84: You Can't Hide The Truth

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[ Listen to My Demon Kdrama OST " True " while reading this]


In Hawoon's Chamber

Hawoon's POV

I slowly started to open my eyes as Everything is hurting..... Not only my body but also my soul..... I blinked few times as everything is blurry around me..... My head is throbbing in pain as I slowly put my hand on my head trying to soothe the pain.... I looked around and found my handmaiden Sye-hyun looking at me with worried gaze as my eyes went on the other side where Eun-sung is standing with her head low and the Royal Physician are taking care of something......

" Your Highness, Are You okay??", Sye-hyun asked with a concerning voice..... I nodded as I looked at the window as the morning sun rays are peeping through it making me confused......

" What happened??? Why am I here??? ", I asked Sye-hyun as my eyes went on my hand where that Green stone ring was set on my finger.... Memories of those incidents started to play on my head as I hold my head in pain..... The Royal physician immediately came towards me with a medicine and made me drink that to calm my nerves down......

I hold Royal Physician hand and looked straight into her eyes and asked," What. Is . Wrong. With. Me???"

The Royal physician hesitate for a moment and finally said," Your Highness, You are pregnant..... You are blessing us with A New Heir for this dynasty...."

The words that came out from Physician's mouth was like a shock for Hawoon..... It took a minute to her to process those words on her head as she finally realized what's wrong.....

She slowly looked at her belly with her widened eyes thinking about something that will bring no good for her ....Tears started to fall down from her eyes as she realized who would be the father of this baby...... Hawoon was in verge of breaking down but the door of her chamber opened reavealing Jimin who can clearly see hawoon's condition...... Jimin entered into the chamber as he signalled everyone to leave them alone as everyone went outside the chamber leaving Hawoon and Jimin alone.....

As soon as Jimin heard the sound of door being shut, He slowly went towards Hawoon who was still in daze trying to cope with her pregnancy news.... Jimin sit beside her and carefully put his both hands on her shoulder and made her look at him.... Hawoon looked at Jimin with a anxious face as she uttered," j.. Jimin...Jimin, ..I...am... pregnant.... It's your... child..... "

But Jimin isn't a bit of moved by the revealition but instead, he looked so calm..... " I know, Hawoon.... I know it's my child on your womb..... Everyone in the palace knows about it..... "

Hawoon's looked at Jimin with a horrified face as she asked," What do you mean by everyone in the palace knows about it?!!! "

Jimin: I said everyone in the palace knows about the pregnancy and they think it's Taehyung's child.... Even Taehyung was informed about this... He was so happy..... He wants to meet you but his injury didn't let him do that..... Only we know that it's your and my child.... Our Symbol of Love......

Jimin's eyes are full of love and devotion for Hawoon as he kissed hawoon's lips who's is still in daze...... Jimin pulled out as his finger trailed on her few hair strands that was on her face and slowly tucked it beside her ear and whispered," We are going to keep this baby.... Since Taehyung thinks it's His... So, let this be the way it is..... And now, All of those are dead who wants to hurt you.... I killed Queen Mother for you.... I will even kill Taehyung if he hurts you... I will do anything for you and our baby...."

And with that Jimin embraced her into his arms as on the other side, Hawoon thought about Jimin's words..... Indeed Taehyung thought it's His... Because before she slept with Jimin when she visited to Busan Palace, She was intimated with Taehyung... So, naturally, Taehyung would think it's His.... But for how Long ???


Next Day

Author's POV

All the Harem Girls, Maids, servants are giving their last greetings To Queen Mother's Coffin as it was taken to the Royal Graveyard where she will be buried alongside with late King Hwang Won, Late king Kim Seokjin, Late King Kim Namjoon, Late Jeon Jungkook..... On the second floor, Hawoon, Queen Dowager, prince Yoongi's Mother, Yoonjin was looking at the coffin being taken away to the graveyard..... Since King Taehyung couldn't come to express his grief on her mother's demise, Hawoon has to be there even though she doesn't want to do this.....

Queen Dowager: So, That's How A Era Of Her ruling Over the kingdom End.... It's really surprising to see how she died.... I hope no one dies like that.....

Queen Dowager sighed as she looked so sad .... Hawoon looked at Queen Dowager with a narrow eyes trying to understand what she implied by her words.....

Hawoon: There's a saying, As You Saw, As You Reap ..... So, she deserved whatever she has done ..... Maybe the punishment of death is less because the real punishment of her crime should be the torture but she was lucky enough to escape that punishment..... May God rest her soul in peace......

Queen dowager didn't like hawoon's choice of words as she can clearly feel the abhorrence on Hawoon's words... Even Yoongi's Mother can see the hatred in hawoon's eyes for Queen Mother......

Yoongi's Mother came forward to Hawoon as she bowed a little bit as she is now a Queen, The Highest Rank in Royal Household since Queen Mother is no more, Leaving Hawoon with great Power in the Royal Women.....

" I heard You are Pregnant, Your Highness... Congratulations.... It seems like this child will bring A new happiness among the whole kingdom.... After all, the Royal family is getting a New Heir discarding a old member....." Yoongi's Mother congratulated Hawoon as hearing her words she feel a little stiff since she don't know what this child inside her womb would bring ... But she was willing to do anything to protect her child....

Queen Dowager looked at Hawoon as she said," Take Care Of yourself... And don't indulge into throne politics like So young..... I don't want another Queen Mother to be born on this household.... Just take care of the king and your children... After all, that's what a royal Woman, A Queen should do......"

Queen Mother left from there giving a warning to Hawoon as Hawoon can clearly see who is now between her goal.... She just discarded Queen Mother and now another one came claiming to do what she should do ... Behave like a Sex-Slave to King.... But she has no intention of doing that..... Because Taehyung wasn't her concern anymore.....

Her Goal is something Else... First This Crown on her Head, Next in the Throne Beside Taehyung and Next is the Power of Taehyung.....


8 Months Later

The Door of Hawoon's chamber opened reavealing her Handmaiden, Sye-hyun and in her arms A New Heir of this Kim Dynasty, A Boy.... Taehyung immediately looked the little baby boy in his arms smiling happily as his happiness has no bounds.....

Taehyung: Is Hawoon Alright????

Taehyung asked as Sye-hyun nodded and said," Your Highness became unconscious after giving birth.... She needs rest...... "

It's a premature birth so, Taehyung was so worried when he heard Hawoon was in labor pain..... Queen Dowager looked at baby boy with a little smile..... She ordered the maids to hold a small celebration all over the kingdom for this good news.....


[ T i m e S k i p ]

It's night already... Hawoon regained her consciousness as the baby boy was given to her as she looked so happy seeing a little boy on her arms...... Taehyung has gone to the throne room to discuss about some stuff of Sea Area where the bandits are trying to loot their ships.....

The door of her chamber opened as Hawoon looked at the door and found Jimin who slowly came inside..... Hawoon was so surprised seeing Jimin at this hour..... Jimin went towards Hawoon but his eyes are on hawoon's hands where a little baby boy is sleeping peacefully.....

Jimin slowly sit beside her as Hawoon give him the baby on his arms.....Jimin for the first time in his whole life never felt this kind of happiness in his whole life.... His concubines has given him to many of his offsprings but he can't describe the happiness of having a piece of him from who he loved with his whole heart...... It feels like this baby has completed his and Hawoon's bond.... The pure bond of love..... The symbol of their pure love that has not had a inch of Lust.....

Hawoon: He has the same eyes as you....

She exclaimed those words as Hawoon can see Jimin's happiness that was shining through his eyes.....

Jimin: but he looks just like you.... Thank you... Thank you Hawoon for giving me this happiness.... My little boy ... My blood.....Appa is so happy to see you.....

He said as he kissed on the baby boy's forehead as he then smashed his lips on hawoon's lips as both of them are devouring and sucking each other mouth showcasing their passionate Love.....

After sometime, they pulled out as Hawoon slowly put her head Jimin's shoulder... She is so tired after giving birth.... Both of them know Taehyung won't be coming back to hawoon's chamber tonight because of his responsibilities as a king that he had to fulfill..... Hawoon is in Jimin's embrace , the softness and the Love that she was looking for all of those years.... She found that in Jimin which is forbidden for her but still she wanted it .... And now, there's a another Life that she needed to protect..... Her eyes went on the baby boy in Jimin's arms , she feels the need of protecting that baby from taehyung.... She can't let Taehyung know about this.... She can't let anyone know about this.....

Hawoon: thought about any name for our baby boy???

She asked as her eyes are so sleepy but barely keeping it open as Jimin heard it and said," I had a thought about it.... There's a name in my mind..... Should I name him????"

Jimin asked as Hawoon looked at Jimin's face and replied," You are his father... You have the full right to name him.... "

Jimin smiled hearing that as he moved the baby boy towards his face and whispered into baby boy ear," Your name is Park Je-Ha.. Your Name is Park Je-Ha... Your Name is Park Je-Ha.... The Son of Park Jimin and the Heir of Kim Dynasty...."

A smile crept on hawoon's lips hearing the name as she fall asleep on Jimin's shoulder..... Jimin imagined this kind of life where his love would be sleeping peacefully on his shoulder and baby on his hand, A perfect peaceful Life..... What more he can ask for??

But the next moment, the reality strikes on him as the situation is quite different..... this memories are only for a while after all, Hawoon wasn't his, She is Taehyung's Wife and His son who would be named after Taehyung's surname.... Not on his.... And he won't be there everytime with his son.... But he knows Hawoon will protect him from every danger.... Even the biggest danger is Taehyung itself.....

But unknown to them, Someone else has been standing beside the other door that is opened a little as that person saw and hear everything that happened in hawoon's chamber..... That person clenching it's fist in anger as that person looked at Jimin and Hawoon with utter disgust......

Both Jimin and Hawoon didn't know another Storm is coming towards them.... The truth they tried to hide from everyone already someone got to know about this!!!!








HI!!! I am back with a new chapter!!!!! I hope you will like it!!!!!! After 1 Chapter, there will be a huge time lapse so be ready for it....

16 Chapters left!!!!!

My university life will officially start from 1 February... Since you know, I will be living in the hostel, so I will go to hostel in 30-31 January.... I won't be able to update like I used to.... So, bear with me a little!!!!

And a surprise for you!!!!!

The cover reveal !!! Wait for the update!!!!!

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SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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