0 2 - Argued

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Chapter 2: Argued

"Mr Iyyer." The man's surname was called out and he stands up, staring at the employee who was gazing around.

"Good luck and all the best." Ragini utters and the man nods at her with a smile and walks up to the employee who had came to get him.

She looks down at her file and moves her hair out of her way by sliding a strand of hair behind her ear with her finger. Lakshya, who was staring at her gazes away and sighs.

He was bored and desired to go out with his friends, but because of his fathers threat, he couldn't risk loosing it all as he knows how cruel his father could sometimes be.

Ragini cocks her head to the side and sees Lakshya, she then looks away and he places his hand on the sofa and inhales a deep breath. He sees a magazine on the table in front of him and reaches out, Ragini moves forward to grab onto the magazine too and hits her head on his shoulder. He turns his head to the side and looks at her while she lifts her head, he inches a little back and the two stare at each other.

He makes an irritated face, "Excuse me?"
She moves back and puts her hair strand behind her earlobe, "Sorry." She apologised and he sighs, looking away.

"Rude." Ragini mummers to herself and turns her head away, he manages to hear her and looks at her.

"Good for you." He remarks and she stares back at him.

"Bad for me you mean." She retorts. "Not worth attention." He replies.

"Turn away."

"Stop talking."

"You started it."

"Stay in your limits."

"You learn."

"Mistake was mine."

"Definitely was."

"Indeed was my mistake for even looking at your face."

"Shouldn't have looked then."


"Stop judging."

"Jerk." She adds.


"So were you."

Durga Prasad walks inside the office with Ram and Adarsh following him, he stops as he hears some voices and turns his head to the side, seeing Lakshya and Ragini answering each other back.

"You're worse."

"Like you were any better." Ragini says as she glares at him and he reciprocates to that glare, returning it.

"Better than you."



"It takes one apology to stop it all."

"Which you should say first."

"Which I already said."

"Not for calling me rude."

"You turned away without saying as if it was okay."

"What's happening here?" Durga Prasad asks in his stern voice, grabbing Ragini and Lakshya's attention.

Lakshya rolls his eyes and lowers his gazes after seeing Durga Prasad's face while Ragini blankly blinks at him and stands up.

"Ah!" She lets out a small low screech as her dupatta pulled her down and unwillingly made her nose touch Lakshya's forehead.

"You. . ."

"Look down." She interrupts as she moves away while bending her back down.

He looks down at his band and sees that Ragini's dupatta was entangled on his wrist band which had sharp pins. He holds her dupatta and yanks it away making her look at him in disbelief as he throws it on her face.

"Ms Gadodia." She stands straight and turns to the voice. "Your turn now." That voice continues and she shakes her head positively. Grabbing onto her bag, she purposely throws her dupatta on the side which hits Lakshya on the face.

"Ah!" He hissed and gazes at her leaving with clenched fist.

"What was happening?" Durga Prasad asks and looks at Lakshya who continues to ignore him.

Durga Prasad shakes his head and moves away, followed by Ram and Adarsh.

Ragini enters the cabin and stands in front of Sanskaar, who looks at her.

"Ms Gadodia?" She shakes her head positively and he signs her to take a seat.

She moves forward and takes a seat on the chair opposite him. She then forwards her file and he takes it.

"So Ms Gadodia, why have you chosen our company to do your internship in?"

'Because your office looks interesting.' She sarcastically thought in her mind and then curves a small fake smile. "Sir, actually I heard a lot about this company and everything was positive. You all haven't lost a single deal and neither faced a loss, this is a big achievement for a person and their company as it stays in first position and is known world wide. I thought to get my experience from here and develop all the knowledge and skills I need."

Sanskaar shakes his head, impressively and then opens her file.

"You're accepted." Sanskaar utters and closes her files, surprising her.

"What? Really?" She asks and he nods positively.

"Just this question and all done?" He nods again and Ragini stands up with a smile.

"Thank you so much sir." She forwards her hand and he shakes it.

Ragini then picks her file up and looks at Sanskaar. "When can I start?"

"Tomorrow." He utters and her smile widens.

"Thank you Sir." She utters once again and then walks out from the cabin.

Sanskaar smiles and shakes his head in disbelief.

"Call in for Mr Lakshya." Sanskaar says to the worker who had walked inside with a file, he nods and places the file on the desk, walking back out and scanning the waiting area.

Seeing Ragini's smile, Lakshya understands she had been accepted and rolls his eyes.

"Mr Lakshya." The worker calls out and Lakshya stands up.

"What?" He asks and the worker stares at him from head to toe.

"Sir is calling you." The worker adds and Lakshya sighs, walking towards him.

Seeing his dressing style and the clothes he was wearing, the worker was sure that Lakshya wouldn't be accepted, little did he know that Lakshya was a Maheshwari and he was forced by his own father to work here.

Lakshya entered the cabin without knocking and the worker shakes his head. "No file, no manners. God knows where people like him come from. Sanskaar Sir will surely kick him out this moment by seeing his clothes, this isn't a pub party, he needs to be dressed professional." The worker mumbles to himself and walks away.

Ragini, who was walking out from the building slides her phone out from her bag and but then slides it back inside.

"Not yet, I'll tell her in person." Ragini says to herself and walks towards the gate.

"What happened?"

"I got accepted!" Ragini chirps at the watchman who smiles.

"You very well deserved it." Ragini smiles at him. "I'll see you tomorrow." She happily says and the watchman nods his head.

"Take care." She adds while walking away.


Inside the cabin, Lakshya was sat on the chair opposite Sanskaar. "You'll also be working as an intern." Sanskaar says to Lakshya but Lakshya wasn't interested at all, he was laid back and was fiddling on his phone.

"I don't want you to be pardoned because of your surname, you and that girl will be working under me and I expect good behaviour from you." Sanskaar adds and Lakshya yawned in response, locking his phone and sliding it inside his pocket.

"Understood?" Durga Prasad's voice reached Lakshya's ears and he sat up straight without turning.

Sanskaar gazes at the door and sees his Bade-Papa walk inside.

"I'm with you Sanskaar, no staff should even know he's related to us. He should be treated like a normal intern and I expect more strictness from you. He's here to learn not to be the boss. You do understand what I'm saying right?" Sanskaar shakes his head understanding what his Bade-Papa wanted to convey while Lakshya narrowed his eyebrows, silently shaking his head in disbelief.

Lakshya's phone starts to buzz, he touches his pocket and slides it out to mute it but before he could, Durga Prasad snatches it out of his hand and answers it while putting it on speaker.

"Hey Lucky, where are you? When are you coming to hit it up?"

Durga Prasad and Sanskaar were confused by the words, they wondered what it meant by hitting it up.

"I'm not. . . Coming." Lakshya responds and covers his mouth rubbing his fingers on his lips and hoping his friend just disconnects the phone.

"Oh, okay. Hope to see you soon." His friend says and the line disconnects.

Lakshya curves a small smile and sighs a relief.

"Just because he's the boss, that doesn't mean he should snatch and answer other people's calls. That's plainly rude." Lakshya vocalises as he looks at Sanskaar and indirectly taunting his father.

"We're not related. . . Here, so he won't have any rights to touch my belongings or put his legs into my premises." Lakshya adds a taunt again and then turns his head to the side, looking at his phone and snatching it back from his fathers hands.

Without looking at Durga Prasad, Lakshya stands up and heads out.

"This boy needs to learn how to control his tongue or someone will chop it off. Not everyone are generous in this world to just hear his nonsense and keep quiet." Durga Prasad, who had been irritated, says and looks at Sanskaar, who shakes his head positively, agreeing with his Bade-Papa.


Ragini steps out from the auto and pays the driver, she then walks towards her house with a smile.

"I'm sure Daadimaa would be glad and happy to know that I finally got accepted." Ragini says to herself and then stops, turning around after hearing a sound.

She witnesses a girl being dragged by a boy and looks on.

"Leave my daughter!" The mother requests but the boy pushes her to the side and continues dragging the girl who wanted to be freed from his grip.

Ragini walks forward to help the girl. "Leave the girl!" Ragini says and stands in front of him, glaring at him.

"Who are you?" The boy asks, looking at Ragini from head to toe.

"Leave her hand!" Ragini orders, not bothering to answer the boys question.

"No, what will you do?" He asks and pushes her to the side.

"Leave me. Please." The girl requests as she was being dragged by the boy.

Ragini stumbles but manages to stable her balance and follows the boy, she holds his hand which was on tightly gripping the girl and pulls on it but indeed, his grip was tight and she couldn't free the girls hand.

"Mind your own business!" He warns but Ragini pays no heed and continues pulling on his hand.

"Don't you feel ashamed?" The girls mother asks after catching up to them but the boy ignores her.

"Don't you have a mother or any sisters at home? How would you feel if someone grabbed their hand like that and began to drag them out on the road in front of everyone?" Ragini asks and looks up at him while continuing to free the girls hand, in this process, she drops her file and bag on the floor right besides her.

The boys grip slightly loosens at Ragini's question and Ragini manages to pull his hand in mid air, freeing the girl. The girl runs towards her mother and Ragini let's go of his hand.

"Leave or I'll have to call the police!" Ragini warns and the boy inhales a deep breath.

"Tanya. . ."

"Go away Uday." The girl, who was named Tanya utters while looking away.

The boy, Uday glares at Ragini.

"You didn't do the right thing by poking your nose in between us. You don't even know the whole matter!"

"It was my duty to help and you were in the wrong, so why wouldn't I poke my nose in between? You were abducting her. . ."

"I had no other choice."

"Don't label this as your helplessness. What do you boys get by doing this? It's not a fun thing to do!"

Uday looks at Tanya who was ignoring him.

"Kidnapping helpless girls for self entertainment isn't a fun thing to do!" Ragini continues to shout at him and he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Keep your mouth shut! You don't know anything!" Uday yells back at her and this time with anger.

"You know what Tanya! I made a mistake, it was my fault for even loving a selfish girl like you! This girl is accusing me and all you're doing is just standing there and listening to it. Aunty Ji, get her married off to your chosen guy, I don't have an objection and in front of everyone, I declare that I don't know Tanya anymore. I don't care if she dies without me, just go get her married off otherwise she would trap another boy just to entertain herself!" Uday angrily lashes out and walks away, sliding his hand in his pocket and taking out a cigar.

Tanya's tears fall out of her eyes and Ragini, who was confused turns towards the mother and daughter.

"What was he saying?"

Tanya walks away without answering and Tanya's mother sighs. "Don't worry Beta and thank you for helping us. You have not only saved my daughter but saved my respect and reputation. Thank you." Tanya's mother says with a faint smile and walks away.

"Why was this guy saying he loved her. Did I really barge into this matter without knowing anything?" Ragini asks herself and stares into space while thinking.


Lakshya, who was standing outside the office, hidden behind the bin, was smoking. His phone buzzes and he slides it out, answering it after seeing the caller ID.

"Where are you?"

"Trapped, why?" Lakshya responds after releasing a sigh.

"I want to meet you. Like urgently."

Lakshya thinks for a while. "Come to Maheshwari Ltd and call me once you're here."

The phone disconnects and Lakshya slides it back inside his pocket, continuing to smoke.

Lakshya, after feeling satisfied drops the cigar onto the floor and steps on it. He blows into the air, releasing a smoke and crushing the cigar beneath his foot.

His phone buzzes again and he slides it out of his pocket, after seeing the same caller ID, he starts walking without answering. He messages Sanskaar, typing that he was going for a break and will start tomorrow with the other interns, to which Sanskaar replies as a 'no' but Lakshya being Lakshya, ignores his message and slides his phone down his pocket. As soon as he does, his phone buzzes again and he sighs, sliding his phone out again and seeing his fathers caller ID.

He answers the call without any interest and places the phone near his ear.

"Where are you?"

"Sir, I'm starting work tomorrow like other workers who gave their interviews. Thank you for accepting me in Maheshwari Ltd, I would make sure I'll make it on time tomorrow to start my first day." Lakshya responds and disconnects the call, hoping his father had gotten his answer.

He slides his phone in his pocket again and walks out, seeing his friend who was none other than Uday, standing while leaning on the car.

"Uday!" Lakshya says, grabbing Uday's attention.

Uday signals Lakshya to sit inside his car and Lakshya nods, heading towards him. Uday takes a seat in the drivers seat and Lakshya makes his way towards the passengers.

"What happened?" Lakshya asks whilst sitting down and closing the door.

"This girl, she ruined it all by poking her nose in between."

"I'm lost, tell me from the start."

Uday sighs and starts to drive.

"You know Tanya, my girlfriend. Her parents fixed her marriage with someone else and she messaged me saying she would die without me if I didn't stop the marriage. So I went to her place and talked to her parents. They yelled at me saying I had no status no reputation and that I should forget Tanya. I disagreed and said I would marry Tanya. They objected and I asked Tanya if she would like to run away with me. She didn't say anything then I started to drag her out with me, she started to object and her mother started to plead to leave her alone. Then, some bitch blocks my way and tells me what I should be doing. Like who the hell is she! Why the hell is she poking her nose in my business? She started arguing with me and started taunting me. Tanya kept quiet while that girl accused me of abducting her. I had enough and just ended everything with Tanya, she doesn't deserve me anymore! She kept quiet when her parents said I have no respect or reputation and still kept quiet when that girl started judging me. Bitch, I swear I wanted to break her nose so bad for poking it in my business. Like if she doesn't know anything then she should keep her mouth shut!" Uday expresses and angrily stops the car on the side of the road.

Lakshya blinks after hearing Uday.

"A girl stuck her legs in your business and started judging you?" Lakshya asked after understanding what Uday had said.

Uday nods positively and Lakshya makes a disgusted face. "What a bitch!" He exclaims and Uday pulls out a bag from behind his seat. He forwards a beer bottle to Lakshya. Lakshya so badly wanted to grab and gulp it down but having the threat of his father in his mind stopped him from even touching it.

"I'm fine." Lakshya replies, saying a no to his favourite thing.

"Switch over then, I can't drive when I'm drunk." Uday utters and Lakshya nods.

The two then switch seats. Lakshya was in the drivers seat while Uday was in the passengers. Uday opens his bottle of beer and slowly starts to drink it.

"That girl doesn't even know anything." Uday uttered and clenches onto the bottle while gulping it down.

"What did she exactly say?" Lakshya asks and Uday turns his head towards him, telling him everything that had happened.

To Be Continued . . .

Up Next - Lakshya starts shouting on the same road Ragini alleged Uday. Ragini and Parvati walk out along with other people who live locally.


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