68: Some Wounds Can't Be Healed

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( Listen to beautiful mess while reading Taehyung's part )


In Harem, Seoul Royal Palace

Author's POV

The Harem of Seoul Royal Palace has lighten up again in a very colorful ways...... New young girls has came from slave market to give enjoyment for the New king ...... And the royal palace was decorated properly by the servants and maids for the arrival of Queen Mother and Queen Faria who many people didn't know about...... Young girls are happy to be in this palace of magic where they think they'll have a good life if they are able to impress the king by their skills and beauty...... They're having daydreams how to move New king's heart by their charm......

" MAKE WAY!!!!! QUEEN MOTHER IS COMING!!!!", The Guard said loudly as everyone immediately gathered in a line as they lower down their head...... Queen Mother entered into the palace as she took a deep breath as she is feeling the atmosphere of the palace that she missed...... She looked around and found nothing but new faces...... Even the servants are New...... Behind Queen Mother, Erunch Kwon and her handmaiden came as it's really ironic of Queen Mother to return to the Main palace......

Bo young bowed to Queen Mother respectfully as she said," Welcome back to the palace, Your highness...... The Palace has became colorful by your presence......"

She greeted Queen Mother with a small smile as Queen Mother also smiled a bit...... Queen Mother looked around to find Taehyung but couldn't find him..... So, her son didn't come to greet her......

Queen Mother: Where's King Taehyung????

Hearing that Question, Bo young looked up a little bit and politely said," Your Majesty has gone out for hunting with his Royal Consort, Your highness "

" With whom???", Queen Mother asked as Bo young was hesitant to answer but eventually she said," With Lady Kim, Your highness... Your majesty has forbidden us to take her full name "

Queen Mother chuckled understanding who's Bo young was talking about..... Who else would be other than Hawoon..... She sighed as she entered into the harem as she was going inside the Inner part of the palace but she suddenly stopped seeing a certain person who's is looking down on the floor...... Queen Mother saw That girl who is pregnant as she frown her Eyes in confusion..... She looked at Bo young for a explaination as Bo young immediately came towards them and said," Your highness, This is Miyeon, Your Majesty's Concubine and she is seven months pregnant......"

That information came out from Bo young mouth definitely give a shock to Queen Mother..... Her sharp eyes looked at Miyeon from Head to toe....... The girl is indeed beautiful... But obviously, not even a inch near Hawoon.... How did she managed to get into Taehyung's bed???? This is a really astonishing thing to believe.... As she isn't here for months and this happened...... Miyeon didn't have the courage to look into Queen Mother eyes as she is practically shivering in fear...... Which Queen Mother noticed and smirked......

Queen Mother: Meet me in my chamber in the evening..... Since you're my son's second concubine, So I need to know you if you are suitable for my son.....

And with that queen mother left from there as Miyeon let out her breath that she was holding for a long time..... She immediately caressed her baby bump as she didn't know what to do..... Miyeon feel so lost.... One day, she was just a normal concubine of prince Taehyung and now she is a concubine of King, who is now a ruler of Great Korea...... Just then Miyeon's appointed handmaiden came as she said," Lady Miyeon, You know you're very lucky that you got Queen Mother attention..... Not everyone got her attention..... She is really precise and strict on her preference....."

Miyeon: what's so good with Your highness attention????

She absentmindedly asked her handmaiden as she came a little closer to Miyeon and said in a whispered voice," You know lady Miyeon, Your Majesty is going to execute you after you give birth.... Do you really want to die leaving your child in this palace with no one protect??? I know you don't think about yourself but think about your child...."

Handmaiden of Miyeon said some wise words trying to get some sense of Miyeon's mind..... Miyeon thought a little bit about it and it's kinda true, she doesn't want her child whoever that would be boy or girl to suffer alone in this palace.... She suddenly feel a kick in her stomach as she breath heavily...... For her, her child security is important..... And for that, she needed to stay alive......


In Hunting Lounge

Taehyung's POV

Taehyung get down from the horse as behind him, the carriage has stopped where Lady Hawoon is with her other maids..... Taehyung has came back here after a very long time..... Taehyung went near the carriage as the carriage Door opened reavealing Lady Hawoon..... She is looking lavishly beautiful..... Everytime, Taehyung sees her gets more memorized with her...... The angelic blue eyes, pale skin with a beautiful hanbok that was painted by Taehyung's own hands....

It's looks like Hawoon has just came out from Taehyung's painting..... In Hawoon's maid's arms, Hanseong is sitting as he is wiggling to get into his mother's arms..... Hawoon took Hanseong in her arms..... Taeyeong has stayed on the palace as she couldn't come because she have to take lessons from the royal teachers.... Now, Princess Taeyeong isn't ordinary princess anymore..... She is king's first daughter and a royal princess who needs to learn about etiquette and manners to live like a Princess of Seoul kingdom..... And it's also applied same for Hanseong too.... As soon as he turned five, he needed to get his lessons too..... After all, He is now the Crown prince......He has more responsibility..... After that emotional breakdown of Hawoon, Taehyung thought of let her meet with their children and not let her cage like this.... So, that's the reason, He took Hawoon with him in Hunting.....

Taehyung himself know it won't heal the wounds of Hawoon..... But for some time being, Hawoon will try to forgot for the sake of their child...... The Scars Jungkook give to her, Taehyung himself didn't know how to heal it .... She is afraid of anyone's touch...... It's already four days, after that happened and each time, Hawoon started to feel paranoid thinking Jungkook is here and tries to run away.... She couldn't sleep properly as she woke up after having nightmares..... As her feet got bandaged but it's not that much big cut so she can move around but with limitations....And her crying between sleep makes Taehyung's heart bleed in pain for not able to save her from that cruelty.....

Taehyung feel sad thinking about the another child who got killed by Jungkook....He never got to see his own flesh nor was able to touch it and felt the warmth of it.... It's so painful but it's more painful for Hawoon.....

Hawoon looked at Taehyung as he wanted her to hold his hands like before but Hawoon is still angry with him.... Her heart didn't melt for Taehyung and he maybe knows why ...... That night.... That dreadful night was the biggest reason of Hawoon being so distance from me..... And I don't have the guts to talk about it when when I am at fault.....

They entered into the lounge as everyone who manages this lounge welcomed them..... Taehyung remembers he used to come here with Seokjin hyung in hunting season...... Behind this hunting lounge, there's a deep forest where Taehyung will go to hunt some animals for the feast...... They're going to stay here for two days as staying away from the palace for too long won't be good......

As they went inside the room that was arranged for Taehyung and Hawoon..... Hawoon didn't give Hanseong to the maids as she has been taking care of him with her own hands..... Hawoon on the other hand, looks at Hanseong face as she got reminded of Taemin...... The grief of her dead child is still deep in hawoon's heart which doesn't let Hanseong stayed away from her eyes..... She feels like she is going to lose him too if she let him go......

Taehyung gesture the maids to take Hanseong away as Hawoon was reluctant to give him but eventually she did.... As the door closed leaving Taehyung and Hawoon alone, he slowly sit beside her and said," I know I don't deserve forgiveness for what I did ..... But I want you to know I never ever would do that in my full conscious mind..... Whatever happened that night is under the influence of some herbs that Namjoon put on my food..... But still, it's my fault... I couldn't keep myself Away from it.... "

He said those words that he wanted to tell and it came out from the bottom of his heart as he slowly get down on the floor and kneeled down in front of her and tried to hold her hands but Hawoon immediately backed away her hands......

Hawoon: I can't forget it, Taehyung.... I can't erase those memories of that night when I s...aw yo...u in that... bed with a...nother gi...rl... You know, you promised this to me that I will be the one who will be with you physcially and mentally..... But it's you who broke it.... Even if I try to forgive you for this but I can't forget..... And after those incidents with me, I .... I don't have the strength to be with you or in that palace...... Taehyung, I am asking you only one thing, Let me go.... I am not that Hawoon anymore you are looking for.... She died.... She di...died in jun... jungkook's hands that night.....I am tainted .... I can't be fixed..... I am not someone to be worth of your side.... You are a king now.... I can't be that Queen that you are looking for..... She is no more.... Your beautiful,sweet , innocent Hawoon is no more....

Hawoon's eyes are glistening with tears as it fall down continuously..... Taehyung was stunned hearing her words..... He never thought Hawoon is that much broken to the point that her existence at stake...... Taehyung's hand wiped off those tears as he slowly put his lips on her kissing her with utmost devotion...... The kiss didn't hold agressiom, the kiss hold dedication and devoted to their Love...... Hawoon closed her eyes in defeat feeling those dead emotions that she tried to buried under her deep storage of heart but she was unable to do that..... How much this man can love her that when she was filled with scars and tainted by the monsters.....

Taehyung pulled away as he kissed her forehead and said," I don't care.... For me, you are beautiful and those scars too... I don't know how long it will take to heal, but I will try till my last breath..... I, Kim Taehyung, the king of Seoul kingdom, my heart beats for only Kim Hawoon..... So, My Queen, Will you marry me ???"


In Busan

Jimin's feet went on the other side of his chamber as behind him, in his bed His Concubine Nari is sleeping naked as they have spent a blissful night...... He moved those silky white curtains as his eyes are on the painting which is put on the wall..... His eyes never get bore seeing this beautiful piece of creation by none other than Taehyung's hands.....

The infamous painting of Hawoon... Somehow, Jimin got a hand of this beautiful masterpiece which shows her dazzling features of beautiful Aura ...... Also, his mind went on a memory where Jimin had a encounter of bittersweet conversation with Yoongi and hoseok about Hawoon......


[ F l a s h b a c k ]

It's third day of Taehyung enthronement as he is late for royal court meeting..... After they had the discussion between the ruling borders between each princely states, Taehyung has given them their territory back as Taehyung left immediately when one of the maid came into rushing that Hawoon isn't feeling good.... As door closed leaving them alone in the chamber, Yoongi looked displeased.....

Yoongi: Taehyung needs to focus on the kingdom.... He isn't understanding the gravity of the situations..... We still have the danger from Chinese Empire..... They won't stay quiet.... and namjoon, he is still a threat ... He knows too much and too cunning.. He needed to get executed for our own good..... Taehyung is being too merciful.... Which will cause a great problem in later life....

Jimin sometimes doesn't understand yoongi's thought... One time, it feels like it's for kingdom's betterment or on the other side, it feels like he is doing for his own......

Jimin: kingdom isn't everything.. this worldly things are materialistic.... It don't stays forever... So, don't indulge too much in it.... Family is important.....

Yoongi scoffed hearing Jimin's talking as he said," The girls who gives us heirs isn't our family, Jimin.... They're just a tool for us to use....Our real family is our children to whom we have to raise for the strength of our kingdom.... Our dynasty can't be destroyed..... Our legacy needs to go on and on....."

Jimin sighed as he said," sometimes ,they can give what we all lack in this royal family and that is love..... Fortunately, Taehyung has that....."

Yoongi went towards Jimin as he sternly said," Jimin, don't be fool by getting trapped on that so called Love..... And about Hawoon, don't get your desires high for her.... It won't end well for you... Just like it didn't for Jungkook and Namjoon....."

Jimin smiled hearing the warning tone of Yoongi as he replied ," I don't have lustful desires for her... Her beauty doesn't move me..... Because I know, looks are deceiving..... "

Hoseok decided to break his silence as both of his brothers have some beef with Hawoon....

Hoseok: what it is Jimin, don't go too far that we can't save you..... And Yoongi hyung, you are right, Taehyung needs to focus on kingdom.... We have so many enemies to tackle......

The conversation ended but with a bitterness on them especially to yoongi as he got a hunch of Jimin's unspeakable waves of emotions.....

[ F l a s h b a c k E n d ]

[ P r e s e n t ]

Jimin lied that day.... Her beauty do sways him.... But in that beautiful face, he saw a pure and genuine heart filled with kindness...... Having someone as his life partner is a blessing which Taehyung has..... And it makes him jealous....

" I wish I could have you.... But I am man of honor.... I don't do the things in ugly ways.....But still, you have got a place in my heart.....", Jimin's unwanted words came out from his mouth that he wanted to say...... His fingers slide down on the face of her painting.......

Unknown to him, Nari, Hawoon's aunt standing behind Jimin as tears flowing down on her eyes hearing prince Jimin's confession for Hawoon......







Hi, my favorite slothies!!!! I hope you are all fine......I am so sorry for being late...... As the voting goals ended, I decided to update.... In my family, my father got sick and because of high diabetic, he fainted in the washroom in night which we got to know after one hour.... So, he was hospitalized and I was running errands.... So, that's why I didn't update.... He came back home yesterday..... That's why, I am not available that much... I hope you will understand!!!!!

Well, I heard about taehyung stalker and I really felt so angry 😡..... How the audacity of her to give marriage certificate?!!! Tae Tae maybe was so scared by this.... And about the d**g Allegations, I feel like beating the shit out off them who decided to spread false rumors!!!!!! Hybe was so quick to deny this... which I am so glad 😊.....I hope things got better.....

Yes, I am committed 😁... Don't feel bad my future husband.....

And I have decided to update CARA MIA-my beloved tomorrow and I updated Hoseok fanfiction Voice of piper new chapter!!!! Please read those books...... And I might update Blood Lust!!!! So, stay tuned for tomorrow......

VOTE GOAL: 101 Votes

Fulfill it 😄 please 🙏🙏🙏🙏 if you want quick update!!!!!!!!!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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