85: Dilemma Between Love And Death

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[ Listen 🎧 to BTS " Black Swan and Blood Sweat And Tears " Orchestra version while reading this]


In Seoul Royal Palace

Hawoon's POV

Hawoon has come outside in the royal garden with the little baby boy, Je-Ha as behind them, The handmaiden and the maids of her side are also there..... It will be nice to out here as she didn't come out of the chamber for a few days ..... The scent of different flowers blooming around the royal garden makes her heart calm.... She misses those moments of her life where she was free to roam around anywhere she wanted..... She misses that life before she was taken in here..... Years passed away, Now this Big Marvelous palace became her ' Home '.

This Four walls has became her comfort place where She lives with her children and with his Husband, The King of this Great Korea, The Only Heir Remaining from the Kim dynasty, Kim Taehyung.... And She bore the same surname of her husband, Kim Hawoon.....

Hawoon's eyes went on her arm where the little baby is sleeping peacefully... A Another New Chapter of her life... A pure innocent Soul that is now binding two Lovers..... She had a intimate relationship with her Own Husband's Step- Brother..... And both her husband and Her lover was blood related to her.... She is their Cousin who wasn't supposed to be alive but here am I standing proudly with a crown on my head .... But only difference is instead of Princess Crown, I had the Crown of a Queen.... How complicated our relationship is.... It's forbidden but at same time, It's unforgivable sin......

A hand was placed on her shoulder as she snapped out of her thoughts as she turned around and looked at the person who was looking at her with so much admiration in his eyes.... It's none other than Her Husband, Kim Taehyung..... Taehyung, on the other hand, is so happy to see how hawoon's attention has diverted from Taemin to their own child..... It will be easier for him now to remove that unwanted child from their lives.....

Taehyung: How long you've been here, My Queen?? I have been searching for you for a while... You know I can't stay away from you....

He asked her with a very sweet voice as Taehyung's hand slowly slide onto her cheek as Taehyung's eyes are fixed on her waiting for the answer....... Hawoon is looking at her but she doesn't feel any kind of excitement like before.... If she was that previous Hawoon, her heart would have fluttering but now she doesn't feel anything for him.... It feels like all the love for Taehyung was gone.....

" I.. I .. I.. was... Here... for...a while...", Hawoon uttered out those words with so much difficulty because she doesn't have anything to say to him..... She was sluttering not only because she has nothing to say but also for the baby on her arms..... She was afraid of the concequnces if Taehyung ever get to know about this.... The Real Identity of the baby that it wasn't His.... She can't even imagine the Aftermath of this situation.... And at the same time, she wants to protect her child.... Even if it means making Je-Ha out of Taehyung's shadow.....

Taehyung was on the other side, was so much lost into her admiration and Hawoon was into her own thoughts that they didn't notice someone far away from there is looking at them with a pang on his heart and full of jealousy dancing on his eyes...... Jimin was clenching his jaw tightly looking at the scene in front of his eyes... How close they're right now as Taehyung has the full Rights on her but he, The Lover let alone touch, Jimin can't even be near her right now..... And it irks him so much.... His veins started to pop out when Taehyung kissed Hawoon with no remorse of being in public.... He can't bear this torture anymore, so he left from there......

On the other side, Hawoon closed her eyes as Taehyung is sucking and biting down her lower lip trying to get access onto her mouth.... After sometime, Taehyung pulled out as he licked the blood that was on his lips as he saw hawoon's bruise lips..... Hawoon opened her eyes but her eyes are teary.... She was surpressing it not want to cry in front of Taehyung.... He wiped off the remaining blood from her lip and said," I Love You, My Queen.... You are my Everything.... I can do anything for you.... I don't have any words to describe my love for you.... After so many struggle, we are together for forever.... "

And with that he kissed her forehead and looked at her with a smile to which Hawoon smiled a little bit.....Then, Taehyung's eyes went on Je-Ha as he forwarded his hands to take the baby on his arms but Hawoon immediately turned around not wanted to give the baby to Taehyung...... Taehyung was surprised seeing that before he could ask Hawoon said," It's time to feed him.... I have to go back inside my chamber.... Please, Your Majesty Allow me to leave...."

Taehyung didn't understand why suddenly Hawoon did that but still he give her permission to go as Hawoon went away from there without looking back at Taehyung..... From hawoon's eyes tears fall down as she looked at the baby and promised to herself on her mind she will protect her family no matter what happens.....


[ T i m e S k i p ]

Author's POV

It's night already as the whole palace is quiet as everyone is sleeping peacefully their respective Chamber... The harem girls are sleeping as the Guards are doing their job..... In front of Hawoon's chamber, Two Royal guards who are guarding the Chamber suddenly Fall down on the floor unconscious..... One by one, Every guard who are guarding the whole Harem fall down unconscious on the floor...... And just then , The door of the Harem opened as someone entered into the harem as they immediately went towards Hawoon's chamber..

On the other side, Hawoon is sleeping not knowing the danger was lurking around her..... She was also into deep sleep as she didn't realize that someone took the baby from her grip and went away from there......

After sometime, Hawoon suddenly woke up from her sleep... As she was still half asleep as he moved her hand around her but she felt there's nothing which immediately made her open her eyes as she looked beside her where her baby was supposed to be.... Because as far as she remembers she slept with her baby boy beside her..... She looked at the crib but didn't found the baby.....

She started to panic as she immediately get up from the bed and started to call out her handmaiden, Sye-hyun but there's no reply which made her angry and frustrated.... She went towards Sye-hyun room which is beside her chamber and found Her handmaiden sleeping .... Hawoon tried to move her but Sye-hyun didn't woke up.....

Without wasting time, she went out from the chamber as she found the royal guards are laying down on the floor unconscious..... And seeing this, it didn't took her that much time to realize something is wrong..... She started to search for her child.....

She roaming around one hallway to another hallway trying to find her child as she is huffing so tired as suddenly she heard the sound of a baby crying which made her immediately run towards the direction.....

She entered into the Hallway where Late Queen Mother used to live as she immediately went towards Queen Dowager's chamber and opened the door and found the whole chamber being covered up with white clothes....

But the sound of crying started to intensify as she looked around the whole chamber and found the sound of crying is coming from the balcony of Queen Mother's Chamber..... She immediately went towards the balcony and found someone standing there as Hawoon can see the back of that person.....

Hawoon asked shouting at that person," WHO ARE YOU??? HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY CHILD??!!!"

That person heard her shouting as she slowly turned around as Hawoon stumbled a little bit seeing the person in front of her... But her eyes went on that person's arms where her baby , little Prince Je-Ha is crying.....

Hawoon: Queen dowager?!

Queen Dowager come towards her as she maintained a little distance from Hawoon as she is completely disgusted by hawoon's presence....On the other side, Hawoon was shocked seeing why this is happening so suddenly.....

Queen Dowager: Your Child?! Just your Child or Your and Jimin's Child?

She asked Hawoon with her harshly tone as she looked at Hawoon with her angry eyes..... Hawoon's eyes widened hearing what came from Queen Dowager's mouth as she fall down on the floor in fear.....

Hawoon: W..what....what...- are...you... talking about??!!??

Hearing that Queen dowager scoffed as she glared at Hawoon and said," What am I talking about?! Huh!!! DON'T YOU FEEL A BIT OF ASHAMED OF WHAT YOU HAVE DONE????!!! YOU BETRAYED TAEHYUNG!! YOU SLEPT WITH HIS OTHER BROTHER AND HAVE A CHILD OF HIS BLOOD!!!! DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN HIDE THE TRUTH?!!!"

The thunder started to striking on the black sky declaring a harshness of the weather... Hawoon Started to shake in fear as she immediately get up and tried to take her baby from Queen Dowager's grip but Queen Dowager immediately backed away and put the baby away from the railing of the balcony making Hawoon scream in fear......

Tears started to flow down from her eyes like a river as she immediately kneeled down in front of her joined both of her hands and started begging and pleading ....

Hawoon: NO!!! please... Please... don't....I am begging... please spare my child... please have some mercy on him.... He is a infant... It's not his fault... please... please...I am begging.....

She is shivering in fear looking at Queen Dowager who is completely unaffected by her pleading.... Hawoon is so afraid... She is afraid to lose her child.... She has lost two of her child already... One died on her womb and another was killed mercilessly by Prince Jungkook..... But she can't see the another death of her death.... She will die if that happens.....

Queen Dowager took that baby away from the balcony railing as she looked at Hawoon with so much hatred in her eyes and Ordered with her authortive tone......

" Years Ago, when you first came here as a slave and then you became the concubine of Taehyung, I told you if you hurt my Grandson, I will kill you with my own hands..... ", Queen Dowager said as she slowly give the baby to Hawoon as she immediately took the baby and hugged her tightly protecting the baby and securely hold the baby in her arms..... Queen Dowager can clearly see a desperate Mother who's is trying to save her child in Hawoon right now..... She can see the broken side of Hawoon that she has hidden under the strong personality ...

Queen Dowager bend down on hawoon's level and slowly touched the few strands of her hair that is right now blocking her face as she tugged it on her ear ......

Queen Dowager: Only because, You are my Grandson's Favorite Slave and the Queen of this kingdom, I am giving you tomorrow night time to confess to Taehyung about the Real Identity of this child or I will do the honor of it.... And we both know, What can Taehyung Do after all, Taehyung can stand everything but not the Betrayal from his own Loved Ones ...

Hawoon looked at Queen Dowager with her fearful eyes as Queen dowager remember that time when she first had a encountered with Hawoon and how fragile she was.... She is still the same Hawoon.... No matter how much mask people wear to show their strong Behavior , it just take few seconds to shred that off from their faces....

Hawoon: I Won't... I can't... Tell...him... The truth... He will kill my baby.....

she is crying... Begging for mercy.... Hawoon knows very well if Taehyung gets to know about this, He will kill the baby... He didn't accept His own blood, Taemin as his own child because the child isn't from her womb.... He won't bear it if he knew it's not His.....Hawoon is completely shaken up by Queen dowager's threatening .....

Queen Dowager: Then kill this baby with your own hands and get rid of it if you don't want to tell Taehyung about the truth.... Or I will kill the baby and will also kill you... My grandson will be sad for a while but eventually we have another girl's to fulfill your place... You thought, You are the only one for Taehyung.... No, Hawoon... The whole Harem girls are in the service of the king who is Kim Taehyung..... This is your Worth, Hawoon...

And with that Queen dowager left from there leaving Hawoon completely broken and in Dilemma of between life and death.....








Hi!!! My lovely slothies!!! Welcome back with the new chapter of BTS ot7 royal fanfiction Queen Kim's Tale!!!!!

So many have thought, it's yoongi !!! But sorry to brust your bubble it's not yoongi... But you are partially right tho.... And why is that you will know in the upcoming chapters....

Guys, I am going to my dorm in 31 January!!!😭😭 I am feeling so sad 😢 right now..... I am going to leave my parents and my brother and will go far away for my higher education..... I am feeling scared for leaving my family and at the same time, I am excited for the new journey of my life!!!; I don't know how it will be... But hopefully it will be the best!!!!! Pray for me!!!😘😘

By the way, In The End Of January, I will be updating Seokjin's fanfiction " Silver Spoon" First Chapter and Park Jimin Fanfiction "His YEOBO " Third Chapter!!!! So, look forward to it!!!!!

And the New Book Alert!!!


In the 30 January, It will be published with Disclaimer and Introduction and the New Chapters will be updated by March 12...

So, Give me about the thoughts of What genre and what would be the whole story plot is about!!!!😘😘

And CARA MIA-my beloved and Queen Kim's Tale is going to end by February!!!! I know this book is so slow and so many chapters that you find it so boring... But the ending would be something that you won't imagine!!!!!!

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Fulfill it if you want quick update 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏



SARANGHAE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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