3 4 - Confusion or Confession?

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Chapter 34: Confusion or Confession?

"What are you saying Lakshya? How can we. . ."

"Please. Don't delay it because of me. I'll be fine. Trust me, just go ahead with this marriage tomorrow." He interrupted Adarsh while slowly saying what he wanted to say.

"No, we can't leave you like this. . ."

"Why?" He asked as he glanced at Durga Prasad. "L. . . Let's be honest, you would've done this marriage without me if I didn't show any in. . . Interest. So, why are you hesitating now?"

"You're hurt, so how can we celebrate! Are you even making sense?" Durga Prasad argued back, "and leaving you in this condition just isn't right."

"What about P. . . Parineeta's N. . . Naani? What if she passes away without seeing the marriage?" He asked and Annapurna was in thoughts.

"But still Lakshya, we can't go ahead with the wedding while you're in this condition."

"I'm fine. I survived so please go ahead with this marriage. Palak and Nick need to get married. . . I don't want me being the reason to ruin this day for you guys."

"Make sense Lakshya. We are not going ahead without you!" Adarsh exclaimed, shouting his final decision.

"But bhai. . . Are you really going to let you future wife's Naani pass away without having her last wish fulfilled?" Lakshya questioned, sounding serious and Adarsh glanced down, giving it a thought, not realising Lakshya had called him 'Bhai' after a very long time.

"You matter more to me Lak. . ." He stopped and glanced at Lakshya in surprise, finally focusing on his words. "D. . . Did you just call me Bhai?" He questioned instead, creasing his forehead while flapping his eyes at Lakshya.

Lakshya sighed, slowly feeling pain in his stomach. "Yeah, why? Are you not my brother?"

Adarsh was speechless and overwhelmed, starting to feel slightly emotional. He had never expected Lakshya to give him respect and call him his brother after their family tiff that had been building a wall between them for years. Annapurna smiled and Durga Prasad was glad, despite his plain expressions, he was pleased to hear Lakshya's response to Adarsh.

"Please Bhai. Get married, otherwise Nick and Palak won't get married. . . And Pari Bhabhi's Naani would pass away without having her last wish fulfilled."

Adarsh glanced at Annapurna and Durga Prasad, who were in thoughts. "But L. . ."

"I'll video call." Lakshya interrupted Annapurna. "So what if I'm not going to be there physically. . . I'll video call and see it."

"Okay." Durga Prasad agreed, surprising Annapurna. "We will go ahead with the wedding however the reception party would be held after you recover." He added and Lakshya shook his head positively.

"I'll stay here. . ."

"No, you need to be with the groom. How can the wedding go ahead without you?" He instantly replied and she flapped her eyes at him. "But. . ."

"Uday can stay with me, or someone else, but you and Mr Maheshwari need to be there for Bhai." He interrupted and Annapurna looked at him along with Durga Prasad.

She felt slightly upset that Lakshya didn't call her 'Mom' and Durga Prasad 'Dad', slowly being jealous of Adarsh. However she waited, consoling her heart and simply shook her head at him.

"Okay, I'll go talk to them outside." Durga Prasad uttered and Lakshya nodded at him.


Some time later, after meeting everyone one by one, apart from Ragini. He slowly relaxed himself, starting to feel his abdomen stinging, but his mind was on one thing, "why didn't Ragini come see me? Is she fine?"

"No, I'm not getting married without you Lucky." Nikhil stormed inside with Uday and Palak behind him.

Lakshya glanced at the door, watching it close with no one else outside or entering. "Me and Palak decided to wait until you recover."

"But, you need to." Lakshya replied and moved his gazes towards Nikhil, who shook his head, in absolute refusal.

"Why?" Nikhil asked, staring at Lakshya. "What do you mean why? Arrangements have been made for you and Palak too. The second mandap would look empty."

"And? Mine and Palak's marriage isn't more important than your health. I want you and Uday to be my best men, if he's going to stay here and you're going to lay here then who should I replace you guys with!" He exclaimed and Lakshya exhaled.

"Then take Uday with you."

"Nicks right Lakshya. We can wait until you're better so you can attend too."

"I'm not leaving you here alone." Uday refused and looked at Lakshya.

"Guys. . ." He gave up, refusing to argue with them.

"Me and Palak will get married after you're better. That's full and final, I dare you to make me change my mind!" Nikhil challenged and Lakshya made a face, "do it for your baby." He replied and Nikhil glared at him. "I will kill you swear to god, don't blackmail me using my kid."

Lakshya was about to speak but Palak interrupted. "We will get married the day you discharge. Now wait!"

Lakshya sighed, "will you be able to wait that long?"

"Yes, three days isn't a big deal." Nikhil replied and Lakshya gave up, nodding at them.

"Good." Nikhil uttered and sighed, relieved that Lakshya had agreed to them.

"I'll let Aunty and uncle know." Palak uttered and headed towards the exit, "I'll come too." Nikhil uttered and followed Palak out.

Uday made his way towards the circle chair that was near the bed, taking a seat on it.

"Where is Ragini? Is she okay?" Lakshya asked while staring at Uday who nodded, "yeah, she's fine. She's outside."

"Where?" Lakshya moved his eyes towards the door, trying to see through the small circular window that was curved on the door.

"Out there."

"Why didn't she come to see me?"

"She's waiting for Palak, so they can go home."

Lakshya glanced at Uday slightly confused, "why isn't she coming to see me though?"

Uday shrugged, "I thought she's been."

"She hasn't."

"She did say she felt guilty that this happened to you because of her, maybe she was guilty so she didn't come to see you."

"Why should she feel guilty? She didn't do this. . ."

Uday shrugged at him, "I don't know. Why are you asking me, it's not like I can read her mind."

Lakshya lowered his eyes while thinking, 'it want her fault. She shouldn't blame herself.'


Outside the room, Ragini was sat on the chair while staring in space. Palak and Nikhil were in the corner, talking on the phone.

Flashes of Lakshya saving her and taking the stab continued flowing around her mind and she sighed. 'Why did he take such a big step. . . For me? Why did he come in between? It was meant to be me, not him. So why did he save me?'

She wasn't sure why he would endure the pain, despite knowing how awful and dangerous it is to be stabbed, she wasn't sure why he came in between to save her. Often, people would think about themselves selfishly, but Lakshya selflessly stood in between and prevented the knife to reach her, which was confusing her. He risked his life for her and now she was clueless, experiencing mixed emotions.

Uday stepped out of the room, looking irritated and then walked towards Ragini. "Ragini, he's irritating the hell out of me. Go see him please and answer his questions, he's acting like I'm a remind reader who'd know what you're thinking."

She confusingly stared up at him, "Huh?" Not hearing a word he said. Uday flapped his eyes at her and then folded his hands, pointing at the door afterwards. "He's asking why you haven't come to see him, please go see that poor soul."

Ragini merely flapped her eyes at him, "please." Uday requested and she was hesitant but stood up, staring at the door.

"Please go." Uday slightly pushed her towards the door and she fell forward, leaning against the door and opening it.

Lakshya stared at the door and she looked at him, shocked and awkward as she slowly made her way in. His lips curved a smile, and she stared at him.

"H. . . How are you feeling?"

"Better." He replied and she nodded at him.

"Don't blame yourself Ragini. This isn't your fault." He uttered after sensing her being distance and she glanced at him.

"Lakshya. . ." She trialled off his name and inhaled, mustering courage. "Why come in between and save me?"

He blinked at her for a while, seeing that she was curiously interested in knowing why and exhaled, shrugging.

"I don't know. . ." He trialled off and she continued looking at him. "I don't know why I saved you. But, you make my heart flutter."

She was surprised by his response and he curved a small smile at the end of his lips, speaking whatever just came in his mind after hearing her question. Awkwardness increased and she rushed out two seconds later, leaving him surprised.

"Rag. . ." It was too late, the door was closed and she disappeared from his sight. "Ini." He completed in a low tone, flapping his eyes at the door. "Did I upset her by saying this. . ." He wondered and then creased his forehead, "but, why does she make my heart flutter?" He asked himself, confused and worried.


She was stood in front of the mirror inside the women's toilet, staring at the sink while recalling Lakshya's words.

"Does he. . . Like me? But why?" She whispered under her breath. She smacked her cheeks and shook her head, "I must've misheard, there's no way Lakshya would say that. . . Especially to me. We're poles apart and. . ." She stopped, after him coming in between to save her, distracted her mind.

"Is he still under anaesthetic?" She asked herself while curving a stressful expression on her face, shocked, stunned and confused to hear what Lakshya had responded with.

"Why do I make his heart flutter. . ." She mumbled to herself and raised her gazes, staring at herself.

To Be Continued. . .


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