☄️☄️☄️69: Marriage Between Two Love Birds

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[ Listen to " Chaleya Chaleya " while reading Taehyung's part]


In Queen Mother's Chamber

Author's POV

In the evening, Queen Mother is sitting on the sofa as her maid served her the warm tea as she gracefully took a sip on it.... The sun is settling down as the darkness is emerging on the purplish blue sky..... The scenery is indeed beautiful to look from the window...... The door of her chamber opened as she turned her head towards the door and saw his son, Taehyung's New concubine, Miyeon bowed down to her a little bit and said," Take my sincere Greetings, Your highness!!!! "

She didn't have the courage to look at queen mother as her eyes are casted downwards.... Queen Mother took a deep breath and moved her hand on the air indicating Her servants and maids to leave the room to give them some alone time as the maids and servants bowed respectfully and went out of the room leaving them alone......

Queen Mother: Have a seat, Miyeon... A pregnant lady shouldn't stand up for a long time....

She said as she motioned her to sit next to her as Miyeon slowly looked at Queen Mother and saw where she is indicating her to sit .... Not to disrespect her orders, she quietly went near Queen Mother and sit beside her..... Queen Mother..... Queen Mother lightly hold Miyeon's jaw and moved it to left and right to see her face clearly..... The thoughts on Queen Mother's mind is quite disruptive.... Miyeon isn't someone who can exceed to any prince's desire.... Then how come she became to intimate relationship with Taehyung, The most difficult one to achieve.......

Queen Mother: So, Now tell me the truth.... How did you get into my son's bed????

She asked Miyeon straightforward question without any filter.... Miyeon feels chills down to her spine seeing how dark Queen Mother eyes is when she asked this question...... Obviously, it's speaking Don't dare to tell a lie or I will slit your throat....... So, Miyeon spilled out everything how she got into Taehyung's bed till her getting pregnant..... Queen Mother listened to her story ..... Inside her mind, She can't be more thankful to Namjoon for creating a bigger barrier for Taehyung and Hawoon life which she tried for years .......

Queen Mother took another sip of her warm tea as she asked," Do you want to Live??? If you are willing to live , then I can help you.... If you love your unborn child on your womb and wants to be with it, You have to listen to me.... Are you willing to do that????"

She asked those Questions as Miyeon wants to live ..... She wants to live for her child that will be born..... She wants to hold her child in her arms and wants to see it growing.......It will be going against his majesty... But for the well-being of her child, she can take the risk ... Miyeon nodded as Queen Mother smiled seeing that......

But in Queen Mother's mind, a different plot is growing...... She needs to make Hawoon out of her path as she is now a Royal Consort.... Obviously, being Royal Consort means she has all powers in the Harem, which can be used against her...... And right now, after all of the suffering in Palace Of Tears, She won't let her be in the same place.... Never ever......


In Grimm Tower

Namjoon's POV

I was sitting in the boat, hands tied up by thick rope.... The Royal guards has came and with them Taehyung's right hand man, Sunwoo has came too.... Basically guarding me if I ran away from there or not ..... My eyes went on the Grimm Tower where I will stay until I get free ... Free from death, in Taehyung's words...... He exiled me in here but he didn't kill me.... Because of the Blood law, that Seokjin hyung enforceed on us..... Should I be Greatful to him as even after he died, he was useful..... But how can it be useful for me when I feel like it's a insult ..... It's great shame to live like this.... I was prince, I was a king and now I have nothing...... Jin Hyung is right, when he said one time, All that glitters isn't gold.....

The boat soon reached near the Grimm Tower shore, as the guards tightly hold both of my hands and get me down...... Then they took me to the Main gate of Grimm Tower where I saw the gate being opened reavealing Queen dowager taking slow steps with the help of her maids as her eyes landed on me..... She is pissed off at me ... And why won't she be?? After all, I send her here as a punishment for supporting Taehyung......

She gestured her maid as she came closer to me...... Sunwoo came forward and bowed to her and said," Take my sincere Greetings, Your highness!!!! King Taehyung has ordered us to take you back to palace...... I will the one taking you in the palace......"

She just listened as she indicated her maids to let go of her hands as the maids retreated and Queen dowager came closer to me and Slapped across my face making my face turned on the other side....... Well, I expected that from her.....

Queen dowager: You are a pure replica of your Evil Mother..... Greedy, selfish, self-centered and Cunning...... Years ago, she did the same thing with someone and see what she got, Exiled in the same House of Tears..... But, you forgot I am your Grandmother, Your father's Birth mother and I was once Queen too ..... The disrespect you showed towards me, I will never forgot that and I won't forgive you...... There's a saying, As you Sow, As you reap...... Enjoy your exile, Namjoon......

She said as she went away as maids started to go behind her...... Namjoon gritted his teeth in anger feeling insulted.... He never thought in his life, he got to feel something like this..... He was taken inside the Grimm Tower and put inside a small room which is very small compared to the prison in the palace...... He is in the highest floor in the Grimm Tower where there's no escape......

Namjoon can already sense the darkness ..... The darkness and loneliness of this small room will definitely swallow him...... He blamed Hawoon for his misery.... Because of her, it happened......

Namjoon: I won't give up like that... I am Kim Namjoon!!!! I won't accept defeat till my last breath.....


Hawoon's POV

I am limping as my eyes wandered around the hallway trying to find the main door to escape..... After ruining me like a rag doll, he decided to play a dirty game, A game of hide and seek in his words..... He suddenly opened the door and told me to run if his guards found me before I could find the Main door of his palace, he will let me go.... But I know very well, it's just a game... A silly game.... A way of showing me my worth..... My worth is nothing compared to him.... I am slave for his pleasure and for his mind games..... I can hear the sounds of boot tapping as I run on the other side not knowing where I am heading towards......

I was running even though my lower part of my body hurting..... It's so difficult for me but suddenly I heard the guards screaming echoed they found me..... I panicked as I saw one of the door of a chamber opened..... I immediately went inside the chamber and locked the door as I heard the sounds of the guards coming here and shouting as they went away making me sighed in relief.......

" Tch! Tch! Tch! Looks like you caught into Lion's trap again, Bunny....", Jungkook's icy cold voice echo on the room making Hawoon's eyes widen in fear...... She doesn't want to look back..... She closed her eyes in fear not wanted this thing to be true..... It must be hallucinations.... She must be hallucinating..... No way, he can be here right behind her.....

Jungkook: sorry to put water on your expectations, My dear Hawoon.... Now, Turn. Around.

She slowly turned around and found Jungkook sitting on the majestic chair , smirking at her with his dangerous crazy eyes that is giving her chills down to her spine......

Hawoon slided down on the floor as her back is hit by the door hugging her kness.....

" P..pl.... please....let...me....go..... Please.... please... Jungkook....I....am ..am...be... begging to...to.you...please... .... spare.....me.... and....my baby.....", Hawoon's pleading went jungkook's ears but it didn't waver his emotions...... Instead, a smile formed on jungkook's lips which looked so creepy in hawoon's eyes...... He walked towards her and slowly bent down to his knees and slowly tucked some hair on the side and whispered.....

Jungkook: I will... until, my desires for you and your beautiful smooth body * eyeing up her body * lessen.....

And with that he grabbed her neck making her still on the closed door as he started to torn her clothes...... In the closed door of that room, The guards are standing hearing the sounds of muffled Screams, Wailing whimpers and forced moans......


Hawoon woke up suddenly from her daze as she looked around and found herself in a dark hallway..... She felt scared a bit suddenly find her like this..... Then she suddenly realized, she has came to Hunting Lounge with Taehyung.... And it's hunting lounge hallway.... she wiped off the sweats from her forehead as she slowly returns to the chamber where Taehyung and Hanseong both are sleeping peacefully.... A sudden thought came on her mind.....Last thing she remembers is she was singing lullaby to Hanseong as Taehyung was already fallen asleep and now she found herself in the hallway So, she was sleep walking..... Her mental health is worsening day by day...... She took out a small bottle where the physician give her a medicine that will relax her mind .... She drank that potion and slowly layed down near Hanseong and kissed his forehead.......

Suddenly her thoughts went on Taehyung's marriage proposal..... Obviously, she knew Taehyung can't marry her.... Now, he is a King.... And it's the tradition, A king must marry to a Princess or someone who has high ranks.....Not someone like her, A slave who is nothing compared to a princess......

Hawoon looked at Hanseong face with pure admiration as she whispered," Omma is sorry not being with you .... But I promise, I will never let you and your Taeyeong nonna alone.... I will always be guiding you in right path.... "

Soon Hawoon drifted into sleep as she thought of a life where there's no hope.... And from there, A new change will emerge......


Few Days Later

Taehyung returned after two days of his vacation with Hawoon as he got busy with the kingdom's work ........ Basically, Making everything better for everyone..... Things slowly started to turn better..... People of the kingdom started to live a normal life like before...... Happy days has came for Great Korea again..... Queen Dowager returned to the Royal Palace Of Seoul and just as Taehyung promised, Ex-Queen Faria entered into the royal palace after a long time.... A unknown nostalgia feeling came out on her mind thinking about the old days, when she was only 14 years old came to the capital city of Seoul for the first time to meet the former King, Kim Hwang Won..... After all, Faria was Hwang Won's favorite concubine.... The mother of his first children......

Queen Dowager has came to greet her as she feels so happy seeing her after a very long time.... The injustice happened with Faria, She, as a queen couldn't help her as the guilt of this still haunts Queen dowager......

Faria: The royal palace is still the same... Like time stopped here but it didn't stop for us....

Queen Dowager nodded as she look upwards and saw Queen Mother, So young glaring at them...... Queen Dowager scowled seeing her not so happy face of her...... Queen Dowager showed Faria around the palace......

On the other side, Hawoon was summoned by Taehyung...... She wondered why Taehyung has called her suddenly.... Taehyung personally send Sunwoo to fetch her up........ Sunwoo took Hawoon to the back side of the palace where a carriage is waiting for her..... Hawoon was so confused but didn't question since she trust Sunwoo the most because of his loyalty for Taehyung.......

The carriage took her to somewhere as soon she reached on the destination where Taehyung has called her... The guards opened the carriage Door as she come out and saw a temple on the middle of a mountain..... Hawoon looked at sunwoo as he just said to follow him..... She walked on the stone made stairs as she finally reached on the temple.......To her surprise, she found her little brother, Yeonjun here smiling at her happily and on the other side, Prince Hoseok who looked at her with a warm smile...... She couldn't understand what is going on.....

Just then she saw Taehyung who turned around hearing that she is here.... He looked so happy and excited...... Taehyung came towards her as he moved his hands on the air as Hawoon gladly took it and went near the shrine......

Hawoon: Taehyung, what.. what is happening????

She asked in a voice of uncertainty as the priest came in front of them and told them to hold each other hands...... The Priest tied a red string on both of their hands as Hawoon didn't understand what is happening.... Why the priest is tieing up their hands with red strings...... Taehyung saw Hawoon's confused face as he slowly whispered," We're getting married, My Queen......"

Hawoon's eyes widened in shock hearing Taehyung's words as she tried to move her hand but Taehyung firmly hold it making Hawoon look at him again.....

" Tae...", Hawoon's whispered as her voice hold the fear and the insecurity with a tint of uncertainty of the situation..... Taehyung straight look into her eyes and said," Do you believe in me????"

Hawoon's eyes started to get teary thinking about the most important decision of her life......Does she really want that??? She still loves Taehyung but not like before..... The hole has established on their love..... But still, she can be next to him?? She is capable enough to be near him as a life partner?! The Questions are roaming on her head......

Taehyung: Do you believe in me???

Taehyung asked again as she saw the determination on Taehyung's eyes that showed Immerse love for her...... Hawoon nodded looking at Taehyung's eyes as he smiled and said," Then Let's get Married..."

The Priest started to chanting spells audibly... After sometime, The Priest ask to Taehyung," Do you , Kim Taehyung, The king of Seoul kingdom and the superme ruler of Great Korea Take Choi Hawoon as your wife and the New Queen of Seoul kingdom and ruler of Great Korea till death do you apart????", Priest said as Taehyung looked at her pure determination and said ,"yes, I do....."

Taehyung said those words without hesitation......

Priest: Do you Choi Hawoon take Kim Taehyung, the King of Seoul kingdom and the ruler of Great Korea as your husband till death do you apart???

Hearing that her throat became dry.. she looked into her brother who is smiling at her as her whole life flashes in front of her eyes.....

Hawoon: I.....I do......

Taehyung smiled hearing that as he kissed Hawoon passionately making Priest gasped..... They're not supposed to do that in the temple.......

After devouring her lips, Taehyung kissed her forehead and said," I love you, My Queen, My Hawoon.. "

( Imagine them as Hawoon and Taehyung)

A New Journey will Started from here for both Hawoon and Taehyung..... A new path of their marriage life that will create a new history.....







FINALLY!!!! WOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Hawoon and Taehyung got married!!!! You don't know how long I have been waiting for this to write!!! This chapter is very very special!!!!! They married!!! Now can't wait to see Queen Mother reaction 😂!!! It will be so funny to watch!!!!!!

The biggest chapter in the history of QKL...... The Journey of Queen Hawoon will start from Next chapter!!! Be prepared to have a shock!!!!!! Something big is coming!!!!

As you might forgot, Hawoon didn't know that Miyeon is pregnant 😏??? So, I give you hints 😉 now share your ideas!!!!

I am year of horse in Korean year!!! What you are tell me in the comments!!!!!!

And by end of December, This book will end!!!! So, be prepared!!!

Cover reaveal of New fanfiction of Kim Seokjin!!!!



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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