83: Revenge Is A Dish Best Eaten Cold

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[ Warning ⚠️⚠️: Mention of Violence And Killing ]

In Mountains

Author's POV

In the Dark night where the glimpse of moon can clearly seen but in the mountains, there's Small house where Queen Mother with her subordinates Erunch Kwon and few of her loyal Guards are on standby waiting for the results of the preplanned Dethronement of the king and the Assassination of his whole family along with him.....

Queen Mother sat on the chair thinking about her whole life in her mind as somewhere in her heart, she feels sad and guilty for doing this..... But on the other side of her mind, She thinks she was forced to do this for the sake of her life..... Beside her, Erunch Kwon is sitting impatiently waiting for the news but inside his mind, he is anxious too....

Suddenly, A guard immediately came inside the house running as he bowed to Queen Mother and said," A Huge Force of Military is coming on the way of this house, Your Highness.... "

Hearing that, Queen Mother immediately understood something has gone wrong...... She immediately signalled everyone what to do as All the doors and windows are shut as the Main door of the small house was shut and so many furnitures are piled up on the door to prevent from entering..... Erunch Kwon put his hand on the knife as he looked at the Queen Mother who smiled bitterly as a farewell to whatever happens if they win or not Erunch Kwon is in this together alongside with her after all, He was a very old servant of her since when she came here.....

Queen Mother went towards the cupboard and opened it where a another hidden door was placed as she opened that door and went inside the secret chamber, hiding herself behind the veil of the shadows......

On the other side,  Direction given by Eun-sung, Hyun Soo has came to capture Queen Mother with a massive amount of soldiers .....all the soldiers immediately get their positions as Hyun Soo is incharge of this whole thing..... He needs to get Queen Mother no matter what happens..... The soldiers came with a huge piece of a big Wood and started to bang it on the Main door of the small house that was locked from inside.....

After few strikes on the door, Finally they broke into the house as the soldiers from Hyun Soo side and the soldiers on Queen Mother's side start fighting against each other but this time Queen Mother miserably fails to hold this attack for longer as the soldiers on Hyun Soo's side is huge which outnumbered Queen Mother's soldiers so all of them are killed including Erunch Kwon who was laying on his own pool of blood......

Hyun Soo started to search for Queen Mother as she was no where to be found which kinda make them thought maybe she was escaped again until, Erunch Bae opened the cupboard and found something very weird ..... He started to tap the cupboard until he realized There's a another door inside that cupboard which he immediately informed to Hyun Soo as they opened that hidden door and saw stairs that are going downhill..... Hyun Soo , Erunch Bae along with few Soldiers immediately went inside the hidden Chamber as they found Queen Mother hiding herself  on here.... In her hand, There's a small knife to protect herself  trying to scare them off.....

" Don't dare to come near me!!!!! Or I will kill you all!!!!! ", Queen Mother blurted out those words as she is moving her knife on the air trying to get them away from her..... Hyun Soo looked at her with a very cold eyes as he said," Come with us, Your Highness or we have the order to drag you with force on the palace....."

But Queen Mother scoffed hearing Hyun Soo words ......


Queen Mother: NEVER!!!!!! You think I don't know what you will do if I went to the palace.... I know how things works..... I am Queen Mother of this Great Korea.... If you dare to touch me, I will kill you all!!!!!

" Don't make it hard for you, Queen Mother.... It's better if you come with us by your own will or we have to do what we are told to do.... Taking you by force ....... ",  The person said   as he  step inside the hidden Chamber as his voice ranged on the whole chamber making Hyun Soo turned around with shock......

  It's none other than Prince Jimin who looked at Queen Mother with hatred eyes as on the other side, Queen Mother is glaring at him.... Jimin never has crossed paths with Queen Mother in his whole life and for the first time, he is doing this because she has dared to hurt his Devotion, his Eternal love, His Hawoon...... How can Jimin let him go when the opportunity is knocking at the door.....

Jimin went towards her making Queen Mother step backwards as she tried to stab him but Jimin skillfully dodged it and hold her hand that has the knife and twisted it making the knife fall down on the floor as Jimin removed the knife by kicking it somewhere out of Queen Mother's reach.....

And immediately Hyun Soo and Erunch Bae hold Queen Mother's both hand capturing her as Jimin turned around to leave but before leaving he said," She isn't the Queen Mother anymore.... The Great Korea and kingdom of Seoul has got it's New Queen.... So, treat her like a  prisoner would have treated..... "

And with that Jimin left from there as Hyun Soo and Erunch Bae started to dragging her and put her in the carriage as they all returned on the palace.....

After They all returned in the palace with Queen Mother who was trying to open the locked carriage as the carriage Door opened and Hyun Soo and Erunch Bae took her out holding her hand  and started to drag her to make her enter inside the palace.......

Queen Mother is struggling to get out of their holds  as Erunch Bae said," Your Era is over, Queen Mother!!!!!!  "

Hearing that Queen Mother screamed at top of her lungs while trying to free herself from their grip as she shouted ," LEAVE ME!!!!! I AM QUEEN MOTHER OF THIS KINGDOM!!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME LIKE THIS!!!!! LEAVE ME!!!! I SAID LEAVE ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!"

But hearing that Erunch Bae just laughed as they started to drag her through the Palace gate hallway ....... As they are dragging her, Queen Mother saw the bloody mess that was created on the palace...... Servants, Maids, soldiers, Guards, Even some Harem girls are dead..... All of their bodies are laying down on the cold floor where blood has colored  the marble floor ......

Hawoon ordered not to clean this until Queen Mother saw this with her own eyes..... She is trying to show Queen Mother that Her Greed for power has killed so many innocents that has nothing to do with her...... They're just doing their duty but because of being associated by the Royal family, they became the sacrifice ...... Hawoon wanted to see if Queen Mother feel a little bit of sympathy  and guilty towards those who died in here just because of her greed.....

But Queen Mother, Who came from a royal family can never understand the sympathy or guilty towards those people lower than Her because she has always lived on the higher stage of her life.... How can she feel grief and pain when she wanted to kill her own son and her grandchildrens......

Then Queen Mother was taken on the harem hallway as she can see the dead bodies piled up on a line where her eyes landed on Erunch Kwon who laying down on the floor dead with a stab on his stomach which made her feel a little sad as Erunch Kwon was her long time servant who was with her since her early age.....

She finally entered into the Harem as they dragged her on the center of the Harem door where the remaining Harem girls who survived this attack are looking at her with deep hatred on their eyes......  On the second floor, Hawoon is standing gracefully wearing a Marvelous Red Hanbok with a big crown on her head and beside her, Queen Dowager and Queen Faria was standing looking at Queen Mother's miserable condition..... Dishelved hair, No crown on her head, a look of devastation with no hope can clearly be seen.... It looks like the Call  from death is finally sinking on her Head...... Queen dowager and Queen Faria feel pity for her misery expect Hawoon..... Her face is glowing like a pearl ..... After all, she is waiting for this opportunity..... She was eager to take her revenge after all, Revenge is a dish best served in cold.....

Erunch Bae and Hyun Soo made Queen Mother kneel down in front of the Harem door..... Queen Mother slowly looked at the second floor where Hawoon, Queen Dowager and Queen Faria is looking at her....... But Queen Mother's eyes struck on Hawoon who has dressed herself as a Queen of this palace....... She can see the shining eyes of Hawoon that was burning with fire of revenge..... The wicked smile was plastered on her lips as her demonour hold a authority over everyone in here .....

Queen Mother started to laugh seeing hawoon's boldness in front of her...... It's making Queen Mother pissed off by her behavior..... The Aura of Queen, The power that which she has ruled over years right now is on another hands and that's not her....it pisses her off......


Jimin entered into the Harem as he heard what Queen Mother said ...... He  fisted his knuckles as he kneeled down on same level as Queen Mother as finally her eyes landed on Jimin who's eyes are red in anger which she failed to understand why Jimin is doing this.....

Jimin went near Queen Mother's ear and whispered," That's for killing my mother by releasing Namjoon and trying to hurt my love, My Hawoon......"

Queen Mother's eyes widened hearing the words from Jimin's mouth but before she could utter anything, Jimin hold her throat and pushed her down on the floor chocking her .....  Queen Mother is struggling trying to get rid of his grip but it didn't work as Jimin chocked her until she closed her eyes.......

From the other side, Erunch Bae asked," Is she Dead????"

Jimin nodded as he get up and looked at the Queen Mother..... Hawoon made him believe that it's Namjoon who killed Jimin's Mother and kidnapped her for revenge to dethrone him from the throne.... But the reality is far from there which Jimin will never find out.... After all, Hawoon won't let that happen.....

Harem girls immediately went to Queen Mother as from her clothing, there's so many pearls are attached that they're tearing it and taking it as it's a precious and very expensive pearls......

See, how life is.... Just few months ago, you are considered most valuable one because of your rank, Lifestyle and Your power..... But When all of it's gone, no one cares to even look at you as a human..... That's how human being is..... As long as you have power, people will be afraid of you, listen to you, obey you and you can do anything as you please..... But when you ran out of power, You are useless like a broken shell that people around you just take those broken parts that are valuable to them......

Once upon a time, the Harem girls used to obey her, fear her but now they're tearing off the pearls from her clothing like a hungry deer ......

Suddenly, Queen Mother opened her eyes making everyone who are taking pearls from her clothing scared as they immediately run away from her screaming and shouting, "she is alive..... She is alive......."

Queen Mother looked at ceiling as she is huffing trying to catch her breath but inside her mind , there's so many things to say......

" My name is Eleanor, A princess of Small country, kuhan...... Since childhood I was taught to be Queen and that's what I believed.... Until, my marriage was fixed with a king of Seoul kingdom.... I was so happy that finally, I will be the Queen.... A crown will be on my head too just like I saw on my mother's head..... Until, Someone came between my dreams trying to shatter them into pieces..... But how can I let that happen!!!! So, I did what I needed to do to get my crown..... I drugged that King and slept with him and finally, he had to accept me as his wife... My name to Kim So young.. The Wife of Kim Hwang Won and The Queen..... So many obstacles came on my life but I never gave up.... Because I was never taught to give up till my last breath.... Just like now, I am back from the mouth of death again but will I be succeeded this time.... Or really my time is finished for good.....", Queen Mother said on her mind as she tried to get up but she didn't got the time as Jimin went inside the Harem and tore off a curtain and went towards Queen Mother and wrapped it on her throat and started to chocking her to death......

Jimin's grip on the curtain tighten as Queen Mother finally took the last breath......The anger, The hatred from Jimin's eyes are radiating like a volcano ..... She stopped moving as Jimin let go of the curtain as she dropped down on the floor Dead as ice.......

How painful death can be..... Only the person who went through that can understand..... Jimin's eyes went on her hand where he found a ring that she tried to secured it but she couldn't after all, The ring was gifted by her beloved, her late husband, Kim Hwang Won.......

Jimin took the ring and went towards Second floor where Hawoon saw the death of Queen Mother with a smile.... A smile of victory..... Jimin give her that ring as a gift what he promised to her that he will always be there to protect her from any kinds of things..... Even if he has to give his life for that, he will do that without asking any Questions......

Hawoon took that ring and wear it on her finger as she looked at the harem girls who are lowering down their accpecting her as their Queen...... Queen Kim Hawoon......

Queen Dowager and Queen Faria can just looked at the new Rise of emperor again in a hand of a Woman who was just a Successor of Queen Mother..... More Deadly and more vicious than her......

She decided to went towards her chamber as she turned around to go just then Hawoon started to feel dizzy as everything around her started to move and with that she fall down on the floor unconscious....








I missed you all!!! Sorry for being late!!!!! As you all know I am very busy with uni and study.... I barely get time.....

Here is the new chapter!!! I hope you will like it!!! Don't forget to vote and comment if you want me to do quick update!!!!!

And some of you are telling me to write other books but right now I want to focus on this book since 17 Chapters left to finish this book and I want to finish this book as soon as possible!!!!!!

But I am writing down other books Chapters so mostly it will be updated together by 2-3 days later!!!! So, be ready for that....

My YEOBO - Chapter 2 is on progress•••••

Voice of Piper - Chapter 11 is on progress•••••••

CARA MIA-my beloved - new chapter on progress •••••••

And a good News for those who loved my PKO, PKO 2 and K.N.J series.....

Drum 🛢️ rolls 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶


new book of Namjoon !!!!!! Coming Soon!!! As a compansation of Silver Spoon!!!!!!

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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