Chapter 42

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The sound of pained screaming filled the air, Ambert clawing at his arms as a dark aura surrounded the seven year old boy. "Submit!" He clawed at his neck, his eyes flickering from red to orange as he writhed around on the ground, his tail lashing as his ears rapidly twitched. "Fine, I'll go possess Lilia or Revan then!" Ambert's eyes widened, her hands clawing at the air for a moment before doing still his eyes turning red. "Aha! Those two are your greatest weakness, poor Ambert the third wheel best friend...neither of them care about you, I bet the moment someone drops your body in front of them they'd shrug it off." Ambert clawed at the ground, his breathing ragged, his ears flattened back. "Shut up..neither of them are like that!"Ambert snapped. "....if you won't do what I say, then I'll just go possess one of them, I don't need a disobedient brat." He flinched and fell silent, laughter coming from them. "Ah, sacrificing yourself for your best friends how touching!"

Ambert looked down, not wanting his two closest friends to be possessed and do something they'd end up regretting. Both had so much to live for, mistakes to make, accomplishments to boast about, even possibly starting a family and settling down. If being the sacrifice meant his two friends could live their lives then so be it. If he had to betray them to protect him, he will, even if neither of them ever find out the truth about why he left them behind...even if he'd have to die with this spirit in him. "What now?"Ambert demands flicking his ear. "When you're old and strong enough, you'll start a mutiny war...I want the Draconia army to be weakened." Ambert nodded, feeling bitter. He had dreamed about being part of the army and he worked hard with Lilia so he could learn, Revan would always watch them as well. "Alright..."Ambert nodded. He turned and stalked away, heading back to paradise village. Revan stared with wide eyes, then turned and bolted back towards the castle.

The sound of yells and roars filled the air, faes and jaguar beastmen fighting one another. Ambert stared, Duke and Cobra flanking him. He glanced at the two glad the leverage he had against them was making them obedient. Guilt ate away at him but he ignored it, watching the battle below. Lilia dodged jaguars, cutting them down with his lithic, a bloodied slash mark on his cheek. "Grab Thea, drag her away if you must...she's mine and she will have my heirs to continue my revenge!"Ambert snarled his eyes turning red. His eyes flickered back to orange, Ambert touching his head feeling a headache come on. He suddenly felt his body moved on it's own, his claw raised at Lilia causing his eyes to widen in alarm. Blond hair and blood filled his vision, horror flooding through him. Arian fell to the ground, gripping a yellow rose that Lilia had given him. Lilia stared in disbelief, gathering the human up in his arms stunned. Duke and Cobra stalked over, circling around Lilia before flanking Ambert with neutral expressions.

Ambert trembled, then got ahold of himself and glared down at Lilia, looking disgusted. "Weren't we best friends?!"Lilia demands Duke and Cobra remaining neutral. "Friends, with you...HAH you wish, idiot!"Ambert spat. He lifted his head and roared, motionless soldiers and jaguar beasts littered across the battlefield. Several roars answered, wounded jaguar beastmen retreating, running away from the fae soldiers. Ambert turned and stalked away, his ears flattened back. "Duke, Cobra...wait! Please!"Lilia yells reaching for them. "He has my daughter, I'm sorry Lilia..."Cobra mutters. "He has Clara...I don't want my partner to die.."Duke mutters. Ambert waited for the two, narrowing his eyes looking impatient. Duke and Cobra walked after him, the trio taking off after the rest of the jaguar beasts. Lilia stared with wide eyes, tears falling down his cheeks startling him. He looked down, Baul coming over with Jessi, placing their hands on his shoulders. "It's alright.."

Livia gasped, shooting up out of her sleep, gripping her blanket. She looked around, then looked down at a sleeping Maleficia. She sighed and carefully climbed out of bed, doing her best to not wake the queen up. She quietly slipped out of the room, heading to the Astronomy Tower where Aural resided, wondering if he could tell her about why she was having these strange dreams that seems like ones memories. The sun was starting to rise, which meant Aural would be going to sleep soon. She knocked on the door to the tower, slow footsteps coming from the other side. A yawning Aural came into view when the door swung open, the blond haired man looking down at her. "Lady Livia, to what do I owe the visit?"Aural asks allowing her to step inside. He draped his robes on her shoulders, surprising the girl. "You came in your nightgown, that's basically the same as being naked..."Aural explains. He cleared his throat, and leaned against his desk. "Can I help you?"Aural asks.

"How's checking the mirror?"Livia asks. "There was a curse casted upon it, but it was suddenly removed, I have no idea how..."Aural informs. She nodded, looking worried. "I've been having strange dreams.."Livia comments. "Dreams too.."Aural says getting worried. "I had one about some jaguar war...I was looking through Amberts eyes...I think"Livia informs. Ambert stared in alarm, then grabbed her shoulders. "Livia, do not tell anybody about this!"Aural commands. "Why?!"Livia demands startled. "Trust matter what, keep those dreams to yourself, something bad might happen..."Aural says. She nodded, wondering what the bad thing was. Would people go back to fearing and hating her if they found out, is that how bad it'd be. "I'll look into your dreams..."Aural promised. He ushered her out, shutting the door behind her. He covered his face, looking alarmed. "Livia has a Vision Spirit...who gave her one"Aural mutters alarmed.

Livia sat in the carriage, heading to retrieve Avery, her gaze blank as she stared out the window. Sebek tilted his head, worry and curiosity waving off of him at the sight of her so quiet. "My Lady." She perked up and looked at him silently, gripping the file in her hands. "What's the matter?"Sebek asks. She looked down, knowing Sebek wouldn't resent her if she told him, he had never believed she was the evil the prophecy spoke of, but that wouldn't stop him from getting suspicious. "I...I didn't sleep too we-"Livia starts smiling. "Don't lie." She blinked in surprise, Sebek staring her down. "I know the difference between your smiles, Livia, the one you just flashed at me was an 'I am gonna suffer this alone' smile...what's the matter"Sebek frowned. Surprise filled her, startled he noticed. She hesitated before speaking, "I've been having strange dreams and Aural told me to keep it secret or else it'd be bad..but I don't know how bad though."

Sebek nodded, looking thoughtful for a moment. "How many have you had?"Sebek asks looking back at her curiously. "A few.."Livia responds fiddling with the bracelet Kalim and Jamil had gifted her. "If you have anymore let me know"Sebek says. "Thank you Sebek"Livia sighed relieved. He nodded and smiled slightly, reaching over and taking her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. "I hope you didn't doubt me.."Sebek mutters looking her directly in her eyes. She laughed, feeling a bit flustered. "I did for a moment, my apologies.."Livia giggled taking her hand back, resting it in her lap. He smiled at her, feigning offense. "That hurts, My Lady"Sebek comments tilting his head to the side. She giggled, beaming at him. Her head turned, looking out the window as the carriage came to a stop. Sebek opened the door and stepped out, holding his hand out to her. She took his head, and looked at the building with narrowed eyes. "Let's go get Avery.."Livia says.

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