70: A New Era For Kim Dynasty (18+)

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In Harem, Seoul Royal Palace

Author's POV

It's evening already as the atmosphere of celebration was blooming all over the palace..... Queen Dowager arranged this celebration for the return of Faria as she wants to make her feel like home....... Queen dowager is enjoying the entertainment of those Young Harem girls are newly bought from the slave market for king Taehyung...... Beside her, Queen Faria is sitting as she is looking at the celebration with a very boring face....... Different kinds of delicious foods and different types of juices are served in the harem as everyone is enjoying it..... Expect for one..... Queen Mother who is looking all of this celebration from the second floor with a serious face...... Erunch Kwon is beside her who looked so devastated as he said," Queen dowager really knows how to make you boil in anger, Your highness.... If you don't join, Then it will look bad....."

Queen Mother turned around and looked at Erunch Kwon with a sly smile and said," who said I am not going to join....."

And with that she started to walk towards downstairs as she entered into Harem as everyone stopped their dancing as they moved away immediately and bowed down to her...... She walked towards them as she bowed to Queen dowager and then she looked at Faria with a small smile which Faria knows how fake that is......

Queen Mother: Welcome back to the Royal palace, Faria.......

She said while poking her cheek inside her mouth using her tongue as she sat on the other side of Queen Dowager as she motioned everyone to continue what they're doing.....

Queen Dowager looked at Queen Mother with a narrow eyes as she asked," I thought you won't join in the celebration... What's the matter, So young????"

She whispered those words as Queen Mother chuckled and said," There's saying ommuni, Keep Your enemy closer than your friends...."

Queen Dowager smiled faded as she glared at her and looked at the dance of the girls..... Queen Mother looked around the Harem but didn't found Miyeon in here .... So, She asked her handmaiden, Eun-sung......

Queen Mother: where's Miyeon??? She supposed to be in here .....

She asked those questions with a very Stern voice as Eun-sung sighed and said," My apologies, Your highness..... King's New concubine is sick..... That's why she didn't come..... Her handmaiden has told me beforehand but I forgot to tell you...."

Queen Mother sighed in frustration hearing that......As suddenly one of the Guard immediately came inside the Harem door and shouted loudly enough to hear......


All the girls immediately set aside as every girls stand on a Line.... Queen Mother, Queen dowager and Queen Faria stand up from their seat as everyone Saw King Taehyung set his feet on the Harem and with him, Hawoon both are holding each other hands as they both walked towards them..... Taehyung and Hawoon both bowed to Them.....

Queen Mother eyes went on both of their hands that are interwined with each other..... Queen Mother has a unsettling feeling seeing this........Taehyung looked at Queen dowager and his mother and said," There's a good News that I want to share with you and everyone present in here..... "

Queen Dowager is curious as she asked," Taehyung my grandson, what is it????"

Taehyung's lips has proud smile as he finally let out those words that he wanted to say......

Taehyung: Today, Few Hours ago I, Kim Taehyung, The Youngest Son of Late king Kim Hwang Won has married to Hawoon in our family temple..... We solemnized our wedding with the witness of Hawoon's brother, Choi Yeonjun and Hoseok Hyung......I freed Hawoon from the salvery and from now on she is a Free woman and Now my Legal wife And The Queen of Seoul kingdom......

Hearing those words from Taehyung's mouth, Queen Mother heart sanked....... She looked at Taehyung with a unbelievable eyes... On the other hand, Queen dowager looked surprised..... But she wasn't that much shocked like Queen Mother as she kinda had a hint that it might happen in near future but this quickly, she didn't thought of that..... Queen Faria looked at Taehyung and Hawoon with a amused expression....... Suddenly, She felt a moment of nostalgia..... It happened again.... Just like it happened to her..... A king married his slave, a concubine who was just meant to give heir......

Hawoon looked at Taehyung who said those last few words that she didn't even know..... Taehyung freed her as his slave...... She wasn't bound to this palace slavery anymore..... She is a free woman..... A woman of King Taehyung......

Queen Mother somehow was able to recover from the shock as she immediately came towards them before she could speak to Taehyung, she gestured everyone in the Harem to leave them alone.... As the maids, servants and the Harem girls immediately outside the harem as the door closed leaving them alone.....

Queen Mother: You can't marry her, Taehyung!!!!! She is not just a slave but a commoner...... She doesn't qualify and fit to be the Queen...... A king can only marry a princess from other regions and other country..... She is none of that.... And top of that she is a concubine who was here to give our dynasty a Heir..... How can you marry her?!!!!

She looked so angry as She started to take deep breaths.... She never thought in her whole life, she get see this from her own son..... She sit on the sofa as she drink the juice and glared at Hawoon.......

Taehyung gritted his teeth as he somehow controlled his anger as he said," She. Is. Not. A. Slave. Anymore, Mother...... She is a Free woman..... And about the tradition, I think a King can marry not only a princess but also someone who has quite influential power on the royal court..... Hawoon was adopted by Minister Choi .... Since Minister Choi who hold a very powerful position in my court, thus I can marry her as his daughter...... I married Minister Choi De Jun's daughter, Choi Hawoon......"

Taehyung declared his words as Queen Mother felt the soul slipped from her feet..... How could Taehyung do this?!! Hawoon let go of Taehyung's hand and slowly went to Queen Dowager and kneeled down on her knees and kissed the hem of her clothing and said," Please Give us Blessings, Your highness....."

Queen Dowager made Hawoon stand up as she caressed her hair as she looked at Taehyung with a beautiful smile........ Taehyung smiled too seeing how his grandmother approved their marriage...... Then Hawoon went towards Queen Mother and kneeled down and was about to touch the hem of her clothing but before she could do that, Queen Mother stepped away from there as she glared at Hawoon and screamed at her saying," I DON'T ACCPECT YOU AS MY DAUGHTER-IN-LAW!!!!! I WILL NEVER ACCPECT THAT!!!!!!"

And with that she went away from there as Hawoon looked so sad...... She looked at Taehyung who sighed as Queen dowager came towards her and said," Don't feel sad.... She is always like that ..... She didn't accept Ji-ha when Seokjin married her ..... Now it's you...... It will take time but eventually, it will get better...... Anyways, It's double celebration!!!!!! My grandson finally got married..... I can't wait for another Great grandchild......"

Hearing that Hawoon suddenly stiffened as she got married..... Obviously, Just like the tradition, it's their first wedding night...... How can she forget about that.....

[ T i m e S k i p ]

Hawoon was taken to her New chamber..... The chamber where the Queen stays...... Everything is so extravagant in here.... She decided to take a little rest because after sometime, she needed to go to bathhouse to prepare herself for her first wedding night......

Just then the door opened of her chamber revealing, Queen Faria as Hawoon bowed to her and said," Take my Greetings, Your Highness!!!!!!"

Hawoon knows about her.... She is Taehyung's nanny and the one of take care of Taehyung in his childhood...... Faria looked at Hawoon with a pure admiration......

" Taehyung choice is always the best...... Let's have a seat and talk.....", Faria said as both of them sit beside the bed as Faria slowly took hawoon's hand and looked into hawoon's eyes and sweetly said," Take care of my Taehyung..... He is a great child filled with good manners and great sense of responsibilities...... I can hope you will take care of him.... I can tell by your face..... You are a nice girl with unique quality... I believe, you will enlighten his life that he always missed....."

Hawoon don't know what to say she could see a pure and genuine love of a mother from his son... Even though Taehyung isn't her real son... She treats him as her own son..... So, she just nodded as Hawoon took the hem of her clothing and kissed it showing gratitude towards her and said," Give us your blessings, Your highness....."

Faria smiled at her as she caressing hawoon's cheek as she slowly let out the words that she wanted to tell......

Faria: From now on, You are a Queen.... Not a concubine .... Your are king's companion..... Taehyung's greatest strength...... Be with him in every moment of his Life.... Support him, Love him, Give him respect..... And a little advice for you, Be aware of your surroundings..... Girls will be eager to take your place now.... You are now their enemy..... You have reached where the Harem girls are dreaming right now.....So, Be prepared for everything that will be thrown on you ... One mistake, You might lose Taehyung for forever......

She said the last words as Hawoon feel so much pain on her every words...... It felt like she experienced it beforehand..... Hawoon looked at her and asked," can I call you mother????"

Faria smiled at her hearing that as she nodded as Hawoon hugged her immediately..... Talking to her, Hawoon feels so contented.....


In Bathhouse

Hawoon is getting bath with the help of the maids as they're now will be on her duty..... Being The Queen, is it's have privilege..... Even though she should be excited for her first night, but somehow her thoughts are filled with negative vibe...... She is afraid to be intimate with Taehyung right now.... The Scars didn't left from her mind.......

After taking bath, She was taken to the room where she will get prepared...... She looked at the clothes that are shown in front of her...... She looked each one of them as she just randomly selected one as she wear the dress with the help of the maids..... Then, she has taken seat in front of the mirror when the make-up was being done .......

Maid take one of the jewelry and made it wear on her neck as her hair is being done very nicely...... After her makeup is done, she opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror...... She almost didn't recognize herself.... Her mind went on the memory lanes of the first time she came into the palace as a slave and same like that she was dressed up..... Like a newly weeded wife.....

One of the maid came in with a pink veil as with the help of others, they put the semi-transparent veil on her head making Hawoon cover her face completely..... The white dress with pink embroidery lining and beautiful designs making her look a very powerful Queen.......

On the other side, Taehyung is getting ready with the help of the maids as he wear his robe and looked at himself in the mirror...... The door opened reavealing Sunwoo, who came in front of him and bowed as he said," Your Majesty, The preparation for the announcement of your Marriage with Queen is almost over...... The next morning, everyone in the kingdom will know about this ......."

Taehyung: Make sure to distribute sweets all over the kingdom and Prepare for delicious meal in the orphanage that are funded by the royal family......I want their blessings....... They're my people, and my kingdom needs me.....

He said as he turned around and looked at sunwoo with a smile...... Sunwoo can see kimg Taehyung's genuine smile after a very long time.... Indeed, the storm crossed across them left them with nothing but a broken veseel...... But now things are going better for good......

The door of king's chamber opened... A guard entered into the chamber making Taehyung and Sunwoo look at him..... The guard said Queen Kim in here..... Sunwoo smiled at Taehyung and bid him goodbye and wished him as he went away from the chamber ....... Taehyung gestured the guard to let her come...... After sometime, the door opened reavealing Hawoon who slowly came inside the room. The door closed from behind leaving them alone in the mesmerizing night that awaits for them.....

Hawoon bowed to Taehyung as Taehyung went towards her and slowly make her sit in the bed..... Taehyung's hand went on the veil as he lifted it up and saw hawoon's angelic face that he can stare at all the time without blinking...... How can he not get mesmerized by this fallen angel who has descended only for him ....... She is the light of his darkness life...... The only reason to survive...... The only purpose to be alive......

Taehyung's fingers started to linger on her cheek that is slightly pink as her warm pale skin with alluring blue eyes and sweet cherry like pink lips.... She is ultimate epitome of beauty..... Even the deity won't be that beautiful as her....... Hawoon can see how Taehyung is looking at her with so much love in his eyes...... Hawoon's soft delicate hand went on Taehyung's hair as she is caressing looking at his beautiful brown eyes...... Taehyung smashed his lips on her as Hawoon closed her eyes feeling this euphoric feeling ...... Taehyung tilted her head a little giving more access they're devouring each other passionately...... Taehyung's hands slowly went on her waist..... She didn't feel uncomfortable by his touch..... More like it felt gentle and it didn't felt like it's a inappropriate touch..... She understood, she doesn't feel afraid of his touch ...... Moreover, she feel secure and comfortable about his touch....... Suddenly Taehyung pulled out his kiss as she suddenly felt empty.... Taehyung was about to get up but Hawoon hold his hand making Taehyung looked at her...... Taehyung smiled a little bit and said," I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, my Queen..... Till you're not comfortable, I won't touch you in that way......"

For the first time in her whole life, she was given respect on her decision.... No one did this for her like Taehyung did..... Taehyung care about her choices and her decision......he cared about her feelings and her choice that no one did....... Taehyung was about to leave but Hawoon hold his hand again as she immediately said," but I don't want you to go..... I... I... Feel comfortable around you.... Only you.... No one else just you....."

And that was enough for Taehyung as Taehyung kissed her lips hungrily like no tomorrow..... She kissed her back as both of them lay down on the bed...... Taehyung hovered over her as he started to kiss her neck ..... Hawoon's hand went on Taehyung's robe as she started undress it and in the same time, Taehyung torn apart her dress as both of their clothing fall down somewhere in the floor......

In the night of moonlight, two of them make love with each other giving their new relationship a new name...... The sounds of groaning, Moans filled in the chamber with the sounds of skin slapping and little screaming...... Pure Love blossomed in the palace ..........

The Kim dynasty entered into a new era.... A new change for the dynasty that can bring good or can be a disaster for the whole kingdom..... And only Time will tell everything......







HI!!! Welcome back with a new chapter of QKT.... I hope you will like it!!!!!!! So, how are you all doing?? I hope you are fine.... But I am not fine at all..... going through some tough time!!! I hope it will pass away with the time......

Jimin mochi's tattoos!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘

You know sometimes it's hard to believe that they're from one group ...... The different types of styles in music literally give me chills..... And this seven people come together, they create masterpiece!!!! I can't wait for 2025😭😭😭😭

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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