Promise, The commitment he broke...... The trust between them that shattered into pieces...... How can that be fixed??? It's not her, who got that promise from him.... It's he, himself did that to her..... So, the promise, the commitment and the trust is that much fragile to him.....

Hawoon: Can I ask you something, Your Majesty????

Her timid voice ringed on Taehyung's ear as he saw Hawoon pulled away her head from his shoulder and slowly looked at him with her hooded blue eyes....

Taehyung heard how she called him .. but for now, he ignore it and said," what is it???? What do you want, Hawoon????"

Hawoon's eyes looked at Taehyung's eyes who is eager to do anything for her.... But in those same eyes, she can see those betrayal..... The broken promise that held no meaning to him..... So, obviously, She mean nothing to him anymore......

Hawoon: Free Me..... Free Me from this slavery, Your Majesty.....Free Me from your slave and let me go to my home.... To my real place.... Where I belong.... Let me go for forever......

Hawoon's blue eyes are empty like a void as her heart is aching from the thought of separation...... But still, she said those words...... She has enough of being his slave, his concubine..... She now wants to go far away from this caged Palace..... She tried to make this palace her home, her happiness.... It was filled with happiness for a short period of time but now, it is filled with full of nightmares......

Taehyung stopped breathing for a second hearing hawoon's cruel words.... Those words felt like a stab on his freshly wound......It acted like a rubbing salt on his wounds..... It's too painful to hear those words from her mouth...... Unknowingly, Taehyung said something that he shouldn't have said......

Taehyung: No.... Never...... I won't let you go.....You can't leave me like this..... I won't allow you!!!!!

He said as he grabbed her both hands making her flinched by his sudden change of behavior...... The way of Taehyung's holding her both hands, reminded her of a terrible memories......





The echoing voice of Jungkook has came back again in her mind blinding her to listen anything...... She looked at Taehyung but found prince Jungkook looking at her with a dark smirk on his face......In her delusional hallucinations, Hawoon found Jungkook instead of Taehyung that made her back away from taehyung immediately making Taehyung hold hold her hand not letting her go ......

She started panicking as she jerked off her hands from him as she screamed loudly.... She backed away immediately resulting her to fall down on the floor..... Her fearful eyes are looking at jungkook's illusion as it started to get closer to her making her scream in agony......

" No!!!NO!!!! PLEASE!!! LET ME GO!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE!!!! LET ME GO!!! PLEASE, I BEG YOU LET ME GO!!!!!", Hawoon's pleading was heard as Taehyung saw hawoon's condition..... Her quivering lips, tearful eyes looking at Taehyung like a she saw something unusual.... Whole body is shaking in fear as she is mumbling only one thing let her go....

[ F l a s h b a c k E n d ]


[ P r e s e n t ]

Taehyung sighed miserably at their turmoil relationship......What else has left for him ??? For not letting her go away from him,he locked her up in that room...... Hawoon struggled to get out of his grip, trying to get far away from him...... Taehyung can't understand what is going on with her...... Hawoon is slowly losing her mind..... The nightmares of Jungkook and his gifted scars are making her life difficult.....

Taehyung has sit down on the floor as his head leaned on the same door where from the other side, Hawoon is..... How can Taehyung have a sleep when his queen is suffering.....


The New Day with a profound new hope..... It's the first day of king Kim Taehyung ruling..... Things won't go same like any other former king's got on their silver plate..... The normal people are getting their things all thanks to kind Taehyung kindness...... At least, Taehyung knows how to build trust between general people...... The orders of Kim Taehyung is granted and the authorities are doing that very well.....

In the royal court, so many tough decisions are taken and from them, two important thing is, One, Namjoon is going to Grimm Tower as a prisoner to live his whole life in there .... And his children will be taken away and sent away far from the kingdom without their mother.....

And Second, The Leader of rebellion Organization and the people who are associated with it, are all going to executed up publicly on the marketplace so, people of the kingdom see what will happen if someone betrays or tried to harm royal family......

After a long tiring day in the throne room, Taehyung returned on his chamber as he looked at the door that is locked...... He sighed as he gestured one of the maid who came immediately in front of him lowering her gaze ......

Taehyung: Did She eat anything????

He asked as the maid hesitate for a bit and denied shooking her Head..... Taehyung sighed miserably as he told them to get the food......

He went towards the door and opened it and entered only to found everything in that room is broken and messed up....... He entered carefully as he looked around and found Hawoon is sitting on the floor lost in her thoughts..... As he moved towards her, he saw a sharp piece of glass shard has pierced on her left leg as blood is oozing out making the white marble painted red.....

He immediately moved towards her as he shouted at the servant to call for physicians immediately...... Taehyung's worried eyes looked at Hawoon who isn't crying or feeling any sort of pain..... She almost looked like a dead corpse..... And this sight of her, broken Taehyung more.....

" Hawoon..... Hawoon.....", Taehyung softly whispered those words as Hawoon reacted on Taehyung's calling as she slowly looked up and saw Taehyung..... As soon as she saw taehyung, she brust into tears......

" Please, set me free, Taehyung!!!! This palace is suffocating me!!!! This palace is reminding me of him and his crazy laugh.... He is haunting me!!!! This Palace is caging me.... Please let me go!!!! I .... I can't stay in here or I will lose my mind!!!!!!", Hawoon's desperate pleas for getting out was heard as she slowly fall into unconscious on Taehyung's arms......







hi!!! Welcome back to another new chapter!!! I hope you will like it!!!!! Please vote and comment on this if you like it.......

Namjoon's misery is going to start from the Grimm Tower.... Don't worry, the Queen Hawoon will take care of him 😏😏 💅

And about Taehyung Hawoon relationship is going on rough page obviously thinks will be better but not best.... Because once trust is broken, it can't be mended that easily......

So many dramas are coming!!! Get the pop corn ready!!!!!💅💅💅

I don't know after jungkook's shirtless TikTok video, some started staying old is gold!!!! I don't understand them at all... So, kindly leave if you can't respect his decision!!!!!

And Vote for MAMA!!! I saw a very unusual post of multistans about not voting BTS because other idle group deserve this because BTS always wins 😤😧 like what kind of logic is this?????

VOTE GOAL: 99 votes

Please 🙏🙏 fulfill it if you want me to update quickly!!!!!!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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