82: Claimed Her Throne With Blood, Sweat And Tears

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In Harem, Seoul Royal Palace

Author's POV

The sun has settled down already as the Maids are lightening up the palace as in the Harem of Seoul Royal Palace, The decoration for the celebration of king Kim Taehyung's Daughter, Princess Kim Taeyeong birthday..... The palace was lighten up to uplift the mood of the gloomy palace after the incidents happening around Royal family..... Harem's girls are eager to get some extra wages and some incredible delicious foods that will be served on this beautiful occasion......Even though the whole palace is trying to cast away this gloominess but the people of royal family isn't that happy from inside.....

Hawoon was getting ready for the celebration as Her handmaiden Sye-hyun along with some maids are helping her to get dressed...... After the make-up was done, Hawoon looked at herself in the mirror... She looks beautiful, Young Queen who just wanted to show dominance..... Just then the door of her chamber opened reavealing, Her Elder Daughter, Princess Kim Taeyeong , who entered into the chamber and bowed down to her and said," Take my  Greetings, Your Highness....."

Hawoon looked at her daughter as she signalled everyone to leave them alone for a moment.... The mother - daughter duo sit on the side of the bed holding each other hands as Hawoon started to speak," May God fulfill all of your desires and you get all kinds of happiness in the world, My beautiful daughter..... Maybe, I wasn't always here beside you or not able to take care of you and Hanseong but always remember no matter what situation you all will come across, I will be standing next to you, supporting you all with my whole heart..... "

Ten years old, Taeyeong can clearly see her mother's sadness through her eyes trying to stay strong for them ..... Taeyeong can tell her mother is a warrior, A Strong independent warrior who fights only by herself without anyone's help..... Taeyeong's hand slowly caressed her mother's cheek as she said," Omma, I will always be with you..... Because I love Omma and Appa with my whole heart....."

Hawoon smiled a little seeing the beautiful pair of blue eyes same as her promising her to stay beside her.... What's more she can asked.... After all, That's what she wanted... All of this suffering, the scars in her body and her mind all because of giving her children a better life..... All of it is worth it when Hawoon get to see the beautiful smile on her children's face.... That's enough to get her going in this meaningless Life.....

And Tonight so many things will change..... The Long-time planning is finally coming for a end ....


[ T i m e   S k i p ]

Taehyung opened the box revealing a beautiful crown crafted especially for Princess Taeyeong as a gift of her birthday celebration..... Taeyeong smiled happily seeing this beautiful gift for her as she looked at her father and said,"  I loved it, Appa.... How... How do you know that I liked famous Craftsman, Kim Il-sung crowns.... Is it made by him??? I heard he doesn't make crowns anymore..... It's his very Old Designs..... It looks so beautiful......"

Taehyung's heart was content with joy seeing his Elder Daughter happiness..... The euphoria of their life, The symbol of Hawoon and his love, Princess Taeyeong.....

Taehyung: It was made by him.... Appa knows him as a old friend... So, he specially made it for you on my word .... Now, Bend down so that I can wear you the crown.....

Hearing that, Taeyeong immediately bend down on her knees as Taehyung made her wear the crown on her head.....  Hawoon told Taeyeong to go with Sye-hyun to distribute good coins to the harem girls through the second floor as they left together ...... Hawoon signalled every maids in the chamber to leave them alone for sometime as everyone bowed down to them and closed the door leaving them alone......

As soon as, Hawoon heard the door closing she looked at Taehyung who looked so confused seeing this sudden change of Hawoon's behavior......

Hawoon: I have something very important thing to tell ... It's more like I want to show you something.....

With that, Hawoon clapped both of her hands as one of the secret passage of Hawoon's chamber, A door opened reavealing Taehyung's right hand man, Sunwoo as he moved away and behind him, Queen Mother's handmaiden, Eun-sung is standing as she bowed down a little bit and said," Your Majesty, Take my sincere Greetings!!!"

Taehyung immediately stand up as he looked at her with a shock as Hawoon decided to come forward and started to tell everything that what she planned ....... She told Taehyung about how Queen Mother has decided to dethrone him and was about to kill her and their children and will take the whole region on her hands...... All the information Hawoon got from Queen Mother's handmaiden, Eun-sung who happened to be Hawoon's spy that she assigned in there to get information regarding this......

Hearing all of this, Taehyung was more heartbroken..... So, that's how his mother wants to kill him .... A assassination attempt on him and his whole family..... Taehyung knew how much his mother is greedy for power and throne but he never thought this will extend to this much that she wants to kill her own birth child on her own hands .... Taehyung's eyes are raging in anger as his mind is raging with anguish as hatred is spreading drastically on his mind towards his mother.....

Hawoon put her one hand on Taehyung's shoulder making him looked at her as Hawoon said," Taehyung, it's not time to get carried away by emotions.....  We need to prepare for the attack..... We have to escort our children from this palace... They're not save here anymore and more than that we've save everyone on this palace to get killed by her and her minions..... We have to fight against them.....  We have to stay strong....."

The determination on hawoon's eyes that Taehyung can see is enough motivation for him to stay strong..... He can't let his mother ruin their life...... It's needed to be ended.... Even if it means, Killing his own mother and painted with his mother's blood on his hands ...

Soon, The sounds of screaming echoed on the whole palace as Taehyung and Hawoon immediately understood the rebellion has begun inside the palace who are Queen Mother's spies .....

Taehyung and Sunwoo immediately went outside with the swords on their hands as Hawoon looked at their departure but only one thing that is lingering on her mind is saving her children.... She doesn't care about Taehyung at all....  She went towards her children as she got her children safety on her side and decided to hide them on the secret chamber on Queen Dowager's room..... As this only area is Safe for her children......

Soon, Hawoon arrived on Queen Dowager's chamber as she safely put them on the chamber where Queen dowager and Queen Faria is looking so worried..... Queen Faria asked Hawoon," What's happening??? "

The clashing of swords can be heard from the far distant as Hawoon replied," Queen Mother started rebellion against Taehyung.... She is going to kill her own son and her grandchildren to take over the throne..... Please keep them safe.... I have to go ..... I can't let Taehyung be alone in this....."

And with that, Hawoon turned around to get out of the Queen Dowager's chamber but got halted when Queen dowager hold hawoon's hand and said," You shouldn't Go!!! What can you do, Huh?!!!  You need to stay with your children.. can't you see how much they're afraid?!!! They need their mother to console them......"

Queen dowager tried to stop Hawoon from going as Hawoon looked at her children as Taeyeong is tightly holding Hanseong on her arms as her Daughter looked at her mother with a assurance that she can go, Taeyeong will take care of her siblings as a big Elder Sister which made Hawoon's lips curved into a proud smile as she looked at Queen Dowager with a Stern gaze and said," I Am not going to be Queen Ji-Ha who just loved herself and her children and let their father on the battlefield by himself..... I will fight alongside with Taehyung to save my children...... I won't be his weakness, Your Highness...."

And with that Hawoon jerked off her hands from Queen dowager's hold and went away from there leaving them alone as Queen dowager just looked at the door from where Hawoon went away as she said," She's not going there to be with Taehyung, She is going there to see So young Death in her very own eyes..... I know this look very well..... The Reborn of Another Queen Mother....."


Inside The Seoul Royal Palace

A gothic massacre happen in the palace of Seoul as Taehyung looked at the dead bodies piled up on the floor of the main gate of Seoul Royal Palace..... Taehyung is completely covered with blood as his grip on his sword tightens ...... He was injured too as from his shoulder, the blood is dripping down drenching his clothing but for him right now saving Hawoon and his children is most important than feeling this pain.....

On the other side, Hawoon captured those maids and servants who are in side of Queen Mother with the help of Eun-sung  and royal soldiers of her side ...... One of the maid looked at Hawoon with hatred eyes glaring at her which Hawoon noticed as she decided to went towards her....

As one of the soldier pulled that's maid's hair and made her look at Hawoon and when she looked at Hawoon and spit at her making Hawoon turn her face on the other side.....

" QUEEN MOTHER WON'T LET YOU WIN, YOU WENCH!!!! SHE WILL KILL YOU WITH HER OWN HANDS!!! YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SIT ON HER THRONE!!!! ONLY SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO DO THAT!!!!!!", That maid spit out venomous words from her mouth as she is struggling to get herself out of the soldier's grip.....

On the other side, Hawoon closed her eyes trying to control her anger as her jaw is clenching in anger as she opened her eyes and took a deep breath.... She moved her hand towards Eun-sung as she handed Hawoon a knife on her hand.....

She turned back at that maid and hold her throat tightly digging her nails on her skin making that maid grunt in pain .....

Hawoon: I don't need her throne.. I am going to make my own throne and sit on it and my throne would be considered most privileged one than Her.... See you in Hell, I know I won't end up in heaven......

And with that, She sliced her throat as that maid fall down on the floor chocking on her own blood and took her last breath......

She give signal to everyone as all of the Maids and servants throat got sliced as she killed them..... The blood is dripping down from her knife but she didn't care .... She decided to go on the hallway as the Dead bodies of servants, guards, Maids are laying down here and there.....

She went towards throne room as before she enter, she found Taehyung, Sunwoo and many other soldiers and guards fighting against Queen Mother's spies...... From her soldiers, they all joined on the fight as Hawoon also killed many of them mercilessly......

As Hawoon was fighting, helping Taehyung, she can clearly see Taehyung is getting weak as one of the spy stabbed on Taehyung's shoulder making him scream in pain which immediately took hawoon's attention as she killed that guard to which she was fighting and went to help Taehyung.... As that soldier was about to stab Taehyung on his chest, Hawoon picked up Taehyung's sword and defend the attack as both of their swords clashes...... She moved her swords and strick the sword again as she fought against that soldier effortlessly.... Finally, Hawoon stabbed in that soldier's stomach making him layed down on the floor dead ....

She looked at Taehyung and immediately went towards him trying to wake him up as the fight was finally stopped after defeating and killing Queen Mother's spies.....

Immediately two guards came and picked up Taehyung to take him to the chamber as one of the guard went to call Royal physician.... Sunwoo was also about to go but Hawoon interrupted saying,"  I will take care of Taehyung.... But right now, We need to capture Queen Mother.... She needed to be gone for the sake of this royal family..... She is now the biggest threat for us .... So, Go with Eun-sung and come back with her.... She can't die outside as per the law of this Kim Dynasty, We need to execute her inside the palace..... Also take Erunch Bae with you....  Drag her in the palace by her will or by her Force....."

Sunwoo thought about it for a while... Whatever Hawoon said is partially true... If they let go of Queen Mother again, then she will continue to harm this Royal family..... And it's his duty, to Save Royal family from any kinds of danger....

Sunwoo looked at Hawoon and bowed down to her immediately as seeing that every soldiers immediately bow down to her as Sunwoo said," As You Wish, My Queen...."

Hawoon smiled in  victory finally hearing what her ears are eager to hear...... She finally got the throne for herself..... Beside king, Now she will have her own throne... She claimed those powers with her blood, sweat and Tears.....






Hi!!!! Welcome back 😁 with a new chapter of this book!!!! You don't know how much hard it is for me to got this book from WT..... The main reason of WT banning this book with k.n.j and silver Spoon is description of s*x in details!!! Even though there's nothing in silver Spoon about s*x yet!!!!!

And the reason of late update is I was so upset from this platform which tried to stole by two years hardwork!!!!! All I tried to give you all happiness and this WT doesn't let me do that .....

Actually, I am getting so many DM from different authors for collaboration.... But I have so many books piled up on the draft that I don't think I will be able to Collab.....

And I am so busy with my academic... And I am going to launch my own YouTube channel about daily vlogs of my life since I am going on university and my university is  so aesthetic... And my old followers know that I once talked about that... So, I am pretty much busy with so many things.... Lectures, assignment, And so on.....

So, please be patient!!!!💟💟💟💟

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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